Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 102: ancient genes


The fingers of Sebastian's corpse on the ground suddenly trembled. Under the skin of his corpse, a layer of crimson light was flowing. No one noticed the part of his corpse that was cut in half. The blood did not overflow, but a layer of black An unknown substance sealed his wound.

Chen Ang stopped Skynet from destroying it, and even asked Skynet to stop reporting the situation to the combat units present.

Sebastian's corpse, the ribs of the upper body protruded from the spine, trembling like bone claws, the delicate carapace structure, like an arthropod, his head turned upwards, a crack opened from his skull It split open, and a flesh cocoon struggled to come out from his back.

A compound eye structure broke free first, then the lower jaw, a black-gray back, a pair of crumpled fleshy structures, a lying large insect struggled out of his upper body, and it opened its fleshy wings on its back against the wind , two tentacles full of sharp tentacles, deftly detecting the surrounding electromagnetic waves.

A fleshy moth half human height flapped its fleshy wings lightly, rose into the air, followed the electromagnetic waves in the sky, and headed in that direction. On Sebastian's lower body, a fleshy insect like an earthworm arched Open that layer of fleshy skin, drilled into the ground.

Chen Ang looked at these two alien species, and searched their information from his mind, and sure enough, two prehistoric creatures with a similarity of 80% were recalled by Chen Ang.

"You really gave me a surprise," he said happily.

The moth is flapping its wings. It is inconspicuous in front of the giant Iron Man. There are flesh-colored waves on its surface. The fine fluff changes its color and becomes very similar to the environment. The fluff shields the environment. The Decepticon's electromagnetic radar allowed moths to quietly fly over Megatron's head.

The flesh-winged moth popped out its bone-claw-like mouthparts, and landed on Megatron's head. The energy shield had just touched its body, and the fluff on its body was like encountering delicious food. Absorb greedily. The energy shield on Megatron's body flickered twice, and the mouthparts of the moth penetrated into the circuit of the body. The moth was like an exhausted bottomless space. Drain Megatron's energy in a big way.

Under the stimulation of energy, it grew more structures, and its body merged into the steel of Megatron's body. The nano-robots that lost their energy were just some more delicate steel. It was easily fused by this terrible cell. Megatron was so shocked that he aimed the laser cannon on his shoulder at the meat moth and fired several times.

The laser burned the surface of the meat moth, but soon it shed the scorched black skin, and a silver-gray structure composed of metal and cells appeared in the lower body. The part of him was separated from himself, and the steel weighing several tons fell off his back.

From the tissue shed by the moth, it re-molts. But this time its body glowed with a metallic luster, and a Decepticon besieging Burning Man on the other side collapsed suddenly, and a twisted giant flesh worm emerged from its back, aiming at the other Decepticon, Start spraying plasma.

A distorted ball of energy shot towards Chen Ang's back. A man in black was leaning on the tower, and Chen Ang just stretched out two fingers. Just pinch this extremely unstable plasma ball, the distorted gravity binds the plasma and maintains its stability.

"The energy intensity is not bad, but the utilization rate is a little low. Plasma is used as plasma. There is no magnetic or gravitational restraint, the energy dissipation is too serious, and the speed is not fast. Although it causes a lot of damage, it is not an ideal weapon. .” Chen Ang crushed the plasma ball in his hand, and two gas electric snakes were wrapped around his fingers. Constantly wandering between his palms.

Chen Ang looked at the man in black, or the person behind him, and said with a smile: "Compared to plasma, I prefer high-energy waves, which are directional, fast, stable, and have high energy utilization." He flicked his fingers and disappeared at the fingertips.

The man in black on the opposite side exposed his face under the mask. He was also Sebastian. His body began to turn into ashes. Chen Ang heated his body with high-energy electromagnetic waves, destroying all biological tissues, leaving only some Elemental carbon and trace elements.

The second, the third, more men in black appeared near the tower, they devoured the surrounding energy, turned it into their own action energy, and approached the tower at an alarming speed. Chen Ang finally moved. He stepped out and came to the opposite of Magneto. The magnetic field passed through his body, but it was repelled like insulation.

"I can't play anymore, we have to clear the field," Chen Ang said with a smile.

Magneto snorted coldly: "I hope you won't regret your choice today. Also, thank you for reminding me that electromagnetism is one of the fundamental forces of the universe. Let's experience its power."

A powerful electromagnetic field covers the entire tower and shakes this huge object. Magneto controls the electromagnetic force, and the jumping electrons form an electric current, which drives the electrons around the metal atoms to make a leap motion, destroying the structural stability of the giant steel tower. . Under the powerful driving force, the tower began to be pulled up bit by bit.

In the hands of Magneto, the giant steel tower of tens of thousands of tons was easily moved.

"You let me know that the object itself has a magnetic field. I can not only influence it from the outside, but also control it from the inside. This is me, the Magneto King who controls everything."

"There is a question that I have always wanted to ask you." Chen Ang was not surprised, but asked slowly.

"Force is mutual, that is to say, the force between you and steel objects should be mutual, but how do you lift tens of thousands of tons of steel without force yourself?" Chen Ang asked curiously .

Magneto didn't answer, he intensified the magnetic field enveloping the Iron Throne.

Chen Ang stretched out his finger and tapped it in the void, and a gravitational ripple spread out, "I guess when you lift up this giant steel tower, the reaction force should be borne by this huge star under our feet, which is only tens of thousands of tons. The weight of the earth is certainly not a big problem in the magnetic field of the entire earth. But now that I have bound the magnetic force under your feet with gravity, what will happen to you?"

Magneto didn't have time to say anything, the spring on his body broke, his body was like a piece of paper, attracted by the huge power of the Iron Throne, he was pulled over like a rope, and he was about to hit a high tower. Chen Ang pulled the meat into minced meat with his right hand, and the strong gravitational force protected him.

"So it's going to hit the street." Chen Ang sighed.

As soon as Chen Ang pointed at him, Magneto felt that an extremely subtle force was binding his body. Whenever he wanted to use a supernatural ability, he felt that the ability that he usually directed like an arm did not respond at all. .

"You shouldn't be called Magneto like this. If you can only control steel, wouldn't you be called Iron Man? As long as the current of five milliamps creates a magnetic field, it can restrain your ability. If you can't go deep into the atomic level, you can control the nuclear force." , electricity and magnetism, what is Magneto”

"Electromagnetic force affects all matter. It controls atoms, goes deep into the interior of atoms, and reveals the secret of the mutual conversion between mass and energy. Not to mention the force between nucleons, you can't even grasp the electromagnetic field of atomic rotation. In the electromagnetic field, You still have a lot to learn."

Chen Ang gave Magneto and other experimental materials to Megatron. It has changed into the appearance of the Millennium Falcon spacecraft, and inside is Chen Ang's laboratory. Although as long as Skynet is still there, such a laboratory can be built with a wave of hands. , but the semi-finished products and materials inside are still very valuable.

Like the plague, the crowd who looked exactly like Sebastian had rushed into the battle group of Skynet. There was also such a man in black in front of Chen Ang. He raised his hands as soon as he came, indicating that he did not malicious.

"Mr. Tianqi, we admire your scientific research ability very much. Although you have done some irrational behaviors before, everything can be forgiven, right? We have no conflicts. There is a strong complementarity between us. It is necessary to choose confrontation, and I think cooperation is a matter that is beneficial to both parties."

"We have materials and materials, a lot of resources, and you have countless ideas. Skynet has proved your ability, but it is unrealistic to rely on it to rule the world. The emergence of mutants can be traced back thousands of years. Years ago, you weren't the first to see their potential"

Chen Ang knew that the person in front of him was just a communication device, and the real messenger was talking to himself through this body. They were the controllers of the capital world, possessing very powerful energy and influence. Even Chen Ang could not have imagined that they The technology of cloning has been broken.

This is not only a scientific issue, but also involves ethics and human experiments. Experiments that play with life are a bit too violative of experimental ethics. Even though Chen Ang has made steady progress in the development of this technology, he has always lacked the ability to realize it. Now, Someone sent ready-made technology to him.

"Sebastian's clone can develop this kind of thing. Your scientific research strength is worthy of recognition. In terms of gene hybridization, you have come ahead of me. Mutant Darwin has the ability to adapt to the environment. The ancient gene Combined with this adaptive ability and grafted on Sebastian, it is very creative."

"However, you must have encountered obstacles in the adaptation of the two abilities. In your opinion, Darwin's ability is undoubtedly an evolution, but you have not been able to combine the two abilities organically, so that Sebastian Tian's energy absorption ability combined with Darwin's evolution ability."

"Create a super-strong creature that has energy and can continuously adapt to evolution."

The voice on the other side was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, it is indeed Tianqi, who figured out the direction of our experiment in just a few minutes."

"You are wrong." Chen Ang looked at the clone in front of him. Gravity gently controlled the genes in his body, and the Skynet under his feet manipulated the extremely subtle electromagnetic force to control his cells, imitating the creatures in his body. Electric, the voice across the way, wasn't surprised to find itself out of control of the clone.

"This experimental body is a gift for Mr. Tianqi." He replied politely, with a slightly upturned ending, and Chen Ang could hear the artificial aristocratic taste. .
