Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 114: Evil Empire


Watching Yuri fall into silence, Chen Ang stood there calmly, as if not worried about all of this.

Even if Yuri fails, Chen Ang doesn't care. The drastic social change is destined to be a period of conflicts. There has never been a shortage of people like Yuri who are dissatisfied with the original social system. This in itself is just an idle move. If it succeeds, it can have a deeper impact on the development of the world, but if it fails, it can also promote the development of the world.

Finally, Yuri opened his eyes.

Chen Ang could feel that a subtle electromagnetic wave was transmitted from Yuri, and the simple thinking of cloned people was easily deciphered by this electromagnetic wave. The diamond skin that shielded electromagnetic waves, faced with the brain waves that collapsed into electrons from waves, had nothing to do. effect.

The clone stopped in place, and suddenly stood at attention, walked around Chen Ang, and lined up behind Yuri.

"Is this the power of the mind?" Yuri sighed deeply. He felt the power and terror of controlling human beings in a single thought. In his mind, a crazy idea gradually grew and grew wildly. Something called ambition spread in his heart.

There are two million clone troops in the United States, this kind of control ability is enough for Yuri to take a big step towards his ideal! Some messy, unrealistic ideas were born, and then rejected by Yuri, others got out, and one was a bit crazy, but it was not impossible to plan, and in his heart, it was perfected bit by bit. ⊕%

"I know what you're thinking, Yuri!" Chen Ang looked at Yuri seriously.

In the bottomless darkness, Yuri felt this abyss-like feeling from Chen Ang. He heard Chen Ang's voice, as if it had the power to deceive people, ringing in his ears.

"You are not reconciled. Yuri! What you want to do, what you want to bring to your motherland, this world, is splendor and strength, but you know, people are always stupid. They will betray themselves, betray their country, Betrayed their own beliefs! Without iron-like thoughts and will, they will go further and further down the road of failure."

"They need a steel-like collective will, they need a unified will, they need a strict father, the Soviet is an iron country, and Russia is a fighting nation!"

Yuri roared: "We need a nerve as strong as steel! We need a will forged by fire!"

"Only in this way will Russia rise!"

"But you know. It's impossible! It's useless to control the clones. The blood and will of the nation have not been awakened. The clones are just a group of walking logs. They will never become the steel chariots they once were. It will become a Soviet! Only Russia can make a Soviet!"

"Only Russia can achieve the Soviet Union!" Yuri repeated these, tears streaming down his face. He despaired: "My country! Great Soviet, what can I do with you? Where can I see you? Can I smell the mixture of vodka and diesel? Can I hear the mixture of blizzard and trumpets?" voice?"

"The motherland I dream of! The motherland created by my grandfather with blood! The red flag of the Kremlin. When will it be able to fly high?"

Yuri roared hoarsely, he knelt down in front of the portrait of Stalin, clutching the red curtain tightly, curled up on the ground, twitching in pain.

Chen Ang is like a devil. Looking into Yuri's eyes, he asked with a smile, "Do you know who I am? Do you know what I can give you?"

"For the sake of the motherland, I can trade with the devil, so why not choose the most powerful one?" Yuri got up from the ground. Putting the red cloth on his body, he looked at Chen Ang and said solemnly: "What can you give me? What price will I have to pay? Mr. Tianqi?"

"You don't need to pay anything? What you do is also what I hope. The progress of the world always starts with smashing old things and shaping new things. Yuri, I hope you can give me a surprise! The Soviet Union was the first country to break out of the earth, it has achieved many brilliant achievements, I hope you can recreate it!"

"Whether Internel can be realized? It's up to you, Yuri." Chen Ang put a shiny metallic medal of the Patriotic War into Yuri's palm, and closed his palm heavily.

"What is this?" Yuri asked puzzled.

"The key of the mind controller! No matter where you are, you can use this key to summon Skynet and form a mind controller. It can expand your abilities to the whole world. This is the only help I can give you."

Chen Ang said indifferently: "How to face the professor is your own business. The only two Omega-level psionic mutants in this era, with the help of Skynet, you will grow up quickly. Psychic controller It’s much more powerful than the professor’s brain wave enhancer, I hope you make good use of it!”

"Will I ever see a Kirov airship flying over the Kremlin?"

"Yes, you can also see the clone factory, the apocalypse tank and the Tesla reactor!"

One month after the outbreak of the global economic crisis, news came from Russia that shocked the whole world. After the economic crisis, the Russians, who had been dissatisfied for a long time, summoned the members of the Warsaw Pact and announced an earth-shattering news—the restoration of the Soviet Federation!

Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, which are in a wave of unemployment and bankruptcy, have silenced the entire world. The presidents of many former member countries, like crazy, announced the "Nationalization of Assets" and "Planned Economic System" laws and forcibly bought them Private property, construction of the state planned economic system.

The general planning and accounting computer "Lenin" was built in Moscow. This computer with a very high level of intelligence controls the planned economy of the new Soviet Union. The army chanted this unified slogan and forcibly occupied many factories.

The protesting Ukrainians were brutally suppressed. The stupid, black and thick mechanical army and the brutal and brutal clone army suppressed all the voices of opposition within the scope of the new Soviet Union. The strange thing is that the people of the new Soviet Union have no idea about this new Soviet Union. The three-week regime has expressed unbelievably enthusiastic support.

Singing "Unbreakable Union" and waving Soviet flags, they rushed from Red Square to all sides of the Federation, a powerful government that ruled the land, and factories that were ordered to be nationalized. The construction started without considering the profit. The five huge nuclear fusion power plants provide endless energy for its people in the cold Soviet land.

Cloning factories provide a large amount of simple and rough labor. The old Soviets, wearing simple mobile armor and exoskeleton mechs, wielding huge hammers and chainsaws, rushed like factories in all directions.

The whole country started up at high speed, whether they were mutants or ordinary people, the Soviets were stuffed into mobile armor. From the school, the office, rushed into the factory, knocked out one stupid machine after another. It is used to pump a steady stream of seawater from the Caspian Sea, from the Pacific Ocean, and from the Arctic Ocean to various parts of the Soviet Union to magnetize and plasticize water. Instead of petrochemical materials, it becomes the raw material of light industrial products.

Anyone who dares to stop. Hanged from street lamps by the side of the road, all disgruntled factory owners, victims of nationalization, were sent to Siberia, and the whole country was mobilized in a brutal manner.

There are only two logics in the operation of the Soviet. First, plan a plan. 2. Kill all opponents.

A large number of scholars and scientists were forcibly recruited, and a large number of workers were stuffed into factories. They worked extremely hard, and after get off work, they were sprinkled with a lot of rubles. The people of the Soviet Union felt that working was better than not working. Although the material was still poor, the taste of biochemical meat and nutritional supplements was not very good.

But, there is vodka and machines, there is work and war!

I can see with my own eyes that the country continues to grow and develop in a brutal way. The so-called economic crisis is crushed by the crude logic of planning and completing the plan. There is no financial system, no currency, rationing and militaryization, collectivization The Soviets of the social system cheered and started this dilapidated machine.

The United States stared at it, watching this broken war machine start, and then staggering in the Mercedes-Benz, it became smoother and smoother. The Soviets who had memories of the past were very adaptable to this country. The old people chanted , wearing armor, beat up the young people in the family.

Everything was smashed, and everything was being rebuilt. The world system that was almost destroyed by Chen Ang was stepped on again by Yuri. The Soviet chariot opened with a rumble. On the red square, neatly cloned people The army and workers shouted at a big bald head: "Great leader Yuri!"

At this time, the world inevitably rushed into the unknown track like a heavy truck out of control.

The Soviet Union, which completely smashed the obstacles of the past, built its own system on the ruins, built a new nuclear power plant today, and dismantled it when there is a better one tomorrow. Society has advanced to a point of madness.

A large number of computers and manpower are used to control large-scale machines, construct structures, build heavy industries, and a large number of clones participate in the construction and production, 100 million Soviets, 300 million clones, 500 million mobile armor, and Countless large-scale machinery, without steel, developed silicon machine armor, and without carbon-based nutrient solution, felled Siberian forests.

The rampant development crushed all obstacles.

The Soviet Union, which received the support of Skynet technology, on the one hand fought with the Skynet mechanical troops in some areas, and on the other hand, colluded with Skynet and developed in a way that did not care about the consequences.

Scientists who imbue memories with production devices, hypnotic devices with scientific research capabilities, and evil polar bears completely trample on human rights. Without thinking about it, they give clones the ability to think, and even clone scientists.

After smashing the bones of the enemy and breaking his own hand bones, Yuri drove the chariot into orbit in a crazy way, "Five years to the moon, ten years to colonize Mars! If If you can’t rush into the universe, within twenty years, the earth will perish!”

Maozi said so, and he did so.

Their madness makes the world shudder, their power makes the world tremble, six-year-olds are driving the Soviet Union that produces electromagnetic generators, making their neighbors tremble, their madness and violence, their The simple and crude development logic is crushing the global advantages of the United States.

Yuri even shouted: "National genetic optimization!" completely disregarding the almost 50% mortality rate.

Even the craziest experts are not sure whether the Soviet Union will kill half of its own people first, and then run in. What the technological explosion brought about is the complete collapse of social order and a great increase in productivity. This kind of progress even crushed The economic crisis has been suppressed. In the words of the Soviets, don't bother Mr. Bear with such trivial matters.

The development results without considering the consequences have silenced the whole world.

The rebellion and revolution of human cloning are not considered, so the Soviet labor force is extremely rich, and the rational development of resources is not considered, so heavy industry and technology are growing explosively, without considering the basic needs of the people. Therefore, the left hand of the Soviets is the nutrition left over from the cultivation of human cloning Liquid, vodka in the right hand, driving the mecha, transforming this fucking world.

It is not even clear whether the Soviet Union is self-destructing or developing.

protect environment? to die!

save resources? Get out!

Personal needs? No!

With the mentality of dying before rushing out of the earth, the Soviet Union exploded with such a chilling force. (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!
