Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 115: Dawn Project



The red iron curtain, from Eastern Europe to Western Europe, from Poland to Denmark, from Romania to the United Kingdom, the people of the European continent finally recalled the long-lost horror in memory!

Soviets of iron and blood, Soviets of war and steel!

When the steel curtain fell from Moscow, when the red flag fluttered high above the Kremlin, when the steel machine started rumbling, the bankrupt workers and capitalists in Europe fell into confusion and fear. Hundreds of millions of people witnessed that big bald head roaring in Red Square:

"All power belongs to the Soviets!"

The financial collapse, the avalanche of currency values, and the unified financial system established by Europeans for decades has become a pile of ruins. The euro has all become a pile of waste paper.


Trembling under the tracks of Soviet tanks!

When the smell of gunpowder and steel fluttered from Stalingrad to Poland, the nobles who had been at ease in this land for a long time were terrified. The cold bayonet edge, the hot gun barrel and the electromagnetic engine were like a car in the cold winter. A basin of cold water made these people feel bone-chilling cold.

No hope, no jobs, no bread, agricultural products rotting on the production line, buried deep in the fields, no energy transportation, no plastic production packaging, the collapsing market economy has pulled everyone who is trying to save them into the abyss. Even heating and electricity are difficult to start due to lack of conditions.

Europeans lived through the coldest and hungriest winter in their lives.

At this moment, the financial industry did not save them, nor did the capital operation. The Luxembourgers lost all their assets and had nothing, and the Danes burned stock certificates and currency to keep warm. The cold winter of the economic crisis has destroyed all countries without an industrial system. At this moment, they are desperate and confused. Let them fall into the abyss.

Ukrainians enjoyed the happiest time in their lives, lined up with Soviet troops and clone soldiers. Drive them out of their homes, stuff them into exoskeletons, and drive them into factories. In the cold winter, they drank nutrient solution and vodka, enjoying the factory drunkenly. Warm boiler.

No currency, no transactions, collective labor and material rationing made Ukrainians tremble under the iron whips and leather boots of the Soviet Union. The small problem of the economic crisis was crushed into slag in the face of a powerful system. Well-known people and politicians were neatly hanged in the Congress, or stuffed into trains and transported to Siberia. The rule of steel has come here.

Dozens of nuclear fusion energy power stations were erected on the vast land of the Soviet Union. Tens of millions of tons of seawater were continuously pumped out from the three oceans and the four oceans to provide deuterium elements for nuclear fusion. The magnetized water material, under the powerful energy supply, is shaped into the best light industrial material.

The solid presents colloidal plasticized water. It has completely replaced the role of plastic and vinyl, and produced a large number of light industrial products in factories. If there is no machine for light industrial production, it will be manufactured by heavy industry. No transaction exists. There are no commodities, and in front of a strong system, there is no need for a market to exist.

The Soviets worked hard, in Moscow, in Stalingrad, in Leningrad. Countless large-scale photonic computers have been erected to form an absolutely correct and absolutely glorious communist will, arranging production and development plans.

What is produced in the machines of the Soviets is the mechanical parts that will be used to replace these machines tomorrow. Without hesitation or fear of waste, the advanced replaces the backward, and the stronger replaces the weak. All for greater strength, all for the Soviet.

This steel-like nerve, this chariot-like power, made the world tremble, but when the airship propelled by electromagnetic fluid was flying in the sky above the Soviet Union, when the space carrier lined up in a row, this kind of shocking The power of suffocation, in the madness of this nation, broke out completely.

They made the world stop bb.

Life and death are bearish, just do it if you don't accept it! In the vastness of the sky, the sea, and the land of the Soviets, the nascent regime, flexing its mighty muscles, made the world murmur: the free, democratic public intellectuals shut their mouths, trembling under the brilliance of the system. Liberals all over the world are finally recalling the nightmare decades ago.

The world trembles under the red flag of sickle and hammer.

Desperate property owners, on the edge of the abyss, make a last-ditch effort. Their enemies include not only the sinking market ship, the Soviet regime, but also the surging communist movement all over the world. Furthermore, the increasingly advanced level of science and technology, the productive forces and the production methods that are increasingly incompatible with them, are under strong pressure.

The collapse of the economy has brought all the efforts of capital into despair.

At the last moment, "Operation Dawn" was proposed by various countries as the capital's last hope. In order to restore everything in the past and rejuvenate the strong vitality of the market, financial experts and capital controllers from various countries held financial talks in London, England, the financial heart of Europe, and made a final effort to rebuild the financial system.

This is the last hope of the governments of all countries, and it is also the only ray of hope to restore the glory of the past, the order that once existed.

On the streets of London, England, densely packed sentry posts and troops controlled the city. Numerous naval formations and aircraft carrier battle groups were on standby in the English Channel. The supernatural agencies and mutant combat troops of various countries came to London to stand by one month in advance. Elites from all over the world gather here to fight for a chance for the old rulers.

The glory of the past has faded, and in this country where the sun never sets, they guard the ray of dawn that the new world will be born.

The sun in the foggy city is always rare. Even on such an important day, it was gloomy and even a little rain.

Holding an umbrella, Chen Ang stepped through the stagnant water and walked past the gloomy-faced policemen. There was no one on the street, and the soldiers with gloomy faces stood on both sides of the street. The rainwater slid down their faces. A pedestrian who came and went in a hurry appeared extremely embarrassed. On this desolate street, it was still very eye-catching for someone like Chen Ang to appear.

There are countless monitors watching him in the dark, and countless weapons aimed at him. Human beings will never let their last hope be destroyed. But Chen Ang didn't seem to be aware of this, he was leisurely like a tourist before the Great Depression, lingering around the buildings and attractions of the British period in London.

Holding on to the walnut guardrail, he climbed up the steps, and touched the ancient bronze clock with his fingertips. The complex gear set and power source gave Big Ben a hint of the color of the old era.

Another bald head, waiting for him on the tower.

When Chen Ang came to the professor, he was looking down at the city. The empty city had a feeling of depression. The professor's voice also carried an indescribable heartache, "This world shouldn't be like this. , the city should not be like this, it should be full of sunshine, laughter, flowers and happiness."

The professor turned his head and looked at Chen Ang with deep sorrow: "Peace is hard to come by, and so are happiness and hope. They are worthy of our careful care. These are also things that I swear to protect, and I will persist all my life. I will never allow someone to destroy it for their own selfish desires."

"Even if you use war, you still have to fight?" Chen Ang asked with a smile.

The professor said solemnly: "Even if it is a war, I will protect it even if I lose more lives, my students, and my family."

"Then I can also answer you, I also have goals and principles, and I will use war and killing to achieve it. In order to achieve it, I will not hesitate to destroy peace and crush happiness, as long as they still carry the breath and shadow of the old days, That's why I shattered them. I'll shape new worlds to achieve my goals."

The professor bowed his head and said tiredly: "If the old days are your enemy, you shouldn't recast the Soviet. It's rusted, so you should let it grow old. If you drag it out of time, it will only make this world, let it Civilization regresses. Humanity no longer needs another cold war, we don't need to dance on the tip of the knife."

"The Soviet is not old, it is new hope! It is a fist of steel that will smash everything in the old order, and then recast hope and reshape the world." Chen Ang looked at the shadow of Buckingham Palace in the distance, where the old master For their own survival, doing the final struggle and effort.

"But the Soviet failed, didn't it? The failure shows its backwardness. The people abandoned it and chose a new world. Deception and fear cannot last long, and the evil existence of the mind control device cannot rule the world forever. One day, the awakened people will destroy this monster you dug from the grave."

"Facts will tell! Professor, in Pandora's box, the last thing is not necessarily hope, it may also be the end." Chen Ang laughed.

More and more mutants and combat troops have surrounded this ancient attic. The most powerful army and combat power of all mankind will resist the apocalypse here and strive for a glimmer of hope for human society. The professor and Chen Ang stood on the attic, and heard the melodious sound of the bell overhead, spreading in all directions, to the ends of the earth.

At the conference hall of Buckingham Palace, representatives of sovereign governments and financial institutions of various countries pressed a sacred and glorious vote to revive the old financial system in the absolute new world. The revival of the gold standard gave new hope to finance and currency. The wealth of the people, together with the old market system, was abandoned by the capitalists without hesitation and sank into the bottomless abyss.

A new reshuffle determines the redistribution of wealth in this society, and the old order, majestically shed its broken blood and put on new clothes.

Chen Ang watched all this, watched their carnival, watched them celebrate the resurrection of the old order, all of this seemed to be a foregone conclusion, gold was used as a guarantee, and the currency coordinated by all countries in the world seemed to have a new vitality, to serve as a support for the crumbling world. Marketing and production, a shot of a shot in the arm.

Wasn't it cause for celebration that they had finally escaped from the sinking ship, and cut off all ties to the sinking market? Apocalypse seems to be defeated. This system can be destroyed for the first time, but it will never be destroyed for the second time. The new system will incorporate all unstable factors and will be even more brilliant.

Dawn descends from the sky to the earth. (.)
