Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 116: Gold uprising



The newborn giant, standing in front of the corpse of its old self, uttered its first cry.

The London Exchange, as soon as the new currency is born, will inject the gold pound, which represents gold, into the capital market. The dead will eventually be resurrected, and the ghosts of the past will be reborn. The knot in the global market has been untied for the first time. This is a victory for the old order and a victory for finance.

Chen Ang watched all this calmly, watched the happy banker rushing to tell each other, looked at the dead giant, struggled to stand up again, representatives from all countries, except the Soviet Union, all showed relieved smiles, they stood up to welcome Victory, greet the dawn. Representatives of the Soviet Union stood on the airship, looking down at the festivities.

The gold standard, this strong financial support, has allowed the world financial system to play its role all at once.

"We seem to have won!" Scott said proudly.

He has reason to be proud. At the same time, in addition to the main venue in London, countries have also set up more than 50 secret sub-venues. This is a war between them and Skynet. At the moment when the financial system is established, any means are lost. As a result, Apocalypse can eliminate bankers from above, but he will never be able to defeat finance.

Chen Ang sighed: "It's too early to say this! If I were you, I would wait a while, or never say this sentence."

There was a subtle sound from a distance, and Scott looked around, the direction of the North Sea oil field, there was a burst of air, and flying insects marched from the sea and sky, and there was a fierce exchange of fire with warships from various countries, plasma and laser, Missiles and artillery, over the English Channel, intertwined into a line of fire of death.

The Soviets, driving exoskeleton armor, rushed straight down from the airship and fought fiercely with the famine swarm. The powerful swarm laid a war base on the sea, steel and electric current, laser and energy, death and war, fragmentation armor. The carbon-based biochemical fluid sprinkled down, human beings stubbornly resisted the endless swarms of insects.

The amazing evolution ability of the famine swarm easily gained the advantage on the battlefield. However, in the face of the human beings whose killers are always emerging one after another, and the tenacious coalition forces, they are always suppressed in the sky above the strait.

"We may be defeated, but we will never fail! Apocalypse, you can defeat us for a while. But you will not win forever. We will use our lives to protect the glory of mankind!" The British ambassador came up the stairs, facing To Chen Ang, he raised his head proudly.

Major enterprises and capital entities have once again taken control of power. With finance as their lifeline, they have reunited and operated with new currency support. Their system, the order they controlled, seemed to be revived and even stronger.

So powerful, the British Foreign Secretary issued his declaration of victory in such an extremely proud tone.

"Now, get out of the land of the empire! Apocalypse!"

Chen Ang stood surrounded by the mutant squad, looked at the professor with firm eyes, and sighed quietly: "Once the war starts, it will not end easily. The old ghost, facing the new order, his resurrection is a Very fragile, this is not the victory bell you want. It is the death knell of doom."

"But we will win in the end. Justice will prevail. I have no doubt about it," the professor said firmly.

Chen Ang looked at the eastern sky, the distorted gravity on his body repelled all hostility, and he stretched out his hand. There is an iron badge lying on the palm, "I don't know whether justice must win, but backwardness and obsolescence are bound to fail. When new factors appear in this world, when more advanced productive forces appear in the world The time of this world. Your end is near."

"The journey of mankind is longer, and the old order is just a stumbling block. How can dead bodies be revived? Dreaming of the glory of the past will only be crushed by the wheels of history. You are not as powerful as you think , even very fragile, in the face of new technology, a new world, the end of the old days, has arrived!"

"I'm here to listen to the death knell of capital and witness your doom."

A beam of dazzling light pierced the clouds from the sky and shone on Chen Ang's hand. The badge floated up and shone brightly in the light. Little by little, the unknown substance glowed with a metallic color, gradually engulfing the badge , the light with the powerful quality of distorting space expanded into matter in Chen Ang's palm.

The matter wave shoots from the moon to London, the earth, and spreads out over Chen Ang. A huge dish-shaped building expands above Big Ben. A huge metal hollow wheel with a diameter of hundreds of meters presents a three-story structure. , powerful energy gathered at the center of the ring, distorting space-time.

Once again, the bell of Big Ben rang, and the solemn professor looked at the huge metal ring in the sky, "Gravity well! Be careful, everyone, a meteorite is coming!"

In the sky, a bright streamer appeared.

A huge fireball with a diameter of several kilometers pierced the sky and destroyed the clouds in London. The hazy sky dispersed, and the sun shone its rays all over the foggy city. This gloomy city was dyed with golden brilliance. In the city of London, Bankers and financial experts nervously watched the fireball falling from the sky.

Their faces were filled with the will to fight. Instead of death scaring them, the whole city was filled with the will to fight. A beam of light pierced the sky and the earth. Under the radiation of the beam of light, the air condensed into a tough solid, the molecular movement was reduced to the minimum, and the speed of the fireball was stagnated.

The meteorite falling from the sky, in front of the molecular stagnation effect brought by the beam of light, slowed down bit by bit, and its lethality dropped rapidly. The atmosphere was like a dense cushion, weakening the kinetic energy of the meteorite.

Molecular weapons, even more, weaken the kinetic energy from the atomic level dimension.

"Humans are not weak, we will not make mistakes a second time!" Professor Zheng said, he looked at Chen Ang with a very calm face, "Meteorites no longer pose a threat to us, humans have the ability to stop your atrocities , Apocalypse. Your doomsday weapon has failed, and your plan has also failed."

"This is the weakening of Gambit's kinetic energy!" Chen Ang said in admiration, "It's surprising that the progress of human beings can deepen the mass effect and kinetic energy effect to such a degree in just a few months."

"But you are wrong! I have never used killing and destruction to solve problems, and this time is the same, because I know that destruction cannot achieve my purpose. Even if I destroy something, my purpose is always to create !" Chen Ang smiled, "It was true in the past, it is true in the present, and it will be true in the future!"

The gravitational well in the sky collapsed and recovered into a small badge, lying in the palm of Chen Ang. The British minister got up from the ground. He held the handle in embarrassment and looked at Chen Ang, "You failed, you destroyed the world The conspiracy finally failed. Apocalypse, the dawn of a new world is just around the corner, take a look! We have never been defeated."

Chen Ang didn't answer him, but looked at the sky outside the window. The dazzling light reflected the brilliance of the sun, illuminating the whole city. Mr. Minister looked at the dazzling metal body in the sky, and couldn't help squinting his eyes. Looking at all this.

A huge sphere with a diameter of several kilometers was suspended in mid-air, reflecting the bright light and illuminating all directions.

Human eyes had difficulty adapting to this strong light. At this time, Mr. Minister opened his mouth without the slightest demeanor. In London, anyone who paid attention to this place looked at the sphere in the sky in shock. Bright light, golden flash, looking at this sun-like metal body.

gold! All gold! Endless gold!

An asteroid made of gold floated in the mid-air of the city of London. The huge impact made everyone's heads blank. That endless wealth, like a god, hooked everyone's minds. soul.

Gold is wealth and a weapon. A terrifying weapon.

A huge amount of gold can make or destroy a country. Similarly, it can also destroy a world, the financial world. Wealth is a weapon, and gold, which measures wealth, has also become a weapon under the financial system, a weapon that destroys itself.

The moment humans use gold as a hard currency, measure the value of labor, measure the value of money, and decide to be a universal equivalent, gold has become a powerful pillar of the market, oil is the blood of industry, and gold is the backbone of finance, Chen Ang The blood was drained, the spine was broken, and the market economy was completely destroyed.

Capitalism standing on the edge of the cliff was gently pushed by Chen Ang, and fell into the bottomless abyss.

The new currency of the gold standard was completely destroyed the moment it was established. Without leaving any room, the financial system seemed to have been rounded by 18 strong men, and then run over by 18 heavy trucks. It was completely destroyed! Before the dawn had time to bloom, it was cut off by a huge black hand.

At this moment, the general equivalents used by human beings to measure the value of labor were completely driven out of the stage of history by Chen Ang. The financial system and capital system attached to the market, after all, sank into the abyss together with the market. At this moment, there is no more There was hope, and the hearts of everyone present sank to the bottom of the sea.

The minister jumped down from the top of Big Ben.

Capital’s last effort to save itself failed, and they could only leave in despair. These last martyrs, with their blood, drew the end of an era. After that, there was no point in saving the market anymore. Take a thrilling leap and become a natural moat.

Sometimes, meteorites bring not only destruction, but also wealth.

But wealth can also destroy everything.

Gold is more terrifying than Skynet under special circumstances.

From the streets to the sea, from London to the English Channel, the corpses of bankers are floating. Today, the sky of London has been washed by the blood of the bourgeoisie, and the professor failed to fulfill his promise in the end. He could not protect the fragile order, and the ghosts of the old era were wiped out in the sun.

Chen Ang listened carefully, and could hear the footsteps of the new era coming.

That is the sound of steel, science, energy, and the stars and the sea, that is the sound of new production relations, promoting social development, and realizing leaps. That is the sound of footsteps, that is the sound of system and centralization, madness and hard work.

The world stands at a crossroads again, and human beings are faced with challenges and choices. (.)
