Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 121: Red Flag Universe


The modified cold fusion core emits faint blue light, and the surrounding thick alloy steel plates emit faint light, illuminating the entire laboratory brightly enough. $f. $f

In the transparent petri dish, a slightly trembling embryo was suspended in the light green nutrient solution.

The professor sat tiredly in the wheelchair, this time he came to Skynet's base with his real body. During this period of time, the huge changes in the domestic situation in the United States, especially the extreme changes against mutants, almost destroyed his strong will. This old man who has always been very energetic showed a hint of oldness and fatigue helplessly.


The professor looked at Chen Ang, who was in front of the petri dish, closely watching the changes in the embryos inside, showing a rare sense of failure and decadence, and he couldn't help calling out. He wanted to say something, but when he saw Chen Ang's calm face, he suddenly couldn't speak, so he could only find a topic lamely.

"In your laboratory, there are no auxiliary personnel. I know Skynet, which is not good at pioneering work. It is very inefficient for one person to conduct such a large-scale research. If you are with a large institution, It may be better to have closer cooperation." The professor said some logical and scattered words, which obviously did not come from his heart.

"Is that what the U.S. government asked you to come here? Professor!" Chen Ang put down the projector in his hand, turned his head and said calmly: "This is not a good topic! I mean, when we cooperate, the things we discuss, It's much better than these. Is the school okay?"

Hearing the school, the professor showed sadness and fragile exhaustion on his face, "Very bad! My students are in a lot of trouble! They have family and friends, many of them are innocent people who just want to control their abilities, Live as a normal person, now the government has destroyed everything!"

"In the conflict between mutants and ordinary humans, most of them are innocent. They don't want to hurt anyone, and they don't have the idea of using their abilities to commit crimes or even obtain improper benefits. They just want to reunite with their families. I Take them away from their families and send them to concentration camps!"

"So you're working for the government now?" Chen Ang's expression was still indifferent, this kind of calm even made the professor a little scared, as if he was ignoring everything. Including life, honor, and some beautiful things about human nature. Since he came into contact with Chen Ang, he has a keen sense that Chen Ang's human part is disappearing.

"You are becoming more and more indifferent, Tianqi, I can feel that you are losing something precious! You are becoming more and more cruel just like this country."

"The deeper you go into the essence of things, the more boring things will be to you!" Chen Ang said lightly.

The professor wanted to continue to say something, but seeing Chen Ang's calm and deep eyes, he followed Chen Ang's question and said: "Yes, I have reached some conditions with the government, so that my students will not be affected by brothers It will be treated that way. If you are willing to cooperate with the government, they will release some of the mutants that are proved to be harmless."

"The government is willing to cooperate with Skynet? They don't know, is Skynet a threat to them?" Chen Ang was a little surprised.

"For profit. They dare to do business with the devil. What's more, with the example of the Soviet Union, some people think that robots are more worthy of cooperation than communism." The professor was a little weak, obviously he didn't want this cooperation to come true .

"But I don't need such cooperation. I prefer competition to direct cooperation!" Chen Ang replied, and he motioned to the professor, "Let me show you something!"

Steel curtain wall. Fluorescence began to flicker, and the professor found a picture of a sophisticated laboratory on the wall. In the clean and tidy laboratory, dozens of researchers were busy in an orderly manner. A helpless chimpanzee appeared dazed from the iron cage. big eyes.

"Did you see that chimpanzee? It's called Caesar!" Chen Ang pointed at the chimpanzee and smiled.

"Here and there? What are they doing?" The professor was shocked.

Chen Ang smiled slightly, and the projection showed dense documents, "Animal X gene development and brain domain development research! They accidentally acquired a top medical laboratory in the Middle East that was about to go bankrupt, and these semi-mature technologies are inside. You You know, people in the Middle East are so poor that the Dubai Hotel is about to be demolished! So they put all their resources into developing these two topics.”

"But this is a laboratory controlled by you! You are using them to conduct research. Skynet controls this laboratory. They are the fruit trees you planted. When the fruits are ripe, you can pick them at any time!" the professor excitedly said.

"No, they are not just fruit trees, they are also a necessary part of the experiment." Chen Ang looked at the unexpectedly cunning chimpanzee, and said with a smile: "God's restricted area! Although it is only opened from the orangutan, it is also meaningful It is deep enough, which means that the next evolution of human beings is about to begin. Smarter and stronger humans."

Chen Ang is not boasting, because this time the research is aimed at the development of the original version of the overclocking potion, and now great progress has been made in animals, which means that the brain domain can gradually evolve in the human era. possibility of arrival. The future is the age from man to god.

Of course, this laboratory is only a part of the puzzle. More research on overclocking potions, from "Endless" to "Dragon Ba Bu", and finally to this world, Chen Ang is finally about to complete this step.

The dawn is coming in the era where everyone is a god.

This time, the research on the evolution of civilization has entered the development research stage, and the ape-man civilization, the civilization transition test from the age of beasts to the age of intelligent creatures, is also listed in Chen Ang's timetable.

"Why do you tell me this? It doesn't seem like a good thing to let the government know about your plan." The professor forced himself to calm down and questioned.

"But it's not a bad thing! In front of Skynet, your intelligence is unilaterally transparent. I know your research well, but will the United States stop these? They will only develop more determinedly!"

"It's not that the U.S. government didn't discover this. Some experiments went beyond imagination. It's not that they didn't guess. Skynet is helping them, but the only change is that they are more motivated to work."

The professor obviously didn't like this topic. He stared at the ignorant monkey on the screen and said in a deep voice: "The government is planning a plan! They are going to airdrop a superhero team to destroy Yuri's mind control device. They Let me ask you, will you give any more support to the Soviet Union."

"Oh? Will Magneto also participate? Isn't he in a concentration camp?" Chen Ang didn't answer, but asked doubtfully.

The professor sighed deeply, "Everyone has weaknesses, and Magneto is the same. He didn't have a good time in the concentration camp. He was injected with large doses of supernatural inhibitors every day, which seriously affected his mental health. .”

"The Soviet has its own role!" Chen Ang said slowly, "But I won't give it any more direct support!"

"I have never understood what you want to do? The cruel and brutal regime was resurrected by you from time, the financial system was destroyed by you, the order of this world, all rules are accepting your challenge, even the US government , It became like this, and it was also controlled by you, what are you going to do? Apocalypse!"

"Old things must be destroyed in order to make room for a new era. I have some new insights into the development of this world. The future is so vast. I want to have a chat with this world! Some indifferent constraints, some Things that imprison the possibility of development in this world, some worthless and backward factors, need to be changed.”

Chen Ang said slowly, he stared at the medal with sickle and hammer in his palm, "There are many dirty places in this world. Poverty, chaos, and despair breed in some corners of the world, even some places that can't be called corners. There are many dirty places in this world. Fifty percent of the population lives in underdeveloped areas, and 20 percent lives in extremely chaotic areas."

"War, poverty, corruption and class differences, of course there are black and evil forces and drug trafficking organizations, slums, these things need to be destroyed and crushed, people are a kind of wealth, civilization is an inestimable treasure, More than resources, above all else, because civilizations create and discover truth and knowledge."

"Now I want civilization to set sail to explore the unknown sea of stars. First of all, I have to clean up this ship. The Soviet will be the best cleaner. Communism will crush all these injustices and leave a clean Civilization in vain! You should rejoice, those who persecute people, harm the innocent, greedy, hateful, all evils that should be destroyed, the dirtiest side of human beings, will be burned in the raging fire, the flame of revolution will burn Do it all!"

The professor fell silent.

With trembling hands, he leaned on the sides of the wheelchair, looking directly at Chen Ang's with firm eyes.

"Human civilization should not be your toy alone. Our destiny and direction will be determined by ourselves! You cannot and cannot manipulate the world!"

"Let's wait and see!"

Sao Paulo, Brazil!

The slum is the dirtiest, poorest, and most chaotic place in the city. It is controlled by gangsters. It is a completely different order from outside the city. It is an unimaginable order. Poverty is not a crime, but poverty breeds crime. In countries without strong government control, this is the truth.

It has the standard of living in China in the 1990s, but the law and order is like that of the Republic of China, which is different from the order and stability of China. The world of slums is a desperate and chaotic country, with gangs, drug dealers, and all kinds of dirty forces. Controlling this place has made it a deformed society.

The highly corrupt government is incapable of solving the problems of poverty and economic development in the slums. Even though Brazil’s economy has developed well in the past few years, it is difficult to face these social problems. The incompetence of the government has given these crimes the strongest umbrella. Drug lords are imprisoned, their criminal network is destroyed, but soon these dirty little things will be reborn in the corner.

The terrible gap between the rich and the poor provides the most fertile soil for the crimes here. (.)