Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 123: Civilization experiment


Caesar had never seen this man before, but he had already keenly noticed something different about his surroundings.

The instruments in the laboratory are undoubtedly very cutting-edge, and the corresponding security measures are also terribly tight. In addition to Caesar, there are many experimental creatures here. In addition to human volunteers, more are related to human body structure and genes. For similar orangutans, more than 20,000 orangutans have been created here by means of cloning.

The number of experimental animals consumed every day is as high as more than 10,000. Among them, there are at least dozens of orangutans of various types. Their lives are "destroyed" like consumables, and the dignity of life is trampled. Caesar once saw with his own eyes that those who lost Valuable orangutans are dissolved and destroyed to produce the next batch of cloned animals.

The cold scientific research factory and the cold experimental rules make it shudder. It has deep vigilance and fear for human beings, and of course there is no lack of hidden deep hatred.

In addition to Kaiser, the experimental subject developed by the brain, there are also many biological experimental subjects. After these genetically modified animals are transplanted with mutant genes, they produce many extremely dangerous mutant species, code-named biological.

These extremely dangerous creatures, in addition to powerful combat capabilities, also possess various weird abilities, many of which can threaten the security of the base.

But Caesar knew that all the creatures that tried to challenge the defense system of the base left only specimens for research. The only exception was the man sitting in front of him. The base's security system, as if meeting the highest authority, showed unprecedented obedience and intelligence in front of this man.

Many, originally only auxiliary monitoring instruments, have become technological weapons used for killing and defense in forms that Caesar does not understand at all. It also produced more forms that Caesar had never seen before, and the entire base completely changed its appearance in the hands of this man, or in other words, returned to its true appearance.

Caesar's IQ allowed him to obtain a lot of information about the outside world while concealing the base's researchers. Among them, its origin is what it cares most about. According to the data, it came from a secret experiment before the merger of the laboratories. Its mother, Bright Eyes, gave birth to it, a generation of experimental subjects, after experimenting with overclocking potions.

And behind all this, there is a deep shadow.


Or War Skynet!

Now, Caesar can be sure. Who is the real owner of this laboratory, not those busy experimental researchers, nor those military personnel who often come to inspect, let alone the US government, these people are just being used or exploited.

It's everywhere, controlling all the machinery in the lab. Skynet of instruments and items.

And the apocalypse behind it is the master here.

Where there are tech items. It is under the control of Skynet, where there are man-made objects, there is Skynet's technological reconstruction, in the sky, in the ocean, and on the screws of fighter jets. Magnetic nanorobots are ubiquitous in the metallic materials of spacecraft.

In this world, more than 50% of the metal materials and more than 5% of the non-metal materials are composed of Skynet nano-robots. This is the second biggest threat after the upgrade of Skynet, technology penetration! In practical applications, on mechanical tools and technological items, the infection rate of Skynet is 100%!

Skynet is the plague of technology.

In terms of technological development, the whole world is working for Apocalypse. They use the materials of Skynet to produce technological items for which Apocalypse holds the first authority, and wage a low-intensity war against Skynet. Caesar didn't know this suffocating fact, but he knew who the real master here was!

Caesar was very savvy, but when it realized that its fate was in whose hands, it wisely stopped all small movements and tried to show its docile side, trying to hide its animal nature like other researchers, showing A cute side.

But when it saw Chen Ang's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, the hair on its back stood up with intense fear.

"Caesar! Do you know what your birth means?" Chen Ang picked up the blue potion that Caesar wanted to get closer to. The transparent plasticized water shell reflected the blue light, making Caesar look at the pupils of the potion, and suddenly Shrinking, a kind of animal mania affected its brain, and its breathing suddenly became a little thicker.

Caesar watched greedily. This magical potion, which can bring biological intelligence, is controlled by biological nature. It showed very mania and anger towards the robbed living supplies.

Of course, when it saw Chen Ang's calm, water-like pupils, the feeling of a powerful threat to life made the biological nature of survival overwhelm everything. Caesar woke up instantly as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head.

"You are an intelligent creature, not a beast. Learn to control yourself, Caesar! The strongest expression of an intelligent creature is seeking knowledge and restraint. If you don't have the former point, you are a waste, and without the latter point, you will not be able to survive. "Chen Ang's calm voice contained an irresistible force.

Caesar bowed his head, stretched out his right hand obediently, raised it above his head, and turned his palm to the sky, expressing his obedience and surrender.

Chen Ang ignored it, the surrender of animals is not trustworthy, "overclocking potions can greatly develop biological brains, but this kind of development is caused by strong external stimuli, disturbing the balance of the brain, forcibly breaking the order of this balance, Create a local imbalance, and then re-establish the balance of the brain and body."

"The whole process is simple and brutal! After the broken balance is rebuilt, it is very fragile, and external stimuli are extremely easy to break this balance. There are only two results, collapse, or rebuild the balance again. This break-rebuild cycle Bad, it forms an evolutionary chain, an irreversible, hard-to-stop evolution."

"In order to stop this endless evolutionary chain, the researchers injected a large number of redundant factors into the medicine, at the expense of efficiency and future potential, solidified the balance factors of the brain, and forcibly stopped this evolution. This is the completion version of the overclocking potion."

"We have never stopped researching and transforming. In the first great discovery of life energy and re-excavation of the classical Qi era, we have found new factors that stabilize the fragile balance after brain reconstruction. In the study of energy and the origin of the human body. We have a deep understanding of the stabilizing factors of this balance."

"This is controllable evolution, overclocking development!"

Caesar trembled as he listened to Chen Ang's narration, which involved creation and the terrifying wisdom of taboos, just like human beings obeying God and telling about his design. Caesar was also listening in trepidation, about his own design blueprint, he was a creation of the apocalypse, like Skynet, but a weak but free-willed creation.

Caesar didn't know whether this freedom was good or bad for him!

"But the research has not stopped. We have been exploring, especially for the first driving force of intelligent evolution, the exploration of the power to destroy the balance. There is no doubt that the ingredients of the overclocking medicine come from the human body, so the human body must exist to destroy the brain. factors of balance, and even the possibility of unraveling this chain of balance."

"The controllability of the first evolution. For this lock that protects and confines our brain, from smashing the lock to unlocking, it is very important for research. This is the evolutionary formula, the formula for unlocking the stable balance of the human brain. "

Chen Ang stared at Caesar's green irises, looking at this little orangutan who inherited wisdom from his mother. Frightened and fearful eyes, "It seems that you also understand that you are the successful person who independently unlocks the existence of the lock of wisdom."

Chen Ang nodded Caesar's head, looking at its fearful eyes. He smiled and said, "That's right, the evolution formula is in your head!"

Caesar's trembling could hardly maintain his body's stability. This was incredible for an agile orangutan. It was like watching a demon. It was afraid of Chen Ang, and it didn't even dare to resist. Facing the demon king Chen Ang With absolute control, Caesar was almost desperate.

"Don't be afraid!" Chen Ang smiled slightly: "The evolutionary formula in your head has long been unraveled. As early as before you were born, the evolutionary response of your brain provided us with key data. Now through mind control, the controllable development of the biological brain can be realized."

"You don't need to rely on external medicines, as long as you have enough knowledge and of course the ability to control your body, you can realize the controllable development of your brain. For this reason, we have created a subconscious hypnosis method called "Meditation". Through psychological suggestion, the subconscious mind is controlled to form a wisdom evolution formula, and the brain is gradually developed."

Caesar shrank under the shadow of Chen Ang, not daring to face this god-like man, endowed with wisdom, sublimated existence, Caesar would rather he had never heard of such terrible knowledge, it vaguely felt that Chen Ang told it that it must be has his purpose.

This will greatly change its undecided, involuntary fate.

Obviously, the results were not destined to make it very happy.

"On the road of evolution, some things deeply trouble us. After the rationalization of personality, the gradual loss of self, the completely changed three views after deep cognition, and the alienation of the same kind after the advancement of wisdom, these factors will As wisdom develops and time passes, eventually obliterating our existence."

"Humans don't have common topics with ants, and they don't have any feelings for bacteria. Even after ordinary humans grow up, they always hold a negative attitude towards their former selves, let alone evolution? In the end, things about themselves become more and more At least, personality becomes a combination of cognition and rationality, which is deification, or daoization.”

"This is the way of God, lonely, lonely, using time and solitude to destroy one's own way, if you want to rely on this way to advance, you can only rely on the fire of civilization to upgrade civilization to the kingdom of God, use communication and civilized groups to maintain Ego, sublimated into a god civilization, a high-dimensional civilization."

Chen Ang talked about his thoughts calmly. Of course, these are just conjectures. The sublimation of civilization and the Kingdom of God plan require a lot of experimental materials and data to correct and prove. Among other things, the self-destructive nature of civilization alone is The first difficulty in sublimating civilization, even so, this is an important path in Chen Ang's exploration.

Looking at Caesar's furry head, Chen Ang lightly pointed at its forehead. In space, 360 Skynet satellites were reorganized into a powerful mind control device. The thinking program controlled every The orangutan's spiritual world, spiritual consciousness, is centered on Caesar, and a seed of a spiritual thinking formula is injected into the orangutan's group subconscious, Alaya Consciousness.

These thinking formulas will take root in the subconscious of orangutans and affect their behavior. Every orangutan will be proficient in the top meditation methods in their sleep. Their subconscious will control their brains and carry out controlled evolution. At this moment, human beings are no longer the only native intelligent creatures on earth.

It's time for the planet of the apes to rise.

The large-scale experiment of animal ecology stepping into intelligent civilization will provide Chen Ang with the data he wants.

Chen Ang stroked Caesar's forehead, just like the creator was baptizing his creation for the first time.

"You are the pioneer of civilization exploration, lead the ape-man civilization to unlock the lock of wisdom, use the formula of wisdom evolution, the collection of subconscious minds, and deduce the road of civilization that belongs to you!"

"A chimpanzee will never be a slave, but you will be king! Caesar!" (… )

ps: Today I will make up the Rise of the Planet of the Apes movie, there is only one chapter today