Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 124: self-destruct


The evolution and development of civilization is a very complicated study, transcending history, economy, and politics, with a broad perspective and a deeper timeline, considering the evolution of an isolated population of intelligent creatures is a perspective that has never been seen in human history . ∈↗,

Earth civilization does not have this kind of accumulation, let alone such conditions, to overlook the development of civilization, and even the most basic research data are just isolated cases and only the earth itself. Before the apocalypse came, people on earth had never had contact with other civilizations in terms of civilization. Of course, all this has been an exception since Chen Ang came.

The people on earth are lucky, of course they may not think so, but it is indeed a kind of luck, not every civilization can have in-depth contact with the civilization after the superhuman sudden change, and all the civilizations that have been in contact with have been destroyed in some form. replaced. Obviously these civilizations are not as lucky as the earth.

Therefore, the people on earth are fortunate to have come into contact with the superhuman mutation of the earth's civilization, War Skynet, and even more fortunately, they are still safe and sound.

This is by no means the luckiest thing on Earth.

Less than ten minutes after leaving Caesar's laboratory, Chen Ang appeared in other cutting-edge laboratories. At this time, the research directors, military representatives, and security agencies in the laboratory could only obediently accompany him. .

In the laboratory, there are many interesting things, such as some kind of radiation with infectious properties, which can put metals into a strong oxidation state, produce property changes, and release the same kind of radiation at the same time. The person in charge at the side was extremely embarrassed, and the cold sweat on his head flowed down like water.

The fundamental purpose of this kind of thing being created can be known without asking.

Humans' malice towards metal objects is almost overflowing. Apparently, they don't seem to care anymore. Let the metal objects around you on the earth disappear. At the cost of regressing the entire civilization to the Stone Age, Skynet must also disappear. certainly. Right now it's a plan on paper.

Before it had time to practice, under the control and infiltration of Skynet, the entire laboratory in Raccoon City opened its arms to Chen Ang.

"Good idea!" Chen Ang praised: "This definitely involves the decay of matter, and you have already touched the edge of energy-degrading weapons. Although human beings are not high-energy creatures, the substances they depend on for survival still have energy level requirements. Electrons transition from high-energy levels to low-energy levels, radiatively decay, and cause energy-reducing reactions over cosmic distances."

"The advanced application of this kind of nuclear reaction most intuitively shows the rapid progress of human beings in nuclear science." Chen Ang calculated in his mind the consequences of this kind of radiation leakage.

It takes about six days to infect a metallic substance all over the planet.

Of course, human beings were all extinct before this, and they seem to have not considered the warming effect of high-energy radiation in the air. Chen Ang is sure that within three days after humans release radiation, the temperature of the earth's surface. It will rise to 180 degrees, which is enough to destroy the fragile earth's ecological circle.

Another extreme death weapon, Chen Ang can only congratulate human beings for finding another way to destroy themselves, adding a new record to the universe civilization's most wonderful self-destructive civilization encyclopedia.

At the same time, the earth also possesses the ability to carry out fatal blows to at least 1.25% of the civilizations in the universe, to the plasma life forms. High-energy civilizations such as stellar people and proton civilizations. The ability to perform energy level quenching. Chen Ang reckoned, follow this path. In another fifty years of development, human beings will definitely be able to achieve the feat of extinguishing stars.

This time, human beings can destroy the entire material circle of the solar system.

Of course, this kind of progress in nuclear science is not only reflected in the ability of human beings to kill, but also reflects the progress and expansion of human energy physics in atoms. This kind of radiation weapon, in another way of thinking, is Chen The energy technology used by Ang, the prototype of cold fusion.

Of course, in order to prevent the destruction of the world and the death of human civilization, Chen Ang was very far-sighted in the radiation black box. Throwing in a split of Skynet, and then looking at a series of researchers, eyes froze, shocked, and then refused to admit the facts, painfully accepted the facts, and numbly endured the ensuing blows, and finally the eyes were in a trance, and the eyes wandered ,transfixed.

The Skynet metal split exposed to the radiation, after being exposed to the radiation, only slightly brightened, and made a reaction that was obviously charged. The ultimate weapon that human beings have painstakingly researched and researched is only to supplement energy for his imaginary enemy.

It is now certain that even if the earth is exposed to radiation, human beings will never perish, but the researchers present did not intend to celebrate at all. More than 80% of the metals on the earth's surface have the energy response of Skynet. The radiation can only infect the remaining 20% at most, and it still cannot break through the defense of Skynet.

Scientific research in the same field, if the level is higher than the first line, it will be very powerful.

It is also rooted in the earth's technology tree, and can even be monitored at any time. Skynet, the development of earth's technological civilization, is obviously not a little bit ahead of humans in the development of technology trees.

"Let's go to the next place!" Chen Ang skillfully turned to the next hidden laboratory.

The person in charge on the side smiled uglier than crying, "Mr. Tianqi, our research has always been committed to peace and has no intention of targeting any force. The United States solemnly promises that it will never be the first to use unconventional strategic weapons."

"Skynet has always been committed to protecting the earth's civilization. The statement of the United States is a manifestation of being responsible for the earth. It is a response to Skynet's proposal for a new order of competition on the earth. For this, I personally appreciate and highly praise the United States. This kind of strategic statement, later, I will have a call with the president of your country to continue to communicate and communicate about this incident."

"The friendship between Skynet and the United States will last forever."

"Fake, your family's eternal youth! Xie Te's Skynet friendship all over the world!" All the researchers present roared in unison in their hearts.

Soon, the steps of the few people came to another confidential laboratory, watching the laboratory open the door cheerfully, welcoming Chen Ang, and the heads of several experimental bases following behind showed bitter smiles.

Chen Ang looked at the pink liquid in front of him, the sealed packaging liquid, and locked the test tube in the depths of the black box. He calculated in his heart the strength of this radiation liquid.

Because the radiation preservation technology is not perfect, this test tube obviously cannot bear the high concentration of concentrated high-energy radiation. With the technology of earth civilization, it will obviously take a while to put a large nuclear reaction into the test tube, but Chen Ang can be sure that this A radiation virus is enough to cover a city with a diameter of more than twenty kilometers.

It seems a little frustrated.

If it is leaked out, it is nothing more than killing all carbon-based creatures in Raccoon City and the three surrounding towns.

Lethal radiation, murderous radiation! Just like protein biotoxins and polymer chemical toxins, humans seem to have discovered a cheap, lethal radiation toxin with fast speed and strong lethality. Chemical weapons during World War II, in front of this optical weapon, are like Flowers are just as harmless.

The virus also needs a medium and time for transmission, as well as the possibility of control and research countermeasures, and the time to discover antibodies. As for the lethal radiation, there is no need to worry about this at all. The speed of light makes this radiation weapon destined to become the most efficient killing weapon. If it can be directed, it will be the most effective genocidal weapon.

Humans seem to dislike that their own destruction is not decisive enough. They believe that this weapon has a higher potential for extinction. As far as Chen Ang sees, there is no civilization in the universe that is as keen on destroying itself as the earth. Inspired by this destructive spirit, they developed a viral version of this deadly radiation.

The full name is viral chain reaction.

It allows this radiation to undergo a radiation chain reaction with the trace element "technetium" in the earth, like a virus, infecting every technetium atom, causing them to excite the same kind of radiation. Optimistically, this chain reaction will Within three days, it will cover the earth, and after twenty years, it will reach the peak of radiation, which is enough to kill the carbon-based cells with the strongest radiation resistance on the earth.

The whole process will last for three hundred years.

If, I mean if, bacteria, or whatever microbes, didn't evolve a radiation-resistant version, then Earth would be ready for version 2.0.

It is no longer restarting civilization, but directly restarting the journey of life evolution! From the cell era, start again.

Chen Ang had to repeat again, he had never seen a civilization more proficient in self-destruction than Earth.

After visiting the laboratories one by one, Chen Ang didn't react much, but most of the researchers who accompanied him to watch his masterpiece were on the verge of collapse. Research is one thing, when so many destructive weapons aim to destroy the earth's ecological circle Advanced high technology appeared in front of them in a concentrated manner, which made them deeply despair about the future of mankind.

"Is there any hope for mankind?"

This is the common aspiration of all researchers.

The highly self-destructive tendencies shown by human civilization, as well as the development direction of self-destruction, are not quite in line with Chen Ang's wishes. It is easy to destroy, and it is not difficult to create, but it is not an easy task to protect in the midst of destruction.

Even Chen Ang has no way to guarantee that in the collective outbreak of so many destructive factors, the general civilization of the earth can be preserved. What's more, their means of destroying themselves are still in progress. The first achievements of human scientific research are generally Used to increase the efficiency of killing.

At this time, the role of Caesar and its civilization is incomparably huge. After simulating the transition of civilization, it will encounter extreme reactions under strong pressure. In other words, this is a simulation experiment for the future of earth civilization.

In this experiment, the ape-man civilization plays the role of the future earth civilization, and the role of the oppressor of the earth civilization is the projection of the future Skynet, alien species and even two other civilizations. This battle for the rise of the planet of the apes will determine the future of the earth The fate that mankind will face.

The subject of this experiment is civilizational transition and self-destructive tendencies.

Using planets as chessboards and billions of creatures as chess pieces, a civilized chess game is played out. Chen Ang's opponent is only the dark nature. ()

ps: It's a bit stuck, and the second chapter has not had time to finish.