Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 127: Wall plan


After coming out of the concentration camp, the professor was a little dazed. At this moment, there was an inexplicable, unexplained, but real void in his heart. Facing this rapidly changing world, the professor was a little caught off guard, and the so-called Wall Breaker Project made him panic even more.

Sometimes, people have too many choices, but they will lose their way.

The professor is not a person who can't take responsibility. He has the courage and ability to take on the entrustment of the whole world. But in the face of the game between the earth's civilization and the apocalypse, he, the person who knows the most, is rarely lost.

The purpose of the apocalypse is to control the development of human civilization.

The purpose of earth civilization is to get rid of the control of the apocalypse.

So what is his purpose? Protect humans? uphold justice? However, in the game between the two parties, human beings are looking for a dead end, and Apocalypse has no good intentions. The professor wanted to maintain the existing order and let human beings live with dignity and happiness, but Chen Ang told him: "You have no choice for what I want to do!"

Tianqi is like a person who gives him multiple-choice questions. He gives the questions and makes his own choices, but do he really have a choice? The professor knew that as long as he persisted in his ideal, he had no choice but to answer the question given by Tianqi.

To make only one choice is to have no choice.

But now, Apocalypse presents a question that is extremely complicated and has infinite possibilities. The professor does not want to give up this opportunity. He wants to jump out of the chessboard between Apocalypse and the civilization of the earth for a short time, and re-examine it in the way of a chess player. This chess game reshaped his ideals. This ideal is no longer what humans want to remain, but what humans want to become.

A blueprint for the future.

The professor knew that Apocalypse chose Magneto, and at the same time chose himself. The first help he gave. It was the 'prophet' Wolverine from the future that he had created.

Only with Wolverine can he get more information about civilization, can he get rid of the current narrow vision, and look at the world with a future perspective. Look at his options. Even go, finish that wall-breaking plan.

Wolverine was not imprisoned in a concentration camp. In other words, the U.S. government did not give up the useful pieces of the war police. They left Xavier College and lived in a military base with the clone fighters. On the one hand, the U.S. government has quite a few people who are hostile to them, using them and human cloning as a 'weapon'. Put together, it is an insult in itself.

On the other hand, the clone army absolutely controlled by the government is also a kind of surveillance existence.

But contrary to what they imagined, most of the soldiers like to stay with these simple-minded clones. Wolverine likes these pure fighters. People are very friendly. In fact. They are like children, untouched by this world. Get colored.

Far away from scheming and exploitation, without suspicion and disgust in the eyes, here they get the long-lost relaxation and recognition. Perhaps the soldiers will feel uncomfortable when they stay among human beings.

When the professor came in, the activity room was very lively. Logan was shirtless, and was wrestling with a big and round clone warrior. The lifespan of clones is not long, and theoretically only ten years of use time, after modulation. They definitely won't live for twenty years, but their smiles are pure and happy, and they are happy to make friends with the soldiers.

The professor could see that, in the eyes of the war police and the clones, there was a common desire to be recognized, and it was because of this that they got along very well.

Logan's muscles are knotted, and the muscle fibers like steel wires are stretched tightly. Between expansion and contraction, they explode and gain strength. His eyes are aggressive, just like a Siberian tiger. Same. Between the two, the power of confrontation and collision has an alternative vitality.

"Professor, you finally came to see me!"

After the victory, Logan wiped his sweaty body, "I knew that after you went to meet Magneto, you would definitely come back to me! What do you want to ask? Tell me!"

"When human beings are fighting against Skynet, have there been any... um!...shocking results? They must not be helpless against Skynet. What kind of efforts have you made?" The professor organized the language , "I... want to know about it, and then decide my attitude towards them..."

"Don't hesitate, Professor!" Logan interrupted him, saying: "We believe in you, you will make the right choice, I trust you, just like trusting myself, I feel your confusion, but I must Let me just say, your responsibility is not a burden, we are your comrades, not your responsibility, we believe in you, please also believe in us.”

"Trust us, and I will always believe in you, even at the end of the end."

"Thank you, Logan..." the professor sighed, covering his face wearily, "Thank you!"

"You are right. Human beings did not give up their efforts in the face of Skynet. Even though the sentinel robots failed, we have launched many self-help plans. The most successful and largest of them is the 'Moses' initiated by the 'Prophet'. Plan', and the 'Genesis Project' launched by the 'Angel'." Logan said slowly.

"Of course, there's also Professor You's 'Reverse the Future Project'."

The path to failure has its own reasons, but the path to success is always the same. The professor understands this point. Even though the world is changing so much and technology is developing so rapidly, there are still very few ways to successfully fight against the apocalypse. The Wallfacer project, no matter how bizarre, must respect the basic laws of human society.

The plan of the Wallfacer must be among the plans that Logan knows.

"Tell me about the angel's plan!" the professor meditated.

"In the future, we have discovered two special types of mutants, 'angel' and 'demon', the former, like 'angel', the latter, 'mystoid' and 'blue devil' ’, of course there were other people at that time, but the basic characteristics are already obvious, they are like angels and devils in mythology, with very special characteristics.”

"And the 'Genesis Project' is to concentrate these qualities, create real angels and devils, create extraordinary creatures, create holy spirits and evil spirits, and they rely on myths, hoping to fight against Skynet!"

"Against Skynet?"

The professor felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Everything Wolverine knew, Apocalypse knew, and there would only be more. Everything he knew about the future was also the projection of Apocalypse in his brain. The 'Wallfacer Project' might be able to Out of Skynet, but what about Apocalypse, which can observe future quantum states

The professor is not hopeful.

"Yes, fight against Skynet! In order to fight against Skynet's infiltration of our intelligence, we have formulated a dictator plan. The leaders of various human bases will implement dictatorship without any explanation to the ruled. It seems that now this The plan has already begun!" Wolverine's words made the professor fall into silence.

"But Tianqi knows? Skynet can know too!" The professor was puzzled.

"Yes! We know that Skynet knows, but we have no choice. We can only use this method to practice any possible, even crazy ideas. The most important thing for a 'dictator' is not to keep secrets from Skynet, but to Keep it secret from us, from human beings themselves. In order to prevent the ignorant and relatively stupid public from interfering with the ideas of geniuses, we have formulated the opportunity to give full power to geniuses... "

"Let them realize their most absurd ideas, even if they are only one in a billion possible! This is..."

"The Wallfacer Project!" the professor raised his head.

"They are not deceiving Skynet, but are deceiving us, using collective power to realize personal forward-looking plans, leapfrogging the continuous development of those technologies, throwing away the burden of technology trees, and achieving leapfrog technological development. What they need, It's absolutely crazy, a plan to subvert our common sense. It's like the wise man among primitive people, who exhausted half of his people, went to make electric motors!"

The professor excitedly said: "This is the 'Wallfacer Project'!"

Wolverine looked at the professor who had forgotten his calmness and wisdom in the past and fell into madness. He saw the professor collapsed on the wheelchair sadly, and said: "They are questioning the stupidity of the people. They are selecting the best individuals and deciding the fate of the whole world."

"Only a saint can save the world!"

Wolverine slowly read out the motto of the Apocalypse Sect when the end of Skynet comes.

"The Wall Breaker Project is to eliminate those plans that have no potential and are not crazy enough to screen out those wise men who determine the fate of mankind. The 'Wall Breakers' and the 'Wall Facers' are a joint effort between humans and Skynet. An experiment under the control of Apocalypse, a civilization promotion experiment of leapfrog technological development."

The professor burst into tears.

"With the sacrifice of the group, the greatness of the individual can be achieved. Use all the power of human civilization to realize an absolute and unique will, cut off the shackles of society and groups on wisdom, and let go of the greatest creativity of mankind. This is the apocalypse The purpose. He is giving the best, most imaginative and talented people in human beings the power to realize their great wisdom."

"It's easy to fight against a civilization, but it's not easy to fight against the most intelligent people in a civilization!" The professor heard this sentence, which came from Chen Ang. He is not in front of the professor now, but the professor knows that he is very interested in the people here. The situation is well understood.

As early as when he brought Wolverine from the future back to the present, the layout of the Wall Breaker had already begun.

"A person is great, a group of people is stupid! With the most imaginative, but let the world imprison their wisdom, give them the power to realize wisdom, this is the true meaning of the wall-facers, the wall-facers, not them , but the whole world. Let the world lose the power to restrain wisdom, and let the stupid majority face the wall."

"Crazy plan!" the professor sighed, "Tianqi, you are such a madman!"

"'Father of Angels' Warren Washington, Dr. Bolivar, 'Prophet', is this the goal of the Wall Breakers? Among them, who is the Wall Facer?"(… )