Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 129: Sentinels appear


The North American Rocky Mountains are one of the most extensive mountain ranges on earth. The terrain here is rugged and sparsely populated. It is an excellent location for building a secret military base. Some places with hazy weather all year round are even more geomantic treasures to prevent satellite detection.

Although there are all kinds of electronic equipment, the reconnaissance posts are still at least ten kilometers away. Even though no one passes by here all year round, the boring reconnaissance work is a test of people's will. The government has not let clone soldiers replace the flow here sentry. Those who stick to these places are the most determined and outstanding fighters.

Even among the military bases in the entire United States, the importance of this base can be ranked at least in the top three, not because of the important secrets kept here, but because it is destined to face the invasion of a terrible enemy.

Global variant gene pool!

A repository of genetic information for more than 50 million mutants and mutant carriers. This is the unlocking data of the genetic code, and it is also the complete jigsaw puzzle of mutant genes, which is of incomparably important significance for scientific research.

But for more confidential military bases, the value here is actually extremely weak. Mutant genes are not very simple data. Apart from the more complete genetic information stored here, there is nothing more valuable. The secrets here are not irreplaceable, so they will not be the target of theft.

Most scientific research does not require too complicated variant gene specimens. The perfect storage information here only makes it easier for American researchers to study variant genes. If there is any unique value here, it is more convenient and more comprehensive. Who would attack one of the most dangerous bases in the United States because of the convenience of the moment

There is only one such possibility, and it is the only reason why the security here is so high.

Prepare for the apocalypse.

Of course the role of sentry. It is definitely not to go up to die when the apocalypse comes to the door, but to serve as a reminder and vigilance, and at the same time drive away tourists and herdsmen who try to approach here.

When Chen Ang approached the base from the path, Anshao's breathing became tight, and he desperately tapped the alarm button on his body. At the same time, he made his heart beat violently, trying to make the life detection system on his arm send out a warning message, but no matter how much he tossed about, the signal light still glowed green calmly, without any response.

Whether it's mind chains or quantum communication, or even life disturbance systems and mental scans, it's always normal to get the dark whistle. Normal and no abnormal information. Even when Chen Ang left in front of Tian He, these flies flew over, and the monitoring equipment would be alarmed, and there was no response at all.

Skynet's technological control!

Anshao secretly cursed, remembering the content of his training. He quickly retreated from the bunker, and not far away, he pulled out a pile of specially made fuel barrels. Go up and kick it away!

The originally dense colored smoke disappeared without a trace. The chimney was quietly placed on the ground, with the mouth of the barrel wide open. The chemical fuel inside was placed neatly, and the secret whistle kicked away another chimney, but there was still no response, then the second, and the third. It wasn't until all the chimneys fell to the side that he had to admit that the poor technology of these chimneys had also failed.

There were some cow dung and wet firewood beside him, and An Shao took out a lighter. Get ready to give these ancient means of alarm a try.

However, the fierce friction of the flint did not emit any sparks.

Even the heat generated by friction was disturbed by Skynet. Anshao was a little desperate, he didn't know that he was exposed, why there was no Skynet robot to deal with him, either Tianqi didn't care, or Skynet didn't need it. Both possibilities are provoking his self-esteem. The most terrible thing in the world is not failing at the hands of the enemy, but being ignored by the enemy.

The former is a fighter in the eyes of the enemy, while the latter is nothing.

Dark Whistle could no longer take care of that much. He faced the direction of the base, yelled, yelled, and screamed loudly, but he found desperately that after the sound wave left his mouth, the place it passed was The air became turbid, as if it had turned into a colloidal body, and then the sound was absorbed without a trace.

With the desperate mentality of dying together, the soldier fired, and more secret whistles fired, but Chen Ang still walked in front of them. The laser emitter and the deuterium lamp did not light up, and even the resistive properties of the metal All have changed. The electromagnetic fields of Gaussian weapons cannot be transformed into each other at all. These weapons are completely ineffective because of a little hindrance.

The more microscopic Skynet, from the chemical reaction and molecular level, prevented the reaction of the weapons in their hands.

The lock of the microcosm is manifested in an absurd form.

The era has developed to the present, and human beings have deeply realized that the control level of a weapon determines its power. Pressureful results.

"Your Excellency Tianqi, don't tease our security personnel, please come in!" The gate of the base opened suddenly, and a dwarf doctor staggered out from inside, "Please forgive me, my body is not very convenient. I can meet you outside!"

"Although your body is short, you are a giant mentally!" Chen Ang smiled slightly.

"I've heard many people's praises, but none of them have your acknowledgment, which makes me even happier!" Dr. Bolivar limped to Chen Ang, and reached out to hold Chen Ang's right hand.

"Really, your achievements in physics, I am amazed, Skynet is really a genius concept, especially the energy physics you developed, space physics, dimensional physics, this century, is yours During the era, I have read masterpieces and gained a lot. Can you sign my book? This "Expansion of Dimensions" is my favorite."

Chen Ang said with a smile: "When they published it, they didn't pay me for the manuscript. Strictly speaking, this is a pirated book!"

"That's a pity! Can you sign my name? Just write, what you said before, you are a dwarf in body, but a giant in mind!"

Bolivar rubbed his hands, looking at Chen Ang expectantly like a bewildered admirer.

Chen Ang picked up a pen and wrote this sentence on the back of his suit.

A row of slender and strange machines are people, and they came to them. These surfaces are extremely smooth, and even at the nanometer level, they are still a piece of smooth, invisible molecules and basic materials. Metals with rough surfaces have extremely good physical properties. performance.

Bolivar stepped forward and introduced: "Sentinel Robot Type 3! This is a new model based on your new material science, Dr. Tianqi, because of the progress of materials science. Their design ideas are old. In addition to the progress of materials, it brings Apart from the technological leaps that have come, there is nothing else to praise."

"Weaken the strong and weak nuclear force between the nucleus and electrons, make the volume of the atom shrink hundreds of times, and use the atomic magnetic field to maintain this state. The progress of microscopic materials has indeed brought about great scientific development. Between the nucleus and the electrons, those gaps that are thousands of times larger than particles are the main obstacles to the improvement of material performance." Chen Ang analyzed bit by bit, and the sentinel robot in front of him said.

"The leap in this material, the progress brought about, is extremely significant. How much has the performance of the sentinel improved?"

"The Sentinel 2 made of old materials can hardly pose a threat to its improved model. It is even difficult to leave a trace on the materials of the 3. The difference in combat power is the increase in geometric figures."

Bolivar said sincerely, "Does such a robot have any weaknesses?"

"Start it and you'll know!" While speaking, Chen Ang had already activated the sentry, his sensitive electronic eyes swept over Chen Ang's location, and the warning light immediately turned red, and the dull electronic voice said: "I found the highest level of alert, start to implement Clear mission!"

"The first is the ability to observe, detect, and obtain information, which is full of loopholes!" Chen Ang took a step forward and disappeared into the detection of the electronic eye. Only the voice remained in place, "The depth of information obtained is not as good as that of an ordinary person, and the breadth There are also shortcomings, I can even induce, control its information acquisition system, and make it do anything."

"Discover the highest realm, start clearing!" The red electronic eyes aimed at Dr. Bolivar, as if directly ignoring Dr. Bolivar's highest authority, and wanted to destroy him humanely.

Chen Ang stopped this behavior, and the eyes of the sentinel robot returned to the green standby state.

"The second point is that the materials are immature! High-density materials do have many advantages, for example, they are almost indestructible by low-density materials, and can withstand the basic work of stars. It can be said that it is a leap forward that is better than low-density materials Development. But! It is a high-energy material, according to the law of energy it can only exist in high-energy, environment, and this is its Achilles' heel."

"Once the shackles of the magnetic field are broken! The collision of strong and weak nuclear forces and the rapid disintegration of high density can not only destroy it, but also destroy a spherical killing surface with a diameter of four kilometers centered on it. The destructive power is comparable to that of a small nuclear weapon." .In fact, as matter disintegrates, it does undergo some nuclear reactions."

With a light finger, Chen Ang touched the body of the sentinel robot. A fiery vibration gradually expanded from its body. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that a violent energy reaction was taking shape.

This energy is like a small nuclear bomb.

However, this kind of nuclear reaction is not impossible to prevent.

Chen Ang snapped his fingers easily, and Skynet quickly started replicating and infecting the Sentinel robot. A robot that was less than an adult in size expanded and collapsed into a huge metal body that exceeded hundreds of tons. . Under the control of Skynet, it decomposed into an atomic state and disappeared into the air.

Bolivar had a hallucination, feeling that the air around him was a little heavier, even though he knew it was impossible. (… )

ps: The fourth change, the highest record!