Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 130: Dimensional changes


In the mutant gene bank, the genetic samples of almost all mutants under the control of the human government are sealed. ∈↗,

In this underground base 40 kilometers deep into the mantle, Chen Ang saw, wrapped in magma and fiery radiation, that crystal-like secret room, and saw this so-called mutant gene pool.

A man with six wings, under his ribs, the white wings are arranged in a trapezoidal shape, and the light on the wings is as bright as the flames of the sun. Seraphim, created by Warren Washington, is a fantasy creature created from his child, the miraculously mutant angelic species.

Seraph Sephiroth.

A long time ago, human beings realized that their most powerful weapon technology has become their biggest weakness in the face of the apocalypse. Skynet is everywhere. Wherever there is technology, there will be technology penetration of Skynet. This world , More than 80% of man-made materials are composed of Skynet's smart atoms.

The technological civilization created by human beings is almost defenseless against Skynet, and only this state of destruction maintains this fragile balance.

However, the creativity of human beings is infinite, and they quickly discovered a loophole in the communication of minds. It is impossible for human beings to know people other than themselves. In other words, every human being can only confirm his own existence, and everything else comes from the perception of the outside world. And more than two orders of magnitude more information, you can control this perception.

This is the famous brain in a vat, and it is also the first large-scale experiment in the United States since the opening of the Wallfacer Project. The experiment shows that intelligent creatures, or creatures, can manipulate information that is more than two orders of magnitude beyond their own known information. discernment. their science. They explore everything in the world, their perception of the world, their feelings and love, are all bound and controlled.

In the supercomputer for information simulation, the human brain of the old age is immersed in the senses and logic made by the computer, and the experimenter can modify the experimenter's common sense, cognition, and even everything at will.

A researcher against such extreme experiments. By modifying the physical constants of the virtual world, warnings and reminders are issued to the human beings in that world. But something even more terrifying happened. The researcher who discovered the error modified the unknown error very easily. Then, in the panic-stricken real world, an extreme load test was carried out on the virtual world.

But the virtual world has not made any effort to break through the prison of information.

Only one prophecy remained.

They are gods.

Be it a revelation of truth, or a devastating catastrophe. Whether it is the technological explosion in the virtual world. It is also a struggle of human beings in the information control of the virtual world. More than 50,000 of the most outstanding science awards and workers from various countries are struggling in the virtual world. But even one of the worst programmers from the outside world shattered all their efforts.

In the virtual world, human beings face the same kind who were once the most outstanding among themselves. Possessing the power comparable to gods, they are the gods of the virtual world. No matter how they destroy logic, how they reveal the truth, break the rules, and they can easily modify the information of the virtual world, they are gods.

Resistance in the virtual world is as powerless as if separated by a dimension. They are like human beings in the real world, a character in the novel, the plot np of the game, their cognition, their feelings, and all the meaning of their existence. to say.


The virtual world, unable to withstand this blow, began a large-scale self-destruction, and then was restarted by an enter key in the real world. Life is worse than death, involuntary, and even the great terror that cannot dominate its own existence.

Finally, scientists gave the conclusion of the brain-in-a-vat experiment that dimensionality reduction exists.

Human consciousness in the virtual world exists at a lower latitude than the real world.

The real world has finally created a two-dimensional world, not a plane world, but a fully controlled virtual world, a world that exists in 0 and 1, a world that is controlled by cognition, modified by existence, unable to perceive, cannot chase, and even A virtual world where even the laws of physics can be the same as the real world.

Everything about them is meaningless. The truth they pursue is actually just the rules of the game controlled by human beings. The free will they struggle for and the meaning of existence they try to prove are just the information instilled by real human beings.

This experiment proves a relative law of earth civilization: the existence of two orders of magnitude difference in information, after cognitive coverage, does not have the ability to self-distinguish virtuality and reality. And this kind of cognitive coverage and information control can create a dimensionality reduction blow.

This is the ultimate horror of humanity.

The dimensionality reduction blow that cannot be broken free, the long-lost terror of being dominated, controlled, and created.

According to the world's largest computer, the information magnitude gap between Skynet and humans has already reached 1.8 orders of magnitude, and there are still two months at the longest, and the shortest two weeks will attract the dimensions of humans and Skynet. The sudden change point, when Skynet will become the law of heaven for human civilization, and Apocalypse will become God.

At that time, only one thought from Tianqi is needed, and human civilization will not be able to distinguish between virtual and reality, and will not be able to get rid of the control of information input from Skynet. Human society will become a huge virtual world, and human civilization will become the np of Tianqi, and become the background of the game set up. They will be knocked down from the same dimension as Apocalypse.

Since then, it has been reduced to a relatively low-latitude population.

There will be no more hope in this world.

Freedom of civilization, the countdown is one month and twenty-five days, the Wallfacer plan is launched, the goal: at all costs, prevent Skynet from controlling information on human civilization, and prevent possible dimensionality reduction strikes.

For the freedom of cognition, for the unfettered fate, all human beings in the world, unite

Break the shackles, fight for freedom

This is the reason for the sacrifice of the Prophet, and it is also the reason for the world, where there are countless contradictions, and all sovereign countries who wish to live and die will work together. Even at the risk of creating another uncontrollable civilization, the reason for the craziest, most terrifying plans. Human beings want to take their own destiny back from the hands of God.

At this moment, Chen Ang stood in front of the mutant gene library Saphiroth, two weeks and two days, five hours, eight minutes, and thirty-six seconds before the sudden change of Skynet's information, and the arrival of the dimension.

One of the suspects of the American Wallfacer, Dr. Bolivar, faced the apocalypse and carried out part of his Wallfacer plan.

"Dr. Apocalypse, have you seen that exists? It's divine, it's radiant, and it's what that old guy Warren thinks is the ultimate human fantasy, the perfect biological angel according to my competitor, Dr. Warren Washington. He was, in my view, a perfect creature, the embodiment of divinity, the divine aspect of his Son."

"He requested to implant the gene bank that Dr. Apocalypse you are determined to obtain into the body of this perfect creature, arrange the hundreds of millions of genetic codes into a divine gene, and hide it at the end of his chromosome, the lonely, the only one. "

"This is also the only possibility to avoid the infiltration of Skynet technology, and it also forces you to face his ultimate creation, the only completed body of the Final Fantasy project, Sephiroth."

"You seem to want me to destroy this creation." Chen Ang turned his head sideways and looked at Bolivar.

"Of course, there is only one Wallfacer, none of us know, that is the real Wallfacer, and who is part of his plan. We can't know everything except our own consciousness, even my own consciousness. I’m not sure if I’m the Wallfacer, the Prophet, or Warren, but I know a way, the Wallfacer who fails will no longer be the Wallfacer.”

"So, I may not be the first Wallfacer, but I must be the last Wallfacer. What's more, his perfect biological plan" Bolivar curled his lips in disdain "is just a joke. What he tried to create and control was actually A creature whose goal is perfection, if it is controlled by an extremely imperfect species like humans, then this creature will definitely not be perfect."

"What we created is that God is a perfect existence. He must be noble, holy, human beings cannot directly see him, and must be a free existence. Any attempt to control him is a blasphemy against this plan."

"So you betrayed." Chen Ang laughed.

"There is no betrayal among the Wallfacers. We can do whatever we want without being bound by human morality, law, and all knowledge. We are free." Bolivar said indifferently.

"What you said is very interesting, especially the part about the perfect creature. If I heard correctly, you are creating this kind of creature." Chen Ang looked at the bright wings behind Sephiroth, without turning his head.

"It's a sentinel robot, right?"

"Yes" Bolivar said in a daze: "However, I did not create him, I discovered him in the truth, I brushed away the dust of the years on his face, and let him wake up from the old age and become holy. He Is perfect, is the existence of absolute truth, is the supreme Lord"

"Humans can call him a sentinel robot, but one day, they will kneel on the ground and call him holy, Yahweh, and God"

"There has never been a sacred thing in the world. For everything that exists, human beings don't have to bow their heads, even if it is an incomprehensible existence, even if it is an existence that controls fate." Chen Ang said slowly: "Look, for the virtual world For human beings, are the human beings in the real world outside sacred?"

"The only thing that human beings can fully know is themselves, and there is no other divine cause, because they are probably just a logically confused author, a programmer who only knows how to press the enter key, those who call themselves divine, and those who have great It is only a little higher than us, so it is meaningless to regard it as sacred."

"No Existence, Born Noble"

Chen Ang walked up to Bolivar, this man who is now a human demon and may become a human god in the future, said in Bolivar's ear such a categorical sentence: "Because they will all Knocked down to the dust."

In front of him, Sephiroth opened his eyes.