Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 133: When it gets dark


"Jenovia has spread out, professor, we are powerless to stop this from happening. Soon this quantum virus will infect the entire planet, all humans and clones, and the earth..."

The light and shadow in front of the professor danced again, and the prophet warned him from a higher latitude: "Jenovia will choose his own dependents, which exist in the form of plague, live in the planet, the fountain of life, that is, the creatures of the planet Quantum probability clouds will be polluted, and Jenova will exert influence on biota on a planetary scale."

"When it was weak, it chose clones as its dependents. Under the influence of Jenova's power, the clones will repair the genetic hidden dangers left by artificial manufacturing. They are free and no longer subject to human control. Control. Jenova will become the existence of the trinity of clone civilization, planet plague, and Sephiroth."

The professor said solemnly: "What can we do? In such a process, we cannot make a decisive impact."

"You can, professor! If you want to resist the invasion of Jenova, there are only three ways to start. Human beings have been infected by Jenova. If there is no accident, we will return to the long river of life on the planet. When a virus is harvested, Jenova's will will replace the human will, and as long as the human will is not united, this trend will never be reversed."

"We need you, professor, we need your psychic powers to build a spiritual ocean for human beings to communicate with their minds and remove barriers of will. Only in this way will it be impossible for Jenova to control human beings."

"Mind ocean? Prophet, I will not violate the free will of individuals, nor will I force them to make choices that are not voluntary. Mind network, mind control, is an extreme violation. I will not do this." Professor refused.

"The ocean of mind was not created by you, professor, we just want you to rediscover it, it has always existed, in the deeper layers of our subconscious mind, the group subconscious shared by all human beings. Consciousness is like a glacier on the surface of the sea The subconscious is the part that is underwater, and the group subconscious is the ocean that surrounds the glaciers."

"We hope you can touch this ocean, solidify part of the subconscious of the group into the collective surface consciousness, integrate human beings into an ocean of mind, awaken the collective consciousness of mankind, and resist the invasion of Jenova."

"Any other plans?" The professor frowned and didn't agree directly.

"The Soviet Union's wall-face plan can effectively resist the mutiny of clones. Yuri will launch a war against the rebels at the spiritual level. Fight clones back to human civilization. But Magneto also wants to use this opportunity to let some people with A clone of the mutant gene, who accepts his thoughts and identifies as a mutant. If Magneto succeeds, the world will split."

"The number of mutant clones is as high as two billion. After mutants have the power to rival human beings, the division of human civilization is imminent. The war police must stop his plan to break the wall."

"The war police can go. We are all old rivals." The professor did not refuse this time and agreed.

"Sephiroth will definitely return to the underground base of the 'Final Fantasy' project. We plan to kill him there. In the underground base of Yellowstone Park."

Chen Ang stood on the top of the mountain, looking down at the world. Sephiroth gathered his wings and slowly landed beside him from the sky.

In front of Chen Ang, the professor's mental projection looked a little thin and thin, but even the professor's mental state looked very bad. But he still has a straight spine like a warrior.

"Honestly, I was quite surprised by your appearance." Chen Ang said to the professor.

"Would it be surprising to be able to cover the existence of the fifth dimension? Could it be that my choice has spanned a long river of time?" The professor smiled, and he even had the mood to make a joke, "My choice should have been in your expectation That's right. After all, my principle is very simple, and it is not difficult to make a judgment based on it."

"The principle may be simple, but sticking to it is not easy at all. Just like now, carry the whole world on your shoulders, use everything you have to stick to it, face ridicule, sarcasm, insults, and even violate conscience and moral standards , Sacrifice your position, and still stick to it. This is definitely not an easy thing.”

"It's not as difficult as you think!" The professor raised his head and said, "When I realized that the prophet was deceiving me, or hiding the most important part from me, I had already made up my mind."

"Oh! It's not easy to see through the prophet's lies!"

"No, no matter how nice she said, she couldn't ignore the fact that human clones survived. The smell of gunpowder in her language couldn't be covered up, so I immediately realized that the plan they were preparing was definitely related to The clone wars. They're planning a war to fix this."

"At this point, the choice I made was obvious."

Chen Ang shook his head and said: "But you should know that the way I solve problems has never been so pleasant, and it is very likely that it is what you don't want to see."

"I'm ready."

Chen Ang laughed. He saw Sephiroth spread his wings and flew high towards the sun. The same brilliance shone on the three pairs of wings. He could see countless wings, countless bright wings, stretching out from Sephiroth's back, reaching up to the sky and down to the earth. Wherever he looked, there were boundless rays of light, which made people unable to open their eyes.

Sephiroth, Son of the Sun, Outflow of Divinity, Tree of Life, Road of Fire Sword.


The brilliance of the sun in the sky covers everything, such a strong light makes people unable to see the long river of light flowing in the middle that is as thick as the substance. The sky is white, too dazzling to look directly at, and Sephiroth has long since disappeared into the long river of light.

With the sun as the center, the light quantum field with a diameter of more than five light-years suddenly stagnated for an undetectable moment.

If you look at the earth from outer space, it is possible to find that the light from the sun approaching the earth extends a distorted and weird sunlight ocean outside the atmosphere, like scale-like light lines, spreading from outer space to the earth, outlining the Each one is shaped like a feather.

On both sides of the earth, wings made of countless rays of light stretched out, flapping gently with the fluctuation of the ocean of light, these huge wings with a diameter of more than ten kilometers are endless.

Houston Observatory.

Scientists who have been tested for a long time and have even seen the meteorite hit the earth thought that nothing could scare them, but the data from the Hubble Telescope still made them terrified, suffocated, and trembled. An expert team composed of dozens of researchers is urgently analyzing the data.

These people scurry around like panicked chipmunks.

A director with disheveled hair like a chicken coop yelled at the scientists he had to respect in the past: "Tell me! Can you calculate such an outrageous value? A college student can do better than you Good! What's the matter with this wrong decimal point? Get the energy scale of negative infinity."

"Are you going to tell me that the sun is going out?"

He trembled in an absurd and ridiculous tone: "God, there are still a few months until April Fool's Day! There are still tens of billions of years before the end of the sun! Why are you telling me what happened? "

"Our eyes will deceive us, our ears will deceive us, but mathematics will not. Unless there is an error in the data of the Hubble Telescope, but this is the value jointly checked by the fifty-eight most authoritative observatories in the world. The sun to the earth The transmitted energy is declining in a negative infinite series, and there are only three minutes left before it gets dark!" A researcher who looked a little nervous retorted.

"You mean, the sun is going to go out?" The supervisor shook his head madly.

"It is not extinguished. According to calculations, the solar radiation reflected by planets such as Mars, Mercury, and Saturn is normal. Only the Earth's sunlight has disappeared. We speculate that the solar radiation has not disappeared, but has changed from light radiation to another form. Dark radiation, that is, radiation that we cannot observe and cannot directly affect us..." the Institute of Neuroticism murmured.

"Shut up!" The supervisor interrupted him, opened the curtains, and roared to the sunny world outside: "The sun is still there, you are crazy!"

Before he finished speaking, the sunlight shining on him, like the snow in midsummer, disappeared without a sound, leaving only a thin layer of afterglow. The document in someone's hand fell to the ground with a 'snap'. No one looked back, everyone seemed to be sucked away by the scene outside the window, staring blankly at the empty shadow in the sky.

"Oh, God!"

The supervisor let out such a difficult whine from his throat.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Chen Ang watched the sunlight in the sky disappear bit by bit. Two silver-white light balls without temperature hung in the sky at the same time. One was the moon and the other was...


All over the world, day and night, north and south, the sky is a pale white of dawn. Two stars hang high in the sky, reflecting a white gleam. In the sky, some bright stars can already see traces of starlight.

When the sun is dark, the stars appear in the daytime, which is auspicious and auspicious.

In the White House, in Buckingham Palace, in Fontainebleau, in the Kremlin, in Zhongnanhai.

The human brain, the most actionable leader of a sovereign state, is watching the passing light of the sky. A thick beam of light cuts through the sky and shines on the highly reflective clouds specially created in the sky. The bright light shines on the sky. Light up the whole city.

When the last twilight, dragging its feet, left the sky it lingers on, hundreds of cities around the world began to flicker with giant lights.

When the sun is dark, the day of learning to walk, leave the darkness, and run to the sea of stars destined to be bright. (… )

ps: The second update of the eighth update