Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 134: Death lives forever


The darkness engulfed the whole world, and the earth was silent.

Looking down from outer space, on this planet shrouded in darkness, countless light spots spread to the surroundings according to the law of human activities. A kind of power that is ready to go is brewing in this darkness. The restlessness and restlessness under the light are comforted by the darkness, and the silent world is peaceful and beautiful.

Tokyo, the sun has not risen today.

The temperature on the earth's surface continues to drop, but because of the popularity of fusion energy, human beings do not lack energy to maintain body temperature. And the immeasurable energy radiation left the earth in a short moment, allowing this bright land to step into the cradle of darkness, and also plunged the temperature of life into a freezing cold.

The star that has illuminated the earth for billions of years is the most familiar, affectionate, fearful, and worshiped power to human beings. It is the divine residence of human civilization. He is Apollo, Ra, Golden Crow, Haotian, and Taiyi is Amaterasu and Amon, the incomparable divine existence in civilization, but today, it has not arisen.

After the most ordinary facts collapse, it is often the deepest fears.

The night is like the shadow of the apocalypse, like the fear of ice, like the irresistible darkness. For the first time, all mankind has such a deep understanding of the shadow standing behind civilization, the existence that destroyed Manhattan and shocked the world.

Now everyone deeply understands how gentle the gravitational tide happened in the center of Manhattan! He only set the scope of influence on a narrow island. Although that small island was the most prosperous center in the entire world at that time, it still had to collide with the asteroid, the artificial intelligence that superhuman changes suddenly, and the space zerg that devours everything. Compared with the quantum plague, extinguishing the sun, and attacking Manhattan, such small facts are not worth mentioning.

If it weren't for the fact that this is the first announcement of Apocalypse, its importance in the chronology of Apocalypse events would not even rank in the top ten.

In the darkness, people recalled the turning point of all that with incomparable clarity.

TV all over the world. The announcement made by the figure that appeared on the Internet at the same time:

"I am a traveler in time and space, and a messenger of progress. I am just a passer-by in every world. I appreciate the scenery of different worlds, I listen to the voice of fate, and I announce the direction of progress. Let me witness the splendor of this world Go! Whether you are here or there, whether you are a hero. Criminal, I will witness it all."

"I am the king of the world!"

At that time, the appearance of Pu, the most dangerous terrorist in the world, took away al Qaeda's glory after 9/11, and destroyed the economic center of the most powerful country in the world. People thought there was no terrorist organization more insane and more dangerous than this. The scariest thing in the world, except world war and nuclear crisis, is nothing more than this.

The most dangerous terrorist. Mutants are a threat to the world!

So Skynet appeared. In the future, the culprit who destroyed human civilization, the incarnation of war, mutants, in front of it, are cute and harmless like a good baby. Even the most extreme mutants, the brotherhood represented by Magneto, are full of peace lovers in the face of war Skynet.

Great crisis in the American economy. Black Friday for the stock market!

After the oil crisis and the financial crash, the stock market became history. In this economic era called the Great Crash, everything in the past defined the economy. They can all be swept into the garbage dump, and the resurrection of the red ghost makes the whole world run wildly in a completely unknown direction, and the wheel of history spins away happily.

A huge crisis that threatens human civilization!

After the collision of heaven and earth, after the arrival of alien species. After the infiltration of Skynet technology, the advent of dimensionality reduction distortion, and a series of crises such as quantum viruses, star life, and the extinction of the sun, this trivial matter has long been ignored by the people of the earth. What civilization has experienced is really not worth making a fuss about.

In just one year, the nerves of the entire society have been tempered to incomparable tenacity, and the sense of threat to the uncontrollable power of mutants in the past has become a joke today. The big bankruptcy and the big economic collapse that would have destroyed the lives of most ordinary people were immediately forgotten before the oncoming crises of annihilation.

The professor silently watched the night gradually cover the earth. He waited very patiently for the moment when everything changed. This astronomical vastness and lengthy time seems so small.

Human beings are too small. Among the billions of star systems and countless river systems, the earth cannot be described as inconspicuous, it has no sense of existence. Facing the universe, human civilization is frighteningly small.

"Is this how you feel? Apocalypse, it's hard for me to imagine your emptiness in the face of such greatness!" The professor sighed, "What does it feel like to understand everything, to be omniscient and omnipotent? For others, it is extremely brilliant In your eyes, what does civilization look like? How much of everything in this world makes you feel boring? "

"There are really not many interesting things!" Chen Ang said with a smile: "The same goes for interesting people, Professor, there are fewer and fewer existences in this world that I can communicate with. In many cases, the higher you stand, The deeper you research, the more you understand, the things that were originally interesting will gradually become boring.”

"The leap in the level of life will inevitably make the past far away. Progress itself is a process of destroying the past. Every step forward, the personality has to undergo countless tempering and changes. After the real growth, it is also a reflection of the past. Negative, sometimes, I am also confused by a question!"

"Oh? What's the problem?" the professor asked with interest.

"There is a ship, let's call it Apocalypse! During its voyage, it constantly replaces old parts and replaces those old existences with newer and more advanced things. When it was first born, it was a sailing ship. , and then put on paddle wheels, put on iron armor, replace the keel, and upgrade the engine. In this way, after a series of extremely difficult processes, the small sailboat became a space battleship.”

"Then, use the faded parts of this sailboat and reassemble it. It is exactly the same as before. Every part is a new sailboat replaced by the old ship. Compared with it, which one is the real Apocalypse?"

"The Charles was used to sink! So I can't answer!" The professor laughed: "You need recognition and communication, Apocalypse! How do you feel about falling in love?"

"Feelings are exchanges of spiritual equality. I can tolerate the obvious parasites on my partner, the incoordination and ugliness of her body, her clumsy mental activities and slow IQ, and my ignorance of the world. But we can't communicate! Normal people don't interact with mentally retarded people!"

"And the gap between me and ordinary humans is bigger than this!"

Chen Ang paused, and asked back: "Charles, what does it feel like to have full telepathy? No one can hide their secrets in front of you, and human thoughts are transparent to you. What kind of feeling is that? ?”

"It's a nightmare! I know their ugliness, I know their little calculations, they have become another existence in front of me, like a person living in a mentally retarded world, I hate communicating with them, I hate being with humans dating, that period of time almost drove me crazy, it was a feeling of loneliness that was out of tune with the real world."

"So you give in, you beg for mercy, you can't stand this loneliness. It's like a normal person can't stand a world of psychos, so you make yourself like them, you make a cage and you trap yourself in In the crowd." Chen Ang said calmly: "But this is your choice, and I won't, I would rather be alone, and stand taller and see farther."

"It's torture!" sighed the professor.

"Actually, I'm very curious!" The professor continued: "Clones are not a perfect individual, they are very pure, and this purity even lacks what is necessary for an intelligent creature. In other words, they do not have a sound body. Personality, I even doubt whether they can understand the existence of self."

"Unable to recognize the existence of the self is not a perfect individual! Using them as tools is the cruelest period in this world, but their liberation is also a profound test for them. At present, they still lack the necessary knowledge to be an independent civilization. things. If it coexists with humans, there will inevitably be intense friction."

"Even war!"

"But if you leave humans, what they lack will never be able to make up for it. So I want to know your thoughts."

Chen Ang stared at the cloned civilization, and slowly said: "Civilization may not have only one form. For the civilization of the earth, the cloned person lacks self, but this is only the perspective of the civilization of the earth. There are various forms of life, civilization Also, sometimes, there may not be only one choice.”

The professor looked at Chen Ang with serious eyes.

"what will you do?"

"I will give them a choice! Not just clones, but even human beings, another form of existence that has been verified, another civilization, they can choose to fade away everything in the past and choose a new road and journey , to create a new existence, or to walk on the path of the past.”

The professor asked directly: "What kind of path?"

Chen Ang replied calmly: "Quantization, ghost state!"

"Sephiroth will excite another excited state of solar radiation, creating a huge high-energy ion body covering hundreds of kilometers in the Sahara desert, that is, a huge ball lightning with a diameter of more than one hundred kilometers. This high-energy body will only exist for ten minutes. One second, it will destroy and vaporize the human body within one nanosecond."

"Clones and humans who choose this path will completely change their form and become a quantum ghost state creature, just like Sephiroth, they will re-know themselves, understand themselves, and create new ones in another world. civilization."

The professor's hands were crunching the armrests of the wheelchair, and they were pale from the violent force.

"This is death!"

"No, this is Death's Eternal Life!" Chen Ang said.

"Civilizations in the quantum state may not be able to communicate directly with civilizations in the material dimension, but they can interfere with this world to a certain extent. You can see their information in the collective subconscious world of human beings and in some cosmic constants."

"Do you want to see their flickering? Look at the words they left behind when they bid farewell to this world?" Chen Ang handed the professor a pair of red tinted glasses, and said, "Go and see!" (.)

ps: The third update of the eighth update, the idea of the ending is really brain-burning! This volume is coming to an end, I am really not writing fast, so I can only rely on time to pile up updates. At present, it takes me three hours to write a chapter!

Continue to write the fourth update!