Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 135: The night before the sudden change


"Do you still remember the first time we met, Professor?" Chen Ang stood on the peak of Mount McKinley, overlooking this dark world, just like when he first set foot on this world. n∈n∈, extending infinitely from here to the distance, for thousands of years, human civilization has performed glory, decline, demise and rise.

But just like the unextinguished lights in the eternal night, although human beings have been joyfully advancing on the road of death, death and death, the inheritance is still unquenchable. They have been limited to playing small things, so far they only have the ability to die with the entire earth's ecological circle. Chen Ang believes that this is far from realizing the potential of human beings.

They need a bigger stage.

They have unique conditions!

The black phoenix atom dissociates, Professor X mind-controls, Magneto manipulates the fundamental force, and the phantom cat travels through time and space, but what are the entangled dreams of these heroes and villains? From the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the multiverse to the sudden change of dimensions, from the past to the future, they run through different universes and time and space, destroying dozens of parallel worlds, just to fight for the liberation and ambition of mutants.

Chen Ang felt that it was time to end all these small fights.

He hooked an inexplicable and unknown quantum anomaly in front of him with his fingers, and the electromagnetic wave particles surging in the air suddenly changed into an anomalous state other than duality, visible light, invisible light, electromagnetic wave, dark matter wave, gravity, nuclear energy, etc. The power is gently fluctuated, controlled, mastered and sorted out by this hand. With a slight movement of Chen Ang's fingers, the world changes.

With the help of the scientific and technological power of the global war Skynet, with the help of the leaping strength of the hungry alien species, and with the help of the quantum state of the plague virus Jenova, the dark radiation covering the earth has jumped into the abnormal fluctuation of light quantum, locking the particle movement at the molecular level His abilities, movements above the atomic level, are all solidified by this force.

The world stands still at this moment.

The monsoon in the air, the tide in the sea, even the sound waves vibrating from the laughter of children. The dynamic potential energy of the girl's flying skirt, the burning chemical reaction, and the moving fluid molecules are all frozen at this moment. Only sunshine. After a long absence, it was sprinkled on people's faces, and the current was still moving in the copper wire.

At this moment, the interaction between the matter of the whole earth has reached a stable equilibrium state, that is, the entropy between the high energy level and the low energy level reaches the maximum value, and the energy is completely evenly distributed. Under the condition of not affecting the bright matter, the activeness of the abnormal state of the light quantum is used to achieve the infinite state of the entropy value in a short period of time, and to create a relative balance of known energy at the extremely small microscopic level.

Relying on the almost endless energy supplement of solar radiation, when the total amount of energy under Chen Ang's control exceeds the total amount of energy on the earth's surface, using the compensating effect of the absolute majority of energy, Chen Ang has really reached The relative maximum value of the entropy of the molecular state is obtained. Of course, this is the limit that a medium-sized star can achieve.

Chen Ang calculated. If the entropy value reaches infinity at the atomic nucleus level, it will take an instant to burn the mass of the entire sun to stagnate the energy movement of the earth for a tenth of a second.

So, time freezes at this moment.

In other words, the molecular movement on the surface of the earth is at absolute zero, and everything is frozen.

"Hi everyone! We meet again! I'm greeting everyone at Mount McKinley, the highest peak in Alaska!" A wave of psychic powers has spread to the entire planet. No matter where they are, people's hearts cannot be rejected This familiar figure appeared. Chen Ang stood on the top of the snow peak, following his gaze, overlooking the whole world.

"In the recent past, before I came, the world was running according to a law that everyone could understand. At that time, Manhattan was prosperous, the financial industry was strong, gold was still a hard currency, and oil was also the black blood of the world. , the lifeblood of the industry... ”

"In that beautiful era, the United States was free and democratic, and Saudi Arabia was rich and well-off. The biggest threat to world peace was the militants who huddled in the impoverished hot land, or some peace-loving, dedicated to creating terror. The world police of the molecular hotbed maintains the peace of the world, and there is no need to fight robots."

"At that time, the police don't need to drive mobile armor, soldiers don't need to fight artificial intelligence, biochemical organisms, and quantum life, mutants don't need to learn advanced physics, and humans don't need to use memory infusion devices to learn to manipulate nanoworms and physical constants. The important thing is that there are no asteroids falling from the sky, no global plague, the sun will not go out, and the molecular movement will not stop at any time... ”

Chen Ang said here, and lightly nodded the three strange beings beside him.

"No war, no famine, no plague, and no death!"

Countless beings on Earth, including but not limited to, Americans, Europeans, Soviets, Chinese and Indian cattle, mutants, intelligent apes, aliens, etc., do not applaud this honest, true statement in their hearts Summarize. What they were thinking in their hearts, Chen Ang had no way of knowing, nor was he interested.

"Apocalypse! What are you going to bring to this world?" The only one who can speak at this time is the existence of the power of the mind, and can span the entire earth and contact Chen Ang who is far away in Mount McKinley. , only a professor can do it.

"From the beginning to the end, my actions have been consistent, and my purpose is clear at a glance!" Chen Ang smiled and said: "If this world can be made more possibilities and more exciting, then whether it is survival or destruction, rising or dying, and regardless of the future What kind of shape, what kind of road to advance, let me witness the splendor of civilization!"

"Whether the final result is sublimation or destruction, I will witness all of this."

Chen Ang watched the people whose expressions froze at the moment, feeling the fluctuations caused by their intense emotions in the void, and laughed uncontrollably: "As for your thoughts, I don't care!"

"What do I do, what does it matter to you?"

Skipping the professor's shocked eyes, ignoring the fierce resistance of all human beings, and facing silent doubts, Chen Ang answered their questions and solved their curiosity with actions.

"what do you want to do?"

Facing the void and the searching eyes of the whole world, Chen Ang smiled and said: "First, I will explain to you the critical point of dimensionality reduction. This concept involves a series of complex information barriers, conceptual dimensions, cognitive structures, and sudden changes in dimensions. incomprehensible stuff."

With a snap of the fingers, everyone's consciousness sank into the deepest darkness.

(In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth)

Chen Ang is like the only order, floating above the chaos.

(The earth is empty and chaotic, the face of the dark god moves on the water)

"Let there be light!"

This voice resounded in everyone's heart. No matter how extreme human beings deny and struggle, the concept of light in their consciousness has been repositioned. Before Chen Ang, there was no light in the world. After Chen Ang, only the light defined by him exists in the world.

"This is the first step of dimensionality reduction. Information coverage, which represents my cognition, has covered your concept of light by more than two orders of magnitude. Before that, all of your cognition about light has been covered, and It means that you can't distinguish between true and false, so you have no light before that."

Chen Ang sighed: "After this, all you can explore and know is only my light, my definition of light, my will and ideas, I have paid countless, and the research may only be one of my settings, painstakingly Study, and understand only the falsity I fabricated. At that time, I am the truth, and I am the law."

Everyone's heart is like falling into the abyss.

"The second step of dimensionality reduction is the two worlds of reality and fantasy. Science is a whole system, and cognition is a complete world. After the information covers a race more than two orders of magnitude, this race will have no future. Because, The direction they're headed is a false, man-controlled path to truth."

As Chen Ang spoke one sentence after another, in the original dark abyss, the shadows of the real world began to emerge, flowers, grass, trees, wind and air, water and fluids, the same stagnant world, the same small self . Most human beings can no longer distinguish clearly what is the world controlled by Chen Ang, and what is real

"The last step is dimensionality reduction! When human beings become part of the information that is dominated and controlled, the existence of human beings will be assimilated, and everything that constitutes you, such as information, memory, and personality, will also be used as A portion of that controlling information world has fallen from your dimension."

"Humanity will become a nightmarish existence, a low-dimensional creature that can be recognized and controlled."

Chen Ang's smile, in the eyes of the world, is like a devil.

"Just like what I have shown!" In front of Chen Ang, the first piece of gravel floated again: "Strength and energy are things that can be easily obtained, as long as there is enough knowledge and control, these easy Obtainable, when intelligence and control reach a certain level, it will be a nightmare."

"The control is the same whether it is information, matter or energy." Chen Ang paused: "You still have two weeks, and there is still a two-week buffer before the information level of the sudden change in dimension. In time, struggle! Work hard! For the freedom of your soul and destiny, maintain your true dignity."

"Whether you want to be a dominated npc or a free player depends on your efforts, the critical point of the information explosion of the entire civilization, the leap of understanding, and the sudden change of civilization. Fortunately, you still have Wallfacers Planning to achieve an informational leap before civilization reaches the tipping point is your only option."

Civilization is facing the final crossroads, and it is no longer allowed to linger, no matter where the road ahead is, it must move forward. Breaking out of the earth and realizing a sudden change in civilization, countries are about to launch the ultimate and craziest Wallfacer plan.

And Chen Ang also gave his choice, the quantum state civilization of death immortality, the star spirit civilization of void psionic energy... (.)

PS: It's so late! It gets harder to write the closer you get to the end.