Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 136: Dimension breakthrough


The third day of darkness, Beijing. New·Dagger·····..

In the underground base located in Tongzhou, from the inconspicuous buildings on the surface, to the underground base buildings with a depth of hundreds of meters, the volume is comparable to the Beijing city on the ground. The magma extracted from the mantle layer is extracted by the base's magnetron cold separation furnace to extract heavy elements, which supplies the nuclear fusion fuel at the core of the base. The continuous magma can provide all the energy and more than 90% of the materials of the base.

A group of top scientists and mutants of the country are also gathered here. In terms of energy physics and space physics, this is the most advanced experimental base and talent center on the earth, and it is also the last bastion for the country to deal with sudden changes in dimensions.

After dark, this place has almost become one of the last hopes of mankind.

At this time, at the core optical brain of the base, an old man in plain clothes was suspended in front of tens of thousands of projection light screens from different angles. Through his slightly transparent body, one could see the intensely working researchers of the base, and see the system operating in an orderly manner. Base, this old man is actually a projected light and shadow.

In front of the old man's projection, the chief focused his attention on the light screen above his head. The rapidly scrolling data words forced him to be highly concentrated, and even his clenched fists showed white knuckles due to excessive force. Although the chief's perseverance is very tenacious, the amount of data that exceeds the capacity of the human body still makes his spirit almost collapse.

Pressing hard on the painful temple, the chief asked: "Academician Li, how is the plan going?"

The projection of the old man in the middle of the sky replied: "Everything is good in terms of material preparations, but the information obtained from the exploration of other dimensions and time tracing is still too little. According to the progress of construction, we may still not be able to complete the information before the critical point of dimensionality reduction comes." Jigsaw puzzle. Moreover, academician Tang, the previous group of scientific workers who volunteered to accept the sublimation of thinking, their thinking is close to dusk."

"Dr. Hu Keyin, who quantized her thinking, has almost lost her personality, but the fuzzy processing quantum logic body she left behind has become the core of the base's judgment and has played an unparalleled role in research work. Dr. Wang Zhixiang. Academician Ling Weidong Waiting for fifty-two scientists to apply for thinking quantization."

Hearing this, the chief closed his eyes tiredly, since the emergence of human super-thinking technology. There are too many outstanding scientific researchers who sacrificed for it, and they contributed themselves to become the research facilities of the base, in another form of existence, as the base, and made great contributions to the plan. But their personalities died out, their thinking became twilight, and they became unconscious ghosts one by one.

Not only in China, but all over the world, in order to break through the limit of human wisdom and cut off the shackles that restrict the sublimation of wisdom, too many researchers use themselves as experiments to create evolutionary bodies of human thinking, and use successive deaths to promote Human super thinking technology is developing step by step.

Only in the virtual world, because the thinking speed is too fast and the brain is dead in the nutrition tank. There are more than 50,000 researchers who have to reduce the dimensionality to survive in the virtual world. The large-scale computational logical thinking body "David" in the United States is a trace of 3,000 dimension-reducing scientists who sacrificed their own achievements.

Just in the Beijing base, more than 10,000 researchers voluntarily gave up their passions, modulated their brains into biological protein computers, and used the computing power of computers and human creativity to make immortal contributions to mankind.

Biological computer, quantization of thinking, intelligence of personality. Format thinking.

One technology after another, one sacrifice after another, has brought human beings a high degree of awareness and understanding of their own wisdom. Scientists have opened the shackles of wisdom for human beings. For the continuation of human civilization, unimaginable sacrifices have been made. Only in exchange for the rapid advancement of human science and many major breakthroughs in the Wallfacer project.

It took only three months to complete a miracle breakthrough.

"Your time is running out!" A line of blood-red words suddenly appeared on the light screen in front of the chief.

"Prophet?" The chief frowned and said, "If you have something to say, please speak up! The Wallfacer is a prophet!"

"The interference I brought to Tianqi at high latitudes has become weaker and weaker. Now my interference with the future of this world has gradually become a controllable variable of Tianqi's consciousness. He is gradually controlling me."

"Prophet. We are powerless to fight against the apocalypse based on these alone. You must tell us more specific information." The chief asked straightforwardly.

"I can tell you that there is no future world, or the future is in a quantum state. Only when the future becomes the past will the entire future world collapse into what you know. In this process, the development of the world will be determined. , it is the amount of disturbance in the world that determines the shape and specific information of the future world.”

"The greatest uncertainty factor for the development of this world, that is, the amount of disturbance in the world, is neither energy nor matter, but consciousness. A simple move by an ordinary human being may amount to hundreds of millions of stars. It has a greater impact on the future, because consciousness is free and full of infinite possibilities."

"So your state of existence in high dimensions is related to the amount of disturbance in the world?"

"In terms of the factor that determines the future, that is, the ability to interfere with the world, I can't compare with Tianqi at all. His ability to interfere with the world is another order of magnitude to me. What I can do for you is to destroy Tianqi's ability to interfere. The ability to predict the future, that is, to make the future development of the world unpredictable, and provide you with opportunities to create other possibilities."

"Both Tianqi and I can see the future, but I can't be sure what the future will look like after Tianqi's intervention! So the future is quantum in my eyes, with infinite possibilities, just like a river with countless branches. But Now, the branches of the future, the tributaries of the long river of time, have been closed one by one by the apocalypse."

"That is to say, in the future predicted by Tianqi, my variables are getting less and less, and the uncertain factors of the quantum state in his eyes are also getting less and less. What he has done, the results he has obtained are getting closer and closer to what he foresees. Yes, the way I want to get. Omniscience is omnipotence! The less variables and interferences that can bring him misplaced predictions, the closer the apocalypse is to omniscience."

"I'm being overwritten and my variables are disappearing!"

"My actions are gradually under the control of Apocalypse. The time he foresees is getting farther and farther, and the variables under control are more and more. One day, he will become the state of Laplace's demon. The state that can determine the result of the future collapse, and at that time, the moment when he decides the result of the future collapse is not far away!"

"At that time, he can decide the future and change the past. At that time, the past will no longer be a definite fact. It is now in the definite state of the past and the quantum state of the future, that is, every moment is foreseeing that the future will change The apocalypse in its current state."

"At that time, we will have no hope! So I hope that you can become a greater force of interference and let the country's Wallfacers. There will be more room for interference with the world."

At some point, the leaders of the base had all come under the light screen of the central intelligence brain, facing the lines of words on it, they felt sincere chills. They have to admit that if they can foresee all, even most of the future possibilities, omnipotence is not just a joke for mastering the revelation of heaven.

"Why us?" the chief asked.

"Because you involve more consciousness, only more consciousness and more free will can interfere with the control ability of the apocalypse to a large extent. Only more variables will affect the control ability of the world information of the apocalypse. And other dimensions Humans, even non-humans, will be our only hope."

"Only other higher-dimensional intervenors, even if he is not an enemy of Apocalypse, as long as they exist, they are variables that interfere with Apocalypse. More observers, higher-dimensional interveners, these are existences with powerful interference , is also the only hope to prevent the spread of the apocalypse on the timeline."

The chief's index finger gently knocked on the table in front of him, looking at the words displayed by the prophet on the light screen. shook his head.

"But there's still one thing you haven't told me!"

"Your actions have gradually been under the control of Tianqi, so I don't think Tianqi will know nothing about what you do today! What you do is not your will. It is better to be expressed by Tianqi through your mouth Will. What is he going to do? What is he going to do? Why does Tianqi want to destroy his high-dimensional state?"

The words on the light screen fell silent.

"Why didn't you tell me, Prophet?" asked the Chief.

"Because this is what he expects, and this is what he acquiesced, and even promoted!" The light screen flashed: "Your plan is full of difficulties, and it can develop to such a point, except for the sacrifice of the participants. There is also the acquiescence and even the acquiescence of the apocalypse." push…”

"He will never refuse you to go to a higher and broader vision, and he will never hinder your progress. Apocalypse will never reject any plan that can open up a new world. This is the only way I can grasp his thinking. .”

The chief's eyes drooped, and he smiled for a while: "So he will guarantee or even promote the progress of our plan?"

"As long as this plan has the possibility of success, it will definitely succeed..."

At the center of the base, the electromagnetic ring rotates as usual.

In the deeper parts of this world, in those empty places in the void, some more complex structures, more special substances and energies exist outside the visible world, on the other side of the same world, in the same inch Another angle of space, that world that exists like an illusion...

Chen Ang's figure stood there.

The indescribable matter and energy are stipulated by him, recompiled, and become understandable existences, and these quantum information spread to the whole world.

"... z... Tony! Rocky..."

"We Edgars..."

"You live to accept my rule. No matter what humble struggles you make, in the end, you will kneel before me and surrender to me just like now..."

"Listen, Cyclops! You don't understand worlds other than Earth! What is the Rubik's Cube? You don't know what you're doing! It's not as simple as you think! It's dangerous, and it's here for the entire universe, and even It is an invitation from other worlds to tell them that you are ready for advanced warfare! Here you are!"

"... Cosmic Rubik's Cube..."

"...dimensional gate...chitauri...invasion..."

In the Beijing base, the flickering light screen suddenly stopped, and all the jumping projection screens were replaced by a line of words.

"Dimensional information extraction, number scd9527 anchors the world..."

"Positioning is successful, receiving information from different dimensions, from the device 'Universal Rubik's Cube', the coordinates are fixed successfully, the dimensional membrane is anchored, and a two-way breakthrough begins!"

"10, 9, 8... 1, 0... The dimensional space gate has been erected, is the three-phase space gate open?"

The entire underground base was silent, and everyone held their breaths, staring at the flashing words on the screen.

The chief ordered sharply: "Contact the Soviet, I want to talk to Yuri! The whole army is ready! Send detectors to the opposite side to collect information, and the whole base is ready for first-level combat! Full alert!" (.)

ps: This is part of this volume, about the country's wall-facing plan.

It's also a preview of a possible future Marvel Universe volume.

Of course, the next world is dnd unchanged.

The entire X-Men world will be inserted into Marvel's plot in a strange state, probably the Alliance of Japan fights against S.H.I.E.L.D., Chen Ang fights against Thanos, the Soviet fights Chitauri, and the Avengers fights against Mutants, the plot of Ultron against the sky.

Of course, that must be a matter of the "Marvel Universe" volume!