Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 137: Marvel trailer


Standing on the top of the building, Loki held a scepter and faced the crowd who followed him. Behind him, the beam of light that soared into the sky transmitted powerful energy fluctuations in all directions, from the infinitely vast cosmic space to the fine details in the void. The dimensional line, the energy fluctuation is transmitted to the depth of the universe in the quantum state of transition.

Loki controls the terrifying power of the Rubik's Cube, and through the four-column space portal prism surface device, opens the door to a special set of coordinates. What disturbed him was that the energy output of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was much higher than expected, but the response speed of the space gate was very slow, as if it was dragging a huge and incomparable burden, and it made an unbearable buzzing sound.

"Strange? Why is the load of the space gate close to collapse? It shouldn't be so difficult to connect to the Chitauri planet! Could it be that group of idiots broke the opposite instrument again?" Loki frowned.

The heroes of the Avengers are already approaching quickly, he doesn't think he can hide them for a long time with that little trick he played, not to mention that the piercing beam of light can be seen by anyone who is not blind, so there is not much time left for him up. Fortunately, the beam of light cannot be forcibly closed after it is opened, and the current unstable state of the space door is even more so that no one dares to destroy it.

"Loki!" The evil god turned his head and saw a red and gold metal warrior descending from the sky. The metal armor glowed coldly, and the streamlined body design reflected the aesthetics of industry. empty balance.

"You ruined my Stani Mansion! To be honest, I'm very angry!" Iron Man said in a low voice, contrary to his previous idleness.

"Oh! Clown, are you pretending in your costumes again? You earthlings are so ridiculous, look at what you wear, tights, masks, and uniform designs without aesthetics, wearing these You really Don't you feel ashamed?" Loki raised his scepter and faced Iron Man: "It looks like a pervert, it really disgusts me!"

"An adopted bastard, obviously not qualified to say that!" Tony sneered.

Loki turned his head when he heard the words, his eyes were full of tyranny and madness: "Shut up! Ants. You are not qualified to judge a king! I am Edgar's prince and your king! I have studied you earthlings, you are born Obey the strong, don't you? In your short-lived civilization. There is a long period of kingship, and in your culture, submission to rule and power occupies the vast majority."

"Submission is in your nature, from when you were a group of monkeys, from when you enslaved each other. From when you flattered the king's rule, admit it! Your nature longs to submit to a powerful, noble being. This It is the only meaning of your existence, serve the strong, regard me as king!"

"Now, get down on your knees!" Loki's face was full of jealous and distorted madness and gloom.

"Humans worship heroes and kings because they are heroes and kings, not because they are superior! Let alone a lunatic like you?"

Captain America steps out from the side, behind him. The green giant was muscular, full of strength and tyranny. The huge giant looked at Loki with extreme cruelty and fury, and the oppression it brought to Loki forced him to take a few steps back.

"I think human beings might obey heroes, but that's definitely me!" Tony despised Loki with a subtle look, and said in a strangely elongated voice: "Not a clown !"

Facing the approaching Avengers heroes, Loki took a few steps back, connected himself with the space gate with the scepter, and light blue energy emerged from his body. It exudes fluctuations like a space gate.

Loki, who felt that he was safe again, glanced at everyone contemptuously: "Stupid human beings! How can you understand the power of the Rubik's Cube in the universe? As long as there is a little energy fluctuation, the little planet you live in will be like mud. Same, it was blown to pieces!"

Looking at the Avengers heroes who were scruples and did not dare to step forward, Loki laughed and said:

"The earth is mine, and so are you! Fuck your mother's freedom, stupid human beings, the only meaning of existence for small human beings. It is to be ruled by the noble and powerful me! Chitauri warriors are my loyal followers, And you are my humble slaves! Your only value is to set off my greatness!"

"My warriors, the warriors of the Chitauri, it will take me only a blink of an eye to destroy this tiny island. Damn Manhattan will be in ruins because of my will, because of your stupidity. This country, this planet, is invincible in my power Before the great army, there is only one fate, and that is to howl, cry, kneel and surrender!"

The beam of light in the sky suddenly fluctuated violently, and the distorted light and shadow expanded into a huge shadow with a diameter of tens of kilometers. Rumbling roars came from inside. The powerful energy pressure and overwhelming shouts made all the humans in Manhattan double Leg fight. The sound of steel colliding, the frenzied shouting, and the crazy, tyrannical killing atmosphere made the Avengers heroes feel like they were facing an enemy.

Loki proudly stood in front of the beam of light, laughed, and vented his emotions wantonly: "Tremble! Human! Fear! Human! This is my country, welcome your king, ruler. No matter what humble things you do In the end, in front of my army, the only thing you can do is to kneel in front of me immediately and bow your head to me."

The beam of light opened the door to the space.

A dazzling red floated high in front of the gate of the space.

The bright red is like fresh blood, and on top of that red, a handle protrudes from the end of the golden crescent moon, crossing with the hammer in the shape of a cross. On the shocking ruins, twisted steel, crashed spaceships, and evenly distributed on the ground, Chitauri corpses, internal organs and organs scattered all over the place, limbs hanging from the burning steel spaceship.

On the tragic battlefield, a touch of red is flying high!

That's the scarlet banner of hammer and sickle!

The hot smell of gunpowder smoke and burning, mixed with the pungent blood smell of the Chitauri, rushed straight into the noses of everyone present. The oncoming ray radiation stabbed the skin with slight pain, mixed with the shock wave of steel fragments, making people look in a trance, not knowing where they are

Only the familiar smell of vodka at the tip of their noses and the overwhelming shouts in their ears can wake them up.


Deafening cheers, passionate shouts, and the familiar breath of war in the bones, the first thing the heroes of the Avengers see is not getting ready to go. There are mountains and seas of alien invaders, but their corpses and ruins, and a trembling familiar voice.

The broken sky spirit cover, the brown unidentified object like meat sauce. There were also all kinds of strange corpses. With a violent explosion, they rushed out of the space door and sprinkled on Loki's body. The smelly filth hit his face. Loki wiped his face tremblingly, and shook his head with a pale face: "What's going on here? What happened?"

He found a head that wasn't badly damaged. It is not an easy task to use the scepter to penetrate the brain of the Chitauri corpse, because among the parts all around, there is only this relatively intact corpse. If no useful information is read out, Luo Key will not have a second chance. Fortunately, this unlucky ghost has an unforgettable memory of everything that happened before his death.

The Chitauri were happily waiting behind the space gate three hours ago, when the earth first opened the space energy of the Rubik's Cube. Prepare to be a cruel alien invader, they are driving a snake-shaped spaceship, holding a ray gun, waiting for the powerless and weak earth to open the door to them.

The Chitauri imagined that they wantonly killed and plundered on the earth, venting their ferocity and tyranny, bringing endless fear to the earth people with death and brutality, which made their morale even higher, and the destruction and wanton excitement made them Restless.

The space door opened quickly. But what appeared in front of them was not the weak earth civilization of this world, but the earth invaders from another world!

Terrible Earth Invaders!

The memory of the Chitauri is full of fear and blood. He died from intracranial hemorrhage caused by violent shaking. The reason was very simple. A space shock bomb exploded in their spaceship. After distorting their alloy spaceship, the disordered space density stirred twice in his brain. , just made a puddle of paste.

Rocky thought. Given this paste-style blood sauce mixture, it is not appropriate to judge an intracranial hemorrhage, it should be called 'brain racking'.

Terrifying Earthlings interpreted what cruelty is. They reshaped all the definitions of cruelty for the Chitauri people, and the same as 'cruel', 'brutal' and 'bloody'. They overturned the Chitauri people's definition of cruelty. All fantasies and understandings of star creatures, they used their wars throughout history on Chitauri's planet to help alien natives understand this term again.

War equals: steel, destruction, death, sacrifice and endurance, as well as naked violence and terror, endless, destruction with killing as the first purpose, war equals Soviets, and politics equals rabbits!

The earth invaders are divided into three groups, and even the flag is very familiar to him. A sickle and hammer appear in the upper left corner, and there is a flag accompanied by a yellow star. It is a country that has disappeared on the planet Earth, Rocky Wan Unexpectedly, they actually marched into the universe and became invaders that disrupted the peace of the universe.

The other flag is also bright red, with five yellow stars shining brightly in the upper left corner of the flag. The power represented by this flag only took two hours to build a huge fortress on the ruins. The earth's crust was extracted and refined into steel monsters and more hideous fortresses and buildings.

They spread infinitely on the Chitauri planet. Large chunks of the continental shelf were uprooted. Huge machinery and machine groups dismantled the Chitauri planet. Hundreds of miles of huge potholes penetrated into this planet. A large amount of material was processed and created, and they rebuilt the planet. A huge warhead weighing hundreds of trillions of tons rushed out of the mantle, drew an arc, and plunged into the other side of the planet.

Loki saw that the endless earth invasion army rushed out of such a warhead base, and they controlled robots tens of thousands of times larger than the number of people, spreading, moving and transforming on this planet.

The last flag has a blue background, a red floating shadow of the European continent, and in the very center of the flag, twelve golden stars surround the continent, forming the outer ring of the flag.

The resistance of the Chitauri was crushed into slag by the joint efforts of these three forces. These always cruel races are now like a helpless child being held down on the ground by a hairy, 2.2-meter-tall man , devastated! Destroy! Smelling of alcohol, the brawny bear-like man, grinning grinningly, became the nightmare of this little girl named Chitauri's life.

However, the power represented by the golden five-star sent a friendly signal to the alien forces around the Chitauri planet, claiming that it is willing to work with the alien friends in accordance with the principle of "mutual respect for the sovereignty of the mother star and the integrity of the interstellar territory, and mutual mutual respect." Aggression, mutual non-interference in internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence" principles, establish friendly relations, and strive to jointly create a peaceful and orderly cosmic order.

They declared again: "The Communist League will never dominate the universe, and will never invade any planet, but for the alien invaders who dare to invade the earth, they will retaliate with the most solemn protest and counterattack. The people of the earth have confidence and ability To maintain the peace and security of the earth."

"For the rumors that the Soviets treated the Chitauri too cruelly and the aborigines of the Chitauri planet carried out genocide, the spokesperson vetoed it with righteous words. They claimed that this was a shameless slander by the Chitauri invaders , the Shenzhou planet has been a part of the earth civilization since ancient times, and they support the counterattack of the Chitauri invaders by the Chinese people.”

"At the same time, the spokesperson stated that the Soviets will never be used in small-scale cosmic conflicts, and will never be the first to use Soviets in space wars! Soviet leader Yuri Marin said that they will do whatever they like!"

Gossip: "Thanos, the suzerain of the Chitauri, had a friendly meeting with Apocalypse, the representative of Earth civilization, in the Alpha galaxy. The meeting lasted for three days. At the cost of destroying a star system, they reached a consensus on three points... "

In the endless void, Chen Ang stood at the intersection of time and space, and an indescribable phantom floated behind him. He stared at the door in the void, and locked countless powerful and strange consciousnesses behind him. .

Swallowing Stars, Thanos, Nebula, Goddess of Death...

Tian Qi leaned over and knelt in front of him on one knee, and asked respectfully, "My lord, the gate of time and space has been reopened. Do you want to go back to that world?"

"No need! At the same time, there shouldn't be two mes. Since the 'I' in the past is already in that world, then we should not disturb him now. You are about to be born in that world! Apocalypse, don't let Anyone enters this gate.”(.)

ps: The Marvel trailer is over! It's not far from the end of this volume, the next volume is dnd, repeat again, it's not Marvel!

Marvel should be in a further back world.