Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 140: The Savior is coming again


In the extreme environment on the earth, white silver light emerges in the dying ecological circle of high temperature radiation, converging into radiant lakes like flowing rivers. Under the eyes of Charles, the various creatures on the earth seem to be burning. Melted into intense light like a candle.

At this moment, the earth has become a flowing ocean of light.

The fish in the sea, the sea of trees in the forest, countless rays of light emerged from the bodies of those creatures, like the stars on the ground, from scattered clusters, blooming all over the land and ocean, and finally converging into a dazzling sea of light.

Charles was already stunned on the spot.

He looked at this destructive brilliance, a kind of coldness that was slid across the back by a poisonous snake, which made him shudder. He didn't expect Tianqi, who was relatively restrained, to be so frenzied.

"There is no need to prove the words of the Prophet!" Charles has already seen countless brilliant crosses erected on the corpses of the earth, brilliant and great, brilliant and terrifying, and the white crosses that are thousands of meters high can also be clearly seen in space. See the white rays of light coming from the life on earth weaving into a cross one by one.

"Apocalypse's human completion program is about to begin. Charles, we are running out of time!" wrote the Prophet.

"It's time for you to make a choice!" Magneto looked at Charles and smiled.

Charles stared directly at the dazzling white cross, ignoring his stinging eyes, and forcibly stared at the shadow of the white light with six pairs of wings. Charles felt a burning sensation coming from his eyes, and he couldn't help but shed tears of pain. The light had damaged his optic nerves.

But the pain in his eyes was less than one ten-thousandth of the pain in his heart.

"Apocalypse! You lied to me!" Charles held his hands firmly, staring at the slightly dark shadow of the endless light. His eyes were damaged by the strong light, and his skin was stimulated to necrosis by radiation, but he still locked onto the white light with blurred vision of that shadow.

"I choose, resist!"

Charles said firmly, word by word. He has left everything in the past behind, feeling cheated and betrayed. With deep remorse in his heart, his only wish now is to stop Tian Qi, at all costs and by all means.

"I have chosen to compromise! Apocalypse! Time and time again. I do what I think is right. To avoid harm to this world, I indulge evil, time and time again! I maintain a fragile balance between you and this world, and I am right You have expectations, time and time again! But you always prove my failure and cowardice with facts! Time and time again!"

"But now. Apocalypse, I will not condone your plot this time. You let me know that indulging in evil will only make things slide into the abyss. There will be no next time, Apocalypse! I will stop you with my life!"

Charles' hair quickly became gray, dry, and gray, as if he had lost his vitality, and his hands holding the armrests became dry and twisted, like an old man who was dying. Deep and dry wrinkles covered his face. In this old man's body, an unimaginable power was exchanged.

The body full of vitality became short and dry in an instant, as if those things full of life had been sucked away by something.

Contrary to the rapid aging of the body, Charles' eyes showed unprecedented strength and firmness, and his spiritual flame was burning violently, like a dry and grease-filled torch. Such a strong will seems to have affected the real world. When the light passed in front of him, it seemed to be caught by something and disappeared without a trace.

Charles' shadow grew dark and deep. But the divine light in his eyes was stronger than ever, the light outlined a shallow outline beside his eyes, and then the outline stood up, he was like the professor's shadow. It looked like what Charles had been decades ago.

The professor who bound the light and burned his life with powerful spiritual power, his spiritual power broke through the shackles of the body and directly interfered with the real world. On the professor's slightly transparent body outlined by light, there is a conspicuous X on the blue and yellow vest, which makes Magneto feel very familiar.

"Old friend. It seems to be back in the past!" Magneto sighed.

Intense electromagnetic fluctuations swept the stratosphere above the earth. With the help of the huge tide of solar radiation, Magneto set off an electromagnetic riot. Countless electromagnetic waves, radiation, and even light broke away from the huge tidal orbit between the earth and the sun, forming a storm. swirl eyes.

Countless bursts of energy, frenzy of lightning, and violent radiation form a huge plasma in the air, and the release of energy up to trillions of pascals makes a huge plane with a width of hundreds of kilometers a pot of material thick porridge. The entangled state of matter forms a semi-colloidal fluid that tumbles in this narrow space.

The professor teamed up with Magneto, and the electromagnetic storm quickly supplemented the professor's slightly vain phantom, and the professor's psychic storm was gradually changing the nature of the electromagnetic storm. A more orderly energy fluctuation replaced chaos and disorder. It seems to become a superconducting material of spiritual power, which can react wonderfully with spiritual power.

A bolt of lightning struck from the ground.

From the huge cross where Apocalypse is located, an unspeakable force participated in the reaction of the psychic storm and the electromagnetic storm. A violent white light reaction appeared in the center of the storm, and then quickly differentiated into red, green, yellow, and blue. kinds of colors.

The force lightning from Chen Ang struck the core of the entanglement of the psychic storm and the electromagnetic storm with the special nature of the unified force. The unified energy field of the universe reacted indescribably with the spiritual power of human beings, and a special force was derived. The power, and quickly infected the professor and Magneto.

The powerful energy has unparalleled infectious power, and the matter infected by the energy has undergone incredible changes. The energy with radiation properties destroyed the bodies of Charles and Magneto in the first place. The blue and red The light made the spiritual bodies of the two people present a strange crystal state.

The Prophet jumps in the long river of time and chooses the most favorable influence factor for them.

From the perspective of the Prophet, any external factors that interfere with them are controlled to the best and most favorable position, but what makes the Prophet desperate is that the apocalypse has already locked their ending.

There will be infinitely many causal functions in the future, and the collapse will become the only solution.

"Prophet! Are you looking for me?" Chen Ang's figure appeared at the end of the future, before the black end, he watched the prophet quietly, as if waiting for a conversation from the past.

"What exactly do you want to do?" the Prophet asked desperately.

"Look..." Chen Ang didn't answer her, but stared at Magneto and the professor who were infected by psychic power. "The soul is a projection from a higher dimension, and the power of the mind is the key to the end of the soul. Have you ever seen a painter? He put pen to paper, wrote, and changed everything on that blank paper. And from Looking at the dimension of that piece of white paper, it is the change of the self in that dimension."

"The low-dimensional consciousness can never fully recognize the existence of higher latitudes. Our soul is like the shadow of the soul essence projected on the lower latitude. The power from outside the dimension gives us the power to change the world. You know, Only free will can change the world. The existence of the human soul is this power."

"Every time there is one more choice for human free will, there will be another solution to the future function. This is the power to create the world and the power of the soul. The easiest way to touch this power is spiritual power, that is, Psychic power."

Chen Ang stared at the prophet, and an extremely complicated jigsaw puzzle appeared in the void. He gently put down the last piece of the puzzle, and it landed on the only vacant position: "Now, the last piece of the puzzle is also completed. The spiritual power obtained by the professor and Magneto, that is, the tree of life represents the original foundation of the foundation." The quality is finally filled."

"The power originating from the human soul will also completely change their power. With the unified force of the universe as the spark, ignite the electromagnetic force representing matter and the spiritual force representing the soul, and the resulting divine power, I named it You The power of psionic energy. Humans infected with psionic energy will lose their physical bodies. Reshape their forms with crystals."

"They will be a new race, named Protos. With the spiritual power of psionic energy as the cornerstone, the existence of the original substance that is in charge of the tree of life represents the foundation, and is qualified to use 'Protoss' as their race name."

Chen Ang looked at Magneto and the professor who were in a coma. He said with a smile: "The love and killing between the Dark Consul and the Light Consul will continue to the end of the universe."

"The apes replaced humans as the kingdom, and then the foundation represented by the protoss, the glory represented by the war days, the victory represented by the famine aliens, the beauty represented by Sephiroth, the son of the sun. The plague Jenova represents the power of gods, and the ocean of the soul represents Mercy, and finally you, the Prophet, represent understanding, death represents wisdom, and I represent the crown!"

"Ten major elements, the path leading to the Kabbalah tree of life!"

Sephiroth turned into a huge light and shadow, sinking into the earth, and its endless wings pierced into the void like a huge tree root. For the first time, war, famine, plague and death converged. The perfect creature famines different species together to construct the most perfect body, and the plague Xenovia penetrates into the core of the body, endowing him with the vitality of the entire planet.

In the Garden of Eden of death, two big trees took root in the middle. The first one is the tree of life incarnated by Sephiroth, and the second one is the tree of wisdom planted by Chen Ang with the wisdom equation.

The soul flowing out from the highest place of divinity, after being infected and degraded by death, fell from the highest original quality little by little, and finally in the kingdom, it was endowed with a body by the heavens and alien species, Jenova gave him life, and the death Eden hung down his body The soul, the soul that fell from a higher latitude, was bound to the human body with the joint efforts of the four angels.

The fruit at the top of the tree of life fell, and Chen Ang caught it.

Behold this being which represents the soul's highest secret.

"The first soul dimensionality reduction experiment is complete!" Chen Ang looked at the fruit in his hand: "The high-dimensionality descends into the soul body, named Tianqi!"

Fruity babies stretch their bodies.

"Your name is Apocalypse, you are the messenger who brings enlightenment to the world, war is your soldier, famine is your captive, plague is your servant, death is your assistant, you should proclaim my name so that I am the only one in the world name."

"My Father in heaven!

hallowed be the name of the father

may the kingdom of the father come

May the will of the Father be done on earth

like walking in the sky

my daily diet

give me today

forgive my debt

as I forgive a debt

don't call me into temptation

save me from evil

Because the kingdom, authority, and glory belong to the Father

Forever! "

The earth was full of flowers again, and the trees were covered with fruits again. Beside the Red Sea of Egypt, Moses raised his long staff, and the Red Sea parted to both sides. She stepped on the dry land under her feet and led the Israelites behind her to the other side of the Red Sea.

In her arms, a fruit lay there quietly.

"You will establish glory in Jerusalem, Apocalypse, for you are God's only begotten Son! He gave you His name, He shared His glory with you, In this world, You revealed the wisdom of mankind, in the first Era, you will be born from a virgin, and bring His glory to the world, one!"(.)

ps: The end of this volume!