Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 141: dark place


The road after the rain was muddy, mixed with broken blades of grass, excrement, hair, and some oddly shaped objects that even Chen Ang couldn't see, they were stirred by trampling horses into extremely strange-colored mud. :../

Standing on it, there is a mixed smell of rotting vegetation, feces and blood, which makes people wish to stay far away from this place. Stepping on it, the splash of muddy water made the eyelids of pedestrians jump, and there was always a disgusting stench in the air. No one wants to come to the slums after the rain, and the nobles don't even want to come here when they don't exist here.

The ghetto is hellish after it rains, but it's not much better when it's not raining.

Therefore, this place has become a place that even the tax collectors can't avoid. These greedy bony bones would rather go to the dock area to collect the last penny in the sailor's pocket than come here to dig through the rotten shacks of these poor bones. Everyone knows that only some waste products and garbage can be found here, or moldy and foul-smelling food. If they hope to find something valuable here, it is better to go to the temple area to sweep the streets, and maybe they can smelt a little gold flakes from the dust. When the goldsmiths next to the Temple of the Goddess of Fortune were smelting gold, the dust of gold would often be blown into the street by the wind.

Of course, since such a good thing was discovered, this kind of good work has been monopolized by gangs, and the work is still done by the scumbags in the slums, but the gold they fished out of the acid prepared by the wizard can only be bought at a low price. Gang hands in exchange for a little food.

Such places that are looked down upon by nobles are often places where gangs are active.

They can get everything they need from here: cheap human life and hands, hopeless poor, murder, betrayal, theft and evil, and faith! The only thing to be wary of is those paladins who don't know when they will go crazy. Besides them, who cares about the evil happening in these forgotten corners

When Chen Ang was wearing a cloak. When they appeared here, the poor people with numb expressions on both sides of the road quickly moved away from the road. They all knew that people wearing cloaks were not easy to mess with, let alone this adult.

'Bloody Hand' and 'Human Slayer' are his nicknames.

Even though it's only been a few days. Chen Ang's vicious reputation has already been known to all the poor in Deep Water City. Although I have heard of tyrants who do all kinds of evil in distant countries, liches who manipulate dead bodies, and giant dragons that turn cities into ruins, but these are too far away from the poor, and there is no 'cruel bloody hand'. More deterrent.

The leader of the Yalin Gang entrenched here made the best explanation for the murderous name of His Excellency Bloody Hand. More than one witness swears that they saw with their own eyes "Your Excellency Bloody Hand hacked Boss Yalin into pieces with a smile." Meat puree. But others also swear that the bloody hand did not do anything, but smiled and asked Yalin to help the original gang, chopping Yalin into a meat paste.

Regardless of the process, the end result is the same anyway.

Yalin died without a whole body, and the original Yalin gang. Some went mad, others became part of the Bloody Hands. Loyal, steadfast, one who will never betray.

The thugs behind Chen Ang had knotted muscles, and the eyes of the thugs who had obviously been transformed by magic were lifeless. The bloody smell on their bodies could be smelled with the eyes, so they didn't know if it was their own or someone else's. of. Bringing such a group of people to swagger through the market, no wonder even Chen Ang smiled. It looks easy to talk, but still no one dares to offend.

The reason why he came here was that Chen Ang had his own plan.

"The eyes of the gods will not leave the main material world in a short time. They have enough patience and time. On the mainland. They also have quite a strong influence. The major churches will pursue my traces like bloodhounds. .”

When Chen Ang thought of this, there was a look of interest in his eyes, he would no longer feel emotionally disturbed, uneasy, and nervous because of this trivial matter. Anger, fear and other emotions that are normal for other people have not happened to him for a long time. The good news is that his mind is stronger, but the bad thing is that he is less human.

So he is curious about the gods. The knowledge he is most interested in in the entire multiverse is the knowledge about the gods, followed by arcane and magic. Originally, according to Chen Ang's style, he would definitely create some interesting things for this world, and create some disturbances for the peaceful and chaotic world, but the rules of this universe restrict this.

In the macrocosm, the physical rules seem to have not changed anything, but in the microcosm, this universe has subverted most of the laws that Chen Ang knew. The laws of this world are so strict and strange that Chen Ang, in most knowledge Had to start over learning and experimenting. Magic nets, spell slots, planes and gods, this is a brand new world system.

Dangerous seeds grew in the darkness, changes enough to shake the foundations of this world, gradually formed by the visitation of an alien visitor, and restless gods watched the physical world from the upper planes, and they felt the throne below them was shaken.

"Boss!" The little leader guarding the garbage dump saw Chen Ang, and lowered his head in fear.

This is the garbage dump of Waterdeep City. The river that passes through the city brings the garbage into the sea. The river channel designed by scholars is fast and has a strong carrying capacity. It has multiple functions of garbage transportation and cargo transportation. For Deepwater City, it is very important. Significance.

This is also the Yalin Gang, which is now an important source of income for the Bloody Hand Gang.

A few poor people in poor clothes carefully peeped at Chen Ang. They stood in the chest-high river and used hooks and baskets to pick out useful parts from the garbage. A dry corpse floated down the water, leaving it The nearest salvager's eyes lit up, and he quickly hooked it with a hook and tied it behind his back.

Here, too, corpses have value. And it's the most valuable thing.

Because of the Church of the King of the Dead, liches and undead are extremely short of spell materials. As the god of death, Kelemvor hates undead creatures extremely, so corpses that have undergone death ceremonies are particularly difficult to desecrate. It can be said that any undead creature that tries to take advantage of these corpses, They will all be hunted down endlessly by the Church of Death.

Even if they don't, they will, of course, but at least they won't be particularly noticed.

Like these accidental deaths, the corpses abandoned in the river are very expensive. A strong adult male can even be sold for a high price of a Kindler, and the corpses of children, the elderly and the sick can also be sold for five silver Sikels. The price of a woman is variable, sometimes higher. Sometimes it is lower, and mutilated and rotting corpses can only be sold at a low price.

In the slums, the bodies of all the dead people belong to the Yalin Gang. Unless their relatives are willing to pay for the priest in the city to bury them, even then they have to endure the beatings and extortion by the gang, and each of them pays one Sickle of death money.

"Colin!" Chen Ang stared at the person in charge, which made him kneel down in fear.

Colin didn't know if Chen Ang was the kind of strong man who hated desecrating corpses, and changing the boss wasn't scary. The scary thing is that they don't know the character and temper of the new boss. If Chen Ang is a follower of Kelanwo, then he is doomed! Under normal circumstances, the boss will not wantonly kill his subordinates who work for him, but there are two exceptions.

1. He is the new boss, and he has not yet established a bloody reputation, so he needs to maintain his brutal reputation.

Second, the boss doesn't care!

Unfortunately, Chen Ang has both situations. Fortunately, Chen Ang doesn't believe anyone. So Colin was forgiven.

"You did a great job!" Chen Ang's praise made Colin heave a sigh of relief. "But there is no doubt that you can do better. You have to be careful when doing things, and the shipment is the same. Even a lich has needs. The needs of customers are our needs. We are anxious about what customers are anxious about, and think about what customers think. To better provide undead spell materials, we need to improve the quality of shipments."

"Low-level raw materials like corpses can't make much money. A corpse. How much can you make from it? Mages are not short of money, they are short of time, and we have to sell their time for our money."

Chen Ang stood up while speaking. He gestured: "In the face of such a corpse, any valuable part that can be sold for a price must continuously decompose its constituent value elements, and find out all the parts and factors that create value. Heart, liver, The spleen, lungs, and skull must be specific. Subdivided into detailed divisions, in-depth study of undead spell materials, and strive to provide materials that reach the level of standard spell-casting materials.”

"We must actively contact customers to know what they need. Is the corpse fresh or rotten? Do you want a large skeleton or a small skeleton? Can customers who only want organs accept dry organs? High-quality materials need to be analyzed in detail. For example, bones in youth are the most valuable, but organs in youth are not bad."

"We not only need to provide standard materials, but also provide special materials in depth, corpses of mercenary professionals, corpses of first-time girls, corpses full of resentment, murdered corpses, murder weapons, hair, blood of the dead, etc. We need to develop more in-depth development of neglected materials. In this way, it is the foundation for the gang to grow and become rich."

Cole is a gloomy young man. At this moment, he has stared at his new boss with stunned eyes, his eyes are full of shock and admiration. Under the detection of evil, he is already a red and purple extremely evil person. How will the crueler, crueler and more evil Chen Ang behave

It should be evil that is so thick that it is almost black!

"Cole, evil is not the purpose, but the result!" Chen Ang seemed to see through his thoughts, and said with a smile: "Think about your purpose, Cole. You don't do this for fun, excitement and fun, then This kind of person is crazy, you are a normal person. These are just jobs, money-making, profitable, jobs that allow you to have fun."

"There is no distinction between superior and inferior in survival! It has nothing to do with justice or evil, you just want to live a better life, don't you?"

The smile on Chen Ang's face made Cole feel terrified. He nodded in agreement, for fear that a huge ax would fall on his head after one step.

"You are smart, Cole, and you are welcome to join our family." Chen Ang smiled and said, "I don't care about your beliefs and positions, but pure evil makes people feel at a loss, right? No one likes to be with lunatics, those obsessed Murdered, tortured and betrayed, they don't seem to like the world, so obsessed with death...”

"So they were all sent to see Cyric and Bane." Cole thought of the source of Chen Ang's reputation as 'Blood Hand', which was dyed red with the blood of the scariest and craziest group of people in the ghetto infamous.

'Flayer', 'Decapitator', 'Bloody Skull', 'Black Hand', 'The Raven'

Crueler than cruel, more tyrannical than tyrannical, more evil than evil, this is the bloody hand that everyone fears, a serious boss full of evil ideas, that everyone fears and obeys.

"Business is business, Cole!"

Cole quickly replied: "Business is business, boss, I get it!"

"Send that Cyric statue away later!" Cole thought silently, "I shouldn't have learned those teachings some time ago, oh my god! I'm crazy to be obsessed with those things, the golden Jindler is us Faith!"

"Go back and talk to the people in Sanlin Tower and the Kingdom of the Dead, and ask them to provide some magic information or equipment for preserving the corpse." Chen Ang motioned Cole to write down what he said.

"But..." Cole was a little embarrassed. The existence of magic on the mainland is very expensive, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Don't worry, Cole! Tell them, this is to provide them with better materials, ask them to pay for the materials, the bottom line? Just 80 healthy male corpses!" Chen Ang laughed.

In this way, this transaction has the possibility of success, but now they don't have that many goods in their hands.

Cole raised his head in confusion, but saw Chen Ang looking in the direction of Waterdeep City, where there were far more than eighty Thieves Guilds and gangs.

Cole raised his pen tremblingly, and wrote down Chen Ang's order. (.)