Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 142: Cloud trap


Darkness is the perfect lover for killing!

The world of thieves is full of betrayal, deceit, and blood. The world of the dark side has its own ancient and obscure laws. Every wanderer, sneaking in the shadows, is unconsciously obeying them and practicing them. An ancient agreement with darkness. If you have reached this chapter, please move to: English. The latest chapter is like Bane and Cyric Blessed, Murder, Betrayal and Deceit, Tyranny, Hatred and Evil.

This is where their priesthood lies, and it is also the ancient origin of the laws of this world.

According to this tradition, what Chen Ang will face is a series of conspiracies and temptations from the dark forces. He also needs to use cruelty, tyranny and terror to maintain his majesty and deter any existence that dares to stretch his claws towards his territory. In the process, murder, betrayal, madness, and tyranny take place to please the evil gods to a great extent.

This kind of ritual-like tradition will greatly compete for the power of darkness. Anyone who tries to challenge this tradition will encounter deeper temptations from the dark side.

But Chen Ang doesn't care!

He has no time, energy, or interest to play these ancient games with them, so he plans to use another, more ancient dark tradition to deal with the coming crisis!

This traditional name is: The one with the big fist is the boss!

AKA, Violence Solve Everything! Including conspiracy, opposition, possible traitors, small, trivial plots and endless small troubles! If killing can't solve the problem, it must be that killing is not enough!

Violence certainly can't solve the problem, but it can at least solve most of the problems!

This is the dark logic, the strong is really an ancient and deeply rooted tradition!

Whether in light or darkness, Faerun or Greyhawk, Earth or Toril, this logic is true in most cases. With such a continuous and effective strategy, Chen Ang has no reason not to use it.

Under the shadow of dusk, Chen Ang stood in the darkness with a smile, watching the city of Deep Water in the sunset, and the black shadows behind him gradually blurred under the hazy twilight. Suddenly there was a icy chill.

Deep Water City lived up to its name. It has the best deep water port in the entire southern half of the bay. In fact, the name of Deep Water City originated from this. This is the largest cargo distribution port in the south! The merchants here offer rich offerings to Umberi and Talos, not to pray for their protection, but to avoid the wrath of the gods.

In this prosperous city, where money brings evil, it's actually surrounded by forces of good. But the power of evil is even stronger. Many paladins regard this evil city as a thorn in their side, but because of the delicate political situation and the economic status of Waterdeep, they are helpless.

Protecting the goodness of order, facing the evil of order itself, is powerless like a joke. In this respect, they are not even comparable to the group of idiots who are chaotic and kind.

The dock area is the source of wealth in Waterdeep City. The wealth flowing here has grown to a level that is almost comparable to thirty red dragons in the past two hundred years, of course. Definitely not some freak with an ancient Roman name, but a standard adult red dragon who likes bling and bling and has the same aesthetic as a dwarf.

So, here are the thieves! The only thing that drives them is not belief, not faction, but naked money, one of the most powerful existences in the entire world, the supreme god of the universe, Manny! The entire main material world. More than 60% of intelligent creatures are its devout believers, and it exercises its supreme divine power through the glittering divine power.

Chen Ang thought that the evil beliefs of Cyric and Bane were too out of style. Tyranny and murder are always just a means to an end, not the end itself, evil for the sake of evil, murder for murder, tyranny for tyranny, it sounds so stupid!

Only God Manny is enough to be the most faithful faith of wanderers and darkness. It has never disappointed its believers, and it is the same in the multiverse and different worlds.

With only a little bit of power from this great god, Chen Ang successfully obtained the information he wanted. Of course, this was also related to the few bloody corpses in the tavern, and eight deliverables were available.

Rogues like to hide in small and complicated terrain. Unfortunately, Chen Ang also likes it, because the pure steel hand crossbow he made can only exert terrifying lethality within 50 feet, and the pulling force of composite materials does not reach 5,000. Pound is really sorry for technological civilization. Even so, those cautious, mouse-like wanderers, are troublesome.

They don't have a fixed stronghold, and they don't seem to have much influence, but if they don't control them, they will never be able to talk about controlling the underground world. In this way, it is meaningless to deal with the Thieves Guild in Waterdeep City.

In order not to disturb these quick-witted little mice, Chen Ang's actions must be ruthless, fast, accurate, and steady! With a crisp speed, let the Thieves Guild become history.

No rogue should be underestimated. They are cautious and thoughtful. During long-term training, their senses are sharp and their intuition is strong. They can hardly be ambushed or attacked. Every rogue is extremely careful, even a little neurotic and pathological. , but a rogue who loses this trait quickly disappears into this cruel world.

It's not difficult to kill a rogue, even a cautious fox can't beat a good hunter, but it's extremely difficult to completely annihilate a rogue organization. What's more, such an ancient behemoth like the Thieves Guild, even if it is a branch, is not easy to mess with.

To do this, the most important condition is intelligence!

"Population is a precious asset!" Chen Ang stood on the tallest sentry tower in the slums, pointing to the stretch of shacks below and said, this used to be a lighthouse near the harbor, since businessmen who came and went abandoned the forward camp established in the slums , eradicating the evil creatures entrenched in the most favorable terrain, after the establishment of Waterdeep City, it was abandoned, but it is still the tallest building in the slums.

It was also an important stronghold of the original Yalin Gang.

"Wealth and value will not be created out of thin air, we need these..." Chen Ang pointed to the numb poor below, and then pointed to the artisan area near the dock area in the distance: "And these!"

"Only the combination of tools and population can create wealth for us!" Chen Ang signaled, in front of him, several backbones of the Blood Hand Gang were thoughtful, they were all selected by Chen Ang, in Chen Ang's view Not such a stupid subordinate. "So, I need you to create wealth more efficiently and control the population!"

"But what should we do? Are we using the lowly untouchables here to build workshops?" Lek, the accountant of the Blood Hand Gang, wondered, "The people here are too stupid! They are not enough without noble blood. to take on higher intellectual tasks. They can't learn a craft, and they can't read!"

"I know!" Chen Ang said slowly, he stared at the suspected human beings huddled indifferently by the roadside, these people who have been struggling on the edge of survival for generations. Their intelligence and ability have degenerated to an extremely dangerous situation. Compared with the nobles with excellent genetics, their intelligence gap has almost become two species.

"But a dog is valuable! You just lack the eyes to see them. To make them create value, you need to let them see hope!" Chen Ang said seriously.

"Hope?" Lek and his classmates chewed on this unfamiliar vocabulary, feeling the 'Bloody Hand' in front of them. Looks like one of those priests of the good gods trying to preach in the ghetto.

"Yes, hope is a good thing! It can make the lazy become diligent, the ignorant become shrewd, and the numb and lifeless people become hard-working and passionate." Chen Ang smiled, just looking at Leke Come like a devil, "Give them a little cheap hope in exchange for their own and hard work. Creating wealth and value for us is a fair business, isn't it?"

"What a precious thing hope is! Freedom and money would be fair in exchange for it!"

Lieke heard Chen Ang's low voice, because it contained a deep darkness like an abyss, he shivered, and he no longer dared to doubt the evil and terror of his boss. Can come up with such an idea like a devil's contract, isn't his boss really a high-level devil who incarnated in hell and came to the world

"They need a role model, a role model, a person of the same kind who can change their own destiny through their own efforts and struggles! We want them to believe that through their own efforts and struggles, they can get rid of this fate. Hope. Not because of luck. Not because of other factors, but relying on my own efforts to achieve a successful example!"

Chen Ang asked in a low voice: "Do you understand what I mean?"

"But..." Lieke was a little hesitant. Encouraged by Chen Ang, he dared to question: "There is no such person! Such a person cannot exist!"

"Then create one!" Chen Ang replied without hesitation.

"Even if it's cheating, it's for their own good! Identify those who are likely to succeed. Give them a little help to achieve results that would never have been possible. It's not difficult, as long as we loosen their necks a little bit The ropes, let them breathe a sigh of relief, they can do such a thing!"

"But they won't believe it..."

"No, they will! People in deep despair will crazily believe in an illusory dream. They will force themselves to believe this, because no hope is better than no hope. Let them believe this and get that poor Consolation, it's not such a bad thing! There's nothing scarier than this, is it?"

"But it will be revealed soon! When we harvest our wealth from them, they will find themselves with nothing again, and they will continue to live like salted fish, and will hate us even more!" Lek took out With the greatest courage in his life, he questioned Chen Ang.

"It won't be exposed!" Chen Ang said personally: "We have to change the method. If we kill the lambs, they will fight desperately, but if we harvest their milk and fur, they will endure. Be careful with you lamb!"

"Let's put it another way! The poor have no identity, they are not the lambs of the lord, nor are they the freemen of the city, they are helpless, and no one will accept them. This means that they can only live under our control. Among them! It is a breeze to choose a channel to harvest their wealth, our hair and milk."

Chen Ang continued to smile and said: "There are many means! We can lend them loans, or open a bank to let them save money. Of course, these are very difficult to operate and are not suitable for us. Where we can directly control, we have The thing of decisive value, the land! The land here is ours!"

"We buy the land here at a low price, then hire the cheap people here, build that land, and finally sell the built house at an astonishing price, reaping the wealth of those people's life! They have no choice but to And they won't complain! Because it's business, and business is business!"

Facing those gang members who stared at him dumbfounded, and even a little afraid of him, Chen Ang's face was calm.

"This is a long-term plan. Now we have some more convenient ways to harvest our wealth!" Chen Ang led a group of people back to the tower. Inside was a small greenhouse, which was taken care of by a low-level druid. Yes, there are clumps of inconspicuous herbs growing in it.

The most conspicuous of those plants are the lobed lanceolate slender leaves, palm-shaped, dark green on the surface, white fluff on the young leaves on the back, and hairless adult leaves, with coarse serrations like inwardly curved edges.

This is a special product of the earth, a certain kind of tobacco that the Dutch people like to hear, and it is also an improved version from another world. It can refresh your mind, lift your spirits, and make you happy without changing the taste! At the same time reduce its toxicity hazards.

It is not a problem to quit a dozen times a day.

A social organization that does not sell tobacco is not a dynamic social organization! With this special product as a lubricant, Chen Ang's organization began to grow vigorously, and the tobacco sold in the name of magic materials provided the Blood Hands with a large amount of coveted funds.

If pure funds are not enough to cause a violent reaction from the dark world, then a new species and a new product with huge profits are enough to trigger the greed of the entire underground world.

It's a greedy trap!

The rogues don't have to look for it, they just come to their door! It also brought a lot of information about the dark world. (.)