Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 143: Toxic Monarch


In the laboratory under the watchtower, a green goblin is chained to a test bench. :.

It looked at Chen Ang in fear, trembling almost madly, struggling, and howling heart-piercingly with the wonderful brilliance emitted by the magic vessel in Chen Ang's hand. In its chaotic brain, the fear of Chen Ang was already unforgettable. It was a painful memory. For this little creature with no IQ, fear and nightmares were engraved in what little of its weak soul it had.

"Master... Master, don't! Master!" The goblin trembled all over, screamed and uttered a few clear lingua franca, this kind of behavior has surpassed 99% of its kind, and reached a unique level among goblins . You know, mages have had a dispute for two epochs over whether goblins count as intelligent beings.

But a miracle happened here. Under the pressure of extreme fear, a wild goblin showed the performance of intelligent creatures. Facts proved that under the threat of extreme terror, any creature has the ability to stimulate the potential of intelligence.

"The 12th test of the pseudo-base alanine extraction solution, the goblin sample!" Chen Ang said indifferently, the pure blue powder in his hand shone with magical brilliance, the cold and pure color seemed to calm people down completely . Manzanine, extracted from plants, was altered through alchemy to produce this arcane version of the cold poison potion.

No matter how frantically the goblin struggled and begged, Chen Ang still firmly injected the medicine into its veins. With the spread of the blue potion, the struggling goblin gradually calmed down. Its pupils began to dilate slightly, its heartbeat changed from rapid to gentle, and its ferocious face became calm, even a little calm and detached.

Chen Ang let go of the goblin, opened its crumbling eyelids, and watched the goblin's eyes change from lax to extremely concentrated, rational, calm, and even wise. The goblin lightly untied the iron chain on his left hand, which surprised Chen Ang, although Chen Ang specially used a lock with a relatively simple structure. But this kind of fine steel lock, even the official wanderer has to work hard!

"Master! 9527 is reporting to you!" The goblin crawled obediently at Chen Ang's feet.

9527 is its serial number, and the program under study, Chen Ang, also read it in front of them, of course in a chaotic and extremely noisy environment. Surprisingly, 9527 recalled it right away, which even most humans couldn't do, which meant that the intelligence value of this goblin had reached at least 12 points at this moment.

Pseudomyl phenylalanine has a good performance in human trials. Aside from its refreshing and miraculous effect on the earth, in this world, this deoxygenated flavin has a magical effect like a magic potion, and it performs extremely well in spellcasting concentration checks and skill checks. It is equivalent to a weakened version of Fox's Cunning.

It even has quite powerful effects on mage meditation and spellcasting.

In this world, it is also a very effective potion, widely welcomed by spellcasters and nobles. Of course, this is also a demon-like potion, which can bring intelligence and understanding to the user. Even the improvement of the contact efficiency of the magic net (far surpassing those expensive spices), taking it for a short period of time, the hidden effect is not obvious.

But the benefits it brings to the user will be returned thousands of times, ten thousand times, just like the promise of the devil, the surface is beautiful and full of temptation, but in essence it is extremely evil! So the full name of this potion is called "Devil's Ice Temptation".

This is not the most powerful place of this potion!

Its most terrifying ability is to improve the meditation efficiency of the caster. This ability can even be given to goblins, kobolds, and ogres, which are suspected intelligent creatures within the validity period. Possibility to become a Master! Not a warlock, not a priest, but a mage known for his wisdom and knowledge!

But, like its name. This ability is also the promise of the devil. It looks nice, but it's actually an even scarier trap! To exert this miraculous effect, it needs more than ten times the dosage of normal human beings, that is to say, a city addiction!

A mage who consumes ice poison must make a DC 14 Will save once a day. And each round of taking the drug, the check bonus +1. If the will check fails and refuses to continue taking the ice poison, the mage will fall into paralysis, poisoning, helplessness, attribute decline, disease, fear, depression, panic and dizziness, a total of more than nine negative states.

And the degree is increased by the increase of check bonus.

A mage who succeeds in the will check will be affected by nine negative states with half the normal check bonus.

A mage who fails the check will have to take more ice poison in order to maintain his normal mind and cast spells. Such mages are called magic addicts, and magic addicts can obtain spell slots after taking the poison of ice every day. After the magic addict's Will check DC exceeds 50, the spellcasting ability will be related to the ice poison.

After taking more than five times the daily dose of Ice Poison, the wizard will be able to reset all of his spell slots. Repeated consumption of Ice Poison will restore a corresponding number of spell slots depending on the dose and body size.

Chen Ang is still figuring out the special ability of the magic addict mage, but its ability to control mages and evil creatures is unique. This evil method was gathered for him two weeks after Chen Ang conducted the potion experiment. An evil force of more than a thousand men was captured. Although most of the members are goblins, there are also powerful races such as gnolls and ogres.

The number of spellcasters in the army is astonishingly high. There are more than fifty low-level spellcasters, most of whom are magic addicts. Of course, they are still increasing and eliminating at an extremely fast speed. On average, every five magic addicts, There was a former magic addict who became a loser because his will test could not keep up with the supply speed of Chen Ang's potion.

The heartless are crazy and tyrannical, and will attack all creatures that come into sight indiscriminately, but Chen Ang can control and drive them through the poison of ice. In addition to the poison of ice, Chen Ang also developed the 'Crazy Blood' based on An Fei's life, and the 'Water of Passion' based on Cocbromine. , growing rapidly.

In Waterdeep City, from the port area to the aristocratic area, an undercurrent is secretly surging. Because of the popularity of a certain kind of tobacco, the entire underground world of Waterdeep City has turned its attention to the little-known 'Blood Hand Gang'. The entire port area is in a commotion because of this magical magic spice! A silent and sinister undercurrent is surging towards the 'Blood Hands'.

The forces of all parties are already salivating for this piece of fat, and the only reason they can still restrain their temper is that the Thieves Guild, the uncrowned king of the underground forces in Deepwater City, is calm, and everyone knows it. This is an oath to the sphere of influence. Naturally, they are not protecting the 'Blood Hands', but are declaring:

"This prey is on my territory!"

"Master!" 9527 stood up from the ground. Faint magic net fluctuations have appeared on his body. Chen Ang is very interested in this mutated goblin. Goblin is the only species that can react with these 'special {drugs' by blood. 9527's intellectual performance has already far surpasses its peers.

The modified version of the pseudo-alanine extraction solution is on the goblin. It has played an irreversible transformation role. According to Chen Ang's anatomy, the goblin's brain is only the size of a walnut. Even if 9527 is mutated, it is only the size of a fist. But the structure of their brains is extremely special, and the folds of their brains are several orders of magnitude higher than those of humans.

Simply put the folds of the mucous membrane of the small intestine into the brain!

In their brains, a part of the shrunken part has traces of high intelligence. In Chen Ang's view, the structure and molecules are very similar to the X-Men world, the biological computer developed by China. This means that the goblins may have come from a fallen civilization. A high-tech civilization capable of loading biological computing chips.

Because of Chen Ang's abuse of {drugs, the goblins awakened their once high intelligence due to an extremely coincidental reason, and because of the side effects of the drugs, their brains had to create a gland that secretes alkali poisons. Now 9527 is just an isolated case, but Chen Ang will soon discover these and promote this variation.

It is foreseeable that in the future, on the stage of Faerun Continent, there will be a place for these "magic-addicted goblins".

"9527, according to the laboratory regulations. You will be given limited freedom. Now you can leave the No. 1 storage room and enter the No. 3 shelter for experimental objects!" Chen Ang said calmly, and he continued to devote himself to the analysis of the drug experiment data .

"Yes! Master. The great ruler of evil, the lord of addiction, the shadow of nightmares and the lord of poison!" 9527 piously kissed the ground under Chen Ang's feet: "I will be your loyal servant! The practice of evil Or, your will is the driving force for our survival! Your order is our only mission!"

9527 bowed his head in awe, his fear and awe of Chen Ang had been deeply engraved in his soul. Because of the rule of the law, Chen Ang will have unquestionable control over them and gain their pious belief.

Of course, the names of the gods they believe in are Lord of Addiction and Lord of Poison.

If Chen Ang develops the path of magic addiction, he will definitely have a place in the bottomless abyss, and the abyss will undoubtedly favor this demon king, and his magic addiction army will shock the entire multiverse. In fact, the evil force of the multiverse has already favored Chen Ang, and the will of the abyss longs for his degeneration, and his soul will be the darling of the entire abyss.

Passing by the material room, 9527 stared at those same kind with dull eyes and numbness, watching them frantically rush into the cracks in the railing because of the smell of ice poison, and stretched out two short green hands out of the railing, Grabbing madly at 9527. The same kind with drooling eyes, the same kind with bloodshot eyes, the same kind who is crazy, the same kind who is crazy.

The only thing they can do is to use various languages: common language, dwarf language, elf language, giant language, 9527 even heard a magic-addicted spellcaster goblin shout the same sentence in dragon language full of elemental power.

"Give me medicine! Give me medicine! Master, our master give me! Give me!..."

9527 stood in front of them, showing a cruel and merciless smile.

It said hoarsely: "You reptiles are not worthy of being my kind! Only under the master's will can I have my kind. Goblins are noble, they are the master's followers, and they are favored by evil! We are evil and powerful , we are united under one banner to practice the great will of our master.”

"Praise the master! Praise the magic addiction! Praise the evil!"

9527 felt a powerful energy surging in his body, his skin became red, and he sprayed out a strong alkali poison from his mouth, and the dark blue poisonous mist floated into the goblins, making them crazily agitated.

"Yo Yo check it out!"

The goblins obsessively sucked the dark blue poisonous mist in the air. They excitedly looked at 9527 standing behind the railing, and forcibly broke the iron fence with thick arms. They were fearless and powerful. Like superimposed five layers of bloodlust, 9527 swarmed frantically, becoming its most chaotic and crazy army.

The goblins, who don't know pain, are so clear-headed but extremely crazy, their fighting power is not inferior to the general army. The goblins who are completely in a state of rage can resist most of the charm spells, and they can be called the cheapest and most cost-effective army! If they are equipped with excellent equipment, their combat effectiveness will not be inferior to that of ordinary elite troops.

Magic-addicted spellcasters, magic-addicted warlocks, magic-addicted druids, and magic-addicted priests, after the spellcasters grow up, this army may not be able to shine in Faerun!

Chen Ang took a look, and those goblins crawling at the feet of 9527 turned their heads and threw themselves into the experiment.

9527 led the goblin and knelt at his feet.

The goblins shouted in fear and excitement: "Master, master!"

"The great Lord of Demon Addiction, the King of Poisons, the evil favors me! I follow your guidance, learn your teachings, practice your way, your will, is the only purpose of our existence!"

"Go, bring back more of your people! Build your own workshops in the mine, cultivate more magic-addicted spellcasters, and conquer more evil creatures for me, 9527! I order you to be their commander, for Let me form an elite Maharaja to completely rule the evil country in the wilderness! Learn the civilization of intelligent creatures, create your own civilization, and develop your own power!"

"Your order! Will be thoroughly carried out where we are. Your will! Will be the only voice in the wilderness!" (.)