Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 145: Prelude to conspiracy


Therefore, unlike most taverns filled with drunken sailors, rude mercenaries, hard-pressed adventurers and travelers, this place is favored by businessmen from all over the world. Bad things with good intentions are eyeing. Sometimes, small nobles and high-level adventurers will also settle here.

The bartender here, Rhyme, is a very unfriendly-looking person. A scar almost tore off half of his face. These scars with obvious traces of acid spells indicate a thrilling battle. When several extraordinary guests entered the tavern in a file, the well-informed old man just raised his eyes, then lowered his head and continued to wipe the wine glass in his hand.

"Please take us to Moore's room! Give me some more beer, grilled fish and local fruits..." A slender woman with a hood said to Lime in a low voice. She hesitated and continued: "Give me more We will open two rooms and prepare a bucket of hot water, thank you."

"Is it Moore, the fur trader?" The old bartender stared at her for a while with cloudy eyes, and said slowly.

"No, it's Moore, the spice merchant!" The hooded woman pondered for a moment before affirming.

There is no very large forest near Waterdeep City, and high-quality furs are not produced here. What kind of fur merchants would come here to do business? Merchants who buy high-quality leather goods in Northland will live in the port area nearby even if they pass by Waterdeep City.

'Spice Merchant' Moore's room is very hidden, but the field of vision is very wide. A faint shadow behind the hooded woman observed the surroundings covertly, and made a gesture indicating that there was no abnormality, and a group of people stepped in. This is a somewhat small room.

This is a team of adventurers.

That's right, I found the Fate Clay Tablet. He rescued the goddess Vol'jin, thwarted the evil plan of the son of Baal, and eliminated the god of tyranny Bane, which had a decisive impact on the history of Faerun. A team of adventurers exists hidden behind the veil of historical mystery. They can always get all kinds of help for various reasons, and then do feats that are not surprising no matter what.

Including but not limited to, killing gods and raising gods. Rescue a god from the demonic lord of the Abyss...

They are the natural enemies of the dragon clan, the nemesis of evil, the destroyers of the conspiracy, and of course they are also weapons that some people can use. In fact, whenever there is a fierce conflict of interests in a region, there will be such a lucky team. The adventurers in the world accepted some inexplicable commissions, and then got involved in a huge conspiracy.

Like... , now!

"Bloody Hand is a very mysterious person. There is not much news about him, and most of them are sensational rumors," Moore was a little gloomy and didn't like to talk. He didn't look like a businessman, but rather A rogue, he doesn't seem to care about exposing it either.

"But we do know that he was a very fearsome man with excellent swordsmanship. We found only a very small wound on the skinner's body, which penetrated his heart from his armpit."

"From the armpits? That's not easy!"

"Not easy. Especially when we found his weapon..."

The hooded woman began to be a little curious, she leaned forward slightly, and whispered: "What is it that surprised you so much?"

"It was a long, narrow leaf. Two feet five inches long and two inches wide, a palm tree leaf, with morning dew on it. The etheric plane tells us that this thing pierced a 200-pound man Heart. The prophecy mage said the guy didn't even have time to fight back. Feeling his new companion in his heart."

"It sounds like I picked something casually by the side of the road." The woman's voice was rare and dignified.

"That's not a good thing. The skinner wailed for quite a long time, and every beat of his heart brought him immeasurable pain. In fact, there was such a palm tree in the skinner's home , we found him below." Moore said nervously, taking a sip of the black tea in front of him.

"But that doesn't prove anything? Skinner doesn't sound like a good person's name." The woman shook her head.

"Yes, that's a bastard who likes to skin people, but the bloody hand..." Moulton paused, his voice a little dry: "It's a person who can bring fear!"

"Not long ago, a professional inquired for us. You have heard of his name. I watched him disappear into the air under the palm tree, and then I never saw him again. Show up. In the shadows, everywhere you can think of, wanderers trying to get to the ghettos end up disappearing there."

"The shadows didn't protect them. The veil that used to cover their bodies became a dagger against their throats. If I could, I would rather not see those things again." Moore's eyes could not shake the fear.

"If you want to hire us, you should provide more detailed information." The woman in the hood was unmoved and emphasized.

Moore spread his hands, buried his face deeply in it, and raised his head again after a while: "The best wanderers can use the power of shadows, they can jump in the shadows, lurk under the brightest lights, Their daggers are as flexible as their fingers. But there, the shadows become an abyss that swallows them, and they lurk silently, dying quietly... "

"That person is like a ghost, coming behind the most vigilant wanderers, taking their lives in their hiding places, and some people die silently, in the most remote and unexpected corners..."

"I've heard of it!" the woman giggled, "There was an old woman who found a dead body in her kettle, so she had to smash the little kettle to get that horrible thing out."

"That's the best thief here, he can sneak through the smallest gap and sneak into the most heavily guarded fortress!" Moore's voice was a little annoyed.

"Sorry! I didn't know you were his friend." The woman stopped laughing and apologized, "We've heard a lot about things like this here. Some of those corpses are in tree trunks, some are underground, and even more Many are hidden in some hidden corners. What did the prophecy mage find? Didn't you invite a priest?"

"The prophecies had no worthwhile consequences, they were there, and died, as happened naturally, as if death had favored them..."

"Okay! We have accepted this task. But we can give it up at any time. This is my condition. Regarding the issue of compensation, we still need to talk about it..."

Sulfur, flames, ferocious ogres and goblins, twisted, radiant, heavy and piercing steel, sharp spikes and edges, blazing red steel protruding from any unexpected angle and position prick.

It's not hell, but it's better than hell.

Under the expansion of the kobolds, the underground space is getting wider and wider. The exquisite mechanical pillars make this place solid. This is not something that kobolds with an intelligence of only 5 can do. They may be able to dig a stable cave, but they must definitely do it. It's not like digging a real city underground. Only civilization can perform such miracles.

Mage, or priest.

Of course, it may also be a goblin engineer.

These evil and chaotic little things, mud-like beings, have worked a miracle! Every day, tens of thousands of sticks of ice poison glowing with blue light are distributed to the goblins, and even become the currency circulating among them. No goblin can refuse this magical potion, they are eager, and their hearts are clamoring for this kind of thing crazily.

Let the magic addiction gradually dominate their consciousness. These longing feelings are more firm and tenacious than belief, reproduction, survival, and even self, and even dominate the personality and self of these little things.

Day by day, there are more and more losers who lose themselves and chase the poison of ice like walking dead, but based on the huge base of goblins, the number of supplementary people easily makes up for this gap, and the magic addiction of staying awake There are also more and more people, and the number even exceeds that of the heartbroken.

The goblins injected with the poison of ice in large quantities became more and more paranoid and crazy. The magic addiction tried to dominate their consciousness all the time, and at the same time made them more and more intelligent.

In the abyss underground of Waterdeep City, more than 5,000 goblins built a huge underground complex below, and built a large laboratory for Chen Ang. (.)