Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 146: ferocious creature


The port area, the core area, and the aristocratic area have complete drainage facilities and a complex underground labyrinth, just like another city.

There are plenty of gamblers, vagabonds, and cultists wandering here, as well as warblers and thieves, doing their own evil deeds in the dark alleys. Pirates and smugglers are frequent visitors here. They cannot appear in the city openly. Only here can they find a place that can accommodate them and rest comfortably.

Smelly, bloody Kindler makes this place as prosperous as the port area, and a lot of dirt here is exchanged for Kindler at a low price, and then quickly consumed in rum, gambling tables and streams. Yingying's body.

In the deepest part of the complex dungeon, the dark passage hub of the dungeon, shrouded in various magical auras and evil sanctuaries, is the location of the Thieves Guild, and everyone knows it here! However, in the face of the intricate and dense tunnels where countless magical auras have been stabilized by mages, warlocks, and warlocks, prediction spells and detection spells are almost powerless.

Not to mention the dirty secrets hidden in the dark depths of the Sanlinta Society, demon cults and evil god worship groups.

Except for the Thieves Guild that built this place, no force or individual can figure out how many secret passages there are in the dungeon. And hundreds of years ago, the Thieves Guild imposed a large-scale spell ceremony here, desecrating all the land under Waterdeep City, and arranged a large-scale evil place holy residence. Since then, every change here will be reflected in the secret map of the Thieves Guild.

This is also one of the reasons why the Thieves Guild has always maintained its status as the underground leader in Waterdeep City.

"These things are unusual!"

In the depths of this mysterious thieves' guild, a man's deep voice sounded in a dark room. A middle-aged man with an ordinary face raised his head from the black mist map on the table, and he looked at the opposite president with some anxiety.

"The blurry area on the map is getting bigger and bigger, the bottom part has been distorted into a dark flame, more than one-fifth of the dungeon area. The blurry area can only see a shadow, we are gradually losing the understanding of this place control!"

The president carefully fumbled for the map in his hand. Seeing the large black flames representing the extreme chaos and darkness above, I was very upset. "We are in an unfavorable situation. The prophecy has been strongly interfered with by spells, and we know nothing about the enemy! Where is the information I want?"

"President, more than 80 rogues have disappeared, and several teams with priests and mages have also disappeared."

"Missing? There are often people missing in this city, but that is for their superficial identities. The conspiracy, evil, and murder related to them in the underground world are well known to us. Intelligence is our life, and the rule of the nobles can rely on order, and of the Underworld our rule is concealment and intelligence."

Falling into anger and hatred, the president, with his cold nails, scratched the soft leather scroll on the table, "We are rooted in this city, deeply plunged into its sinful soil, and are inseparable from it. Here flows Blood and dirt, profit and wealth are the source of our existence."

"We have encountered many crises, including rejection from the nobles, attacks from the gods of good and order. There are also encroachments from the Sanlin Tower Society, Shadow Thieves, Dragon Worship and Fear Church, but none of these have threatened our fundamentals. .Because the Thieves Guild is co-existing with this city, we have already merged into the darkness of this city."

"In the breath of this city, we are the ones who set up casinos, we are the ones who extort gambling debts, we are the ones who blackmail us, and we are the ones who kidnap. We are the ones who consume the excess population of this city. All these are like flesh and blood. It’s like a millstone. Squeeze the blood out of the excess population here to feed the city.”

"This is the soil on which the guild lives! It is also our inexhaustible source! As long as we are still deeply controlling the evil soil of this city. No one can uproot us from this city."

The president looked straight into the man's eyes and said coldly: "The symbol of this kind of control lies in intelligence. We have to see this city to control it!"

Deeper underground, on the long river of lava, the scorching air distorted Chen Ang's expression.

In front of him is a scene that can make people have nightmares, pale skeleton, neatly separated muscles and organs, dark red, dark red, bright red, pale, different colors are clearly distinguished, even organized of. Those biological tissues, following their internal laws and functions, are classified in a very scientific way,

Extremely orderly and serious, revealing a purposeful cruelty, this kind of cruelty does not lie in venting cruelty and blood, but an extreme equality of cruelty, this attitude of life and death as one, and all things being equal, makes any An existence that has a sense of identification with life, I feel shuddering.

If a lich sees this scene, he will definitely classify the biological organs and tissues here, revealing the accumulation of knowledge about life functions and biology, worship them, and admire the ideas and knowledge contained in them.

But to Chen Ang, it was just a standard experiment.

Ferocious animals are really a kind of wonderful existence, this kind of creatures without magic power, but with extremely powerful body strength, are bigger, tougher, and more ferocious than their prototypes, and their bodies are usually mutated, muscles and bones Extreme changes have taken place compared to their normal counterparts.

This change, which is also imitated by fighters, is called ferocity.

Fascia, abnormal muscles and strengthened bones are not the focus of Chen Ang's research, because changes in appearance are the easiest to model and dissect, but in-depth research on such changes has a different charm. On the continent of Faerun, the formal training of fighters will use herbs, magic, and even divine arts to strengthen the process of ferocity.

But what they focus on is to imitate the alienation results of ferocious animals, and use these external forces to form ferocious organizations in advance. Only a very small number of mages will curiously explore the mysteries. Unfortunately, due to the long-standing contempt of spellcasters for non-magical abilities, their research in this area is not good enough.

Regarding the deep mysteries of violence, only the gods with the warrior priesthood are proficient and understand this knowledge, and Chen Ang lacks the channels to obtain these materials unless he attacks the temple.

The expansion of the magic-addicted goblins in the swamp and wilderness brought Chen Ang a large number of research samples, and the ever-expanding group of spellcasters controlled and infiltrated the city more and more tightly. This created a good research environment for him.

Therefore, Chen Ang's understanding of ferocity, and even its internal laws and knowledge, has been deepening at an astonishing speed. For most of the knowledge in the field of non-magic, Chen Ang's research has achieved considerable results very easily. At present, it seems that the obstacles generally involve the field of magic.

This result has created an unfortunate fact for Waterdeep City.

The increase in the ferocity of humanoids!

Ferocious goblins and ferocious kobolds are no longer a small trouble, and ferocious ogres and ferocious demon addicts are quite a terrible threat. Perhaps compared to fighters, their fighting skills and weapon control are very crude, but Chen Under the control of Ang's ingenious methods of violence and killing instinct, these evil creatures still possess quite terrifying threatening capabilities.

The low-level magic items produced by mana addicts in large quantities in the magma will make up for their lack of spell resistance, as well as goblins and ogres, a large number of spellcasters provided by the unique racial talents of kobolds, mana addicts goblin mages, mana addicts Ogre wizard, magic addicted kobold dragon vein warlock.

An evil force belonging to Chen Ang, in the underground of the deep water city, showed its ferociousness for the first time, hiding minions.

"9527, pay attention to monitor the vital signs of the test subject. Check the injection device and medicine..." Chen Ang ordered while carefully observing the semi-violent muscle tissue.

9527 took short legs, and quickly ran to the other side from the edge of the cross in the distance. While checking whether the goblins hanging above were restrained tightly, he adjusted the potion and injection position. Most of the goblins who came here were lost minds whose sanity had been destroyed by magic addiction, and their resistance to charm spells was quite high.

Only ferocious and stimulant potions can be used together to maintain strong Will rolls against charm spells. ()