Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 148: ready to move


The superficial identity is an ordinary adventurer, but the adventure team composed of good forces coordinated by the Harper Alliance is very distressed. Of course, it wasn't because of the so-called spice merchant Moore's entrustment. They always regarded it as a joke. The Sanlin Tower Society behind Moore and the Harpist are mortal enemies. The only reason why they could restrain themselves from slashing him when they met was the Harpist's usual low-key style.

The reason for their distress is still because of Chen Ang! The target of this mission seemed to have disappeared. It had been quite a while, and they could no longer hear the slightest news about the target.

It's like he disappeared from this world!

The slums are changing day by day, and the lingering smell of blood on the long list listed by the harpist is by no means ineffective, the skinner, the butcher, the blood eye, these humble and troublesome people Characters, even a harpist would find them tricky. It's not because of any big figures, but because of the intricate forces behind them.

These brokers, stewards, low-level priests, and those in the middle class who are controlled by the big shots in Waterdeep City may not have great strength and influence, but they are enough trouble, because they are part of the city's order!

The captain of the adventure team, the half-elf Erwin, looked at the eleven-inch-long list in his hand, with an indescribably ugly expression on his face. Behind the densely packed names on it were the corpses of dregs like skinners and butchers.

The bartender Lime carelessly wiped the clay cup in his hand, but kept his eyes on the door of the tavern for a moment. His thick knuckles moved on the rough clay cup inch by inch, and the tense muscles under the sackcloth relaxed. , these hands can break the neck of a twelve-foot ogre in an instant.

"Harper didn't have to work hard on him!" Rhyme was well aware of the fruits of his work. "The whole city knew about it. He wouldn't survive Midsummer's Eve. Nobody can get away with offending so many people." , and get out of this city alive!"

Although he said it very easily, Erwin's expression never relaxed for a moment, but stared at the table thoughtfully, "The Harper's principle: You can not participate, but you must understand! We need to confirm his position. Only then It is up to us to decide our attitude. Harper has his own principles!"

"Yes, if it is not a crime, there will be no trial! I can already recite it with my eyes closed."

"If it is not a crime, there shall be no judgment. Harper's actions are not motivated by interests, but by our positions and principles, so the attitude and position of the target is very important to us, because that determines our positions and actions. "Erwin looked very serious, "You have provided too little information about Bloody Hand. He has no origin, identity, occupation and camp. He is like a ghost that appeared out of thin air. No one will be without a past!" "

"But he countered the divination spell!" Lime complained: "I have tried divine spells and spells! The casters have not yet been able to get rid of those damn illusions, and the mages of the divination school have refused to try to cast spells. They The only thing that is certain is that the other party feels like returning home in the etheric plane, 'like a fish in water'!"

"Phantom?" Erwin asked puzzled.

"Yes, anyone who tries to spy on his fate. Will be troubled by the etheric plane, and their vision will be fixed in a shallow form of the etheric plane. Deprived of the ability to perceive the material plane. After a long time, Intelligence will be severely damaged! One mage even fell in love with the alien creature he summoned, an ooze monster called Saya!"

"Eye of the Ancients! Ooze monster?" Erwin showed an unacceptable expression.

Lime nodded with regret: "It is said that his etheric vision is very close to the senses of the ooze monster. As a result, he learned to communicate with the ooze monster, and also reaped his own love. You must know that in the ooze monster, that is What a beauty!"

"His mentor..." Elwin didn't finish his sentence. It was interrupted by Rhyme.

"This is not a bad thing for his mentor! A curse with research value is much more important than an apprentice, not to mention that he didn't lose that apprentice. There are too many weirdos in the mage, so what if there are more? "

"You can ask the priest to 'remove the curse'!" Elwin didn't want to say any more about the ooze monster. It just sent tingles down her spine.

Lime shook his head regretfully, "It's useless! Strictly speaking, this is not a curse. Their vision is not an illusion created by negative energy, but another level of reality in the world. This reality is hard to shake. It's more like the soul is contaminated with the essence of the etheric plane. It is essentially similar to the price of a prophecy spell, which cannot be lifted by a divine spell."

"And I hear the oozes are great!" Rhyme gave a candid smile. "He seems to like it!"

Duo! With a soft sound, Lime turned his head to look at the arrow that had sunk into the solid wood against his scalp, and closed his mouth wisely. He spread his hands towards the ranger girl opposite him, signaling himself to shut up.

"Jacassi? Lime has no malice!" Erwin taught a few words helplessly.

The ranger girl didn't appreciate it, she stepped forward and pulled out the arrow from the wood, it seemed that it took a lot of effort, not everyone can pierce armor with a light bow! "Without prophecy spells, what do we know? What we know now, we don't need to sneak in and spy, and we can hear more details in the roadside tavern!"

"We need to be more specific. His camp, his tendency, his profession, and his beliefs are what determine our attitude towards him. I think this is more important than how many people he killed!"

"I told you, I don't know anything!" Lime gestured with her hands outstretched.

"He may be a mage who is proficient in the School of Prophecy, or he may be a priest favored by the gods, or he may also work as a soldier! A rogue or something! Judging from his bloodthirsty, he may be a follower of the dark sun, Of course, it could also belong to Max, but with the villains he eradicated, he can be said to be a paladin of Irmaat."

"Human nature is so complex, paladins may commit murder, and rogues may not be unable to make great sacrifices. Unless you face him with a 'detect evil', otherwise these cannot be used as a basis for judgment. It can be said that this gentleman cared far more about the things in his little house than he was interested in abuse, domination and power."

"So..." Jekashi opened his mouth.

"Don't define it so quickly!" Rhyme interrupted him: "Please respect this complex world, and don't define it with your young people's simple and direct judgment. My instinct tells me that what you are facing is a It is difficult to determine and explore the existence, and I can tell you from my experience as an elderly person that there is no harm in taking a closer look.”

"But we don't have time! We can't keep pestering everyone for so long." Jekashi frowned, "The slum area is very repulsive to outsiders, and the blood hand gang's control over it is deeply rooted, so it's difficult for us to get close to it."

"That's because more than 80% of the young people there are looking for jobs in the Bloody Hand Gang. Their fathers, children, and wives are like the most loyal eyeliners. It is a closed environment, and it is difficult for outsiders to survive there." Lai Tom replied.

"So, can we just do nothing?" Jekashi objected, "Information doesn't just jump into our hands, does it?"

"Not necessarily, child!" Lime smiled slyly, his fingers moved on the table, and finally stopped on a stack of brown papyrus, he went to hand these unremarkable things to Erwin and said: " If you can be more careful, you will find this thing!"

"Tobacco revenue and the movement of the thieves' union?" Erwin read out the difficult code words in a low voice, "This is the information on the docks. It's just daily information about that special tobacco and the thieves' union."

"It's not everyday. There are big secrets hidden in these little things!" Lime said with a proud smile: "Although we are missing the most important part of the key data on tobacco prices and shipments, according to this, It is really not difficult to calculate the approximate income of that kind of tobacco. Similarly, the task data of the Thieves Guild can also reflect their internal trends."

Erwin looked at the stack of papyrus with a gloomy face. Even she couldn't help but be terrified when she saw the string of numbers representing the income. She didn't need to look at the things behind to know that the situation had reached a critical moment. .

No mouse can hold back the big piece of fat in front of it, and those greedy eyes can no longer bear it. As Lime said, some people can't wait to be a pawn for temptation. (… )