Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 149: Underground Lost City


Magic is the foundation of this world. It makes the multiverse present such a colorful appearance. It is charming and mysterious, and it implements the origin of the world, or magic is the origin of this world. ≤≤Xiao≤ said that all things are born of elements, permeated with the power of magic. It is chaotic and orderly, it is rational and illogical.

Primordial magic is the material from which all things are created, the silent and ignorant consciousness of existence itself, magic permeates every bit of matter, and manifests itself in any form of energy in the multiverse.

This is magic, a system quite different from science.

Chen Ang's exploration is not only fighting against the endless unknown, he is also fighting against himself all the time. The logical concept and thinking mode called science are deeply rooted in his mind, extremely solid and tenacious . While giving him unlimited exploration and research spirit, it also imprisoned his way of thinking.

It is true that Chen Ang can deconstruct magic from a scientific point of view. In fact, he is adapting to this world in such a way. Some brand new things brought to him by this world are being rapidly assimilated and fused by the old thinking. Science is a way to the truth, but it does not mean that Chen Ang will fix a relatively rigid mode of thinking.

In this way, the new ideas, new changes, and new ideas in this world are very worth learning and researching. While trying to abandon the influence of the old thinking mode, Chen Ang is trying his best to maintain the relative independence of thinking.

Knowledge is priceless, wisdom is higher, but imagination is more important than both.

When the imagination is imprisoned in the old stereotyped thinking, it is not inappropriate to call it the twilight of the gods!

"Magic net, a very appropriate name! Primordial magic, or an orderly network woven by primitive magic power, is sharp and flexible, and communicates with the caster and the original magical power. I can imagine how many civilizations and The crystallization of individual wisdom?" Chen Ang's fingertips flickered with a slight white light, and quickly dyed the fingers with a silvery white color.

He swiped across the void in front of him with his fingertips, leaving behind a line of colored characters. Full of twisted and messy complexity and weirdness, this impactful spiritual force seems to be stuffing a 20g file into the brain of the viewer.

It's a 0 ring juggle magic trick!

"Many people think that magic is orderly and intelligent. It is an elegant art and difficult knowledge, but only people like us who are close to the truth can realize that the origin of all things has no attributes! Chaos and order, Evil and good mean nothing to it. Because that's what intelligent beings have imposed on this world!"

"And magic already existed before this!" Chen Ang seemed to be greeting an old friend, sitting on the right side of the table in a relaxed posture, while his left side was empty.

An unfamiliar voice came from the left side of the table, it was a very deep laughter, as if it came out of a muffled throat, "Before that, magic didn't exist, and it was precisely what defined it. us!"

"Weaving the chaotic and violent primitive magic power into docile magic power? That's right. This is you!" Chen Ang didn't deny it, and flicked the index finger of his right hand irregularly, twisting in the air. A strange black shadow exists above the space in an extremely distorted form. A length of black tentacles cautiously protruded from the inside, twisting and swinging in mid-air, lifting the body high.

Like a frightened worm.

"Primitive magic power! Ha..." The deep voice seemed to be amused, and he let out a piercing laugh nervously. The small shadow that communicated with the shadow plane in midair shook violently, and the tentacles of the shadow creature suddenly stretched out. With a sharp cry, it twisted violently in mid-air, as if struggling to die.

"A pseudo-concept! In other words, it should be the superficial appearance of the multiverse. The part that belongs to the energy affinity, the essence of magic is the universe itself, which creates everything and regulates everything. It is composed of matter, energy, information and soul. The existence of sublimation! Among them, the part that can be affected by the soul is defined as the original magic power."

"It is violent and untamed, it is subject to great disturbance and chaos anytime and anywhere, it is changeable and secretive, like a eccentric lover, but also as crazy and great as the sea, if I want to describe it as a being, That's a woman!"

"Hahaha! Cough cough cough..." The strange existence laughed crazily, and even caused a severe cough. He endured great discomfort and said with difficulty: "Mystra is here! That framer will go crazy! We did it!" What? We put a chew on a woman! Well said, well defined."

"The magic net is exactly like this. Although Mystra has always claimed that she created the magic net, which originated from a war between Su Lun and Sarah, we all know that she is the projection of the magic net itself! We created her, about All the contracts and agreements of the Magic Web, its construction and weaving, its information and its way of being."

"It is the mage who created the magic net, not the magic net who created the mage itself! The magic net is not a god, not an idol, it is weaved, it is the agreement and existence of the magic power stipulated by the caster, understand this, it is a legend !At least the spellcaster is. Although we call it an exact word, the Ley is not an isolated existence... ”

"It's more of a conceptual thing, Mystra is a part of it, and maybe other parts of it..."

Chen Ang's memory is closer to the concept of the existence of the Internet, an existence that only exists in concepts, is composed of countless agreements and information, and is built in a part of the material world. In a complete way, it includes material networks and communication protocols. Representing the laws of the Internet, information is related to a part of the human spirit.

The magic net is set up on the shallow energy interference layer of the multiverse, the sum of all orders and regulations on the original magic power. In a narrow sense, it is the energy information network controlled by the administrator Mystra.

It is composed of a general administrator, Mystra, and several related administrators, such as the god of mages, a large number of spellcasting users, a relatively large number of programmers and mages, and hacker grand arcanists and legendary mages who disrupt the balance. Large-scale planar energy local area network magic net. Similarly, there is also the Shadow Magic Web, a competitor of the Magic Web system.

"Wonderful acquaintance, Your Excellency Hailast!" Chen Ang couldn't help admiring, who would have thought that a crazy mage living in seclusion in the dungeon would have such a crazy conversation with the controller of a small gang. This downright crazy mage didn't seem to be as crazy as the legend said, so crazy that he couldn't communicate.

Of course, this is just Chen Ang's personal opinion. Most people will think that this is a communication between two lunatics. If the world is magical, where are the gods

"Sharp inspiration, unique perspective, my neighbor! Your group of goblins are about to dig into the underground city. I welcome a wise neighbor, but I must remind you that mages are always withdrawn and sensitive. A place , there can only be one mage tower! Similarly, there can only be one leader."

Hailast looks very calm, even elegant and wise. Considering that this is not the surface, his madness is curious.

"Waterdeep City is a charming place. It is full of sparks of fate and spirituality. Living here, you will often be disturbed by surprises. Bards, shadow thieves, harpists, and the Sanlin Tower Club, your troubles are not small ah!"

"What kind of trouble can this be called?" Chen Ang asked back with a smile.

Hailast was silent for a long time, and nodded in agreement: "What kind of trouble is this? Of course it can't be called trouble, because change is an opportunity, and an opportunity that can be grasped is of course not a trouble!"

"However, even so, there is still a long way to go before convincing me!"

Faerun is not a place so tender that most conflicts can be resolved with words. Faerun is always in the conflict of survival. What is advocated here is strength and weapons. (.)