Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 152: Shadows clash


The name Helast caused the entire adventure team to panic. The black-robed mad mage, just like his countless peers, has a deterrent effect that makes people boo.

This name has a plague-like charm, and it can make Elwin feel deep fear and despair, like the invisible thing oppressed in the darkness, with suffocating fear, like a shadow, like a nail in the back deeply tormented them. The only thing I can rely on is the sense of responsibility that I maintain in my heart.

Justice and responsibility tortured them together with fear, and gave them the only warmth in this dark wave.

Everyone in the adventure team became taciturn. They fumbled on the dark cableway, the rope bridge made of thick iron chains and planks, the dome supported by huge stone pillars, and the plank roads and tunnels dug between the rocks. , the cold iron chains, carrying the unique dampness of the underground, piercingly cold to the bone.

But they didn't dare to turn their heads back, and they didn't even dare to turn on the lights, because they could already hear the slight sounds behind them, the sound of metal rubbing, the sound of uniform footsteps, and some dull sounds. The sound was like a huge heavy object falling heavily on the ground, and the muffled sound spread far away.

This is a place like hell.

In the past, a kobold that an adult male could easily knock down with a little training has become extremely terrifying here. Those elite armors and weapons, those violent kobolds, they are bloodthirsty and agile, simple and efficient The killing instinct of these evil creatures has almost become a war machine.

There are also alchemy products that make loud noises, and the goblin mage who is proficient in using explosives and spells. The goblin mage who almost wiped them out is actually just a role similar to an engineer from the equipment they carry. This made the adventure team completely lose the courage to face the pursuers.

When Erwin saw the priest Horn who was running ahead, he suddenly staggered, she hurried forward to support him, and when she touched Horn's hand, Erwin couldn't help but uttered a scream. She felt that palm was as cold as a piece of ice.

"Horn! What happened?" Erwin took out the only remaining scroll from his arms, thank God, there was a 'Remove Curse'!

Horn stopped her, "No need! It's useless. My Lord is calling me, He revealed to me, my destiny has arrived! Don't look directly at him, don't look directly at Helast. Black Robe, don't follow fate The long river to spy on him. Don't look at him directly, listen to my words, darkness and tranquility are the best protection for you."

"Those phantoms, do they bother you? What is it?" Elwin hugged him, trying to awaken the remaining vitality in his body with his meager body temperature.

"That's not an illusion, that's a part of reality! Our souls are so shallow that we can't look directly at the brilliance of our Lord. We are confused by the superficial surface of the material world. When the reality of the world really unfolds in front of us, we are Discover our shallow souls, the pale life cannot bear."

"Like an ugly person looking in the mirror for the first time, God! I'm scared to death by myself! I'm scared to death by my ignorance and shallowness! I'm scared to death by my ugliness! Lord, Lord! Bean! Don't abandon your poor lamb!"

Elwin was at a loss, she didn't know what ailment Horne had, he looked like he was cursed, just like those prophetic mages, trying to spy on the existence they couldn't touch, the curse they received. Her heart was in turmoil, the pursuers behind her were getting closer and closer, but the road ahead was at a loss, she held Horn and didn't know where to go.

in the darkness. She leaned down in despair, pressed against Horn's chest, felt the gradually peeling coldness and paleness, and prayed to the gods in despair: "Gods of the sky, the earth and the sea! Lord of the star world, in the darkness. Who is my light? When I am confused, who is my guide?"

"The soul and personality are closely connected with the outside world. What you see, hear, and feel constitutes your entire existence, the verandah of your soul. This understanding constitutes the outline of the soul!"

"Who are you?" Erwin was startled by the sudden appearance of the voice.

"Who am I? Aren't you just looking for me?" Chen Ang's voice was still so unhurried, "The verandah of the soul is the essence of intelligent creatures, because the soul itself is pure, and it distinguishes your personality. Those existences are the impurities of the soul, including emotions, memories, beliefs and other insignificant things.”

"Information is powerful. What you see, understand, and believe constitutes your personality. Information shapes you! But why do you face the embarrassment of the collapse of the corridor of your soul when you come into contact with the truth?" ?Why are your personalities destroyed by the truth? Just like that pastor, who would rather give up his life than believe the truth?"

"Why?" Elwin couldn't control himself and asked back.

"Because you are living in lies and deceptions. The personality you have created is partly false, deceived, and falsified. The truth and truth will bring you pain, and it will be extremely painful. Pain, pain that destroys you! You must crush yourselves to relieve this pain."

"From the perspective of personality and understanding, dissect yourself, crush your past self, remove and reshape those hypocrisy and illusions. Compared with this kind of horror, death is really a kind of tenderness, so you are scared to death! Frightened to death by the truth!"

"No, you're tempting us, devil! I know what you're doing, as it is now, we're in trouble, and then you're out to tempt us, use us, and when the pen touches the parchment, our souls Be your toy." Elwin said angrily, "You're wrong! You're so wrong, you can't beat us!"

"Falsehood and lies shaped you, and faith is undoubtedly the sweetest and most poisonous fruit!" Chen Ang sighed.

The adventure team climbed up to a stone platform along the only cableway. Erwin carried Horn on his back with difficulty, looking tiredly and pleasantly at the warm fire not far away. The adventure team had had enough of being in the dark, no matter what No matter what is ahead, it is impossible for them to take half a step back.

When they saw the old man standing in the middle of the hall, they only regretted their stupidity in their hearts. Nothing in front of them could stop them, except Helast!

They heard the most feared mad mage in the Sword Coast ask in a serious and logical tone: "So, what is the real wisdom of a mage?"

Erwin was surprised to see a familiar-looking figure slowly emerging from the air, unlike mages who used teleportation and any door, who appeared there suddenly, but gradually emerged from deeper depths. Come, as if he had been there, beneath the waters of space.

"The real wisdom of a mage is to explore the universe and the truth, just like our predecessors did persistently, pursuing the unknown, learning and researching."

The voice is also very familiar! Erwin affirmed. Suddenly, her eyes widened suddenly, and she didn't even notice that Horn on her back had slipped to the ground. She finally recalled that she had seen this face and voice there.

The bloody hand, and that devil!

Apparently she was not the only one who recalled their 'goal', without exception, they all cursed in their hearts: "It's just a gangster in a slum area, how cheap is this legend to get involved in a third-rate gang? ? A legendary mage who can sit on an equal footing with Helast, how bad are they, will they encounter such a tricky conspiracy in routine tasks!"

"Is this favored by the Goddess of Misfortune?"

In the extreme depths of the etheric plane, Chen Ang's real existence is standing here. Even though he is about five steps away from Helast, the black robe just cannot detect, sense, or observe him. Depth and layers, just so wonderful.

The ether is here, the shadow is here, and there are more, deeper planes, all of which exist on the main material plane. They are like the underwater space, representing the deeper connotation of the sea, and Chen Ang is here In the deep water, observe the existence on the sea surface. (.)