Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 155: The end of darkness


The light in the mage's tower was a bit dim. In the distorted grotesque, a lingering darkness devoured the light of the magic lamp. They were like lurking shadows, wriggling like life, like black mist, and like shadows. ∷∷,

When Hailast passed through these shadows, a crack was torn in the middle of the shadows, revealing a blood-red flesh-shaped eyeball. The surface of the eyeball is covered with fine bloodshot eyes, the whole body is white, and there is a red pupil in the middle. Following Chen Ang's footsteps, densely packed eyes appeared in the void, watching the two of them.

Chen Ang calmly stepped into the shadows, blood-red eyes stuck to his body, bloodshot from the eyeballs, as if countless pairs of eyes were rooted in his body, wriggling, staring in all directions, with the most concentrated eyes The place where it is located is Helast's body.

Hailast could already hear the swishing sound of the shadow that was about to move, like countless wriggling worms crawling across the ground. The back was like a sharp cold blade, rubbing against the body, and the body instinctively formed a fine layer of goose bumps.

The brushing sound in the ear is getting louder and louder. After a short delay, Helast is already sharp like a cat's nails scratching the glass, which makes people's brain hurt. The demon is howling. If an ordinary mage was here, he would probably go crazy. The Banshee's Howl is not a weak curse.

But for Hailast, this is just a breeze.

What made him vigilant was the distorted shadow that made his hair stand on end. Hailast could tell at a glance that this was part of the essence of the shadow plane, but now it appeared in this space. This is something that even he really feels tricky about.

Hailast's evaluation of Chen Ang has increased by another three points. Plane teleportation is one thing, but it just uses the laws of space, but playing with the plane in the palm of your hand can distort and change the effect of spells , and even drastically change the nature of space. That is a terrible thing!

Its difficulty is almost equivalent to playing Shar, the Lady of the Night herself.

Hylast even sensed a hint of arcane mysia in the manifestation of this shadow plane, the highest achievement of high elf magic, possessing terrifying power. Enough to shake the power of the entire Faerun continent. Even though this plane system is immature. And it is quite different from Mysuo, but the degree of danger is even higher than Mysuo.

Those planes that coincide with the main material plane and those planes that belong to the deeper rules of the world are confused and unique here. The shadow, ether, astral and elemental worlds, and even some unknown lower planes belong to the deeper layer of the main plane here. Completed the complete structure of the plane!

Because of this, this unique plane in the mage tower shows more distorted reality. Part of the real appearance of this world is manifested in a very extreme way, like a small space where spell disturbances and wrong spell results occur all the time. Very magical, but also extremely dangerous.

It was so dangerous that Helast felt a trace of fear.

You can't teleport here, you can't cast spells, and you can't even make too much interference. If you don't want your spells to have various extreme mutations, even the spell fluctuations and magic items on your body must be covered, so as not to cause magic plague, or other extremes words of change.

A magic lamp five feet in front of Helast suddenly twisted violently, and a medium fire elemental fell from the light. Then screamed in flames. The lamp made of red copper is like a flash of thousands of years, playing in front of Helast, and rusting. Eventually it rusts into a wisp of ashes.

The fire element also burned itself, and its spirit matter and essence structure burned up in front of Helast. The fire element, which is immune to fire damage, was burned alive like this. There is nothing more absurd than this in the main material world.

But Hailast has witnessed all this, all that is true.

This is where the laws are twisted. This is an extremely unstable complete plane. Laws are expressed, distorted, and tampered with at any time here. Even for gods, this is an extremely dangerous place.

Under the leadership of Chen Ang, Hailast did not fall into this familiar yet unfamiliar mage tower.

At last they came to a huge oven, and the flames rose in the oven, which was blindingly white, pure, and full of destructive white. Such a pure white color is even comparable to the holy light of Heavenly Mountain, but under the calm appearance, there is a blazing heat that can destroy everything.

"This temperature?" Helast put his palm on the oven. The cold touch made the picture in front of him seem like an illusion, but Helast still surrounded the oven seriously, using spells to test it from time to time.

"It's impossible for the temperature to rise to such a high level! Even in the Fire Elemental Realm, such a high temperature will create elemental lords. When the fire element is so condensed, it is impossible not to activate it."

Primal magic is extremely active energy, it is a mixture of matter, information, energy and soul. Different from Earth, in the world of Toril, the concentration of energy will cause chain reactions, including plane interference, energy activation, and even chain changes in the entire world. This also caused the output power of most spells in this world to be extremely low.

It is impossible to pile up astronomical numbers of matter and energy like the earth world. When the original magic power reaches a certain value, it will trigger higher-level changes in the law and deeper changes in the world. The temperature of the fireball technique is high, and it will connect to the fire elemental plane for energy balance. Unless the temperature of the fire elemental world can be raised as a whole, the temperature of the fireball can never exceed the conventional temperature of the fire elemental world.

But Chen Ang trampled on this common sense, and the hot flames in the furnace completely negated Helast's understanding.

Chen Ang stared at the blazing white light in the furnace, and the brilliant crystal in the deepest part of the white light. The tide of force surged outside his body. This world is called primitive magic power, and in the world of Star Wars, it is called the existence of unified force. Furious is like a storm, ready to destroy everything at any time. The power of the mind, the original magic power, arcane and psionic energy are unified in Chen Ang.

The strong source of evil, along with the evil mantra, flowed from Chen Ang's body into the furnace, causing more violent fluctuations in the original magic power. The crazy magic power even made Helast take a few steps back from the dangerous furnace.

On Helast's withered face, the wooden expression cracked a little bit, and the condensed evil power made his magic power go berserk.

The flickering flames were crazy and intense, and Chen Ang's voice echoed clearly in this small room. With the mantra of the original power of evil, calmly and firmly read the words favored by darkness!

"Calm is a lie, passion is king!"

With the voice of mantra...

Hylast sees a surge of evil and primordial magic tearing through the void, revealing the thrones of the gods. Crazy primitive magic power surged in the astral world, setting off a huge wave of astral quality. The etheric plane and the kingdom of the dead made unbearable screams, and the imprisoned souls of the nine hells and the bottomless abyss screamed frantically...

He heard, heard the will of the abyss in the dark. Roaring wildly, I heard the long sigh of the Lord of the Nine Hells, I heard the joyful laughter of the evil origin in the universe, and I heard countless evil souls wailing in despair...

"I trade passion for strength,

Earn power by strength,

win with power, "

The surging primitive magic power slapped this small world like the sea, and the endless source of evil was poured into Chen Ang's body, and along with the flowing magic power, it was poured into the furnace. The white flame turned to pure black, only the crystal. Still exuding a dazzling red light.

The gold melted in the flames and flowed under the crystals, and the magic power and the original force were entwined between them. Following Chen Ang's mantra, there was a roaring sound...

Hailast's foothold was unstable. He looked at the crazy crystal like a beast, and the evil gold like an abyss. He felt the breath of pure destruction and evil. He watched Chen Ang step into the pure black flame , watching the flame lick affectionately against his body. But unscathed, a magic mystery that he pursued all his life happened in between.

Fortunately, he still remembered Chen Ang's instructions, and used strong control to restrain the original magic power. In the golden liquid, engraved the ancient rune and spell structure, he burned the spell slot, controlling the surging magic power and the origin of evil.

Nine bronze rings rolled out of the flames first, and in the small room scattered the copper of power and lust.

Then there are seven thick rings the color of iron. Leaping out of the iron of strength and blood

And finally three exquisite ring art and magic stones encrusted with stones of raw magic

Just as Hailast was about to do the last miracle alchemy, Chen Ang opened his eyes. The last sentence in the mantra resounded through the multiverse, like the sound of wind, thunder, roar of wild beasts, roar of a great river, The murmur of the gods...

The gods on the throne, heard that sentence resounding in their ears!

"Beyond myself in victory, let the force let me go!"

The flames in the furnace vibrated violently, the violent magic power tore up the space in the furnace, and the crazy space storm annihilated everything, making this narrow plane crumbling.

Hailast was struggling on the verge of the annihilation of space, his face should be extremely twisted by the struggle, and the destructive power made him try to maintain the difficult situation until he calmed down the space storm with one hand.

Chen Ang stood in front of the ruins of the furnace, and the red crystal shone brightly in the void, slowly falling into his hands like whispers from friends or greetings from partners.

The red crystal fell deeply into Chen Ang's right palm, and the hazy light seemed to be alive, flickering with Chen Ang's breathing. In Hailast's eyes, in the clear crystal, the long river of primitive magic power is as gorgeous and deep as a galaxy, which fascinates him, as if his soul is pouring into it.

"Master!" Hailast changed his words wisely. "My mission failed!" He lowered his head deeply, not daring to look directly at Chen Ang's face, which was very different from his previous attitude.

Chen Ang waved his hand indifferently, and wiped it with his body in the ashes. The bright golden light emerged from the black ashes. In Hailast's eyes, it was a magical light. It's like the soul will be moved by it, like an indispensable part of life, tightly grasping the eyes.

That kind of eyes are obsessed and crazy, as if even the soul is fascinated by it.

"That's mine! My baby! My love! My soul!" Hailast stretched out his hand, trying to snatch it from Chen Ang's hand. His expression was ferocious and crazy, until he touched the surface of Chen Ang's body With that deep and dark force, he withdrew his hand like an electric shock.

His eyes became clear instantly.

Hailast, who came back to his senses, knelt down in front of Chen Ang, afraid to look at the golden ring in fear. He left behind the pride of the legend and the stubbornness of the mage, and only feared and obeyed the ring in his heart. Absolute and humble obedience to Chen Ang. He lost the power and mystery of the legendary mage, and shivered like a woman.

Chen Ang didn't look at him, but turned the ring around, and the scarlet magic script flashed past, "The Lord of the Rings belongs to the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Lord guides all the Lords, the Supreme Lord calls all the rings, and all the rings return to one darkness." middle!"

With a deep voice, he read the rune on the ring, carrying a terrible evil magic power.

The ring slowly landed on Chen Ang's left index finger, and the surrounding darkness was thick as if it were real, spreading down Chen Ang's shoulders like a cloak, and the light and flexible black cloth was draped behind him like a robe, Chen Ang's face was hidden under the hood. The cloak swallowed all prying eyes like a black hole.

The consciousness of the Lord of the Rings appeared in Hailast's mind. He instinctively felt some information from the universe. He prostrated himself at Chen Ang's feet and said respectfully: "My great master, the Lord of the Sith from ancient times , Lord of the Ring, Darth Morgoth, the dark patron of the universe!"

"Evil is not the goal, darkness must be eternal. My Ringwraith Knight!" (.)

ps: Two updates are possible today! sf0916