Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 157: The power of the three precepts


The Supreme Lord of the Rings is in Chen Ang's hands, just like the most unpretentious ring, inconspicuous at all, but Hailast can still feel the terrifying power to put the soul into it, maybe it is an illusion, maybe no. He understands that his soul has already become a slave of the Lord of the Rings, and the Supreme Lord of the Rings is only subject to one person.

Dark Lord Vader. Morgoth.

In front of him, Helast could not even bring up the slightest thought of resistance, even if Helast cast the other nineteen rings by himself, the spiritual power of the Nine Rings of Bronze, the magical power of the Seven Rings of Iron, and even Arcane mystic locks of the Three Rings of Gems, all subject to the soul-corroding darkness of the One Ring.

Chen Ang gently glued the magic power of Naya, the ring of fire, and the power of the high arcane magic of the ancient elves took root in the magic net, and shook the majesty of Mystra. Through a series of entanglement, joining, bending, coiling, overlapping, The twisting and stretching behavior of the magic net, this structure woven according to mysterious laws, forms a complex and grand spell structure.

The elemental plane of fire quietly approached the main world through ether.

Huge, boundless energy flowed from the Fire Elemental Plane to the main world, and was restrained and controlled by Naya's power. On the sea outside Deepwater City, a cloud pillar piercing the sky and the earth was formed.

Fiery Ring of Fire!

The power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings controls this powerful ring, and only this power, which goes back to the origin of the Lord of the Rings, can overwhelm the tyrannical ocean of elements. The boiling sea water is tumbling, turning a sea area dozens of miles into a dead zone. The steam and heat evaporated into the sky, forming extremely dense clouds, and the powerful power of the fire element quietly accumulated in the clouds.

Hailast even felt that several very powerful fire elemental elders were wandering in this abnormal area. Enjoy and guard this volcano in the sky.

Then there is Nanya, the ring of water. Mysuo's power controls a part of the water elemental ring, projected on the sea, and the powerful water elemental breath quickly attracts part of the sea's power, setting off huge waves on the sea. Sea monsters and water elementals came out from the depths of the sea and made waves on the sea.

The confrontation between fire and water has already begun at the same time in the clouds above and the ocean below. The turbulent torrent of elements has triggered a fierce confrontation between water and fire, forming a strong wind disturbance in the air, making the sea near Waterdeep City a hell Same scary place.

The Ring of Air Element Via, the last gem ring, aroused the power of the Air Elemental Plane in the air. It also completely detonated the confrontation between the water elemental plane and the fire elemental plane. An unprecedented storm that covered hundreds of miles met the conditions for existence between the three rings. Near Waterdeep City, a huge hurricane is forming.

"Crazy natural power, even the gods will be shocked by it!"

Natural disasters enveloped Waterdeep City, making it almost an isolated island. This huge port has frequent exchanges with the outside world. Almost cut off. Perhaps the only way to maintain peace is to go underground

swish... swish...

The road to Skull Harbor is rough and dark. The spiders and monsters lurk in the corner of the tunnel, awakened by the slight sound of friction, and cautiously put their forelimbs on the ground to sense the slightest vibration in the grotto maze. But they were soon frightened into the cracks in the ground, because that was the sound of steel rubbing against fur, and leather touching the ground. from thousands of different individuals.

Collisions, frictions, knocks, and the tough steel made the most pleasant groans, gathering into a torrent. Gathering into the sea, gathering into waves, with unstoppable power, mightily submerge this grotto labyrinth. It is the voice of the army, the poem of war.

The fleshy moss opened its tentacles to the air, and these mucus and foul-smelling blankets of flesh crawled out from the crevices of the stones. On their gelatinous blankets, there were also the remains of spiders and monsters.

Skull Harbor is another Waterdeep city, the Dark City. It is hidden in the underground of Waterdeep City and is connected with the Lost Underground City. It is the favorite of smugglers and fringe people. The sewer connects it with the entire city, forming another part of this city that is rotten, smelly, dark and depraved. one side.

All the people living here are hooligans and villains, some things that maintain their existence through smuggling, coercion, violence and blood. In other words, they are the competitors of Chen Ang's Blood Hand Gang, a dynamic social organization .

Holding his spell book, Lek stumbled and groped among the gravel and cracks. When he looked up, he could see the orc warrior's back as hard as iron, and the heavy armor that was almost as big as him. By his side, there are quite a few fighters like this. Based on a simple comparison, they are only one-tenth of the legal population of Waterdeep City.

This is what he saw, less than one-fifth of the entire army.

For a while, this rather young boy couldn't figure out some of the things it contained. This number was still a mathematical concept for him. If he knew it, he wouldn't have proposed an 'assassination competition' to Chen Ang. The person in charge of the opponent' suggested so naively. Only when this concept is associated with massacre, destruction, domination, and tyranny, can it be dominant.

The torrent of steel, indifferent, blunt, has a cruel sense of beauty. Leke doesn't know how he found the word "beauty" from the hideous ugly faces of these orcs, but those huge hard iron blocks are full of With a unique charm. A kind of ferocious domineering, derived from the charm of killing.

Seeing the torrent pushing against the gate of Skull Harbor with a slow but powerful enough force, Lek couldn't help pressing his right hand to his face, feeling the cold tingling and rusty smell of steel. This taste tempted him to stick out the tip of his tongue and lick the knuckles, and then he felt a fact that he would never forget in his life:

Iron tastes like blood!

This is Skull Harbor, every inch of land here is bloody, every piece of wealth here is not easy to come by, this is a land of ambition, greed and blood, a land of lawlessness, a land of shadows under the light City, the thieves guild Enasar is the actual controller of order here.

In that remote corner in the depths of the shadows, there is a very flimsy shed, and it is difficult for anyone to imagine that this is the meeting place of the Thieves Guild Enasar.

Usurers, chicken heads and thieves are here, discussing their flowing wealth and power, and greedily snatching bones with a hint of meat, in fact give them enough motivation, they can even pull oil out of stone, and Draw benefits like this. They have no position, they have no principles, and their only soul destination is the endless abyss of greed. (… )