Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 158: Force Warrior


The largest storm in Faerun's history completely blocked the connection between Waterdeep City and the outside world. The huge waves on the sea surface were as high as fifty feet, enough to overturn a large sea ship with a draft of six feet one. $f,.

At this time, the sea was violent like a spoiled child, mercilessly destroying everything visible and invisible, not to mention the humans, elves and other land creatures who are afraid of the sea, and even the murlocs blessed by the sea, Also shivering at this disaster. In the port area where no one dared to approach, every day there were murloc mutilated corpses, which were hit to the ground by huge waves.

Chen Ang used the three Lord of the Rings as a pivot to control the scope of the storm so that it would not destroy the entire city. What he needs is a complete glorious city, not a ruin ravaged by a storm. Therefore, Chen Ang not only has to maintain the suppression of Amberley's divine power, but also competes with the angry God of Calamity Talos for control of the storm.

Although the battle between divine power and original power was fierce every day, the situation gradually fell under Chen Ang's control.

The dark tide surged in Waterdeep City, and the sudden natural disaster surprised everyone. The astrologers didn't notice it at all, and the mages of the school of prophecy also found nothing. This seemed like a storm that shouldn't have happened. The priest prayed to the gods and got only vague information.

"It's a conspiracy, Lord Mayor!" the officiant explained to Mayor Piergalen: "Our old friend, the Sea Goddess Umberli, who covets the prosperity and riches of the Shining City, is jealous of the calm and order here. In addition to the crazy God of Calamity Talos, there is a brand new dark force!"

"The Sleeping Dragon hasn't woken up, darkness is coming!"

Piergalen shook his head. The security of Waterdeep Castle has been tightened by three points compared to before, but a serious uneasiness has been shrouded in his heart. The recent greed of nobles and guilds has made him mentally and mentally exhausted. Adventurers and businessmen in Waterdeep City The fragile balance between power and power is precarious. Pier Galen keenly noticed the invisible hands behind everything.

"Talos and Amberley? Are the evil servants of Skull Harbor ready to move again?"

"The key is not with Him, Mayor!" The old priest took a step forward, approached Bill Galen and said in a low voice, "My Lord's instructions will not be wrong. The newly emerged dark power possesses all the evil forces that have appeared before. Existence is different. He is the deepest darkness! Not so long ago we all heard a name echoing in the abyss and hell!"


The two spoke in unison, uttering this syllable that seemed to echo in the dark abyss. With a lingering smell of evil and blood. As soon as this cold name was spoken, the surrounding light dimmed a lot.

"We don't know anything about him other than this name!" Piergalen walked around twice in a hurry, and finally stopped in front of the window, through the curtains. He looked up and saw the dark clouds hanging in the sky, "These bastards in Skull Harbor seem to be much quieter these days, but this is not a good thing..."

"We all know who raised these wolves. They love their white gloves, but they make others' hands bloody. Under the magnificent mansion, who doesn't know their filth! They thought they could manipulate me, but they …”

"But they succeeded, didn't they?" the priest stood behind Pergalen. Sighing: "This is order..."

Speaking of this, a guard knocked on the door, and Piergalen returned to his seat, but the guard brought him a piece of news that made him lose his composure.

In the deepest part of the shadows, the Skull Harbor was full of killing sounds. Dozens of arm-length crossbow arrows shot out from the darkness screaming, nailing several rogues in leather armor to the stone wall.

The slaughter was still going on, and the kobolds held delicate hand crossbows and formed guerrilla shooting in the remote corners of the battlefield in the formation of small groups. They usually come in groups of nine, alternating with the two best rogues. For each shot, two crossbowmen are led as a shooting point. A shot is guaranteed with at least three crossbow bolts. In an assault, there are at least three shooting points, three crossbow bolts cross-fire, and three shooting points cross-cover the powerful lethality.

It is extremely difficult for rogues to escape this tight shooting net. The kobolds are kept dozens of steps away, and their crossbow bolts have an amazing range. The power is also quite terrifying. The squads in groups move forward crosswise, cover each other, and never break away from the support group composed of goblins and ogres. Even for an advanced rogue, dodging dozens of bolts is a deadly challenge.

Even if they could do it desperately, they would have to escape the vicious sorcery of ogre wizards and the tails of orc berserkers before they could charge into the kobold crowd to kill.

The rationally arranged killing formation and cover formation ensured the killing efficiency of the kobold scout team.

The orc heavy armored infantry regiment in the middle rushed madly along the main route of the scheduled battle. The green-skinned stupid beasts were tireless and painless. Chen Ang did not add these things to them. The only thing he knew was to execute Chen Ang The will to kill. The small sharp weapons commonly used by evil forces are not much tougher than wooden sticks in the face of three hundred pounds of heavy armor.

Under the pressure of war like a steel barrier, there are few survivors. Only a very small number of spellcasters can still bring them some threats under the hunting of the magic-addicted spell-casting legion. But soon, these mages with few spell positions could only be turned into a blurred pool of flesh and blood under the heavy crossbow and war hammer.

Skull Harbor has brought disaster, the underground city where assassins, thieves, pirates and mercenaries gather, has attracted a real war, bloody and cruel, like a thick and indelible nightmare. Limbs were scattered everywhere, and the torso was shattered. At this moment of being swallowed by blood, there was an earth-shattering collision between steel and flesh. Ferocious orcs and crazy ogres couldn't wait to tear their faces apart.

The ogre held a huge warhammer that weighed more than 150 pounds, and made the most intimate contact with the skull of a thin warrior. His skull made an unbearable shattering sound, and red and white splashed all over the ground.

Darkness and terror engulfed this place, and the murderers who once brought nightmares and terror to the innocent ushered in their own nightmares. The power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings penetrated here silently. Amid the killing and fear, the distorted dark power infected the flesh and blood smeared on the ground and penetrated into the fighting crowd.

"Master, the overall situation here is settled." Hailast leaned over and signaled to Chen Ang. The battlefield has already shown an overwhelming aspect, or in other words, this has always been a one-sided massacre.

"It's time to start!" Chen Ang replied with a nod.

It has been a while since he came to Faerun. Chen Ang, or the Bloody Hands did not have less conflicts with the Thieves Union in Skull Harbor. Most of the suppression and threats received by the Bloody Hands came from here. Drugs, kidnapping and coercion, it's happened many times, many things, but...

so what? Chen Ang didn't care at all.

He didn't even understand what happened, and he didn't care. When Chen Ang judged that the Thieves Guild could not interfere with him, what they did was out of Chen Ang's consideration. Chen Ang seldom reacts to other people's actions, most of the time he has to do something and then finish it.

As it is now, Chen Ang wants to get Waterdeep City, so he is going to clean up some off-board players and eliminate interference, which includes Faerun Continent outside Waterdeep City, the gods, and some bits and pieces of Waterdeep City itself .

So he closed the route, created a relatively stable internal environment, decided the next players who could participate in the game, and then eliminated the bits and pieces that were not in his plan. Unfortunately, everything about Port Skull is included in this 'bits and pieces'. This is the purest malice and efficiency, the simplest damage and plunder.

From beginning to end, it was Chen Ang who took the initiative to hurt people. He was doing his own thing, and his methods were getting closer and closer to the essence of the world.

It didn't take long for the killing to end, it was almost over at dusk. When Chen Ang teleported outside Waterdeep Fort, it was just a little late. When Helast flashed behind him, he asked : "How are you getting ready?"

Hailast hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said: "It is difficult for me to convince those lords to support them. They are too cautious and have no chance to control them. Except for the two secret lords under my control, it is impossible for us to get more support. Already!"

"That's almost the same." Chen Ang paused and said, "Don't think things too hard, most of the difficulties are just a matter of strength, and it is not easy to completely own a city, especially a city like Deepwater City that implements secret rule. Difficult. Because they themselves don’t know who the owner of the city is, the Council of Sixteen Lords?”

"Which sixteen people?"

Chen Ang closed the hood lightly, hiding his face in the darkness, his voice came from the thick inseparable darkness at the mouth of the hood, calm and firm.

It began to rain lightly, and Chen Ang walked along the mountain road towards the Deepwater Fort. It was a typical knight's castle with a stable structure and was built of stones with very good anti-magic properties. Although it was very uncomfortable to live in, it was dark and stuffy, after all, it was a military building, but the security was very good, and the sahuagin were killed and injured here.

This is the headquarters of the City Sentinel and the City Guard. It is very heavily guarded. It looks like a young mage pretending to be mysterious, dragging a thick and short 'magic wand', about two palms long, silver-gray. Hold it behind your back like a sword. Stepping through the stagnant water and braving the drizzle, he walked to Deepwater Fort alone.

The guard at the gate raised the crossbow in his hand without asking any questions. When the sharp arrow pierced the rain curtain, the black shadow melted into the rain like a puff of smoke. Chen Ang's silhouette slowly disappeared, disappeared, and the alarm bell rang out in an instant.

Well-trained guards guarded the important checkpoints. Under the instructions of the guards, several mages released the "detection portal" to the open space. In the vision of the etheric plane, the ripples representing space changes slowly passed through the open space. slow diffusion. But there is no trace of the portal, and even the shadow power of the shadow plane cannot be detected.

"He's not there!" the young mage said back. Suddenly he heard a short sound, like a lightning bolt passing through a human body, but it was lighter.

It's a nice "Zi".

Then he saw a stream of red light, gorgeous and fiery, jumping around, beautiful like a pure red rainbow, passing through the body of the oldest mage. (.)

ps: Two updates to sf0916 today