Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 160: The most evil eye


The violent wind was raging, and the turbulent air flow was like a whip, slamming everything around.

When a big tree with two palms clasped together by the harbor was split into two by a 'wind whip', Chen Ang stood beside it, and the branches wrapped in the strong wind were like powerful arrows, enough to pierce through the tree. Two layers of chain mail. In such weather, going out has become a very dangerous thing. Waterdeep City was as empty as a ghost.

For the citizens here, the safe underground world has been bloodbathed by unknown forces and is being rebuilt. They dare not risk their lives to explore it in a short time. And the world on the ground was ravaged by strong winds. The believers of the God of Calamity also had wind elements and strange monsters belonging to him, attacking everywhere under the strong wind, spreading fear.

Everything seems to be calm, but some things that Chen Ang needs are fermenting in this calmness!

"Since that night, everything has gone very wrong, and I can feel an undercurrent bubbling around me, some young kids, who are promising, but now their eyes are stained with something else! Ambition and Desire..."

Standing where Piergalon used to be, Kelben Blackstick looked at the raging wind element in the sky, and was talking to the great sage who came from afar, Elminster, who was also a voter of Mystra, the goddess of magic. say. Elminster shook his head and said, "Children's ambition is not a bad thing. As you know, old friend, who hasn't been young? Who hasn't made mistakes when they were young? Ambition is the pride of young people..."

"But some mistakes are irreversible, and young people are more likely to be tempted! Once they make mistakes, they will go further and further down the wrong path. We should guide them correctly, rather than just sit back and watch them fall into darkness..." He was silent for a moment. Sighing: "Three children have already broken their vows and made the big mistake of murder."

"Old friend, we can't do it! The path of goodness is too tortuous, but the temptation of evil is just around the corner." Elminster took a deep breath and sighed: "Impatience is something that every young man will commit. You can't make them like us. Stick to kindness and love, equality and understanding. They can't see suffering as pearls, suffering as wealth, and don't realize what is really important to them!"

"They naively believe in justice and seek it from the outside world, but we all know that justice is in our hearts, but it does not exist with Faerun. From Baldur's Gate to Waterdeep, from Amn to Icewind Dale. Fairness and Justice never exists! But the belief and persistence in justice is the most precious thing... "

"Do you still recognize the man in black robe?" Kelben asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"I have felt that trembling cold since three months ago. At that time, I thought it was a hallucination. Until a few days ago, I heard the abyss trembling and the gods crying. At that time, the original magic power echoed in my ears The sound of the tide, the hymn of the source of evil. Until the end, the whole world echoed that name... "

His eyes wandered away for a moment. Yi murmured: "That unspoken name!"

"Please allow me to use the name of the god on the Black Rod Tower to call him Melkor!" Elminster laughed, looking at the weak Kelben Black Rod who was tortured by the shadow of fear. He blinked. "That's right, Melkor! Have you forgotten, old friend? Right here, you let death do what it is. God of the dead. Became a ghost..."

Elminster laughed as he spoke, and Kelben was stunned for a moment before laughing too. They seemed to have returned to the time when the saints were in catastrophe, that thrilling adventure. At that time, together with Midnight and Kelemvor, they sent the God of Death, Mirkor, to ascend to heaven in Waterdeep City. That was the adventure that made them famous!

"Haha! Old friend, I almost forgot about that past..." Celtic swept away the previous gloom and fear. The memories of his youth made him energized, and his face was flushed. They sang together The bards sang the works of that great history, and sang the epics of Midnight, the goddess of magic, and Walker, the god of death.

Walk with God!

Singing happily, Celtic got rid of the shadow that had been covering him all the time: "Old friend! After contacting you, I went to spy on that name without authorization."

Elminster shook his head solemnly: "Recklessness is not a mage's good habit, old friend! You should not try to spy on this evil and powerful existence. His name is the Lord of Darkness, and his name is Lord of Evil. , Those who peep at Him will be cursed! Caution is our most important insistence on protecting ourselves.”

"Yes, Darth Milko! I shouldn't try to spy on him!"

Celt said, as if there was still a trace of shame, "Darth, it is the dark side of the universe. I have never looked directly at such a pure darkness, that kind of rich pure black, which makes my silver fire dying .I tried to peek into the deeper side of the name, but I sensed a lot of evil and powerful souls...”

"They represent this name, dyed majesty with blood and strength. Many of them are extremely evil, and their wisdom and strength make me feel small and ridiculous. When I touch the deeper darkness they represent, Il Munster, my soul is tormented by this..."

"Those crazy thoughts in my head kept me awake at night. During that time, I was chaotic and indescribable. I was convinced that I fell into an abyss deeper than the abyss, a monster named Darth Celtic In my body. The most painful thing for me is that I despise the gods, they are vile and ignorant... "

"I think I have touched the great existence of this universe. This world tells me that He is called the Force!" Celtic curled up, looking old and tired, "I have my soul to fight against its call, every day when I wake up , My soul is full of wounds."

"It's all over, Celtic!" Elminster hugged him, his voice was hoarse but the power in his words was extremely warm, he comforted his poor old friend: "The goddess still cares for you , and shelter you under His glory."

"But I'm scared, old friend!" Celtic murmured, "The Force is like my mother..." He buried his head in his arms, not wanting to hear Elminster's explanation: "I In hesitation, if the gods are shallow, where will my soul take refuge? In my wildest days, the gods make me sick!"

Elminster could feel the torment, the uneasiness, for the truth is sometimes scarier than the profanity. The reason why it is difficult for mages to worship the gods is nothing more than a truth-seeking heart. For the gods, revealing their truth is more sinful than blasphemy, because the former makes them angry, while the latter makes them fear.

That is a master of human nature. The old mage took a few puffs of tobacco to warm himself up to dispel the lingering chill. The man in black, or Melko, could always grasp the most vulnerable places of human nature. He knows that lies and deceit last only for a while, but the truth can change a person forever.

It was worse to let a man know the truth than he should know, than to lie to him, and Elminster knew how that kind of truth could destroy a man. It's like being manipulated, ruled, and used by the guards of the city to know the truth about the nobles and the council. They must have understood their situation and the deception they had been in.

The truth is, they had no future, or most of them had no future, serving, surviving danger and war, and finally retiring as the breadwinners of a moderately wealthy family. Support a warm little home. Young people can't accept a future without a future, and they don't understand the value of plainness and warmth.

Elminster would give his all for it. But he also knows that those young people are relentless about this, they are chasing power, wealth, prestige and honor, and they are eager to become superior to others. And the fact is, impossible!

Among merchants, nobles, guilds and councils, those who are already standing there cannot make room for them.

This is the truth they shouldn't know. It will definitely arouse undeserved ambitions, and then feel angry for injustice, suppression and framing. In the end, this kind of anger in pursuit of fairness and justice will burn everything.

Those smart young people, those children who have been instilled with conspiracy and tactics by Melkor, will use the weapon bestowed by evil to pursue their dreams and ambitions. Elminster felt sad for this. There will be no winner in this game of power, and the hypocrisy and justice exposed by Melkor will eventually destroy these children.

Together with Waterdeep City.

Elminster tightly pressed the bronze ring in his hand, he was a little scared, and it was because of this fear that he was able to keep vigilance on the ring.

"How did you finally get rid of these crazy illusions?" Elminster looked back at the silent Celtic Black Rod.

Celtic raised his head, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Ring!"

"What did you say?" Elminster walked up to him quickly and asked a little seriously.

"It's a ring! Nineteen rings!" Celtic sang: "The elves cast three rings, the dwarves of the underground got seven rings, the mortals were given nine rings, the shadows of Mordor and the demon lands, and the dark king sits on the supreme ring. "

"You're wrong, Black Rod, you're dead wrong!" Elminster warned, "Give it to me!"

"It's not with me..." Celtic shook his head.

"Give it to me!" Elminster snapped, "In the name of the goddess, give me the ring!"

"I can't do it!" Celtic also responded angrily. He quickly realized his gaffe, fell silent for a moment, and said softly to Elminster: "I feel its control over me, but I'm far away from it." Don't open it, I need it to protect me against Darth Celtic. That ring has magical powers... "

"So I dropped it that night, the night I told you about the crisis in Waterdeep, during my short waking hours, and threw it into the deep sea, just downstream of the port, and let the strong winds and huge waves swallow it. "

"I hope what you said is true!" Elminster said seriously, "But you have to tell me, why did you come to me with such fear today? Darth?"

"No, it's an eye!"

"Above the high tower, it has eyeballs tumbling in flames. The irises are red and condensed like magma, just like a crack was torn in the blood-red flames, leading to the deepest darkness. The eyeballs are like flowing flames, but the irises are More like a thin bloodshot, with the darkest, most evil soul in the middle! That eye!"(… )