Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 163: The Tower of Darkness


Falling from dawn to heaven, turning the world into ghosts!

The indescribable brilliance made everyone unable to open their eyes. It fell to the top constellation in the sky. At that moment, it was the most beautiful meteor, and even the sun could not hide its brilliance. All Faerûn saw it, incomparably beautiful and sacred, it was the child of light, and the kindest soul.

Evil creatures exposed to the light of the Silmaril, including demons, undead, evil things, and corrupted intelligent creatures, felt as if they were on fire at this moment, and the elves all over Faerûn felt the blessing and bell of the Silmaril. May. All non-evil creatures covered in radiance receive a blessing equivalent to a lesser rejuvenation spell.

Everything is as the legend of later generations said:

The three jewels fell to the mountain of heaven, from the highest and most beautiful place fell into darkness and destruction, one of them was lifted by him, rose into the sky and became a shining star, one fell into the abyss with evil, and the last one and then disappear in the depths of the ocean.

Standing in front of Elminster, at the highest point of Waterdeep Castle, Chen Ang, the Bright Diamond descended from the sky, completely tearing apart the mystical power blocked by the Three Rings, which originated from the power flowing from the highest divinity , suppressing all evil and darkness in essence. But it fell into Chen Ang's arms and turned into three bright and transparent diamonds.

"Do not act rashly!" A voice in Elminster's heart stopped his reckless behavior. "He is invincible under the protection of the Silmaril of Light. Pursue the Silmaril, my chosen. Darkness is infesting Thy soul, only under the radiance of the Silmaril, can you control the distractions of all-pervasive temptation."

"My lord, what happened?" Elminster couldn't help asking, he still couldn't believe that Heavenly Mountain would be torn apart by evil in one fell swoop, and even the three glorious gods couldn't stop it.

"Light and darkness are twins, just like Su Lun and Shar. This is the will of the original magic. When Morgoth cast those evil beings, I was looking for that kind of tit-for-tat power! But Morgoth hid It, until this day He put them on top of Mount Paradise. Let Him be born from primordial magic."

"But how could the gods allow it..." Elminster couldn't help being surprised.

The will in the silver fire flickered slightly, and answered him: "The gods are happy to see it come true! Losander, the lord of light, blessed him, and His Excellency Corellon, the guardian of life, also helped him take shape, and Su Lun and Shar For the sisters, he tore apart his own throne. He bestowed upon him the essence of the stars and the brilliance of the sun and the moon. The birth of the Silmaril has its mission and cannot be stopped!"

"Because it is Simariel, the diamond of light, elves, and sun and moon!"

Elminster took a few steps back carefully, and placed himself among the only remaining temple weapons. This was both a statement and a protection, but Chen Ang didn't focus on him, because there were more important things waiting for him. He is done.

For a longer period of time in the past, many things were fermenting, such as greed. Such as ambition. In the city with the most prosperous trade on the Bay of Swords, people's hearts are as dirty as money bags. The Game of Thrones that took place in Waterdeep Castle a few days ago opened a hole in this popular dam.

The malice hidden under the brilliance has become so strong that it cannot be melted away. When smart people are no longer being deceived and manipulated, these capable and ambitious young people are undoubtedly there. Trying to get their hands on something they once wanted out of reach. The city established by merchants and craftsmen is also controlled by chambers of commerce and guilds.

This means. The excessive concentration and inequity of social wealth also represent those emerging. Capable city guards and adventurers are excluded from the gates of power. There are too many resentments, flowing in the dark underground.

Waterdeep City is a city with a long history, but the core of the city is people, not other things. People make up this ancient city, and people control this ancient city. But in front of the Lord of the Rings. Humans are the most untrustworthy. Intelligent creatures naturally surrender to this power, which stems from the power of humanity and wisdom.

When Piergalen was coerced by the city guards and put on the copper ring, everything was irreparable.

Hylast all the way. The last resistance of the guild was disintegrated, and the process was usually accompanied by killing and crying, struggle and despair. Although he was crazy, his wisdom never sank. After the suppression with an iron fist, everything was easily put on the right track.

Three precious diamonds are suspended on both sides of Chen Ang. The power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings and the precious diamond repel each other, but they are subtly disintegrated by Chen Ang, and even use this conflict to create a fragile balance, so that the precious diamond is suspended around him. . These two great powers are existences beyond the concept of arcane arts, and they contain the power to change the world.

Arcana is a kind of weird civilization. While deeply analyzing time, space, destiny, and exploring the universe and the world, they are also trapped in the energy and output power of spells. The Archmage can stop time, but he can't even create a large, small earthquake. When the energy exceeds a sensitive node, the magic net and plane will control.

Only the power of the gods is not limited. In the field of priesthood, the gods can arbitrarily change a wide range of existence, just like Aguda harvested the wisdom of believers. Without this kind of power, the god is nothing more than a relatively powerful arcanist. After the appearance of the arcane fan lock and the virtual godhead, even this point is on the verge of collapse.

The diamond and the Lord of the Rings are undoubtedly powers of divine power. The two treasures born from primitive magic power can freely use their own power without being rejected by the plane. Because this change has gone deep into nature and become reasonable and legal.

Bypassing the control of the magic net, the original magic power slowly approached the diamond according to its tendency and nature, and turned into the earth like a dragon snake, gathering from all directions, and pouring into the earth. The sound of rocks tearing could be heard from time to time, and the hum of magma flowing was even more clearly audible, and people could feel the trembling of the ground under their feet.

Elminster listened attentively. Based on his rich experience, he could imagine a huge monster moving through the ground, breaking through rock formations and mine veins, and tearing apart all obstacles.

Near the side of Water Deep Castle, mud waves rolled on the ground, swallowing trees and buildings and twisting them into pieces. And then spit it out bit by bit. The spire of the Black Tower, that is, in this case, pierces the ground.

Surrounded by steel, sealed by city walls, and made of black mysterious stone, the tower's top pierces the sky. When the ground stabilized, this huge fortress tower was located next to Water Deep Fort. The most eye-catching thing is the center of the fortress, the huge tower that can be seen from dozens of miles away.

A wisp of blood-red fire mist spread out on the top of the tower, like eyeballs covered with fine bloodshot eyes... (… )