Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 165: Drill Squad


The elves in the Torre world were originally intelligent alien creatures. When Corellon, the main god of the elves, came to this world, he created the elves as a race. ●⌒,

The elves in the world of Toril look rough and ugly, their bodies are thin but full of strength, just like skinny monkeys. In order to adapt to the life of bow and arrow and forest hunting, they have thick joints and strong bones and muscles. Both their physical and spiritual quality are very good. The only shortcoming is that their appearance is really different from human aesthetics.

The ratio of their facial features is too strange compared with that of humans, and their features are also very prominent. The long and pointed ears destroy the balance of the facial features, so that the appearance of the elves is too "bizarre" for humans, and the sharp and thin jaw It makes their faces distorted, their eyes raised, like beasts, and they are extraordinarily weird.

Generally speaking, elves are a kind of alien race with obvious characteristics, and their aesthetics and biology are obviously different from humans.

But the two Maiyas are different.

They were like the gods stepped out of legend, ancient heroes and demigods incarnate in this world, and it is fair to say that they were more divine than most gods. Because they are perfect in themselves, a symbol of cosmic aesthetics, harmonious, elegant, and the embodiment of all order and beauty. Their facial features are soft, their bodies are graceful, and their manners are all with background soft light and chant.

Even Laila and Elminster felt a sense of oppression in front of them, and the crushing of appearance brought heavy psychological pressure. It is even difficult for them to doubt the existence of these two Mayas, the existence of this bright and beautiful divinity.

"Two Ainu, I still have trouble understanding your existence, your purpose? Your purpose? History and past? We don't know anything about you, and we don't know how to accept you!" Elminster stared at the two of them. It was hard to look directly at the face for a moment, but he averted his eyes because of the dazzling soft light, and he frankly expressed his worries.

Chen Ang and the other Maier looked at each other, and said calmly: "We understand your concerns. Ainu is a demigod, we were born from the force due to the influence of Morgoth, the most powerful brothers among us Valar. One of the gods. Morgoth, or Melkor, is the mightiest of us Valar."

"We were once part of this world, and in the breath of the Force that no one knows, we blow the entire universe. In this ancient and long history, we are ignorant, only the essence and mission exist in the world. We hide In all things, our will was manifested in the breath of the Force, until Morgoth found us, and he became one of us..."

Elminster took out his pipe. Thinking deeply, he was thinking about part of the essence of Morgoth, but for him there were still too many unknown things in this world, and he could only barely understand part of the essence of Vera's existence.

"Do you know what our mission is?" Elminster asked, smoking his pipe.

Chen Ang didn't speak, but just raised his right hand. Under the dim light of the fireplace, the light reflected by the two Maiyas became more and more intense. Grabbing in the soft light seemed to grab something. He spread his palms. An indescribably beautiful jewel lay quietly in his palm.

The radiance of the two Maiyas suddenly dimmed, and all the radiance gathered at the center of the diamond, brilliant, more dazzling than the sun, more sacred than the gods, a great and beautiful existence that cannot be seen directly by mortal things.

Laila was almost suffocated, she couldn't escape this beautiful captive, and in an instant this pure white gem conquered her, with its radiance and holiness surpassing the stars, sun and moon. She stared closely at Baozuan with her big bright eyes, which were as bright as stars in the past. There was nothing special against the diamond, and she was so absorbed that she forgot all about it.

Terrified, Elminster flinched from the temptation of the Silmaril, for he was in awe of the Holy Spirit. After the ultimate greatness and brilliance, there is endless extreme pain and despair.

"This jewel is ominous! Its brilliance is brilliant, but it is also bloody and desperate. I have seen the deep shadow and misery behind its brilliance like an abyss. This jewel has received the favor of fate, and the goddess of luck has cursed It. And the goddess of fortune blessed it. Because of it, those who are glorious must perish because of it!"

Elminster made his assertion about the Brilliant Silmarillion, turning his head so as not to look directly at it.

"Nonsense! Elminster, this is obviously a holy gem. Its great power and extreme brilliance can bring light to this darkness, happiness and kindness to this world. We can all feel its essence And fraternity, that is pure goodness that does not allow a trace of impurity, it is blessed by the gods..." Leila couldn't help retorting.

"The great sage is right..." Mai Ya, the woman who has not spoken, said, "This is a radiance blessed by the gods and favored by the force, but it is also an existence cursed by Morgoth. He combines light and The sacred seal is in the shell of the gem, and the seven kinds of darkness such as jealousy, greed, fear, and laziness are used as the shell of the gem."

"This is a cursed gem formed by sealing a great power."

"You mean that the Dark Lord is afraid of this gem?" Elminster was keenly aware of what she hadn't said. Those who live in it will surely be unlucky, and this diamond will bring disaster, war and bad luck to its owner."

"Even he himself can't avoid it!" Chen Ang added, and he said seriously, "Melkor raised his eyes into the sky with the first jewel, and turned them into the Eye of Morgoth A star hanging in the north. Contaminate and change the whole world with the power of magic and diamonds, and rule all darkness and evil under the starlight."

"This is the first jewel, the never-setting star."

"He intended to sink the second Silmaril into the heart of the Abyss, to cover it with eternal hellfire and lava, and bury the bright hope forever. But we stole the Silmaril..."

Maier added, she lifted the hood to expose her face completely, and the vigilant bartender exclaimed: "It's you, Miss Erwin! Didn't you die in the Lost Underground City?"

"Morgoth could not come near the Silmaril, for the greater his power, the more difficult the curse, and therefore his capable men could not guard it, and at last he had to send a goblin named 9527, who was of little strength, Guard this jewel in the dungeon at the heart of the Maze, until the day he tells it to sink into the abyss."

"No one can sneak into the core of the lost underground city. There are many dangers there. One of the preceptors, Helast, the black robe, never leaves there. With the help of the mystic chain and the Lord of the Rings, he is invincible even to the gods. But the dark lord ignores No one can get in at that point, but some people are already inside…”

Elwin sighed deeply: "The gods rescued the Maia when the Silmaril fell. Attached them to the light of the Silmaril, even Morgoth could not do anything to them. Saruman It was at that time that Da Maiya rescued us and let me escape from the underground city with the diamond, and I was lucky to get the approval of the diamond and become a member of the demigod Maiya."

"The power of darkness is becoming more and more rampant. The eye of Morgoth hangs high above the earth, bringing a dark tide and evil core to this world, but Morgoth is perfect, immortal, and as long as the dark force exists day, he will never perish. Only the power in the Silmaril can defeat him, and only the breaking of the Silmaril can make peace..."

Chen Ang threw up the light of the diamond, shining brightly in the room, he made a promise with the power of the diamond like the original force, and asked:

"Will you escort the Silmaril. Will you leave this city of eternal night, out of the sight of Morgoth? Will you bring light and hope to men and all things, and peace and prosperity to Faerun?"

Elminster and Laila looked at each other, felt the trembling of the silver fire in their bodies, felt Mystra's approval and kindness, they put their hands under the light of the diamond, and said in unison: "I am willing to wish! "

Chen Ang put away the diamond with his backhand, letting him melt into the light, he led the three of them to the fireplace, and spread out the map around the fireplace.

"The sea of Sword Bay. It is the place where Morgoth and the God of Calamity confront each other. A powerful army under the command of the Lord of Darkness also resides here. The Sword Mountains to the north are the base camp of monsters near Waterdeep City. Ogre and orc legions It is stationed here. And the trade road to the southeast. It is also a place where the blockade is very strict, and the cunning drow is in charge of this road."

"How about going east along the Desaline River?" Elwin suggested.

"The road to death! The evil creatures of the High Forest are endless, and we will never know how many of them have been inspired by the Eye of Morgoth. I do not hope for that!"

"The trade route is relatively easy!" Elminster tapped the map. "I have some powerful friends there, and it is closer to the land of the gods we are going to."

"But the evil existence in the Supreme Wasteland will make people crazy. And another factor is also very dangerous." Chen Ang said solemnly: "Kelben Black Robe is a strong-willed mage, but he still succumbs to the darkness Under the power of power. Those who belong to the evil camp, those who seek the power of power, can resist this temptation?"

Elminster shook his head: "No, those rings, those rings are not something ordinary people can resist, they come from the corruption and pollution of the soul, I used to be arrogant to think that I could defeat it, but I was wrong, I lost to almost lost everything. I sealed the ring with the lady's help, but I neglected Kelben..."

"So much so that he plunged his soul into darkness! He ambush me, and took the bronze ring, within the mystic range of Morgoth. I have known since then that the temptation of darkness is irresistible and Overwhelmed, I don't think there are more people who can resist it."

Chen Ang stared at the map, "So we have new dangers and enemies, those who chase the power and power of Morgoth, nineteen Lord of the Rings, including Helast Black Robe, Kelben Black Rod, there are more evil, even righteous beings, who will hunt us down by Morgoth's command."

"The best fighters of the gods, the most outstanding adventurers of the good camp will come to help us, and they will join us at different times until we find a way to break the shell of the shining diamond." Lyra relayed what Mystra told everyone good news. "We'll have a bunch of the best squads and this operation has the absolute support of the Gods of Justice..."

"There are also greedy peeps from the evil gods!" Chen Ang interrupted her.

"The power of Erwin and I cannot block the jewel diamond for too long. After fifteen days at the latest, the Eye of Morgoth will be able to spy on us with another jewel diamond. If we haven't reached a safe place by then If there is no place, then the boiling curse of the Silmaril will make it impossible for us to move forward, and we will be trapped in the siege of evil."

"After fifteen days, we need a minimum safe place to rest for two days, otherwise this mission will fail completely..."

Because of a strange gemstone, the eyes of all the gods are projected down, and the entire continent of Faerun is surging. The diamond guard team is eager to leave this dark base camp, but leaving the city of Eternal Night is not as easy as it says matter. (.)