Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 166: Floating battleship


For the Fellowship of the Ring, the most urgent thing is to leave the Dark Lord's stronghold as soon as possible. Within the control range of Mysuo and the Eye of Morgoth, the situation is too dangerous. Whether it is the two identified Ringwraiths in the city or a group of fierce and dangerous evil legions, they will pose a fatal threat to the team. If they couldn't leave Waterdeep City within fifteen days, then the unstable diamonds would expose their whereabouts.

At that time, it will be almost impossible to protect the Shining Diamond.

Of course, all of this seems to be controlled by Chen Ang, but the actual situation is much more complicated. Although the dark force is controlled by the Supreme Lord of the Rings, its divine nature determines that it will inevitably get rid of Chen Ang's control, unless Chen Ang is willing to become the only Darth Morgoth and rise up throne.

God is the master of all beings, and God is the slave of all things! The nature of the gods is the personification of the laws of the universe. He dominates all living beings and controls all things, but he is his nature, or the slave of the essence.

The most significant thing about the world of Torrey to Chen Ang is undoubtedly the knowledge about the domain of gods. At least the level of the divine domain of this world is not inferior to his knowledge of physics. This has important implications for his development. In order to achieve this goal, Chen Ang had to choose to sacrifice something and pretend to be a god.

Chen Ang shaped the virtual personality of Darth Morgoth, temporarily controlled the process by using the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and stole the control power of the dark force, but did not reverse the conflict between the force and Chen Ang's personality consciousness, the dark monarchy only will get farther and farther away from him. The existence and power of such gods played an irreplaceable role in Chen Ang's exploration of the divine realm.

But this kind of stealing cannot form a stable existence. One day, Chen Ang, who does not cooperate with the force, will be abandoned by the force of darkness, and the force will shape a personality that conforms to its nature.

Darkness is like a flood, and light is a dam. The released dark force and evil origin are like a flood, a terrifying force that has been accumulated in this universe for a long time. It is enough for any existence of the dark camp to easily aspire to the throne of the most powerful divine power. If Chen Ang can't slow down this process, it will only make Darth Morgoth's personality more quickly shaped, and he will become a veritable dark lord with powerful divine power.

In order to delay the time of this kind of personality erosion and gain more time to learn and analyze the divine realm, Morgoth played by Chen Ang is absolutely worthy of the identity of the devil among the devils. It brought long-lost nightmares and fears to Faerun.

The diamond guard team tried to sneak into the merchant ships in the port area, and let the kind merchants who came and went in this city send them out here.

In the sky above the port area, a huge shadow flashed through the heavy smog. In the gloomy clouds in the sky, a huge object nearly fifty feet high vaguely revealed a silhouette, so that people could see it. The heavy shadow of the breathless hideous presence. Elminster swore he had sailed in many ships, and not one was as long as a third of the shadows that lay in the harbor.

Stand by the pier. The diamond guard team could only see the prow of the huge warship. The ferocious dragon-head prow opened its mouth, revealing sharp and dense teeth. Arcane wave shows that this thing is not a decoration. The giant ship is about two thousand feet long from end to end.

The surrounding merchant ships, in front of these giant ships, are as simple as patchwork of broken planks.

When the huge shadow in the sky emerges from the haze. The drill guard team canceled the plan to escape by boat. The bronze-colored giant ship was floating at an altitude of nearly five thousand feet above the ground. The front of the flat bottom of the ship is slightly tilted, and the carriage-sized crossbow is placed in the shooting holes around the sides, and the heavy bronze cannon is aimed at the bottom.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge air bag above the hull, fully four times the size of the giant ship's hull.

Elminster's face was very ugly. He almost expected that the power of the evil camp would rise sharply after the Lord of Darkness came, but he did not expect that the situation had deteriorated to this point.

In the land of great contention in Faerun Continent. All races and civilizations compete fiercely, full of barbarism and cruelty, blood and terror. The power of the evil camp is far greater than that of the good camp, and the conflicts between the evil camps are more intense if it is not for the evil camps. A country that belongs to the camp of kindness and law may not be able to maintain its current peace and prosperity.

But this fragile balance is entirely based on the relatively chaotic order of Faerun. Once there is an Axis figure who rules evil with an iron fist, the country of good order will face a difficult challenge.

"We can't leave here by sea!" Grand Master Chen Ang Saruman pointed to the floating fleet in the sky and signaled: "The floating fleet has very little demand for ports, and it can dock directly on land. It means that the influence of the dark lord on the sea can spread very far, without being restricted by the terrain of the port."

"And the Eye of Morgoth in the sky is always calling for evil creatures, from Waterdeep to Icewind Dale, from Candlekeep to Baldur's Gate, there are his lackeys and minions everywhere, not to mention Amn Meet Sanlinta. This road is never safe!"

Chen Ang's words caused everyone to think deeply, and Laila shook her head and said: "But this road is still controlled by the good camp after all, and we can only get support from people from other good forces on this prosperous business road. In the remote wilderness, the forces controlled by evil forces are stronger than us."

"After all, civilization is always good, and barbaric and barren lands are mostly reduced to places where evil breeds."

The pipe in Elminster's mouth flickered with his breathing. He listened quietly to the argument between the two, frowning in thought. Under his messy beard, the strong aroma of smoke gradually spread out with his exhalation. Come.

"Did you see those airships?" Elminster pointed to the huge shadow above his head.

"Compared to what's on the surface, what's more important is the information revealed behind this incident." He explained: "The floating battleship is a great arcane crystallization, and it is widely used in the Void Chamber of Commerce in the star world , it is powerful and dangerous, and often represents the potential strength of a race in the star world. Even the most common floating battleship is enough to hunt and kill giant dragons."

"But in the land of the Bay of Swords, I have never seen a floating battleship." Elminster looked directly into the eyes of several people: "I mean, we are unable to manufacture this kind of war machine. Not only because Its terribly high cost is more because of the things it represents behind it, population, wealth and arcane power."

"Just one floating giant ship needs a city tax of at least 10,000 people to support it, and a team of mid-level mages with five to nine people is required to be stationed on the battleship for a long time to ensure maintenance and adjustment. The glory of the entire city of Sword Coast The wealth created is only enough to support two floating warships.”

Elminster looked up at the huge shadows in the clouds, and sighed deeply: "But here, there is a medium-sized fleet of the Lord of Darkness, more than fifteen floating warships. We can't pretend to be invisible ! It must be admitted that an extremely terrifying dark force is rising here, and is gaining the domination of evil forces."

"That's exactly what I'm worried about!" Chen Ang said seriously.

"In places where all the fires of civilization can't shine, in the wild where evil and darkness breed, the eye of Morgoth is awakening the evil that has wandered in the wilderness for a long time. It controls and awakens those evil creatures. Goblins, kobolds, jackals People, trolls, and even more terrifying things, such as five-color dragons."

"As for those civilizations and countries that are in the hands of evil forces, their rulers frantically pursue this dark force and power, chasing the nineteen Lord of the Rings that represent the darkness ruled by the dark lord. I have no doubt that they will eventually be captured by the devil. Controlled by the precepts, become a loyal follower of the Lord of Darkness. As time goes by, He will only become stronger and stronger, and the time left for us is running out... "

The heavy sense of mission of the diamond guard team weighed heavily on their hearts. Thinking of what they saw in Waterdeep City and now Eternal Night City, they only felt that the situation was getting more and more urgent. The situation that was getting worse every day made them feel suffocated and scared. (… )

ps: I have been working overtime for the past few days, and I will take a rest tomorrow. I will make up for these two days