Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 167: Neverwinter


On the road in the port area, the diamond guard team wisely kept silent and kept a low profile. They tried their best to maintain an inconspicuous appearance, just like sailors returning from sea or businessmen coming from afar. Everyone has a lot of experience in this, even Chen Ang, who theoretically has no contact with the lower class, quickly learned to bring the unique Shanghai slang into his accent.

The sailors all had rotten teeth, so the tone of the drill guard team immediately became dirty. They stayed in the port area for two days before gaining everyone's initial trust. Everyone began to believe that they were spell material merchants from Bode. They lost everything due to the storm in the past few months, and now they are hanging out in the port area in desperation. .

During this process, Elminster, who is well-informed and has traveled all over Faerun, made great contributions. The background he fabricated for Chen Ang and others can withstand the torture of the most knowledgeable people.

In the end they were connected with the Harper's men, and Elminster was their living proof, and everyone in Waterdeep knew everything about him. Captain Corbett agreed to let them take his own ship to Baldur's Gate, another famous city in Faerun. There will be more allies of the good camp to help them, and several other teammates will join them there.

The big ship will set off tomorrow, and Chen Ang still has a little time to appreciate the city shaped by him.

Walking in the human world in the form of an ordinary middle-earth elf, the feeling is completely different. You will not feel the tiny microorganisms in the surrounding environment, you will not easily touch the soul of life, and you will not understand and control everything. Just like the GM title appreciates the game he controls in the form of a player, it can remind Chen Ang of the feeling of being a mortal.

Although the physique of the middle-earth elves is relatively too good.

The City of Eternal Night is astonishingly beautiful compared to the former Deep Water City. The light blue sea water gradually transitions from the white sandy beach to dark blue. The sandy brown pier extends to the sea water. Hundreds of sailing ships inhabit here Floating on the deep blue sea. Neat like new factory.

"The Waterdeep City in my memory is not like this!" Elminster shook his head in confusion, "It's much more ordinary and kinder. I can hear the sailors' shouts, quarrels, and insults." And the sound of them swigging. It's filthy but alive, like a muddy country boy…”

"Then I like this place more!" Chen Ang made no secret of his preference for this place.

"Clean. Neat, always quiet and unhurried, but also lively and energetic. Order and rules are everywhere, making everything look orderly."

Elminster nodded.

"This is what worries me. The Lord of Darkness is different from all the devils and demons I have seen. Even the devils and demons I know what they want to do, their desires and needs, and their rules of conduct. Although the conspiracy is changeable, the result will never change. It is nothing more than turning everything to the evil side... "

"Because they are too selfish!" Chen Ang replied: "They are too rigid. Pursue strength and power, love betrayal and killing, bathed in blood, chaotic or follow the rules, when a demon appears in the conspiracy , even with your eyes closed, you know what it wants to do to carry out its evil."

"The devil is always pursuing an evil result, and the devil is more interesting. They pursue the evil result that is beneficial to themselves. But the dark lord is different from everything in the past. Evil is only his means rather than the end. There must be something we don't know Something drives him. Maybe it's a principle, maybe it's an ideal..." said Elminster, brandishing his pipe.

"Maybe it's an idea?" Chen Ang interrupted him with a smile, and said in a tone between joking and serious: "It's like the dark lord woke up from the darkness one day, he looked at this ordinary world, Say, 'Let's make the world a little more interesting!' and turn the world around."

"Ha! So it's all just a joke on His part?" Elminster's eyes widened, as if he'd almost believed it.

Chen Ang did not deny it. "Maybe!"

Elminster fell silent suddenly. He looked at the late sailors again with his pipe in his mouth, and murmured, "If that's the case...that's really disgusting arrogance!"

When the diamond guard team was still wandering in Waterdeep City, darkness fell from the sky on the sea surface of Neverwinter City not far from them. Let the city fall into ruin. Several floating giant ships broke through the clouds, and the bronze-colored hulls shone dazzlingly in the sun. On the ground, the battleships looked like a bronze-colored sun.

The archers and spearmen that Neverwinter City is proud of are no threat to a huge monster suspended at least nine hundred feet in the air, not to mention that they only have four hundred people, and the sailors on a floating giant ship exceed four hundred people.

"Enemies appear in Zhongbei Port!"

"Alarm, alert! Evacuate the citizens!"

The guards of Neverwinter City are by no means ordinary. They have long-term combat experience with orcs and Luskans, and they reacted immediately. The explosive missiles were pushed up the city wall together with their launchers.

A launcher made of animal tendons, wood, and a small amount of steel, the power of the churner can't launch the missile into the sky at all, and bows and spears can't do anything against the giant floating ship. Even with super magic skills, the floating ship's The height also exceeds the range of the mage. Everyone can only look at this huge monster covering the top of their heads.

The huge metal-colored giant ship that looked like a city brought heavy pressure to the soldiers below. They shot at the giant ship in vain, but the arrows only flew one-fifth of the distance before hanging down from the sky powerlessly .

Piergalen stood at the bow of the ship, looking down at the city of Neverwinter below. His expression was indifferent and resolute. Although he did not lose his spirituality, there was always a lack of emotional warmth in his eyes. The brand representing the Supreme Lord of the Rings was engraved on his chest. To die under the Ring, even the soul can only be enslaved. Even if he is resurrected, he can only survive as a minion of darkness.

As a goblin technology, the giant ship has remained relatively stable due to the addition of gnomes and dwarves, but it still inherits the crazy side of goblins. The entire floating ship is like a giant bomb, which may explode into death fireworks at any time .

But at the beginning of Chen Ang's design, these giant ships had the function of destroying the city and killing the enemy. The floating fleet named Kamikaze entrusted a considerable part of Chen Ang's malice, and also had a brutal combat style that ignored casualties.

Considering the recoil force, the artillery on the floating battleship is mostly used for self-defense, attacking air targets, and destroying ground targets has its own set of weapons. (… )

ps: The overtime work is over, and the rest will start today, so I should be able to make up for it