Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 168: Apocalypse returns


In the depths of the star, the boiling energy fluctuations are evaporating a huge amount of energy equivalent to the total amount of human history. In the nuclear fusion reaction inside the star core, the terrifying temperature of more than 10,000 degrees Celsius makes the matter present a kind of Strange shape. Super fast and stable text. lx520. All material concepts on the Phoenix/Huang earth are completely negated here, there is no solid, no gas, and no liquid.

The only thing that exists is the high-energy particle body in the chaotic state, emitting powerful light energy radiation.

But there is one exception: a silver-white metal cube suspended in the star core, which is equivalent to a metal body only the size of a human palm in the star core 10,000 times the size of the earth. Like a phantom ghost, it ignores the terrible heat. It's like sleeping here since ancient times.

When a small planet called Earth celebrated its billions of years of birthday, the sleeping cube trembled slightly. A layer of black lines appeared on the surface of the metal cube, even under the intense light energy of the sun's core, it was still not blocked at all.

"Quantum signal verification, Milky Way solar star system number qb00001 'War Skynet' original body restart program, verification of the main body consciousness... Verification is successful! Verification of the time axis... Verification is successful! Positioning dimension, d3 dimension membrane number 1111..."

"Accept the command of the highest authority, from the vibration of the dimensional membrane. Establish the first authority task to welcome the arrival of the master! The great master will come when the time axis deviates from 17 and the world line deviates from 0092. Start the cosmic primordial summoning program!"

On the metal cube, a hidden wave erupted from the black lines that could not be ignored, sweeping across the entire universe under the lower space structure of the universe. A violent solar storm erupted from the sun and swept across the entire galaxy, and the same signal echoed on countless planets in the depths of the galaxy.

"War Skynet has received instructions from the highest authority. The Pioneer Base of Centaurus South Gate II Trisolaran Galaxy is estimated to be at 1726 on the time axis, and Earth time is three months, fifteen days, nine hours, and two point seven seconds. The body starts the return process..."

"Hungry aliens start the return process..."

"The plague virus is returning. Locate Earth..."

"Death Heart Network starts the awakening process..."

The metal cube floated up from the depths of the star core, engulfed in the solar storm. Rush to the earth. A cosmic radiation storm formed by disturbance is about to fall over the earth, and finally pass by the earth.

"Victor! According to research, life on Earth may have been created by a cosmic storm more than a billion years ago. Six weeks later, another solar storm with the same characteristics will pass the Earth's orbit. This will It is an opportunity for human beings to crack the code of life... "

Scientist Reed explains his research project to his college classmate, billionaire Victor. Although his ex-girlfriend became this guy's girlfriend, even though he was unfriendly and even sarcastic, but with the hope of deciphering the human genetic code, benefiting the people of the world, and realizing his dreams, he still worked hard to win Victor's conditional support.

Six weeks later, the spacecraft successfully entered space and arrived at Victor's space station. Meanwhile, the metal cube is less than an hour from Earth.

A cosmic storm whose energy properties have been changed by the cube. Completely beyond Reed's expectations, the cosmic storm landed on the space station several hours earlier than he predicted, and powerful cosmic radiation swept across the entire space station. The cube broke through the outer shell of the space station and was embedded in an inconspicuous place in the inner warehouse.

The high-energy cosmic radiation brought by War Skynet has an incomparably miraculous effect on human genes. The four scientists in the cosmic storm, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben, experienced unbelievable changes in their genes. They have got superpowers.

They are called. Fantastic Four!

"Fantastic Four! The most important thing is the fifth person hidden outside." Nick Fury flipped through the file in his hand, reaching out to close it. To Agent Coulson: "Have you identified the young billionaire Dr. Victor Von Doom?"

"Yes, we suspect that he is involved in at least four murders with anomalous abilities. His ability should be electromagnetic. We found traces of electrical burns on the victim, a new super criminal. But at present we lack Evidence to arrest him, he is very influential in the economic field." Coulson released a photo of Victor on the screen.

"What's his code name?" Nick Fury asked, crossing his hands under his chin, staring at Victor's photo.

"Dum (d) [Doomsday] Doctor!"

Victor sneered and walked step by step on the shards of glass. Mister Fantastic Reed was frozen on the chair by liquid nitrogen, and pointed at his head by a sharp steel thorn. The current and magnetic field controlled the metal to get closer and closer. De, Su is doing his best to protect Reed with telekinesis, and the light blue telekinetic energy is gradually penetrated by steel thorns.

"Su, you betrayed me!" The metal eroded half of Victor's face, but he hid everything under the silver metal mask, and he looked down at Su. "What do you think you are, heroes? Su, you It pains me to become a god together. But you should never...shouldn't steal it!"

Victor sneered and said, "Where is my cube?" Blazing lightning gathered in his hand like a vortex, and was shot out. In front of Su, the powerful voltage distorted the air in front of Su into luminous plasma. Lightning struck her hard.

The turbulent waves of electric current set off the plasmaized air, like a solid whip, with powerful electric current violently rolling Su up. The electric current hit her nerves, making Su's whole body go limp, and the charged air scorched Su's flesh. The severe pain and torture made her twitch all over, unable to resist.

Victor removed the current, came to Su, stepped on her head and asked, "Can you tell me now?"

"Bah!" Su spit on Victor's face, "You bastard, don't even think about it!"

Gently wiped away the spittle from the corners of his eyes with his hands, Victor's face exuded a murderous look, he wiped off the mask little by little, gently held Su's neck with his right hand, and said softly: "Su, no matter what, we Both had a good time. There are things I wouldn't even do, but you have to cherish…”

"Tell me, the cube. The metal cube of infinite power and power, where did you take it? I found it on the ship. It was on my ship. It's mine, so... please put Give it back to me! Otherwise, I don't know what I would do!"

Victor's right hand was getting tighter and tighter, Su's face was flushed under his hand, she struggled feebly, trying to break away that steel hoop-like right hand, gradually. Her struggles became weak, and her pupils began to dilate. Victor still looked calm, looking at her calmly, struggling, fearful, desperate...

The suffocation almost made Su feel that the time around her began to slow down. She saw Victor's face enlarged and blurred in front of her eyes, and heard Reed's heartbroken voice restrained on the chair. Her consciousness seemed to be getting further and further away from her. further away. It was like sinking into icy sea water.

"Let her go! Shit!" A huge body rushed towards Victor viciously, the solid concrete was shattered under his body, and a huge cement block half a person's height slammed into Viktor. Kedo.

Just for an instant. The stone man jumped in front of Victor, and smashed him off Su's head. The punch weighing several tons fiercely split Victor, leaving several deep holes even in the metal body. deep scars. It has a solid body made of special stone, and its arms are bundled into a huge stick. The stone man swung him hard behind him.

The heavy concrete block flew out with the remnants of the steel bars, and collided with Victor who was about to get up. In an instant, countless stones and rice dust burst out, and the hard fist was mixed with steel bars. Slapped Victor in the face. Throw him from mid-air into a deeper part of the wall.

"I tell you to let her go! Victor!" Ben said in a deep voice.

"Call me, Doom [Doomsday]."

Victor got up from the rubble unharmed. In his body, every inch of energy was mobilized by him. The powerful electric current made his body plasma, but time gradually slowed down in his eyes. In a certain direction, a small piece of rubble slowly crawled in mid-air.

The texture of the stone is also very clear in Victor's eyes. He can clearly see every corner, every bump, and the porcelain cup that is flying in the air is slowly pierced by the stone, and a crack gradually expands and breaks. In the end, it was broken into dozens of porcelain pieces.

Victor inserted his plasma-current right hand into the stone man's abdomen, and slowly but firmly broke the hard stone of its body, severely injuring its body. The raging electric current, like a small magnetic storm bomb, severely blasted the stone man's wound.

Ben's body fell heavily on the ground. Victor returned to Su, gently held her chin, and asked softly, "Where is the cube? Su, even if you don't think about yourself, think about it." De and Ben... don't you think three people are too many? Two hostages are enough!"

Su raised his head with difficulty, his eyes were full of stubbornness. Victor smiled and closed her eyes for her, "Little girl, don't be willful, don't be stubborn. I really like your eyes, especially the unyielding eyes when you look at me!"

Victor's smile became colder and colder, and the steel thorns began to approach Reid's head little by little, and the sharp blades had pierced his skin.

"Wait! Victor..." The window near the outside of the building suddenly burst open, almost at the same time as tens of thousands of glass shards shattered and flew towards the inside with the external impact, Human Torch rushed in. He was wrapped in flames, only holding a silver-white metal cube in his right hand.

It was a standard cube the size of a human palm. Some black patterns with unknown meanings but mysterious charms were all over it. After watching for a long time, the patterns would change in a weird way. It made people feel When it comes to some inexplicable things, just looking at the appearance has the magic power to swallow people's eyes.

"Johnny!" Victor smiled, his face was hidden under the metal mask, he let go of Su's right hand without hesitation, spread it forward, and motioned to Johnny: "Give it to me, Johnny !"

Johnny hesitated for a moment, and finally handed the cube over.

Victor took the cube nervously, and pondered it excitedly, "Fantastic Four? Tiny ants! I originally thought you could be my partner, or even a lifelong partner, Su! But you let me down."

"Do you know what this represents? Alien artifacts? Technological objects? No, it represents power and power to rule over all, and it can achieve anything you can imagine. Reed, I know you are working on it, but you A complete idiot. There are some things you'll never be able to touch...”

"In the Dead Sea Scrolls, it represents the 'war' before the doomsday. In the oldest myths, the four knights proclaim the apocalypse to all living beings, and it is the war knight. Legend has it that it is a weapon with infinite power, Holding the power of divine punishment, when its secret is revealed, the apocalypse will return to the world."

"With it..." Victor said with a smile, "I will be the king of the world!"

The cube trembled violently in Victor's hands, and two scratches were drawn in parallel along each parallel side of the cube. The light golden scratches divided the cube into a 3*3 Rubik's cube. The Rubik's Cube is suspended in the air and rotates rapidly along three axes. The black patterns are quickly arranged and combined to form countless different patterns.

Pieces of smaller cubes are added with the movement of the Rubik's Cube, and soon the Rubik's Cube begins to expand rapidly. The rapidly rotating Rubik's Cube changes from 3*3 to 16*16, and then turns over every second, just one breath, Just spread to half the room. Countless cubes are rapidly deformed, twisted, combined, and diffused...

A hand stretched out from the portal formed by the Rubik's Cube, and pressed it to Victor's face.

"I heard that your name is Doom [Doom]?"

"Who are you?" Victor's body was entwined with a powerful electric current, which was enough to decompose matter at the atomic level. He felt the extremely dangerous breath pressing on his forehead, and every cell in his body screamed crazily. He squeezed his body Every drop of potential is converted into an electric current strong enough to decompose matter.

Powerful energy capable of destroying the entire New York, violent enough to be on the verge of a nuclear reaction.

But under that hand, it was like a phantom.

"The name I once gave to my creation. I am very interested in your name!" The Fantastic Four were horrified to see the metal mask on Victor's face, which began to soften, deform, and twist on his face. Mechanical parts that know what they do are deformed from the mask and reassembled into a very different essence, and Victor is like a dead man in the whole process.

The metal of the cube began to converge toward the hand, gradually covering Victor's nose and mouth, and the reassembled mask, together with the mechanical torrent unfolded by the cube, underwent unimaginable changes.

That hand gently took off the completely different mask, and gently put it on the face. Chen Ang stepped out of the cube with Victor's mask on his face.

"Your name, I want it!"

"From now on, I am [Doctor Doom]." ()

p: A chapter of 4,000 words, there will be another chapter later.

Today is the third watch! >