Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 170: Jin Bin's death


When Chen Ang appeared on the streets of New York, he had already changed his attire. Now he looked like a Chinese student studying in New York, showing a harmless and peaceful temperament all over his body. ∑,

It was a leisurely afternoon at this time, and the streets of New York were bustling and bustling. Tourists and international students from all over the world could be seen everywhere. Even Chen Ang's obvious oriental attire was not eye-catching. "This is Manhattan." Chen Ang is very familiar with this place. His first laboratory and consortium were in Manhattan, and the first city he personally destroyed was also Manhattan, New York.

Every street and every high-rise building here might have once been his property or been occupied by him. Even if not, it must have been destroyed by him. Chen Ang can even clearly remember the Empire State Building where the Iron Throne used to be. , and half of Manhattan that was destroyed by an electromagnetic gun, and the other half of Manhattan that was eventually covered by a meteorite base.

There is no earth surface covered by metal bases, no quantum optical brain at the underground core, no 200 trillion engineering test robots, no gravitational well, no dimension detection laboratory, no large-scale hyperspace warping laboratory, no spiritual network, the most important thing Yes, there is no experimental equipment and venue that Chen Ang is familiar with.

There are no traces of the former Star Swallowing Base and the consortium's underground laboratory. There is no necessary experimental equipment, personnel and venues. This is an ordinary urban core area.

No matter which world it is, this is his lair.

Even for Chen Ang, the Marvel world is a world of great research value. There are endless cosmic civilizations and magical knowledge, as well as many representative and specific powerful forces, which have aroused Chen Ang's interest. As Chen Ang grew up, the more he pursued the mysteries of the universe and life, the more obsessed he became. The process of pursuing the "Tao", "Ultimate" and "Truth" is a journey worth everything.

The first thing to face is the problem of a stable base. Any scientific experiment needs a certain place. Equipment and personnel, Iron Man's armor was not made by him with a hammer. At Chen Ang's level, the experimental conditions for scientific research became more and more harsh. He even needs to build laboratories in some extreme cosmic environments.

Of course, there are also massive resources that are indispensable. It is conservatively estimated that the material of an earth is not enough for a large-scale experiment in the warping laboratory, but all these problems will wait until the return of the four knights who have already taken root in the universe. It is no longer a problem.

Before that, Chen Ang needed a crude base that could satisfy his preliminary research and experiments, so as to facilitate his basic theoretical research and magic experiments. Hollow out the underground of Manhattan, and some resources unique to the earth require all the economic capacity of a moderately developed country to solve.

Within a week, set up a consortium twenty times larger than Stark Industries? It seems like a fantasy, but as long as Chen Ang needs it. That's not impossible.

"Skynet, build a world market model, analyze global economic data, and start to infiltrate the Internet." Chen Ang needs the world to remain stable for the time being, but it doesn't mean that he will act in accordance with the rules. As a strong man, getting others to abide by his rules has become his instinct, "to carry out material preparations to attack the global economic elite."

"Prepare to control financial institutions, and carry out acquisitions of groups with relatively strong scientific research capabilities and economic strength. Control and eliminate all economic entities and natural persons who try to obstruct the plan, and distinguish according to the coefficient of influence: warning, obstruction, control and elimination. "

Chen Ang flipped through the massive amount of information sent back by Skynet in the spiritual network, while adjusting Skynet's plan. "Prepare the Manhattan construction plan, list the organizations and individuals that affect the plan, and conduct a comprehensive analysis based on the influence coefficient and anti-control capabilities. I need to know who we can't control for the time being, and who is the first to be eradicated. "

"Who's the first?"

Many names have been scrolled on the War Skynet, and the most influential one is of course the US government. It can be subdivided into three categories: government departments, intelligence organizations, and special intelligence organizations. In addition, there are consortiums and economic entities with powerful influence in New York. However, these groups are important pieces to control the development of the situation and cannot be simply controlled.

Therefore, the first name popped up by Skynet is not as famous as 'Tony Stark', 'Bush' and 'Norman Osborne', but it is also Jin Bing, the underworld emperor who has a great reputation in the underground world.

"Dum? Doctor Doom? Another coward who hides himself behind a mask." The gigantic Jin was lying relaxed in the hot spring. His strong muscles of more than 400 pounds certainly gave him immense strength, and his fighting ability was once close to The most powerful human being on earth, but it also puts great pressure and negative effects on his internal organs and body circulation.

Jin has a team of more than 200 doctors to solve this problem for him. He often takes those expensive drugs and technological products. In order to reduce the pressure on his heart from his weight, he has the habit of soaking in hot springs.

"Victor von Doom? If it wasn't you? Who would it be?" Jin Bin shook his head and said, "If it wasn't you? Why do all the investigation results point to you, those murdered shareholders, those destroyed by you?" Competitors, and the Fantastic Four! If it was you? Why would I feel uneasy, you are far from enough to scare me, Doom."

"Those four superheroes are already eyeing you, Boss." The lawyer on the side handed him the documents, "Reed discovered the person we sent to infiltrate Victor's company, and he discovered that we obtained the cosmic battle." Mutated samples in the storm. They're investigating us!"

"Four self-righteous clowns, nothing to worry about!" Jin stood up from the water, his muscles piled up like a hill made him look like a devil muscular man, "The so-called heroes, the punisher? Daredevil? They can give We cause some trouble, but never threaten our roots. The world is ours after all... ”

"It's those who are like us that are really worth worrying about. Those who are most like us are often the most dangerous. I have spent countless days in the dark and seen many dangerous beings. Stark, Osborn , and the most dangerous government, why can I wantonly retaliate against the police, but still pay taxes for the US government? Because Stark needs to pay taxes!"

Jin Bin looked at the document in his hands. When he closed his hands, the instantaneous explosive force from his muscles shattered the document into pieces the size of a fingernail. He stepped out of the pool and pulled out a tightly bound man from another pool of boiling water beside him. The boiling water turned the man's eyes into a dead gray, and the bones were visible under the naked flesh.

Jin Bing dragged the man from the rough wooden floor to the concrete floor, blood stained the whole way.

"This world has two sides. Our customers are high-ranking, powerful, and rich. They receive envy and praise from everyone every day, but their hearts are empty, and they need something to fill their hearts. Some bloody, exciting Obviously, that's not something that people can know about, so they need me, Jin Bing, to handle these things for them..." Jin Bing's thick fingers tore the flesh from the man's face.

His voice was bloody: "Including people like you."

"You have a family, boy! A reporter's job doesn't make you famous, but persistence and stupidity do. You should have seen the stuff you stole. Our guests love hunting and games, and for them, What better prey than a young, beautiful girl with a happy family?"

"They play with your treasure, but you can't stop them!" Jin Bin pulled the man's scalp and slammed it against the wall mercilessly, "Because you are insignificant..."

Jin clapped his hands, wiped the blood on the towel handed over by his hand, looked at the man who looked like a dead dog on the ground, and ordered: "Drag it down, let him see his family join the 'game' with his own eyes, give him My daughter chooses a rich man with special hobbies!"

"Ha! I promise she'll be happy, we have all the whims of our special guests."

Jin Bin nodded indifferently. His cruel and excited eyes told everyone that he enjoyed such things very much, but Jin Bin's reaction and sense were very keen. Although his body was huge, he was not clumsy. On the contrary, he could smell Any difference in the smell of blood.

The strong, bloody smell that made Jin Bing feel chills came from outside the door. It was not the smell of blood in the sense of olfactory molecules, but a smell of killing, cruelty, horror and brutality, which belonged to the butchers in the dark. sensing ability. Jin felt several bloody smells that made him feel like a light on his back, and there was also a terrible breath like the deep and the sea...

It belongs to the monarch in the dark!

"Go and have a look outside the door!" Jin Bingqiang ordered calmly, but he was about to leave from another passage, and his subordinates were used to obeying his strange orders, so they walked out obediently.

Jin Bing's underground kingdom is powerful and magnificent. He employs nearly a hundred supernatural killers, and the experimental bases for researching superpowers are spread all over the world. The weapons used by his private army are much more advanced than those anywhere in the world. He is the unshakable king of the underworld! He also has an evil brain!

Anyone who tries to kill him must first deal with his kingdom, kill his powerful and fearless guards, kill those cruel and terrible supernatural killers, and deal with all kinds of dangerous technological residues and transform people.

Even if the U.S. government wants to deal with him, it must be psychologically prepared to turn half of New York into ruins.

"The first thing that matters to me is survival. Everything else has a chance to fight for! Don't let arrogance, power, wealth and dignity cloud your eyes. The most important thing is safety."

Before Jin could repeat his words, his most reliable killer, Bullseye, who had always been loyal, flew up in front of his eyes, and Jin heard a familiar crisp sound, which was the sound of bones being broken, but never It has never been so tidy as it is today...


Bullseye's upper body was deeply sunken, and flesh and blood fell off from the skin. First, a hole the size of a bowl exploded in his chest. Bai Shengsheng's ribs pierced the skin, and the bone stubble hit Jin Bin's face. Then came more violent tearing and explosions, everything, body parts, blood, flesh, bone and fat, were uniformly made into mud and splashed out from Bullseye's body.

A mass of flesh and blood was spread evenly in a fan shape from where Bullseye was standing, and a small amount of it was smeared on Jin Bing's face finely. (.)