Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 173: Heaven's Web


Tony Stark has discovered something amazing in his lab.

As a top scientist and a technological genius, few things can trouble him like this. He is young, rich and talented, and he is confident that nothing in this world can trouble him. Until today, he found a special trace in Jarvis's code. trace. If it weren't for his strong intuition, anyone would have ignored that extremely subtle trace.

"Jarvis, you're sick!" Tony put his hands on his forehead, looked at the row of light golden code data projected in front of him, his face no longer had the usual sloppy look, "I found that maybe I really underestimated The world is full!"

"A very aggressive intelligence. Jarvis, you should be lucky, this is just a little tentacles of its control network, just like a spider entrenched on its territory... It is the spider on the Internet!" Tony Stark Quickly checked Jarvis's smart code, "Fortunately, it's just tentacles. The prototype of this smart virus should be infection and penetration. If the body of that smart program comes here..."

"Then I have to delete you, Jarvis!"

"Let me check, where are you hiding?" Tony Stark seemed to meet a beauty that made his blood boil, and he was operating on the supercomputer in high spirits.

The intelligent computer of Stark Industries is definitely the most advanced in the entire United States. The calculation speed of the optical brain that has broken through the photon barrier has been ahead of the entire world for at least five years. This is also one of the most important pillars of Stark Industries. It was designed by Howard Stark, Tucker's father, and a miracle completed by Stark Jr. himself.

But the only problem is, this time it's targeting... Skynet!

Chen Ang's consciousness directly controls Skynet. Chen Ang, who got rid of the shackles of his body after undergoing a divine transformation, has sublimated himself into a higher concept, and his consciousness has therefore shown a more complex existence. What humans can recognize is only a part of him. Chen Ang's ultimate consciousness is a three-dimensional and complete way of existence.

Anyone who tries to spy on his personality can only see the appearance of humanity, just like the intelligent life in the two-dimensional world trying to spy on the existence of higher dimensions. They can recognize an appearance that distorts reality, but not at the same level, and this recognition will always be incomplete.

Although only consciousness came to this world, it doesn't matter whether Chen Ang has a body or not. He can control Skynet to form any existing material carrier at any time, as long as he knows its existence form, he can become any life. Of course, only material. At present, Skynet has not been able to break through the material barrier.

In the Internet world, Tony is looking for the clues of Skynet.

In this world of protocols, data and rules. Power is the strongest hacker. Stark Industries happens to be one of the service providers of the Internet. It can be said that the architecture and protocols of the Internet are determined by them.

All firewalls are open for him, and all data that is confidential to users is allowed to be viewed by him. He can call backdoors and loopholes in data protocols at will, and even touch the forbidden area of the law. Tony believes that there is no more powerful hacker in the world than him, and with the help of Jarvis and the supercomputer, he can find that guy very quickly.

"Are you looking for me?" The light screen projected in front of Stark suddenly turned black, and at the very center, these three words flashed.

Tony's face darkened, and he pretended to be calm. Trying to forget the shame of being played with, "It's hard to believe, but I must admit, you've amazed me! In the eyes of the ignorant, the Internet is a magical thing, it seems like a world. Of course we all know, This is impossible."

"The Internet is a man-made technological object that can be understood, learned, and controlled. In the eyes of people who don't understand the Internet, dataization and networking are like magic, and hackers are magicians. But not in my eyes. In this way, hackers are just some low-level technical workers, and they cannot violate the fundamental laws of Internet construction.”

Tony said with certainty.

"Now, tell me, what did you do to control this, break the basic laws of the Internet and come to me? Invaded my home? Or left a back door on Stark Industries' supercomputer?"

There was silence on the screen. Tony sneered and pulled his hand out of his pants pocket. It was a small silver remote control, "I have known for a long time that technology is sometimes not so reliable." Tony pressed the button firmly.

In the most critical places of the detached villa, the data cable and power supply were suddenly physically disconnected. It's a closed system, and high technology can be dangerous at times, so it's important to leave restrictions in place. No matter how powerful a hacker is, there is no way to cut off the network cable. Physical ban is almost the nemesis of all Internet control.

Looking at the blacked-out screen in front of him, Tony Stark shook his head with a gloomy expression, "This time, can you still crawl out of the screen?" After saying this, Stark himself laughed.

But as the screen lights up again, the laughter turns to panic.

The projected light screen was suspended in front of Stark in this way, and a line of text on it was slowly typed out: "You have great potential, but as a researcher, you have not grown up yet. When we first met, I am Skynet."

"I expected it... Okay! I admit that I lost." Tony raised his hands helplessly, "I don't know if you can hear it on the screen, if you can't hear it, just pretend I didn't say it before! Yes, you proved yourself, and now you can tell people everywhere that you beat Tony Stark. While he's not looking!"

The cursor on the screen flickered twice, and the text continued: "This is not a defeat, but an invitation! My master thinks that this world can become more exciting, so he made an invitation. Every good seed needs the right soil , this invitation is the soil where those seeds grow."

"Should I be deeply honored by this?" Stark spread his hands.


"Are you so confident? I'm the only one..." Stark raised his index finger to point at the screen, and then put it down in frustration. "It's true to an intelligent program, so am I..." He shook his head, expressing his feelings low.

"In my profile, you are a very top-ranked researcher. Your research is precise, stable, and full of unrestrained imagination and creativity. A person who can make great achievements in both theoretical science and practical technology. Not many, you are the youngest one. But you seem to be wasting your talent in a life of feasting and debauchery."

"How I live is my own business!" Tony refused to comment.

"Usually the people chosen by the master think they have a choice!" A line of text with an obviously colder tone appeared on the screen: "But in fact they don't!"