Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 26: Plague Taoist, Dr. Chen


Chen Ang looked at several people with a smile. This is the first time that the Shanghan Divine Art has been practiced on the human body, and it has gained a lot. There are very few experimental subjects like Zuo Lengchan with profound internal energy and strong visceral qi in this world, and they are very cherished. It is impossible for Chen Ang to go to Wudang Shaolin to beat their masters for no reason.

Therefore, Zuo Lengchan's human experiment was of great significance to him.

"The dialectical technique of the six meridians has certainly reached its current peak in medicine, but the mechanism of the six meridians in martial arts training is still not very clear. Most of the treatment of the six meridians in the "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" has been completed. The Eight Principles of Syndrome Diagnosis is only a continuation of two chapters on yin and yang, and there are also exterior, interior, cold, heat, deficiency, and excess, which have not been elaborated."

Chen Ang frowned and thought, "With my own wisdom, it takes too much time for me to deal with these minutiae. I don't have to open up the road of thorns and thorns. I still need to attract more people to the gate of medicine and martial arts. , if we can create a famous school like Wudang Shaolin, the speed of perfecting the theory will be much faster."

"Man is a sword and I am a fish. Your Excellency has an order, and I will obey it." Zuo Lengchan's face was ashen, staggered twice, and stood up with the trunk supported. A thin layer of frost formed between the buns.

Although the Ice Palm is infinitely powerful and extremely restrained against star-absorbing techniques, once the balance of the human body is disrupted by this kind of extreme martial arts, the damage will be more violent and rapid than other people. Speaking of which, Chen Ang's martial art is really the nemesis of evil extreme martial arts. As long as the foundation is not stable, the power of extreme nature will be restrained to death.

Chen Ang was thoughtful, raised his hand and lightly pressed his palm on his dantian.

"Senior Brother Zuo!" Several people on the ground exclaimed anxiously.

Zuo Lengchan waved his hand, indicating that he was fine. Just now, Zuo Lengchan felt an extremely sinister aura coming into his dantian, which merged with his internal energy and influenced him, and the cold symptoms on his body were relieved a lot.

"As the saying goes, there is a great way, but there are evil ways. My "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" has a majestic and righteous way, and there are also shortcuts to the south and side ways. What just penetrated into your body is a cold syndrome..."

"Cold is a disease, and the kidneys receive it first. Its guest is between the five internal organs, and the pulse leads to pain; if the guest is in the room of the eight deficiencies, the bad blood will stay, and it will not go away for a long time. !"

Chen Ang quoted a passage from "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" and explained: "This true qi is yin and cold in nature, and it colludes with the true qi of the Ice God's Palm in your body and is deeply rooted. It makes the yin and yang qi in your body appear cold. In the state of illness, you are suffering from severe illness every day, and you are in great pain. But the more you look like you are about to die, the stronger the true energy in your body will be."

"When you are sick and blind, no one can save you except your true qi due to cold symptoms, or my "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber". Suppress the cold syndrome, otherwise, the cold poisonous disease will break out, and you will be worse than death."

Chen Ang looked into Zuo Lengchan's eyes, and said word by word: "If you can't become stronger, you will die! This kind of evil way is what I call sickness. Zuo Lengchan, if you want to unravel this Imprisonment of the Dao can only deduce the true energy of the disease to a great success, feed back the body, and prevent all diseases, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of this restriction in a lifetime."

Zuo Lengchan smiled wryly, watching Chen Ang give each of them a slap. All the eunuchs in Songshan, their faces turned blue and white, stood up staggeringly. Just as he was about to speak, a voice came from his heart. A sharp itching made him cough violently.

"Ahem!" Zuo Lengchan bent down in pain, as if he was about to cough up blood, he casually slapped the big tree behind him, and saw a layer of frost visible to the naked eye.

"It was a blessing in disguise for Zuo, and his martial arts has improved a lot!"

Looking at the frost marks on the tree, Zuo Lengchan smiled wryly at himself.

Lu Bai's mouth and nose were crooked, and he looked paralyzed by a stroke. A strand of silver was hanging from the corner of his mouth. He staggered step by step, and moved towards Zuo Lengchan with difficulty. Zuo Lengchan saw the radiance in his eyes and knew that he looked very weak now, but when he made a move, he would definitely be shocked, ten times more terrifying than before.

Ding Mian was also shivering all over, walking towards Zuo Lengchan tremblingly, but sometimes he trembled and his hands flicked wildly like a convulsion, even Zuo Lengchan couldn't see his strike.

"Fever disease, fever disease, damp disease, dry disease, summer heat, cold, cold disease, miscellaneous disease!" Chen Ang looked at the eight people who were sick and blind, and said with a smile: "Today, Songshan Thirteen The Taibao has already become history, and the only thing left is the Eight Diseases True Monarch!"

Zuo Lengchan's face was so bitter that scum could fall off, he came to Chen Ang, Nuonuo bowed his head and replied: "Hanbing Zhenjun has met the Lord, I don't know how to address the Lord by name?"

"Whatever you want!" Chen Ang didn't necessarily take his words seriously. A vicious person like Zuo Lengchan, at best, is able to bend and stretch, and endures what ordinary people can't bear. At worst, he is a poisonous snake lurking in the dark.

Chen Ang has never thought of subduing him to serve him. This is not consistent with his character pursuit, so, to him, the Eight Diseases True Monarch is just a test product in the way of medicine and martial arts!

Zuo Lengchan didn't know what was going on in Chen Ang's mind, so he quickly dragged the other Songshan sect members to bow their heads to Chen Ang. Seeing him doing this, Chen Ang felt extremely bored, and disappeared into the air with a wave of his sleeve.

When the eight people suddenly raised their heads, they saw that there was nothing in front of them. Chen Ang disappeared without a trace as if he had never appeared before. Only the luggage of the horse tied to the ancient tree in the distance reminded everyone what a terrifying person had appeared here.

"Master...Senior brother!" Ding Mian came up and clasped his fists, trembling all over, "I...I...we, what should I do?" The six people behind him also looked at Zuo Lengchan with confused faces.

"Mr. Chen has already left." Zuo Lengchan raised his eyelids, and said more deeply: "From now on, you will respectfully call Mr. Wen Daoist, and we are his Eight Diseases True Monarchs. Everyone must remember our duty!"

Plague Taoist! Several people smiled wryly in their hearts, isn't this master a plague god? They responded in unison: "Yes!"

... Chen Ang's screen changed, and he suddenly appeared in a boxy steel secret room. He took off his ancient clothes and put on a white coat. He frowned and looked at the long-haired young man in the mirror, hesitated for a while, but still ignored the outrageously long hair.

On the contrary, another matter attracted his full attention.

"Has the time in each world started to flow synchronously?" Chen Ang frowned and thought. He thought about it from dozens of different angles, from the induction between heaven and man to quantum mechanics, and found that the knowledge related to time and space is rare. Few, with his current wisdom, he still can't figure out something as profound and inconceivable as the ability to travel through time.

But this is a good thing for Chen Ang, which means that he has more favorable conditions for gathering the wisdom of civilization and the world, opening up a road. In one world after another, sowing the seeds of wisdom, waiting for it to blossom and bear fruit, and harvesting a perfect civilization and system, the road to grazing civilization is still very long.

Chen Ang pushed open the door and walked along the passage to the lobby of the base. A bald researcher saw him, his eyes glistened with excitement, "Doctor! You're here!"

"Prepare a set of rainforest adventure equipment, I'm useful! Get the sixth genetic laboratory ready, and the No. 3 hypothetical material is coming!" Chen Ang ordered neatly: "Also, how many researchers have performed overclocking modification?"

The bald fat man, while quickly recording Chen Ang's instructions, raised his head and revealed a pair of blue eyes, "Doctor, 1,213 people have completed the transformation! There are still 82 people waiting Among them, those people's emotions were not very stable, and they strongly demanded to enter the operation as soon as possible."

"The thirteen-member overclocking think tank has been formed, and the consortium's expansion is unstoppable."

"Very good!" Chen Ang nodded and said, "Clean up those moths, cut off the claws of other consortiums, the path of evolution is unstoppable!"

"Yes!" The bald man looked frantically, he looked at Chen Ang excitedly, the blue in his eyes fluctuated violently, "Only we are the future of mankind! Idiots who prevent the evolution of new mankind must teach them a lesson, the future is Ours, and now ours!"

Chen Ang, who felt more and more like the villain big boss, looked at him in surprise, and lightly pointed at his chest, a cold chill immediately stabilized the fluctuating blueness in the bald man's eyes, "Pay attention to your overclocking status Stability! Go inject a stabilizer, your emotional backlash is too strong!"

The bald man regained his composure and said gratefully, "Yes, Doctor!"

"Inform the Operations Department to gather two jungle weather experts, rainforest plant and ecology experts, snake biology researchers, and most importantly—the Sixth Genetic Laboratory, all genetic biology researchers!"