Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 28: The path of evolution


The blood-crowned giant snake roared, and the huge wound on its body exploded into a cluster of ferocious granulation, which squirmed and healed. The black granulation like maggots invaded the giant snake's body, and the huge fleshy crown expanded and contracted, providing With the power of blood.

The blue-eyed giant snake stopped attacking in a humane manner, and looked at the eyes of the blood-crowned giant snake, revealing a complex emotion that does not belong to snakes. It roared silently, and the muscles on its body wriggled layer by layer. Like a master fighter waiting for battle, the clockwork of his muscles was tightened, he circled up the cliff, and came to the top of the blood-crowned snake.

Black granulation spread all over the whole body of the blood-crowned giant snake. It brutally bit a small python that didn't have eyes close to it, and black mucus was secreted from its mouth. The little python struggled twice, and suddenly black granulation sprouted all over its body, merging Into the body of the blood crown python.

The blue-eyed serpent roared angrily, and with a hoarse wind, it aimed at the even larger blood-crowned python and jumped down in the air. Its body stretched out nimbly like a spring, and it was really as swift and vigorous as an oolong coming out of a hole. . If anyone from the martial arts world was here, they would be stunned.

A third-rate unique move in the Jianghu "Spiritual Snake Three Detectives", instead of the way of exerting force like a retreat, when the giant python uses it, it can be said to be earth-shattering. Two giant snakes, one with high martial arts and one with biochemical mutation, each One can easily cause astonishing damage in the city, but the blood-crowned snake that only relies on instinct to kill is ultimately inferior.

The giant blue-eyed snake strangled the opponent tightly, and its tough muscles formed a powerful force, tightly bound the blood-crown snake, and pressed its head to Chen Ang's body.

"I didn't expect that the ingredients that promote the vitality of human cells will benefit the cancer cells first, and the tumor that can divide infinitely can produce such a terrible mutation after being supported by the medicine." This is not only beyond Chen Ang's expectations, It made him feel even more dignified.

The blood orchid, a miraculous plant, can cause such terrible consequences if it is not effectively used. It is hard for Western pharmaceutical companies to imagine that opening the door to a new world by themselves is Pandora's box. Because of the long-term consumption of blood blue, the giant snake has accumulated too many active ingredients in its body, so it suddenly mutated.

In other words, all giant snakes live on the edge of mutation, and no one disturbs them, and they may not complete this kind of change in their lifetime, but once they are disturbed at the chemical or genetic level, there is a great possibility that they will happen. This change.

If human beings take medicines rich in blood blue ingredients, I am afraid that they will not have such good luck. Surviving in chemicals and always walking on a steel wire rope, mutation is almost inevitable.

At that time, this world should not be called "The Plague of Python", but "The End of Cancer" and "Resident Evil".

Seeing the giant blood-crowned snake whose mind had lost its sanity and transformed into a biochemical monster bit by bit, Chen Ang couldn't help sighing, and stretched out his hand to gently press its blood crown. A feeling of flesh and blood was transmitted from the blood crown. Come.

With a slight shock of internal force, the Yin-Yang breath circulation in the giant snake, which was on the verge of collapse, suddenly became chaotic, and the violent body function conflict caused the giant snake to fall to the ground.

For biochemical variation, genetics can only interfere and stimulate it from the outside, but Chinese medicine can control and influence it. For each biochemical test product, the body circulation is in an extremely unstable disguised steady state, and sometimes only gently pulled, Often bodily functions are overwhelmed, like removing the last pillar from a building block.

Although the giant snake's fighting power is powerful, its circulatory system, organ system, and even the brain's nervous system are in an extremely unstable state. Chen Ang is just a pusher, disrupting its circulatory system, without oxygen to participate in the reaction, The nervous system of the giant snake was implicated and destroyed.

At this point, it's just a pool of rotten meat that's about to collapse.

How could the mutation of just ten minutes and the cyclical stability of the giant snake's body reconstruction be comparable to the tens of millions of years of evolution in nature? If ordinary snakes still have the ability to adapt to this kind of change, then the body of the biochemical giant snake can only be said to be a sieve full of mistakes, and will be easily eliminated in the natural system.

Biochemical variation is like a bug in nature, it can be easily repaired, imitating the nature of heaven and earth, Chinese medicine, which pays attention to harmony, has the ability to overcome variation. Between heaven and earth, those who are not strong win, and only those who adapt can survive.

The brain developed by Chen Ang's overclocking was extremely unstable at the beginning, and would even slip into the unknown abyss uncontrollably. This kind of thing developed by humans forcibly, if there is no natural selection, it will only go to collapse. Just like a wedge inserted into the movement of heaven and earth, it will be pulled out eventually under all the pressure of body and mind.

It was like a solid giant tower, a pillar was dismantled, and it was crumbling, and could be destroyed by a gust of wind, just like Lucy's body was on the verge of collapse in just a few days, and finally died of Taoism. However, this solid pillar is both protection and confinement. It allows people to adapt to the environment safely, and also confines the driving force of human evolution.

The quickest way to rebuild a tower is not to replace parts bit by bit, carefully expand, but to take a drastic step to tear down the original tower and rebuild it again. The path Chen Ang chose was like this, dangerous and fast, always on the verge of collapse.

What keeps him going until now is not his strong control over his body, nor his super-intelligence, but his understanding of Chinese medicine, his understanding of balance, the long-standing evolutionary path of China—qi, and the protection of his body . Those who pursue power will eventually be crushed by power, and those who pursue knowledge and wisdom can move forward along the way.

The blue-eyed giant snake looked sadly at its kind whose body was gradually melting, carefully stretched out its head, and arched Chen Ang's body. His eyes were full of longing. Chen Ang rubbed its big head with a smile, and untied it from the sleeve. A small package revealed a cold silver container.

A purple potion shimmered faintly. Chen Ang raised his hand and injected the potion into the body of the blood-crowned serpent, "Having gained human-like intelligence, but lost the ability to live forever, I don't know what to do with it." Are you a blessing or a curse?" Chen Ang pondered the blue-eyed serpent's head, and said softly.

The stable genes of snakes can still support the pressure of the blood orchid, but the giant snake transformed by overclocking medicine will never be able to withstand the pressure from the genes, unless the big snake's breathing and training skills reach Chen Ang's current state, Regulate and re-stabilize genes through the circulation of spirit, energy and spirit.

The blood-crowned giant snake struggled twice, opened its eyes slightly, revealing its blue pupils, looked at Chen Ang enviously, the closeness from the depths of its blood, it couldn't help sticking out its head, arching his feet . When the giant snake opened its eyes again, the tyrannical madness had long faded away, and there was only a clear peace.

Chen Ang stood up with a wry smile, patted the head of the blue-eyed giant python, and said with a smile: "You take care of it here, I'll go first!" The body of the giant python.

Chen Ang carefully observed the blood orchid plants, picked a few samples, and collected some data and samples of nearby soil, water sources, and associated plants. He tapped on the cliff and disappeared into the treetops. A few giant pythons carefully swam over at this moment, crawling in front of the blue-eyed giant python.

The blue-eyed giant python roared silently towards the sky, a mysterious sound wave spread in all directions, startling countless beasts and monsters, and in the distance, a giant crocodile came out of the river suddenly, and grabbed a man in white on a boat. the river.

Several white men and women on the boat screamed. A woman lost control and was about to jump into the river. The person next to her held her tightly, "Shamansha, don't, Jack is hopeless."

A few wisps of blood appeared in the river, confirming his words. Shamansha covered her face and cried out in grief.

Farther away, a heavily armed mercenary was chasing after them in a big boat. A white-haired old man greedily looked at the crystal bloody pill in the medicine bottle, and murmured : "Blood orchid, the flower of immortality, the gift of life."

He turned back and shouted at the mercenary: "Hurry up! Be sure to get to that place before Monday!"