Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 30: The art of alchemy


These western adventurers, in name, are adventure seekers, but in fact they are jackals looking for opportunities to make a fortune. They greedily sniff every opportunity to make a fortune, destroying ancient sites and looking for treasures everywhere.

To 'discover' those ancient civilizations living in their homeland, with a look of 'I found, I own! "The gesture of plundering the wealth of other civilizations.

They 'discovered' the pyramids in Egypt, defeated the evil tomb guards, plundered the Pharaoh's wealth, and triumphantly announced to the world that this is a great archaeological discovery, regardless of the existence of the Egyptians there After thousands of years, it is clear that the 'natives' cannot 'discover' themselves.

The 'Mogao Grottoes' were also 'discovered' by them, so they could blatantly glue down the murals and take away the scriptures. The Taoist king who guarded the caves was only helping them, a trivial 'native'.

Chen Ang felt that if the Snake King guarding the blood orchid had not been strengthened by himself, these explorers would continue to 'discover' the magical plants that had been passed down for thousands of years in Borneo, and shamelessly took them for themselves.

As for the inheritance and culture of the local people, the fact that they regard the blood orchid as sacred will be a shining embellishment in their expedition. As for the 'discovery' that the local people began to use the blood orchid to make witchcraft hundreds of years ago? Are you worthy of finding out if you are not white

What a bandit with open flames, Chen Ang couldn't help but applaud them!

Just like when Columbus discovered the New World, Westerners can justifiably have sovereignty over America, so pharmaceutical companies will also have sovereignty over Bloodland. This kind of magical 'technology' and 'principle' makes many treasures unknowingly , left its owner.

As for whether Shaman Lang would care? What do the aborigines living near Bloodland think

Who cares

Chen Ang smiled, and regardless of the trembling explorer in front of him, he turned and walked into the boat, let these 'discoverers' have a good talk with the original owner! Maybe the Snake King would agree with them.

Behind him, came the miserable wailing of the man, and then stopped abruptly.

In the distance, a vague scolding came from the shore, it seemed to be a woman scolding.

Shaman Lang stood up with difficulty and moved towards the side of the boat step by step. He smiled and looked at the two men who were absent-minded on the shore, and the injured woman shouted at him in despair: "You demons! Things, what have you done, wizards, raising such demons will be punished by God."

Shaman Lang stood in front of the Blood-Crowned Serpent, touched it piously with his forehead, and said to the woman indifferently: "Thieves from afar! Greed kills you, plotting things that don't belong to you, and receiving the master's gift Punishment, isn't it a matter of course? Why don't you reflect on the sins in your heart, but hate the messenger who punished you?"

"The blood orchid doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the whole world!" Sha Mansha looked at him in disgust, with a very ferocious expression on his face: "You don't deserve to own it, you will only enshrine it, only we can do better take advantage of it."

"I know you think we are stupid natives. In your eyes, the culture of Borneo is interesting but insignificant. It is more like a barbaric custom. Because it is low, it is not worthy." Shaman Lang said deeply Sighing, he raised his hand and stood in front of her.

"Maybe we're behind, but that doesn't mean it's worthless!" A faint black air wrapped around his finger, pointing at the tip of Shamansha's nose, Shamansha's eyes lit up, and suddenly appeared on the hand behind his back took a dagger.

"Go to hell! Wizard!" Shamansha rushed towards him, but fell limply halfway.

The white man hurriedly helped her up, only to see that her face was covered with dead gray, and she opened her mouth with difficulty, gasping for breath, "This is our culture, you see, we can also use blood orchids. "Shaman Lang stood in front of them and said.

The light in Shamansha's eyes gradually disappeared. She looked at Shamanlang's back with resentment, tightly grasped the hand of the white man Ben, and handed him the dagger. nod.

Just as he was about to stand up, he heard the local guide Tran next to him say to him: "Sorry, if you want to do this, I must stop you." Tran stood in front of him with a local dagger and said coldly: "The wizard is right. It is greed that killed you and blinded my heart. I will make atonement to the wizard."

When Shamanlang stood in front of Chen Ang again, the corner of his clothes was stained with blood, he whispered: "Master, Tran got some injuries, I helped him go to the upper floor."

Chen Ang stared at the small bronze furnace in front of him intently, and nodded slightly to him, indicating that he knew.

The firepower emitted by the delicate silver frost carbon is pure and stable, licking against the bottom of the copper furnace, and under Chen Ang's precise control, the temperature of the furnace body is subtly changed.

In the medical theory of Zhongtu, the blood orchid is a partial material that is highly poisonous and tonic, unlike Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng, which is neutral and peaceful, so when using it, you should either use a mild adjuvant to polish it gently, or just go away. The slant front makes extreme use of its characteristics and maintains its balance like walking a tightrope.

With Chen Ang's preference, of course he prefers more extreme methods, but this does not prevent him from using the kingly method first to test the medicinal properties of the blood orchid. Inside the stove are some medicinal materials mailed from Middle Earth, which are of high quality and stable in efficacy.

Each of them has been personally identified by Chen Ang, and even the processing in the early stage is done by human hands, in order to have an extreme understanding of the properties of auxiliary medicines, so that we can more effectively explore the characteristics of blood orchids. Beside him, there are piles of processed medicines, most of which are powdered medicines, a few are liquid medicines, and few complete medicinal materials.

In fact, most of the medicinal ingredients are plant fibers, which will only be burnt at high temperature, and will never melt into a medicinal liquid like in Chinese medicine. The medicinal ingredients need to be extracted from the medicinal materials first, and this has been the case since ancient times. , otherwise it will only produce a furnace of charred residue.

Chen Ang could already use the extraction method to extract the medicinal ingredients of the medicinal materials, but considering that the experimental nature of alchemy is more important this time, he used the ancient method, medicinal powder, medicinal liquid, and pre-processed medicines, Synthetic elixir.

Rather than saying it is alchemy, it is better to say it is alchemy.

The sea of water above the shrine was already slightly white, and a fragrant medicinal smell permeated the laboratory. A few strands of blue silk floated and swayed in the clear sea of water, exuding the smell of medicinal herbs. Chen Ang finely sprinkled a layer of cinnabar on the bottom of the furnace, and then sprinkled a layer of stone grease on the cinnabar, and did this three times, covering the bottom of the furnace with a layer of ore.

The Kamiya was suspended above the hearth, scorched by the heat wave.

Chen Ang first used bear bile and some warming medicines as the base of the medicine. This is a good prescription for invigorating Qi. Chen Ang had learned it from Ping Yizhi and improved it. It is an excellent warming powder in itself. Bear bile is placed on top. Sprinkle a handful of spring water on the bottom of the furnace, and cover the furnace lid again.

Chen Ang's hands were on the furnace wall, which made Shaman Lang who was watching on the side anxious. The temperature of this bronze furnace is at least four to five degrees. If someone sticks it, at least one layer of skin must be torn off.

But Chen Ang's face was calm, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like something was wrong. On the contrary, the white gas rising slightly from the top of the stove condensed into a canopy and covered the top of the stove. Shaman Lang was not Chinese, otherwise anyone who knew alchemy would be shocked to see such a scene.

This kind of furnace temperature is extremely stable, the changes are extremely subtle, the medicine properties are fused, and the changes are just right, so wonderful that this kind of scene of medicine clouds pouring over appears. Chen Ang's slightly blue pupils are concentrating on controlling the oscillation of internal force .

When the furnace was turned on again, Shaman Lang did not feel the hot air rushing towards his face at all. Instead, he saw the air in the furnace, which was slightly distorted. It was obviously in a closed high-temperature state, but it was extremely round and evenly heated so that it would not cause air The fluctuations, the flow of the wind.

Chen Ang pointed at this point as if piercing an invisible barrier, the air in the pill furnace exploded, and Shaman Lang felt a scorching hot wind blowing towards his face. Chen Ang, who stood at the front, grabbed a hand of the medicine powder, Along with the violent wind formed in the stove, sprinkle evenly.

The medicinal powder was mixed into a ball in the hot wind, and rushed towards the two slightly melted bear gallbladders, and sprinkled them evenly on the surface.

The slightly golden bear bile exudes a slight fragrance, but this is only the first step. Chen Ang twists the dried blood orchid powder, carefully wraps it in the bear bile, and soaks it in a mixture of dozens of medicinal liquids. Closed the stove lid.

This time, there was no need for Chen Ang to maintain it carefully. He told Shaman Lang to keep an eye on the temperature of the furnace so that within a certain period of time, the temperature difference would not exceed one-tenth of a degree, and then got up to study other things.

Two days later, Chen Ang carefully lifted the furnace cover, and two blood-red beads the size of fists were quietly placed in the shrine. Onyx, after being exposed to the outside air, the blood drops quickly become dark and dull, unable to see the splendor before.