Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 38: crazy research


The silver shell of the spaceship reflects a slight light, and it can be seen that the entire spaceship is very well preserved.

When Chen Ang entered through the opening of the spaceship, he could only lead to a small area consisting of about four or five rooms, and the other places were blocked by thick alloy walls. The sand people didn't leave any traces here, and it could be seen that they even cleaned and maintained the spaceship frequently.

Chen Ang can even see some precious agates inlaid in the corridor, some strange characters and symbols carved with crystal powder, extending along the corridor to the innermost big warehouse, a few dreamlike and beautiful stone beads , were engraved on the ceiling, forming a strange symbol.

"This is Crayton Dragon Ball, this is the holy land of the Sandmen!" Anakin exclaimed.

Cretosaurus is the most dangerous existence in the Jundland Wasteland. They have several subspecies, also called canyon dragons. They are as high as 10 meters, and when fully grown, their body length can reach 30 meters. A kraytosaurus spends its entire life growing. They get stronger and stronger with age. It has five pointed horns on the top of its head and horny plates on its face.

The sand people are in awe of this ferocious creature, and worship the ferocity and lethality of this beast. The precious stone contained in the gizzard of the Krait dragon, the Krait dragon ball, is also the favorite ornament of the sand people to decorate the holy place.

Chen Ang squeezed this smooth stone, squinted his eyes towards the sun, and looked at its gorgeous and changeable patterns. In his eyes, there was a circle of pale golden radiating light patterns around the Crater Dragon Ball, full of light. Gentle but not violent energy.

"The Crayton Dragon Ball is very beautiful, and it is a luxury item loved by many upper-class people on the planet. They usually spend a lot of money to buy it as an ornament." Anakin explained that for this precious specialty, every Tatooine Everyone is very familiar.

"This dragon ball is not simple!" Chen Ang laughed, "If it's just for decoration, it would be too stingy!"

The inner force touched the dragon ball slightly, feeling the gentle energy slowly leaking out of it, expanding one's meridians bit by bit, just like the morning sun, making one's body warm.

He put away the dragon ball, ignored Anakin who was confused behind him, walked slowly towards the alloy gate, raised his hand and pressed it against the metal wall in front of him.

The dim silver alloy suddenly glowed white, and the color of the metal quickly faded, revealing the transparent crystal material, and a few lines of slightly bluish mysterious text appeared on it. Chen Ang tapped it lightly, and the text quickly disappeared. Retreat, and soon, the perspective miniature of a spaceship is suspended in front of the two of them.

"What is this?" Anakin was very curious.

"I mobilized the design of this spaceship from the optical brain. The sandmen are indeed a bunch of brainless people. How long has the optical brain terminal been here? They have never discovered it."

Anakin felt choked for a moment. He looked blankly at the identical metal walls around him, trying to see the secrets hidden inside. After a long time, he gave up this idea in frustration, because he couldn't see any difference , thinking sadly in my heart: "Could it be that my wisdom is similar to that of the Sandman?"

"This is a scientific research spacecraft. It has been tens of thousands of years since it crashed here, but fortunately, the instruments inside are very well preserved. Many things are still intact today, and the functional areas are also very complete. I think, I should Change the residence!" Chen Ang enlarged the phantom of the spaceship and said with a slight smile.

"Can it still fly into the sky?" Anakin asked in surprise.

"The damage is not big, but this kind of large spaceship cannot be repaired under the conditions of Tatooine. Tatooine's large-scale technological level is at least three generations behind this spaceship. It is okay to repair small spaceships. It is difficult to deal with this kind of scientific research ship." Don't think about it." Chen Ang said indifferently, an alloy wall behind him suddenly opened without warning, revealing a passage.

"Follow me!" Chen Ang instructed Anakin, and raised his leg to enter the passage.

The functional areas of the large spaceship are arranged in an orderly manner. Generally speaking, the layout of large partitions and small miscellaneous areas is simple and clear. A wider main road connects the major partitions, and criss-crossing branch roads connect each room. corridor. This can at least be used for thousands of people's life research.

Considering the consumption of scientific research materials, it can also support 500 people.

But such a large scientific research ship, there is no one on it. Although there are still traces of human life in many places, there is no living life, not even a corpse, just like the people here, They all retreated in an orderly manner.

Abandoning such a spacecraft with little damage to carry out a more complicated personnel evacuation

This behavior is really incomprehensible.

Chen Ang opened a laboratory and saw the neatly packed experimental instruments and materials inside. After a simple search, he had to admit that this place was indeed abandoned.

All the experimental materials and data were taken away, most of the instrument data was also emptied, and even some instruments that needed to be kept properly were carefully stored. One click and be back soon.

However, this place has been silent for tens of thousands of years, and this spaceship just stayed in the cracks of the canyon obediently, and was even buried by yellow sand. Until one day, the sandman discovered this place and regarded it as a holy place.

"How is it? Anakin, do you want to live here?" Chen Ang left the laboratory, brought Anakin to the captain's room of the spaceship, and said to him while checking the condition of the spaceship.

Anakin raised his head in surprise when he heard the words, but lowered his head in frustration for a while, and said: "Katu is not willing to let me go, even if I promise him a large sum of money, he is not willing to release me. Mother’s slave status. He promised to let me redeem myself, but he asked me to work for him, and it would take ten years to redeem my mother.”

"With Jabba backing him, he said that if I dare to escape without authorization, he will give Jabba my ownership and let him send bounty hunters to hunt us down."

"Let me talk to him!" Chen Ang comforted him with a smile, "You go to tidy up a room first, and later we have to assemble the robot. Talk!', hopefully he will like the way I talk."

"Really? Teacher! That's great!" Anakin cheered, picked up the optical brain beside him, and rushed out of the room.

In the captain's room, he has direct management authority over the entire spaceship. Chen Ang manipulated the spaceship to turn on the hidden mode, and at the same time controlled the laser cannons on both sides, smashing the stone walls on both sides of the cliff, and letting the yellow sand rush down. The spaceship was completely buried. As long as there is another sandstorm, the terrain here will completely disappear.

The maintenance robot on board should start to move and maintain the operation of the spacecraft, but the materials and energy on the spacecraft still need to be supplemented by the outside world. The daily energy of the spacecraft is still sufficient, but it is only enough to run the spacecraft for one year.

This is the solar energy that the spacecraft has collected for tens of thousands of years. If the main engine cannot be started to provide power for the spacecraft, it can only be powered by an external high-energy battery pack.

The efficiency of the energy section of the main engine is much higher than that of the battery pack, and using the latter to supply energy will cost a lot. It's like using a coal-burning stove to burn leaves, and it will get twice the result with half the effort.

Chen Ang these days, apart from concentrating on learning the scientific knowledge of this world, is also studying various alien races in this world. These magical races have different abilities, various forms, and abilities are also varied.

A close relative of the plasma leech, the Volkabash have magical bodies. Their bodies are made of flesh and blood, and the metal content in their blood is very high. Because their diet is rich in plasma, a circle will form around their bodies. A magnetic field, and certain inner muscles, such as their tongue, can exert control over this magnetic field.

This miraculous ability inspired Chen Ang greatly. Electricity and magnetism are one of the basic energies of the world. They contain deep mysteries. They have the terrifying power to affect the world and move the reality, which is no less than internal force. There is a "Sea Tiger" comic book on the earth, in which the power of the magnetic field rotation has the power to shock the real world.

Gravity, electromagnetism, temperature, vector, fluid, and light intensity, these basic physical forces also seem to have a broad space for expansion. Originally, Chen Ang needed to wait until the overclocking control reached the genetic level before conducting research on supernatural physics, but Volkabash People gave him a brand-new revelation—body transformation technology.

Different from the mechanized body modification that is popular in the Milky Way now, Chen Ang is more inclined to imitate all kinds of magical creatures in the universe, study their body mysteries, use mimicry to transplant artificial organs, and control these physical forces.

In fact, Chen Ang has an even crazier idea. He wants to try to combine internal force with artificial organs, use his advantages in human medicine, integrate artificial organs into the human body, and use internal force to promote the evolution of artificial organs And alienation, using the disruption and reshaping of the balance of yin and yang, this process completes the transformation and alienation of the human body from the inside out