Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 45: Disabled Squad


When the light blade erupted, Chen Ang briefly touched the original force, which did not surprise Qui-Gon Jinn. The Jedi were not the only force-sensitive group. Chen Ang was qualified and capable of contacting the original force.

But the facts hidden under this are quite astonishing. Not to mention that Chen Ang is not a force-sensitive person, he doesn't even have a midiplasm. Like the Yuuzhan Vong, he is an existence insulated from the force of the universe . He shouldn't, and it's impossible to come into contact with the Force, unless the nature of the Force is not as everyone speculates and imagines.

The relationship between the force and the fibrils is not as close as everyone thinks.

Chen Ang tried to feel the original force, but found that although the barrier between him and the original force had weakened, it was still like a thick layer of glass. There is a trace of the original force of life.

This is normal. Both the life force and the internal force are the embodiment of a certain aspect of the origin of life. Their imitation and fusion with each other is a natural thing. The internal force can be transformed into the life force. Chen Ang is almost certain a conjecture.

When the internal force and the original force are fused, what else can hinder the channel of communication between him and the original force? The midiplasm can be a bridge to communicate with the force of life, so can the force of life. When the internal force completely coincides with the force of life, the unifying force will also open its tolerant mind.

All life has a force, and the force does not refer to the fibril, but the expression of the original force of life. Anyone can communicate with the force. This is the gist of the concept of the force of life. Chen Ang's changes undoubtedly reflect this .

Chen Ang spread out his palm, and there were some small scratches on it. They were the marks left after the broken hilt of his sword, which he couldn't bear when he tried to control the original force. Usually, Chen Ang only needs to control the muscle groups at the nerve endings to temporarily Let the appearance hide it, but this time he has a better choice.

The internal force circulated slightly, and an inexplicable breath around Chen Ang quickly approached Chen Ang's palm. When he spread it here, the broken capillaries on the palm had healed, and the delicate skin was as smooth as jade, and no previous wounds could be seen .

The Force Heals!

This is the first force skill that Chen Ang simulated, and it looks pretty good. The healing properties of internal force are not inferior to the force of life. Coupled with Chen Ang's master-level medical skills that combine Chinese and Western skills, it can be said to be invincible.

Coupled with Chen Ang's superb ability to control his body, even if a limb is broken, it may not be impossible to be reborn. Of course, when used on other people, the effect will be much worse.

"It seems that we have to flee in embarrassment! You have the pursuers of the Trade Alliance, and I also have the pursuit of Jabba bounty hunters. If we are together, the risk will be doubled." Chen Ang put away the useful things on the ground. stuff, said with a smile.

Before Qui-Gon Jinn could answer, the communicator on his jacket rang quickly, and Obi-Wan's anxious face appeared on the communicator, "Our spaceship was destroyed by the Trade Federation! Their pursuers really caught up , be warned in advance, we have little loss, but the queen's spaceship has been destroyed... "

"It's okay, come and meet us!" Chen Ang interjected lazily.

"There are pursuers behind us!" Obi-Wan turned his head anxiously, and he could see dozens of ferocious flying cars floating behind him, and Queen Naboo's guards were under cover, obstructing their pursuit in an orderly manner.

Before Obi-Wan could explain clearly, a domineering voice came from behind Qui-Gon Jinn:

"Let them come over, come one, have one, don't worry!"

Chen Ang held the alloy blade upside down, and looked at the smoke and dust rising from the opposite side. Behind him, there was a group of old disabled people in their seventies and eighties. On the suspended wheelchair, it floated in front of Chen Ang.

The electronic voice on his chair asked rigidly: "This time the boss wants to increase the money! The Mechanical Legion of the Trade Union is a hard idea. The quotation you give us will go up three levels."

Chen Ang slapped open the car door of the flying shuttle behind him, pointed to the assortment of weapons on it and said: "All these are for you! Look at the things here, how much you want, how much you can take, let alone three floors, there are three times as many !"

He slapped his hands hard, and said rudely: "There are some little things, you will definitely like it!"

Watto hovered coldly behind him with flapping wings, and it screamed, "It's all you, it's all you! Before the pod race started, you broke Jabba's basket, and now you have to ship it for free." , do you know that these things can buy ten lives for each of those trash, and I also have a share of it... "

"You can stay! I didn't force you, these things are just your ticket." Chen Ang shrugged indifferently.

Watto's face turned purple, and he said angrily, "I don't want to be salted into jerky by Jabba, or to fight with that beast, you have to remember, you are the one who violated our contract, and you have to bear full responsibility." .”

"The one who owes the debt is the uncle! Have you ever heard of this sentence!" Chen Ang handed out the weapon, and said to Watu without looking back: "If you don't want to lose everything, just do it with us honestly Otherwise, you won't get a single point."

Wotun was speechless, not because he didn't want to refute, but because he just remembered the record of the man in front of him. He could kill more than 100 interstellar pirates under Jabba's command by one person. People are not something it can provoke. It was definitely blinded by the power of money just now, otherwise it would never dare to speak like this.

The crippled old mercenaries worked together to break open Watto's treasure box. A dozen crystal-clear petri dishes were quietly placed in the box. Several oval organisms, like beating hearts, were floating in the culture medium Slight expansion and contraction. The ferocious appearance of creatures and the mysterious scientific atmosphere made the veterans dare not act rashly for a while.

Holding up the electronic telescope, Chen Ang observed the line of smoke and dust in the sky from a distance, "Be quick, we don't have much time left! Obi-Wan and the others are fighting and retreating, and it seems that they have suffered a lot of casualties."

"But, how do you use this thing?" A catu man with a broken limb rolled up one of the petri dishes with its bare tentacles and asked suspiciously.

"Press the red button, and when the red light turns on, just throw the thing on the ground!" Chen Ang pulled out two spare light blade handles from behind, stuck them behind his waist, and replied.

The Catu people curiously pressed the red button, and suddenly a blood-colored solution was poured into the petri dish, and the oval creature inside trembled violently. The gray nerve lines were probing around in the culture solution. When the liquid turned completely red, the red light suddenly lit up with an ear-piercing buzzing sound.

The Catu's tentacles trembled, and he retracted like lightning, letting the petri dish fall to the ground.

The sturdy material that can withstand large-scale lasers shattered all over the ground like glass. The oval creature in the petri dish jumped out, and the gray nerves were exposed in the air. Figure people.

"Ah!" The Catu screamed, but the oval creature easily put the nerve tentacles into its mouth, and the oval creature that fell on its face melted silently and walked on it. The Catu twitched all over, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground, his body twitching.

The disabled mercenaries all around took a step back and looked at the Catu carefully, for fear that something might happen to it.

"Awaken Chaowu, unblock Kemo!" Chen Ang gave instructions to the biological weapons on the Katu people through the communicator.

The flashing wires and machinery drilled out from the deepest part of the oval creature, and sank heavily into the body of the Catu. A surging thing burrowed through the body of the Catu like a snake. , a little flesh-colored tentacles emerged from the broken roots of its tentacles.

"Regeneration of severed limbs!" The crippled old mercenaries watched this scene in horror, and whispered among themselves.

The wire with blue light spread along the tentacles to the end, and a strong magnetic field emerged from it. A small box that Chen Ang put aside suddenly opened by itself, and there were neatly arranged knuckles inside.

The armor piece is suspended in the air, sensing the magnetic field released by the wire, and quickly sticking to the tentacles to form a steel whip-like tentacles, like the outer armor, protecting the outside of the tentacles. The blue electric light spread on the tentacles, and the steel tentacles with long metal thorns rotated bit by bit with the change of the magnetic field.

The catu's unconscious body instinctively twitched. The two-meter-long tentacles, with their outer armor suspended, stretched to nearly ten meters long, pierced into the rock like a drill bit. With four or five steel tentacles waving, raging lightning and The kinetic energy shattered everything larger than the size of a fist within ten meters.

Its eyes lit up with a little blue light, and it jumped up from the ground. With the help of the tentacles' magnetic field, it was suspended in mid-air. Dangerous and ferocious tentacles, like snakes, swam around it. The Catu opened his eyes in confusion, and looked at the people who were far away from him suspiciously, "What's the matter? Guys? What happened?"

None of the mercenaries who were close to it paid any attention to it, they all used every part of their body, dragging, pulling, pinching, pulling, desperately pushing towards Watto's box, the paralyzed old mercenary was suspended in a wheelchair A super-large blaster was pointed at the people in front of them.

With a stiff electronic voice, he hurriedly said: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, or you will shoot, or you will shoot!" The Catu people stared at this group of old bastards who had shown their ability to feed, and looked For a petri dish, they did everything they could, without any regard for affection.

In front of Chen Ang, dozens of suspended balls shot out. They flashed a blue electromagnetic field, and rushed out quickly. A blue-white electromagnetic beam wrapped them and shot towards the smoke and dust in the distance.

After a while, a powerful electromagnetic storm swept over from a distance, and the communicators on the mercenary and Qui-Gon Jinn exploded with black smoke, and they were completely scorched and unusable.

The robotic personnel carriers suspended in the sky, the leading ones fell down and crashed on the sand dunes. Queen Naboo and the others, like a row of small black dots, quickly approached here.

Chen Ang and Kui Gang Jin stood side by side, like a big gray eagle, they rushed forward together.