Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 99: particle storm



Skynet's counterattack began. It was reassembled into an electromagnetic generator, which used the current magnetic field to interfere with Magneto's magnetic field induction. Countless robots were reorganized to form a huge gravitational generator. The strong gravitational force tore the shell of the base.

But all this is of no avail. Skynet, which relies on the reorganization of the core magnetic field and unified magnetic field calculation, is facing the master of the magnetic force for the first time. The powerful and distorted magnetic field interferes with their combination and communication. The tiny nano-robots cannot even be combined. Easily swept away by Magneto.

Several electromagnetic generators are difficult to resist Magneto's magnetic field ability. The current fluctuates violently and makes a creaking sound. The remaining nano-robots are fused to the electrical generator, and a more delicate and efficient structure is recombined. .

Skynet and Magneto, the war on the magnetic field, has begun.

Strong magnetic field fluctuations, formed among them, twisted ball lightning, jumping current sparks, iron blocks made by Magneto were twisted and stretched in the magnetic field, ravaged like dough. Powerful energy is accumulated in the air between the two.

A little bit of electric current wrapped around Storm's hand. She stroked the jumping fire snake. The energy in the magnetic field moved quickly with her agitation. It was also connected to Storm in the professor's mind network. The lightweight Leap between Magneto and Skynet and manipulate this powerful force.

The air flickering with lightning vibrated violently, and a powerful storm formed between them. Lightning and thunder, howling winds, twisted into crazy thunderstorms, tormenting the open space, hundreds of millions of volts of voltage frenzy, Sweeping across the earth, a terrifying electric storm was set off, and under the control of Storm, it expanded bit by bit.

In the sky, dark clouds began to pile up, and hurricanes and lightning spread from the earth to the sky, expanding to a range of dozens of miles. Under the signal of the old doctor, Cyclops used laser to evaporate all visible water, water molecules and air, and they rubbed violently in the magnetic field. Release a powerful electric energy.

Storm gently tapped the ground under her feet, riding the strong wind, and was involved in the hurricane. A series of double images suddenly appeared in Magneto's eyes. These things seemed to happen tens of seconds later, he took a few steps back without hesitation, and then, Thor descended on the earth, and the crazy silver swept the land.

Countless bolts of lightning stretched densely, intertwined into chains and networks, destroying everything inside it, and even Skynet could only resist for a while, amidst the crazily entangled lightning. Lost all motivation. Any orderly structure was mercilessly destroyed by the electric current, and the strong wind tore up its wreckage, rolling up into the sky.

The crazy storm is getting bigger and bigger. Magneto controls the magnetic field, accelerates the movement and friction of molecules, and makes the lightning more crazy. Coupled with the high temperature created by Cyclops, the storm controlled by Storm is getting stronger. It spreads into several kilometers in size huge hurricane. Quickly move towards Manhattan.

Magneto wore metal armor and flew into the storm. The violent clouds gave way to a passage, revealing a relatively calm eye of the storm. Lightning was raging in the sky, and the wind was blowing on the ground. The hurricane swept towards the Iron Throne in the center of Manhattan with unrivaled power. The professor controlled the wheelchair and followed worriedly.

Chen Ang stood on the high platform. The corner of the clothes was blown up bit by bit by the wind, and in the distance, the huge cloud pillar connecting the sky and the earth was approaching here at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wind gradually picked up, Mystique looked at Chen Ang's calm face, and a little bit of annoyance appeared in her heart, "This is Storm!"

"Thanks to you, the government has brought together hundreds of meteorological experts to build a model of the storm. With the help of Charles, she broke through the limits of her ability and set off a powerful thunderstorm beyond the known range of human beings. In this way The berserk energy of the nuclear weapon surpasses even nuclear weapons and becomes a more powerful deterrent to the government."

"Storm is now a strategic weapon. They believe that she is a brand new weather weapon. They are developing equipment for her that can control the global climate, making climate change a powerful weapon for the United States." Mystique looked at Chen Ang, trying to find out There was a hint of negative emotion, but she was disappointed, Chen Ang remained calm as always, and even appeared a little happy.

Joy is the only emotion that Mystique can see, she immediately overturned this absurd inference, this is just his disguise, Mystique thinks so.

"They will not give up the ability to control this weapon, and the professor will not allow his students to become the promoters and weapons of the war. This is his principle and belief. Moreover, the government will not like a country with its own will. Weapons." Chen Ang sighed.

"That's right! They haven't created this weapon yet! They're already trying to control her! Of course, this is a slow and imperceptible behavior, but Charles has already felt uneasy. This is the tragedy of not being able to control one's own destiny, Power needs a corresponding status, which is the root of order."

Chen Ang didn't seem to hear the provocation in her words, and said sincerely: "If Storm can really control this ability, the professor's burden will be much easier. Storm can make the global climate more suitable for human beings." To survive, we have the means to eliminate climate catastrophe and change the environment.”

"At least in Africa and the Middle East, the status of mutants will be greatly improved, and even normalized. Agricultural countries will maintain a moderate attitude towards the X-Men, transform deserts and wilderness, and adjust the global climate balance. This is what mutants can do for them." The contribution made by the world is also the real path to peace."

Like a true pacifist, Chen Ang was genuinely happy about this, which made Mystique feel ridiculous and absurd. A madman trying to destroy the world also has such a compassionate side? It's a big joke to tell.

"But it is also a road full of thorns, the power beyond control, and there are ambitious people who spy on this power all the time. Every moment, they live in politics and calculations. Charles has really paid a lot these years. "Chen Ang said with emotion.

Mystique feels a little indescribable, is it guilt or reluctance? Her eyes were a little sour, but she still restrained herself from showing this emotion.

"A madman who is the enemy of the world, is actually worried about the peace of the world when the crisis is imminent. This is something I have never heard of before. You are not afraid of people's jokes!" Mystique held the railing to stabilize her body The shape, the strong wind has made people untenable.

"I am who I am. What I do is always taken into account by others. I don't need to consider other people's opinions!"

"Besides, this is really not a crisis!"

A huge storm has begun to touch the Manhattan area. Over the huge bay in the northeast corner, the hurricane pulled away a large amount of sea water, setting off huge waves more than ten meters high. The tsunami hit Manhattan. Chen Ang stood in the strong wind, mixed with sea water, A few meters in front of him, he was stopped by an invisible force.

The electromagnetic generator under the body released powerful energy. The air in front of Chen Ang was slightly distorted, and the extremely condensed gravitational lines stretched from the earth to the sky. Within tens of miles, the air trembled slightly. The powerful electromagnetic energy, from The gravitational line extends out and disappears into the void.

Between the earth and the moon, the huge gravitational tide begins to distort, and an invisible deformity point appears at a place 800,000 meters above Manhattan. The rotation of the earth is like a huge driving force, acting as a spring in space, bit by bit A huge gravitational distortion is brewing, between Chen Ang and the storm, a distorted space is absorbing the sea water.

"What are you doing?" Mystique saw a huge funnel forming in the air, and the twisted water flow made her feel an extreme danger, so she couldn't help asking Chen Ang. .

"Any matter will be affected by gravity, I'm just pulling something away!" Chen Ang smiled slightly.

"What?" Mystique saw that the distorted funnel had enveloped tens of miles above Manhattan. In some places, stones and concrete were easily destroyed by this distorted force.

"Everything in range!"

A gap opened in the sky. New Yorkers were surprised to see that the shadows of stars appeared in the midair. The side of the sky facing the universe became dark and deep. The sun cast strong ultraviolet rays and intense sunlight, making everyone , feel harsh and hot.

Storm and her huge storm were swallowed by this hole. In the exosphere above 800,000 meters above the ground, the gravitational anomaly released its distorted power. Swallow it in one bite, and a large amount of water molecules are drawn away. The distortion of space caused everything here to be pulled to an altitude of 800,000 meters by gravity.

After gravity returned to normal, the storm was gone.

Chen Ang just folded the two parts of the atmosphere, and changed the environment of the storm.

Storms stir up charged particles in the exosphere.

Storm and Magneto were dragged to an altitude of 800,000 meters. The charged particles had been excited by the thunderstorm and undergone drastic changes. An unprecedented thunderstorm was brewing.

Horrifying energy, manic and chaotic restlessness, as long as there is an introduction, this energy that cannot be vented can tear Magneto and Storm into pieces and evaporate into particles.

Storm was sweating profusely, trying her best to drive away the riotous energy. Magneto assisted her to calm the magnetic field here. With the protection of the magnetic field and the storm, the two of them were not afraid of the environment here, but Chen Ang appeared in the When the two were in front of them, their breathing almost stopped.

They were like people standing on the library, and Chen Ang happened to be holding a torch.

As long as Chen Ang makes a slight gravitational twist, they will be blasted into an ion state by the violent energy here. Storm saw Chen Ang stretching out his hand slowly, with a desperate expression on his face.

She heard Chen Ang's praise in her ears: "Finally met, a rare mutant with a brain!"

The next moment, the world turned upside down, and Magneto and Storm returned to the sky above Manhattan. In the exosphere, a violent energy erupted, making people in New York feel the unrest in the sky. The military satellite was completely destroyed by this dissipated energy. (.)
