Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 113: ) Magic Lance (Section 4) to Shadow City 2


Witt looked at her finger pointing down to the ground, showing a blank expression: "Here?... You mean, the city of shadows is the ruins?"

"Yes or no, the ruins you see are just the entrance, the real capital is underground." The girl wearing the fox mask kept her posture and gestures unchanged, and her tone of voice maintained a cold rhythm, she felt like a puppet.

Witt finally came to his senses. It turned out that the downward gesture was not pointing here, but the lower layer of the land with feet on it. From this, he was very sure that this strangely dressed girl must be someone who knew the way.

Thick-skinned and ignorant of life are his natural skills, especially in the game, Witt immediately posted it, put on a serious expression and said: "The girl seems to be very familiar with the Shadow City, so it's convenient to take me, a country bumpkin. Do you want to go to the city to have a look? I'm a newcomer, I don't know the way... "

"10 silver." The girl withdrew her gesture and spit out these two words.


"Take you into the Shadow City, offer 10 silver, give the money first, and then lead the way."

Witt was taken aback by this request... This girl was different from everyone I met in Novice Village earlier—even the level 60 Zhina was amiable and helpful, but she didn't even care about this mere A small matter of leading the way has to be charged.

Since the entrance to the City of Shadows is nearby, spending the 10 silver to lead this girl is obviously too bad; however, if you don't agree to this request, you will be too stingy and unmanly...

After thinking about it for 3 seconds, Witt finally couldn't let go of his airs of being a young master, took out 10 silver pieces from his backpack and handed them over, agreeing to her request—

"Here, 10 silver, lead the way, money fan."

The girl with the fox mask put away the coins, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Wait." Witt hurriedly followed up, thinking that this girl's personality is really cold, and she doesn't look good even after collecting money, so she turned around and looked forward, and saw In the center of a pile of boulders, there seems to be a huge corridor entrance.

"Sure enough, it's a very easy place to find." Witt sighed secretly in his heart, and resignedly followed the back of the girl in red towards the pile of boulders.


Walking into the entrance of the corridor, one can see a clump of ghostly orchids flying every few meters in the middle of the dark passageway, making it difficult for visitors to see murals depicting wars on the walls on both sides. Unfortunately, the light is so dim that they cannot see the way ahead , the dark front will always scare the timid.

Walking on this passage, you can feel its winding downward direction, and the footsteps walk on it to produce aggressive echoes. Of course, speaking has the same effect——

After walking in the dark and cold corridor for about a few minutes, Witt finally couldn't hold back and asked the girl who led the way: "Which... How long do we have to go to reach the City of Shadows?" go hand in hand.

The girl in the red fox mask didn't answer for a long time, and just when Witt thought she was being completely ignored, she suddenly said, "It's almost there, walk slowly, and have a mount very quickly."

"I have a mount!" Witt shook the ostrich's rein and said, "I'll take you away, so fast."

"No, I'm not used to riding other people's mounts."

"Oh." Witt hit a snag again, but he thought of another problem. This girl's dress looks not low-level, why doesn't she even have a mount? Then he asked, "Girl, don't you have a mount? After leaving Xinshou Village, it seems to me that everyone has a mount..."

"The debt is paid off." Before he could finish speaking, the girl threw out this sentence.

"Debt repayment?!" Witt's eyes widened, "Is there such a thing as housing usury in this world? It's so amazing?!"

"You're right, there really are." The girl replied coldly, paused, and changed the subject, "It's almost here." After she finished speaking, she quickly accelerated her pace.

Witt then quickened his pace and turned a turn with her. Sure enough, a faint blue light shone in front of him. It seemed that the exit of the corridor was not far away.


"Exit the corridor, pass through the old meeting hall, and walk three to five minutes from an underground staircase. I will take you to the entrance of the business district. You can pick up a map and find a hotel by yourself. I have other things to do. , I can’t accompany you later.” The girl said so, and started to trot.

Follow her footsteps through a huge rectangular room full of dust and cobwebs, followed by an empty square room, and there is indeed a square entrance to the underground stairs in the middle.

"It's too troublesome to get in and out of the Shadow City. The ruins outside are so big, and the entrance on the surface is hard to find. I didn't expect that there are layers of layers inside." Witt scratched his head and complained.

"You have never been to other main cities, so let's put it this way. After you have been to other capital cities, you will feel that it is not troublesome to enter and exit the Shadow City, and there is more than one entrance on the surface. As far as I know, there are 8 places in total. .” The girl said, stepping into the dark underground stairs. (To be continued.)// ( )