Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 12: (4) Promotion, strength or luck? (2)


"Anyone actually chooses the tank role on their own initiative?" Xu Mo asked in confusion.

"What's so strange about this. Destroyer Machine is a powerful character belonging to the first echelon, everyone knows it." The man who made this choice responded in a simple and direct tone, silently glanced at the real name hanging above his character's head, called Witt.

During this half-time of silently hesitating about character selection, everyone has already chosen their own combat doubles, narrowing down the selection types for him to one more. This time, characters that Xu Mo had never seen before appeared in the field combination, such as the white-haired man, the Void Daoist who walked slightly in the air, the holy dragon knight wearing the red scale armor and holding the dragon spear, and the rest It is the elf king with a very high photogenic rate and the destruction machine.

"Is this knight with a spear in his hand a fighter in the front row?" Xu Mo looked at the lineup on the compass and asked with some uncertainty.

"This character can be a fighter in the front row or a Gker, a rushing and roaming type." Dragon Knight understood his doubts, "You don't have to pay too much attention to my position, I am a character who moves according to the situation, you can I don’t care if I choose whatever I want and play whatever I want.”

This tone sounds very powerful, so Xu Mo believed it. Considering that besides destroying machines, the character he has seen the most and cooperated with the most is the abyss lord.

Having seen so many different partner romance moves, it shouldn't be too bad to follow the same pattern, right? Thinking of this, Xu Mo made his choice when there were still ten seconds left to count down.

"Lord of the abyss?" The Holy Dragon Knight couldn't help snorting when he saw Xu Mo's final choice.

Before he had time to think about why he reacted this way, Xu Mo fell into the abyss he must pass through to join the battle.


The game officially started, and in just one minute, Xu Mo felt that the level of his teammates in this round had improved dramatically, and so did his opponents—because at the beginning of this round, no one was rushing into the top tower, It is estimated that all the wild monsters will be upgraded in the wild area, and the accumulation and transition in the early stage will be done.

With the experience of the previous 5 rounds, Xu Mo, who has a good sense of numbers and time, naturally knows that the advancing speed of the pawn line is not so fast. In this time difference, according to the terrain distribution and characteristics, it is best to kill wild monsters according to the rules in the early stage strategy, and the monsters in the wild area on the left are more suitable for magic character killing practice, because one of the monsters will get a magic attack bonus effect for a period of time after killing one of the monsters, while the wild area on the right is a physical attack bonus Effect, suitable for fighters, assassins and other characters to kill.

Since he chose a fighter character this time, Xu Mo naturally ran to the jungle area on the right without hesitation.

As soon as he entered the monster area, Xu Mo saw a group of Doom Warriors, Elf Kings, and Holy Dragon Knights who had already begun to attack the red-eyed black ape wild monster with a physical bonus effect. Seeing that the monster was hit by a few people, half of its blood was knocked out.

"Give me the physical bonus buff." The holy dragon knight asked the rest of the people unceremoniously.

The Elf King didn't mean to give in at all: "My back row's output is also of physical type, and the attack is no lower than yours. Why do you want to let you take this buff?"

Then the two quarreled furiously.


Seeing this situation, Destruction Machine immediately stopped, turned around and left, and said to Xu Mo when he passed by, "Follow me."

Xu Mo, who didn't want to get into trouble, immediately ran to the deeper jungle with him obediently.

The two came to a new wild area, and the destruction machine immediately began to attack a monster in the northwest. Just as Xu Mo was about to step forward to help, he listened to his explanation: "You lead the monster diagonally behind me to less than one meter away from me. Start playing at the position, so that the experience of the monsters I fight and the monsters you fight can share, and the experience of this game is determined according to the range. We will play more efficiently this way."

After Xu Mo heard this, he immediately rushed to the monster in the center of sight, and pulled him into the vicinity of the destruction machine. Sure enough, both of them successfully shared the experience.

"Thank you for your advice." Xu Mo thanked politely.

"You're welcome. This is a tactical game. Cooperation and teamwork are very important parts. You must first ensure the maximum benefit of the team in order to increase your chances of winning." Witt, who manipulated the destruction machine, replied.

Although Xumo had realized this truth since the first round, it was the first time someone said it outright in the next few rounds.

"So teaching you is also to help myself." He added, "I feel that you are not very good at playing. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time."

Everyone in the team can hear their conversation. This can be regarded as a reminder from Witt to everyone.

Since there is an experienced team member who is willing to help and give advice, Xu Mo's direct and simple personality is naturally not polite, hoping to get the most favorable information as soon as possible, so he stated the current situation seriously and honestly: "I have no Played a warrior-type role."

After finishing speaking, he heard a "pop" in his ear, and the Holy Dragon Knight laughed out loud: "It's brave to dare to choose this one without playing it before. Abyss Lord, don't test the operation too much!"


Before Xu Mo could respond, Witt took the words: "It's not that difficult. But the knight is right, this role needs courage to play. Let me tell you briefly.

Do you know the 4 skills of the abyss lord? The first active skill is [Overbearing Blade], its effect is that the lord swings forward with sword energy and charges, causing 160+ physical damage to the enemies on the path, and stops when touching the enemy hero character, this skill It can be released three times in a short period of time, and the third attack will knock the enemy into the air;

The second active skill is [Across the World], your character swings a powerful sword forward, causing 240+ physical damage to the hit enemy and a short-term deceleration effect;

The third active skill is also your ultimate move, named [Blooded Hero], its effect is that the lord will strengthen the sword with blood will, greatly increase his attack power, 50% physical blood-sucking effect and 20% attack speed, lasting for 8 seconds. The effect of the passive skill is that when it hits an enemy, it will reduce the cooling time of the [Across the World] skill. "

"Well, I can feel what skills I can use from my body's instincts." Xu Mo nodded.

"Just knowing what you can do is the most basic. What is more important is to know how to combine skills, how to match them, how to play them, how to judge the situation, and what is the best time for you." Witt continued his explanation , "The biggest advantage of your character lies in its high physical attack, [Overbearing Blade] has the ability to chase and kill, [Across the World] has the effect of slowing down, and the unique move [Blooded King] can put yourself in the position of continuous blood replenishment in team battles. status, so as long as your character judges the timing, you must not be cowardly.

There is definitely an advantage in singles when encountering enemies of the magic department. You can try to use [Across the World] to slow down the enemy after hitting it, and then use [Overbearing Blade] to charge up and attack. If the charge does not hit once, it does not matter, you can continue Do two charges. If you hit a hit with one move, then the second and third charge will become a strong make-up knife. In the later stage, if you stack the attack with the equipment, there are basically few characters of the spell system that can resist your attack for a round, and your every time Hit will reduce the cooling time of [Across the World], if the knife hits, you can basically keep sending moves. "

"Understood, this character sounds very powerful." Xu Mo sighed. At this time, they had cleared all the monsters in the wild area on the right, and followed the footsteps of the destruction machine to run towards the middle road. The map showed that there were enemies approaching Approach the middle.

"It's not that powerful. His weakness is that his movement speed is average, and the cooldown time of [Overbearing Blade] is very long. If you use this skill at the wrong time and rush into the enemy pile, you will basically be unable to get out. You The best type is that once they enter the enemy's line - either kill them all or be killed, and once the battle starts, they will die." While charging forward with the shield on, Destroyer said, "I've told you so much, it should be an actual battle It's time, Abyss Lord, come on!"