Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 2: (1) The four-dimensional space


"This is really an era of the jungle."

I still remember that day nine months ago, sitting on the roof of the main school building, Nolan stretched his arms and stared at the arc thrown by her in the sky, and finally landed behind the flower bed full of Phalaenopsis orchids. On the lawn, sigh like this.

Her golden curly hair fluttered slightly in the air, her light brown colored contact lenses were full of energy, and her fair skin looked extraordinarily translucent under the light of the clear sky.

"Hey, hey! How can you just throw away books? In this era of excessive technology, you know how precious paper books are... How are you preparing for the physics exam in the afternoon, are you going to hand in blank papers again?" Xu Mo cooperated With the book in his hand, he turned his head and taught.

Compared with Nolan's petite figure, Xu Mo is like a big brother. He is 1.8 meters tall, has a slender and handsome appearance, and always has a serious expression on his face.

"Exams? Who cares about exams in this day and age? There are so many things to worry about."

"Today, NOW!—I was worried that if I didn't do well in the exam, I would be thrown by that tigress guided by Sun. Don't you feel hurt every time you are taught by her? You always don't behave well, and I don't know how you have so many worries about the country. The matter of the people is worth thinking about. If you devote 10% of your energy to studying, you will save yourself a lot of scolding. Let’s be more pragmatic and solve the physics exam in the afternoon.”

Xu Mo stretched out his hand and rubbed Nolan's fluffy golden curly hair violently habitually, and said with a frown.

He and Nolan have known each other for as long as they can remember.

This year, he is eighteen and she is sixteen.

The two grew up together in the Sanyuecao Orphanage. Over the past sixteen years, their life trajectories have overlapped and progressed. They are closer than siblings.

"What's the use of studying physics? I just need to know that the omega value is equal to one, and the universe today will not explode. I almost fell asleep after reading the materials given by the teacher. I read an online paper recently, which is quite interesting. Yes, that’s right—since the beginning of the 21st century, some scientists have speculated that the “origin” might repeat itself in an endless ocean of “Nirvana.” In this theory, our universe is like a giant floating on a giant “ocean”. A bubble, on this "ocean" new bubbles are constantly formed, according to this theory, the universe is like bubbles formed in boiling water, which are constantly being produced, floating on a larger stage, namely an 11-dimensional hyperspace" Nirvana". More and more physicists believe that our universe was born from a fire, from a big bang, but it also exists with an eternal ocean of other universes. So... As we live on the earth, The Milky Way and the universe are getting old and cold, and it is difficult for life to continue, we will have to leave it and escape to another universe, a universe of a different dimension." Getting rid of Xu Mo's magic hand on his head, Nolan clutched the quilt Rubbing her messy hair, she pouted and suggested, "How about it, Xu Mo? Let's abandon this four-dimensional space and escape to a new world."

Xu Mo laughed again helplessly: "Where can we escape to, you are really a child who can't grow up... Did you watch too much news about the 'SOS' alien colonization plan that was boasted on the Internet recently?"

Of course, it's not that he can't understand where Nolan's strange ideas came from.

"Escape from the old world and find a new world." Isn't it the main theme of this era? It's just because human beings have reached this stage, and they have already begun to devour the evil fruits planted in the past centuries...


Perhaps, each world will always plant its own terminating cause and effect when it creates the world, just like the 5,000-year reincarnation believed in the ancient Mayan culture. endless cycle. Human beings are the cause of the destruction that the earth has planted for itself.

After thousands of years of long-term evolutionary foreshadowing, in recent decades, human beings have finally begun to crazily accelerate this feast. The increasing development of medical technology has lengthened the average life expectancy of human beings, the increasing population, and the disproportionate birth rate and death rate. In contrast, the earth is facing endless consumption of resources.

The global green area has shrunk by 75% in the past 50 years. The global climate is warming, desertification is intensifying, soil erosion is serious, air quality is declining, urban heat island effect is obvious, and precious species are constantly being extinct... On a certain day not far away, There are really only human beings, his food and pets left on this earth.

In addition, the gradual upgrading of the intelligent era has led to the further improvement and evolution of artificial intelligence, even to the point where it can operate and create itself. Combined with the creative sublimation of hardware and software, most of the coolie jobs have been replaced by machines and computers. The unemployment rate keeps hitting new highs every year, so the current government has to start a series of alien colonization plans code-named "SOS", because this plan carries the fantasies of the world's top richest people.

Whether it is the Kepler immigration plan launched after the discovery of Kepler-186f (Kepler-186f) planet known as another earth in 2015, or the "Noah's Ark" project that will take many years of manpower and material resources to see results No. 1" man-made planet creation plan, the high seat reservation price is only one in ten million of the rich can afford the exclusive.

Most of the people have already understood their situation, and can only stay in this depleted world and survive with their own weak strength.


"That kind of alien planet colonization plan is too far away from us, let's think about it practically, such as the physics exam in the afternoon..." Pulling back his thoughts, Xu Mo started his best materialistic obligatory persuasion.

"Xu Mo!" Nolan pouted angrily, "We can't lose hope just because we don't have money!... Besides, going to college now requires a lot of money, doesn't it?"

When you get to the topic, you can shoot through your heart with an arrow. Lack of money is really a fatal weakness, no matter what era you are in.

"Leave the money matter to me, just concentrate on your studies." Xu Mo said solemnly. As an older brother, he must bear it.

"No, I'm so smart, I can handle it myself. Didn't I earn the living expenses these few years?" Nolan said, standing up, patting the ashes on his skirt, and said, "In order to avoid grandchildren The instructor got angry when he saw my exam paper, so I decided to skip the exam gorgeously!"

"Where are you going?! Don't go out to do strange jobs!" Xu Mo frowned and stood up. He knows this stubborn sister too well... the personality of not turning back without bumping into the south wall, ordinary persuasion will not work.

"No way." Nolan walked forward, stretching his right hand behind him and making a V sign, "The annual safari hunter license exam is about to begin."

"Phantom Hunter?"

"Yes, Phantom Hunter! I turned sixteen last month, and I want to become a Phantom Hunter! Fighting!!!—" Nolan turned his head and announced loudly.

Yes, this is another great choice in life, why didn't I think of it at the first time. Xu defaulted to really thinking about it...


Since the 21st century, games have been the most popular form of electronic interactive entertainment for the general public. Its VR virtual reality technology has evolved from the simple display of three-dimensional vision, hearing, smell, touch, force and motion perception to the field of brain waves. It took a full fifty years of dedicated research and attempts.

As a result, the era of real game entertainment in which even emotions and emotions can be simulated and controlled has really come, and the younger generations of the whole world are excited about it.

The initial attempts were limited to brain wave movies, in which users can play the whole process as the protagonist in just 90 to 180 minutes. Because the emotional simulation is too direct through the brain, it can even affect users. The generation of memory, leaving many mental sequelae, this technology has been repeatedly overthrown and suppressed in the scientific community, and all countries have issued corresponding laws to restrict the development of this technology.

Due to the rise of leftist forces, Europe became the first region to break stereotypes and popularize brainwave films on a large scale. Of course, the government still made extremely strict classifications for this type of film, and required and warned people who entered to watch that they should Receive professional psychological counseling and training, but no matter what the restrictions are, there is no way to prevent the growth and reproduction of brain wave technology in the entertainment field.

InYourBrain, located in the Redwood District of California, USA, produced the first commercial brain wave game controller in 2073. Its low cost and price make this entertainment a popular way of escaping reality and pastime. The best way to spend time.

Besides, the reality is too cruel——

The earth is depleting resources, the society where employment is so difficult, the old-school government ruled by the 10th and 20th generation... Regardless of whether they have a muddled mentality or a radical forward mentality, the young people of the new 50s and 60s are not affected by the times. Optimistically, in this high-stress environment, brainwave games are like a spiritual life-saving straw, firmly grasping the hearts of young people.

No one can stop the coming of this era of entertainment.

In the beginning, some small VR game entertainment companies turned some of the best-selling real-life games produced earlier into brainwave games. Later, some listed game companies responded one after another, releasing previews of various brainwave game masterpieces one after another.

However, the actual progress of the launch was slower and more difficult than imagined.

Technical research and familiarity is one aspect. The more reason for the pressure is that various accident news are constantly breaking out in the brain computer games on the market. The information conveyed through the brain is too realistic, and the world in the game is too interesting and idealized, causing many players to abandon their identities in reality and choose to stay in the game forever, that is, to abandon the completeness of the real body. suicidal behavior…

Of course, this is not a completely unsolvable puzzle, otherwise brainwave games, a form of entertainment, would be murder in disguise, and would definitely be banned by the government.

After many attempts and accidents, scientists found that as long as users who lost themselves in the game recognize their virtual identities in the game, and an irresistible virtual death event destroys their prostheses in the virtual world, It can awaken its consciousness in the real world. Because a little carelessness in this process will cause the user's cognitive chaos, and thus fall into an endless brain-damaged vegetative state, game companies dare not use code to enforce it at all.

Therefore, in order to save these lost souls, a brand new profession - "Phantom Hunter" - came into being.

In the beginning, it was only the safari hunters hired by the game operating company to deal with various accidents in the game. Unfortunately, the number of addicted people is too large, and the demand is overwhelming. My relatives did not hesitate to pay sky-high prices to hire them.

Where there is demand, there is business, and where there is buying, there is selling.

Soon, non-governmental organizations sprang up everywhere, and the largest safari hunter intermediary company "Moon Hunting Technology" had a monthly profit of nearly 10 billion, which finally attracted the attention of the government.

Corresponding policies and rules were promulgated in a very short period of time, requiring all professional hunters to undergo professional training and pass examinations to obtain licenses issued by the government. This hot and disorderly market finally has standardized interventions, and it is also effective. Effectively link the government, game companies, victims and safari hunters together.

"Tell him the truth, kill his illusions, awaken his consciousness, and be his savior."

The recruiting advertisement of the Phantom Hunter is continuously projected on the sky of Times Square. This is a 24/7 rolling advertisement costing hundreds of millions of dollars for Lieyue Technology. Such a large-scale publicity campaign is not just for attracting investment, but more for attracting the world's top hunters to vote.

One will be hard to find—this is the status quo of the entire world of safari hunters.

After the entire hunter market was regulated, the difficulty of the profession suddenly appeared.

For the past two years, the number of applicants for the Hunter's Beginning has increased year by year, but all sane humans over the age of sixteen are eligible to apply, but the pass rate is very low. From more than one million people in the previous year to more than ten million people last year, the pass rate in the two years did not exceed one in a thousand.

In addition, the difficulty and time of each task have become another factor that is difficult to control. Sometimes an elite task may take several months or even longer to complete, making it difficult for hunters to run around in various games.

There are more than ten thousand certified hunters circulating in the market, but there are countless players waiting to be rescued. It is not difficult to imagine how popular this profession is—Phantom Hunter became the hottest career choice in the 1970s.


Pulling back his thoughts, meditating for three seconds, he made up his mind - he must get the safari hunter's license sooner and faster than Nolan!