Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 20: (5) THE ROAD TO THE HUNTER (3)


Xu Mo's heart was touched. In today's highly intelligent society, their lives have been fully integrated and taken care of by artificial intelligence. They can no longer distinguish which are created by humans and which are masterpieces of computers. Today, for the first time, he realized that his future mission was to defeat these invisible and powerful artificial intelligences, and a complex feeling of excitement and uncertainty arose spontaneously.


"In fact, half a century ago, wise men already knew that true artificial intelligence cannot be born in an independent supercomputer, it will appear in a network or more illusory space composed of countless solids, fluids, gases and It will be lightweight and embedded. It has no fixed form and loose internal connections. Any contact with this network artificial intelligence is a sharing and contribution to its intelligence. This artificial intelligence Connecting tens of billions of human brains, tens of terabytes of real-life data, and self-correcting feedback loops across civilizations, when this emerging AI emerges, it will be so ubiquitous that it will be unnoticed.

The power of the acceleration of artificial intelligence in this four-dimensional world is like the "uranium element", and the knowledge has already appeared, and it is just around the corner. This feeling is like the feeling you get into a brainwave game, everything you see is so real that it is illusory, constantly self-correcting and correcting the intruder's consciousness. "

As Lei Shang said, a huge screen suddenly lit up behind him, displaying the map of this hunting area.

"In order for you to begin to adapt to living in an environment completely surrounded by artificial intelligence, learn to learn from artificial intelligence, use artificial intelligence to help grow breakthroughs, and overcome the challenges of artificial intelligence, this training is to put you in Such an environment completely surrounded by artificial intelligence. During the one-month period here, except for the 100 people who participated in the final selection can help each other, you will not get any other human help. You must learn to use the facilities in this training area to let yourself Survive and find a way to escape the Taming Zone. Remember, there is only one way to win the level, and that is to escape the Ascension! - During this period, anyone who abstains, dies, loses control, or has not escaped the Taming Zone for more than a month The hunting area is considered a failure. Lincoln will appear by your side from time to time, but he will only answer certain questions that can be answered, and provide some clues that can be provided, other than that, he will not provide any real help.”

After talking about the above content, Lei Shang did not intend to provide a question and answer period, and directly made a brief conclusion for today's meeting.

"OK, I am very glad to be able to meet with you today. I look forward to everyone present passing the test and becoming a member of the glorious Phantom Hunter. Victory is not far away. After passing this training and test, the Phantom Hunter's license belongs to you .good luck."

After speaking, he turned into countless blue lights and dissipated in the air.


Lincoln, who was standing in the corner, walked to the center of the stage with graceful steps. He coughed a few times, circled the entire venue with his eyes, and waited for the whispers in the audience to subside before starting his speech—

"Just now our chairman has clearly stated the rules of this training and promotion. As an important existence to provide you with clues, I will also tell you a few old things here-

In a more distant era, at the end of the 20th century, the predecessor of the "Watson" computer - IBM's supercomputer "DeepBlue" defeated the then dominant chess master Gary Caspardo in a famous man-machine game Afterwards, after the computer won one game after another, humans have almost lost interest in challenging the computer again. However, this incident made Kasparov realize that if he can also instantly access A large-scale database containing all previous moves in the game can perform better. His idea is of course fair and feasible, and if it is considered fair for artificial intelligence players to use database tools, humans can certainly use them. In order to achieve The idea of databases augmenting the minds of human grandmasters, Kasparov came up with the concept of "man plus machine," the use of artificial intelligence to augment chess players during matches.

Today, this ancient competition is still enjoyed by a small number of humans. It is like a mixed martial arts competition, and the fighters can use any fighting skills they want. You can play unassisted, or you can be a puppet of an extremely intelligent chess computer, moving pieces only as it tells it to; It is the "Cyborg cyborg" that combines human beings and artificial intelligence. This kind of player will listen to the chess moves suggested by those artificial intelligences and occasionally reject them, similar to the situation when we use GPS smart navigation while driving. In the 2014 Freestyle Chess Tournament, which was open to players of any format, players using pure AI chess engines won 42 games, compared with 53 for centaur players. The best team of chess players in the world today is the "centaur" Intagrd, which consists of a human team and several different chess programs.

But what is even more surprising is that the advent of artificial intelligence has not weakened the performance of human chess players. Quite the contrary, the number of people playing chess, the number of tournaments, and the quality of the players have all reached an all-time high, fueled by cheap and supersmart chess software. There are at least twice as many chess master titles as there were when Deep Blue first defeated Kasparov. The current number one human chess player, Magnus Carlsen, has been trained with an AI and is believed to be the closest to a computer of all human chess players. He is also the highest rated human chess grandmaster of all time...”

"Xu Mo, he won't let us learn how to play chess, right?" Hearing this, Nolan began to grab her fluffy blond hair with both hands uneasily, a little pained expression appeared on her face, she was most afraid of playing chess an ancient game.

As if he heard Nolan’s question, Lincoln then answered silently: “Of course, the tips I mentioned above are not for you to play chess, but to give you a reasonable use of artificial intelligence to learn. An example of growth. Well, it’s getting late today, and it’s time for dinner. You can find the location of the cafeteria through the electronic map. Oh, yes, all food needs to be consumed. When you entered the hunting area, your currency system has been unified into a unified 10,000 RMB. This is your initial capital. You have to calculate the output and consumption of currency, and don’t let yourself have nothing to eat. No water to drink—this way, it won’t last a month..."

After finishing speaking, he coughed twice again, and said to himself: "After talking so much, it's time for me to drink some water and take a break."

Then, he quickly disappeared into the darkness of the curtain.


At this time, the entire meeting hall returned to bright light, but most of the 100 Phantom Hunter candidates present were still a little confused about the current situation.

Xu Mo, Nolan, Zuo Ci, Qingkong and Witt who were sitting in the front row on the left stood up one after another. Everyone raised their electronic wristbands to confirm what Lincoln said, and found that all the daily funds accounts had been frozen. , only a new unknown account was opened in his own information system, with 10,000 RMB in it.

"Let's go, let's go to the cafeteria." Xu Mo rubbed the fluffy hair of Nolan who was still in a daze, and at the same time called Qing Kong, Zuo Ci and Witt to go together. Since yesterday's initial acquaintance, he has automatically classified them as friends.

After Lincoln's explanation, everyone naturally wanted to go to the cafeteria to see what happened, so they walked in the same direction with the large group.