Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 28: (5) THE ROAD TO THE HUNTER (11)


The enraged black dragon spread its dragon tendons and exploded its huge bat wings violently, exhaling flames from its mouth and roaring up to the sky. Looking at the formation, the flames were about to spread and spray——

The brown-haired, blue-eyed cat-eared boy who had just rescued Qingkong, ignored the pain in his shoulder, got up and covered Qingkong's body, trying to resist the impact of the flames for her.

Fortunately, Langdon arrived just in time to—

"Thunderbolt!!!—" he yelled, a heavy hammer flashed along with a flash of thunder, and the head of the black dragon was deflected to the side, and the flames flew to the side, avoiding the burning of Qingkong and the boy. Direction of misery.

Philo also rushed over at this moment, and shot a series of sharp arrows at the surrounding flying dragons—"Thousands of arrows piercing the heart! Song of Requiem!!!—" The golden light fell with the rain of arrows, repelling the black dragon and trying to pounce again. coming attempt.


"Are you alright? Qingkong." The boy who protected Qingkong's body with his arms flashed his clear blue eyes and looked at her with concern.

"How do you know I'm Qingkong?" Qingkong looked at this strange face and muttered puzzledly.

"I heard your call in the mist, and then I came here." The boy with cat ears said, "I can recognize your voice, I am Xu Mo."

There was no time for more reminiscences, and the ground suddenly shook violently. From this point of view, the previous vibration was not only caused by the trampling and shock of these ancient giant dragons, but was caused by a greater force.

"Quick! Run to the direction of Hongyue Stone! Run to the direction of the fortress!!" Langdon quickly rushed to Qing Kong and Xu Mo, helped them up, pointed to the most conspicuous main tower in sight, and shouted loudly Entrusted, "Hongyue Stone is a holy stone that can defend against evil things. It should be safe within its light range. No matter how these monsters rush into the barrier, it is right to run in the direction of the holy stone!..."

"Hongyue Stone, Hongyue Stone has been robbed!" Before he finished speaking, they heard someone yelling, and they didn't know the truth of the words.

"It's impossible..." Langdon and Philo sighed almost at the same time, "Lord Ace, the Guardian Prophet, and Rafal's personal guards should try their best to protect the holy stone. How is this possible?"

Before he could get to the bottom of it, warm rays of light swept across the cells of his body again, but this time it was different. Qing Kong only felt a burst of pain in his heart, and then he couldn't move his whole body.

The world in front of me shook and trembled, then tore apart, then top-heavy and dizzy...


The peaceful sandalwood scent in the room soothed Qingkong's aching head. Qingkong held his forehead and slowly opened his eyes. The scene in front of him returned to the Japanese-style meditation center interior layout. Monk, Nolan and Witt were all gone.

"It seems to be a very strange dream..." Xu Mo covered his head, murmured and opened his eyes.

"Me too." Qing Kong looked at him with concern, and said unconsciously, "Thank you, Xu Mo."

"You're welcome..." Xu Mo was still buried in the chaotic state of trying to clear his head, and responded reflexively, then suddenly froze, raised his head and asked her "Could it be... Qingkong, did we really meet in a dream just now? "

"It seems so." Qingkong smiled at Xumo with a complicated expression on his face, "But what about the others? Why are Witt, Nolan, and the old monk from before gone?"

As she said that, she stood up and surrounded her surroundings. At this moment, the peaceful atmosphere showed a trace of inexplicable weirdness.

Xu Mo also stood up from the futon, looked around, and called "Nolan" softly, but unfortunately no one responded.

Finally, both of them fixed their eyes on the banner hanging in the middle of the main wall at the same time—

"All dharmas are ideal..." Qingkong whispered the four characters on the banner.

"Conditions are born from the heart?..." Xu Mo immediately said the next sentence.

After finishing speaking, the two glanced at each other, and seemed to have an answer in their minds, and more questions...

Xu Mo opened his mouth first: "If we are in a virtual situation, what is the condition for liberation?..."

"Firstly, the conscious body needs to recognize its own virtual identity, and then produce an irresistible virtual death event to destroy its phantom body in the virtual world, so as to be free from the illusory world." Clear Sky replied.

"So, on the first condition, can we reach an agreement?" Xumo looked at the only person in the room who was talking to him, "Qingkong, I think we must still be in illusion!"

Qing Kong was silent, she was indeed hesitant... "Didn't we come out of that fantastic dream?"

"No, no, that's not a dream. How could we appear in the same dream at the same time, recognize each other, and interact with each other? It's unreasonable." Xu Mo shook his head, and the firmness in his tone gradually heated up, "That must be a dream that allows consciousness to enter A virtual world, a game world that can put both your consciousness and mine at the same time."

"Yes, even if you are right, we were indeed in the same fantasy world in that fantasy game world, but now? Now—we have come out of that place with flying dragons and magic, haven't we? Why are you still So sure, we're still in another illusory dimension?"

"Because, I believe, my sister Nolan, she will never just disappear so quietly without saying hello to me." Xu Mo looked directly at Qingkong's doubts, "On this point, I It is enough to be sure that if there is no irresistible event, then we must still be in another illusory world."

Sunny let out a heavy breath.

"If you still have doubts, at least I have fulfilled the first condition and realized that I am in an illusory space. Now, I need you to help me fulfill the second condition - I can't kill myself, so , Qingkong, please kill me." Xu Xu sincerely begged.

"I can't do it!" Clear Sky replied almost immediately, "What if, what if... we are not in the game? I can hear my own heartbeat, I can feel my own breathing, I can Smelling the sandalwood in this room, this world is too real... If, if all this is not fake... then wouldn't I kill someone?!"

"Clear sky! If you want to become a qualified safari hunter, then please try to kill me!"

"No! I can't do it!!!" Qing Kong squatted on the ground, clutching his head.

This time, it was Xu Mo's turn to sigh heavily: "Let's do it this way." He pondered for a moment, and proposed, "Then let's go together to find evidence that this world is fictitious?"

As he spoke, he bent down, put one hand on her shoulder for comfort, and stretched out the other in front of Qingkong, motioning to pull her up.

Feeling the warmth of the palms on her shoulders, Qing Kong slowly calmed down her excitement, she slowly raised her head to meet Xu Mo's encouraging eyes, and finally stretched out her hand slowly to hold the helping hand .

The two walked out of the meditation center together, and walked toward the simulation center along the corridor in a tacit understanding. They didn't meet a single colleague along the way.

Passing through the blue-light corridor leading to the glass sphere hall, the door of the simulation center was closed tightly, and Qingkong pushed and pushed, but there was no response.

"It seems that it is still in a state of closure?" She muttered.

"Let me try." Xu Mo stepped forward and tried to push, but there was no response.

Qing Kong glanced at him helplessly: "Forget it, let's change to another place."

"Wait a minute." Xu Mo's hand didn't intend to move away from the door. At this moment, the four big characters "Wan dharma only mind" in the middle of the meditation room appeared in his mind...

[All laws are based on the heart, and the environment is born from the heart. ]

If it is true as I have confirmed, this world is a test of illusion, and the four words "all laws are ideals" are the biggest hint provided by the organizer, then...

Thinking about it, Xu Mo closed his eyes and concentrated all his willpower to imagine - at the moment when he walked into the simulation center this morning - he walked into the glass hall as if no one was there, and saw the spider web on the glass wall cracks.

Hearing a "click", accompanied by Qingkong's soft sigh, Xu Mo opened his eyes, and the door of the simulation center has been completely opened.

"Look, here's one of the proofs that this world is just an illusion."

Xu Mo said, and walked into the hall first. On the way forward, he picked up a BrainStation gaming helmet from the ground without hesitation, walked towards the crack on the glass wall, and then slammed the helmet on the crack with a wave of his hand, maintaining a concentrated mind in his heart, meditating , Confirmed—this is a wall that will crumble when tapped a few times.

Just as the clear sky followed, countless cracks began to rapidly spread to every corner of the glass sphere at the center of the simulation, starting from the spider web cracks, and the entire room began to be gradually covered by the white light before the glass shattered. Then, With a loud thunderous bang, countless shards of glass fell from the sky.

With a scream, Qing Kong covered his head and knelt down. In the process of squatting, the whole world seemed to be in slow motion.

A figure was slowly approaching her side, she knew that it must be Xu Mo.

Amidst the flying glass shards and the whiteness of the world's collapse, Xu Mo said to himself in his ear: "Come on, we should go back."

A ray of light rose from the bottom of the feet, emitting a dazzling light, and together with the flying glass shards, surrounded the two of them, making it impossible to open their eyes.

Qingkong felt a hand grabbing her arm holding her head, pulling her deeper into the ground.

She believed it, she had completely believed that all this was just an illusory bubble.

So, without hesitation, she let his strength pull her and let herself be swallowed by the light.


Following an instruction, the bodies of the two fell and fell in the center of Baisha's sun...