Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 40: (1) The enchantment of Moon Hidden Village (4)


Walking all the way downhill from the open space on the soil slope, you will pass by the grocery store mentioned by the hotel proprietress where you can learn the skills of picking herbs, which naturally became Xu Mo's first destination.

Pushing open the wooden door with lantern flowers growing naturally, an old man with cat ears with white hair and long beard greeted Xu Mo energetically: "Welcome!"

"Hello." Seeing that it was an old man, Xu Mo bowed his head politely and asked, "I heard that you can learn the skill of picking herbs here, who can I learn it from?"

"My shop is small, so you can come to me for business and learning." The cat-eared old man revealed his identity as the owner and trainer of the grocery store, "You are a newcomer, that's great, I haven't seen such a person like you for a long time. It’s great, it’s great... Do you want to learn the skills of collecting herbs? It’s true that learning basic skills of collecting herbs is free, but the tools for collecting herbs cost money, do you have money?”

Xu Mo rummaged through the empty trouser pockets and the shriveled linen backpack, and replied awkwardly: "No... How much does it cost?"

"60 copper plates and a crystal shovel, it's very cheap. I'm the only one who can do this kind of loss-making business in the whole mainland." The boss said, taking out an amethyst shovel with a mahogany handle embedded in it from behind, and said in Xumo Shaking in front of him, "60 copper coins - just exchange the beards of three luminous leopards. Let's go to the foxtail forest to have a look later. It is the special hunting area of Yueyin Village. Prey, ingredients, herbs Everything you need. Just be careful not to become a ghost in the mouth of your prey."

As he said that, the old man with cat ears stroked his beard and looked Xu Mo up and down seriously: "It's really dangerous for you to go out into the wild like this, not to mention that you don't even have a weapon in your rough clothes. It’s really too shabby. Let’s go to the weapon shop first, there are not only fighter trainers, but also a hand-fitting weapon.”

"Understood..." Xu Mo folded a cat's ear in embarrassment, "I only know that the weapons are laid next to the chief's house, so where is the chief's house?"

"The chief's house is on the sloping land in the east. Follow the road at the gate back to Moon Hidden Square, turn to the uphill path on the left, and walk all the way to the end." The old man answered patiently, and then he tilted his head, a little Curiously asked Xu Mo, "Don't you have a map on you? Isn't the terrain of the entire Yueyin Village already marked on the map?"

"Map?" Xu Mo showed a confused expression.

"Ah, you really don't know. There is a map signboard in the center of Yueyin Square. You can take off the map on it. Anyway, there are many layers inside. After you have the map, you don't need to ask Way to go."

After listening to the words of the grocery store owner, the information was enough, he thanked him silently, and ran towards the Yueyin Square where he just met the leader of Grom.


When we came to the open space of the square, beside the circular totem with purple light in the center, there really stood a frame fence made of interlaced branches. In the center hung a piece of kraft paper-like drawing circled into a paper tube. The stem hangs in the center above the frame bar.

Xu Mo walked up and pulled the paper tube down to take a look. It was indeed not only the shape and geography of Yueyin Village, but each building was marked with the name of the place and the owner in cute cat-shaped characters. In addition, the directions of southeast, northwest and north are also marked.

[Is it okay to just tear it off like this? ] Xu Mo hesitated for a moment, because no matter how you look at it, there is only one piece of paper hanging on the paper tube, instead of many layers of paper as the grocery store owner said.

In the end, the demand for the map was above all else, and with a little force, he tore the kraft paper map scroll off the tree stem, but quickly, in the blink of an eye, the tree stem seemed to perform magic, several rolls and Roll out a new map.

Xu Mo blinked in surprise at this little magic, opened the map in his hands with both hands, and suddenly saw a small character head on top of the picture of the geographical form of the entire Yueyin Village, the cute cat There is also a prominent name [Xu Mo] marked under the icon of the ear boy.

Xu Mo took a few steps around the square with the map in his hand, and saw that the little Xu Mo's head on the map was also moving slightly with his movement, and he immediately understood that it turned out that this was showing his own location.

This is really much simpler, Xu Mo laughed, and quickly located the location of the chief's house and the weapon shop on the map, and took action quickly.


After running along the path due east for a short time, a five-story house transformed from a huge tree trunk appeared in front of my eyes. The military flag of the moon totem was hung in the center of the interlaced branches on the roof. On both sides of the gate that was as high as three people stood two The soldiers with serious expressions and complete equipment could be seen as the residence of Chief Yuexi, the supreme leader of Yueyin Village. And standing on one side, a house with a sword sign and the sound of weapons beating is definitely a weapon shop.

Xu Mo, with a clear goal, suppressed his curiosity about Chief Yuexi's appearance, and stepped into the gate of the weapon shop. He saw that the interior with piles of weapons showed a different style from other wooden houses in Yueyin Village. Most of the room is made of bricks and tiles to prevent the wooden materials from being ignited by the sparks flying during the weapon making. Long weapons such as spears, staffs, and long swords are densely packed on the left and right walls, shields are piled up in one corner of the room, the pile is as high as a person, and short-handled weapons such as hammers, daggers, and short swords are scattered in disorder. They were stacked on the table as you entered the door, blocking the owner of the weapon shop who was sweating profusely and working hard. He was a burly uncle with cat ears.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?" After entering the door, Xu Mo looked left and right, walked into the room for a dozen steps and passed the barrier of the pile of weapons, only to see the blacksmith who was working hard and ignored his greetings at all.

"Hello, are you a warrior trainer?" Xu Mo approached him and asked cautiously. Every time this big blacksmith strikes, sparks will radiate, and the muscles of his arms are clearly visible, showing a menacing aura.

"Are you looking for a fighter trainer?" The brawny uncle stopped what he was doing, straightened his cat ears, turned to look at him, and said in a surprised tone, "I'm the owner of the weapon shop and a fighter trainer. However, it is really rare that there are still new fighters these days."

"Why are you surprised?" Xu Mo had a confused expression again.

"There are very few fighters in our children of the forest. This profession is a bit of a waste of talent." The owner of the weapon shop began to explain, "Because the children of the forest in Brunei mainland are all people blessed by the soul, and they are born with the power of nature. Super strong perception and use, most of them will be born with professions that echo natural forces, such as druids who can transform into various animal forms, bow hunters who can domesticate various beasts, warlocks who can summon hell pets, or who know how to pass The shaman profession that uses spells to mobilize natural power, these are all perfectly combined with the naturally endowed physique that is sensitive to natural attributes. Of course, we occasionally find pure warrior and mage profession freshmen, but I really haven’t seen it for a long, long time I met the cat-ear tribe who came to ask me for advice."

"You mean to say that the warrior profession is not suitable for cat-eared people... is it?"

"Yes and no." The brawny boss said earnestly, "The fighters of the cat-ear tribe are indeed different, and they will indeed waste your gift of perceiving natural forces as a child of the forest. However, fate is reason, and existence is reason , God rewards hard work - with hard work, the fighters of the cat ear clan will never be inferior to any fighters of other races, and more energy needs to be discovered by yourself."

After finishing speaking, the burly uncle with cat ears completely put down his work, turned around, put his right hand on Xu Mo's forehead, and said, "Close your eyes, I will teach you the most basic combat skills right now! "

Xu Mo closed his eyes according to his words, only to feel another warm current passing through the center of his eyebrows, flowing into the internal organs of the body, thousands of meridians, and penetrating into every cell - a vast grassland emerged in his mind, and the self and The bosses of the weapon shop stood side by side, with a wooden sword in their hands at some point.

"Forward stab!" The master took a step forward and pointed forward with a sword.

Xu Mo immediately followed suit and shouted "Front stab!", and made the same movement.

"Chop!" The master clasped the wooden sword with both hands and lifted it behind his head, then slashed forward forcefully.

Xu Mo followed suit.

"Whirlwind!" The master jumped suddenly, raised the wooden sword in his hand and drew a circular arc in the air, and then landed steadily.

Xu Mo is still doing very well.

Suddenly, a lot of strength seemed to be poured into his body, and Xu Mo seemed to be able to hear the creaking of his joints. When he opened his eyes again, he met the knowing smile of the weapon shop owner.

"Here." The boss handed over a wooden sword, which was exactly the same as the one he had trained in his mind, "This is the first weapon in your life. Although it is a bit shabby, you can take it to the wild for self-defense. Actually I still hope that you can earn enough coins as soon as possible to change into a better outfit. Unfortunately, I am a businessman. It is free to teach you some basic combat skills, but you have to spend money if you want better weapons and equipment. .”

"Thank you, Master." Xu Mo took the wooden sword and swung it a few times. The three moves he had just learned immediately appeared in front of his eyes, "Front stab! Slash!! Whirlwind!!!" Xu Mo performed a full set of kung fu flexibly, Immediately, he knocked down several shields stacked on one side, making himself scratch his head in embarrassment.

"These three tricks are just the most basic combat skills. If you want to learn more powerful skills, you must first break through the limitations of the level. Basically, you can have the opportunity to learn higher-level skills every five levels. You just need to find the right one. Trainer, and bring enough money.” The owner of the weapon shop reminded, “You can learn skills up to level 10 with me, and you can go to all over the world to learn skills with advanced talents.”