Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 47: (1) The enchantment of Moon Hidden Village (11)


"It's moving!... That island in the middle of the lake is moving!!!"

It seems that it's not that I was dazzled by myself, but that the huge silhouette in the distance really moved... Hearing Duo Rui yelling not far in front of him, Xu Mo felt startled and shuddered unconsciously.

"Zero, Zero! Could it be that our opponent is..." Duo Rui couldn't hide the panic in his tone, staring straight ahead at the unknown object that seemed to be slowly approaching the three of them, and asked the white fox standing upright on the lake beside him juvenile.

"Yes, that's the host we're looking for." Before she could finish her question, Zero responded with an understatement, and quickly launched his combat instructions, "When it approaches later, you two Find a way to climb onto its body. The poisonous mist on this island should all come from its hypnotic flowers. Find the biggest one and eradicate it. Such a simple task, Should be easy to do, right?"

Xu Mo really wanted to answer "Okay!" with a confident face, but they were not allowed to discuss and encourage more. The huge monster in the distance had already moved slowly from before, and started to accelerate at an unknown time. In the blink of an eye, a A huge shadow gradually enveloped the three of them and the surrounding lake, and Xu Mo was finally able to clearly see the outline of this vegetation-covered monster, as well as the faintly visible dark green thick moss and strange vegetation in disorder.

Before the spirit fox boy could digest the battle instructions, the "lake center island" suddenly jumped up from the lake. Amidst the huge waves, Xu Mo and Duo Rui were horrified to see a long strip connecting the island-shaped part The snake-like body was brought out of the water. A long row of green eyes in the middle of the body turned dark green and almost black pupils. Once they were located at the positions of the three, they stared straight at their positions, exuding a terrifying aura. field.

"Don't be targeted! Disperse quickly, climb up its back as soon as possible and get rid of the leading hypnotic flower!" Zero sentence awakened the two kittens who were stunned in place—

It's a pity that it's too late to dodge completely at this time, the huge wave set off by the giant snake rushed towards the face, turning Xu Mo and Duo Rui on their backs. Xu Mo, who was caught in the water waves, was once again pushed and immersed in the yellowed lake water, but this time he felt green lights shining on his face, he opened his eyes slightly with difficulty, and at a glance He met the row of terrifying green eyes not far above his head, and stared straight at himself. A deeper chill came from behind him. He turned his head and looked back. He was surprised to see a part of the monster's snake-like body winding through, which was not sure whether it was the tail or the head of the snake. The regular shape of the bloody mouth, and the deep killing intent...

Surprised by the scene, he choked up several sips of water, kicked his hands and feet in a disorderly manner, and paddled desperately towards the water surface on the upper left side with the instinct of survival. When he was about to approach the lake surface not far away, a force suddenly appeared on him Then, with a "wow", he was pulled out of the water by the strength of his waist, and avoided the bloody mouth that was chasing after him and flew out of the water.

Xu Mo instinctively turned around and hugged the life-saving force tightly. After opening his eyes a second later, he realized that he was holding a zero guqin... He drooped his cat ears, slowly sighing with a trace of inexplicable guilt. When he raised his head, he could only see the dissatisfied expression on his master's face.

"If you hide and hide like this without any power to fight back, how long will this dirty work be over? I have a lot of work just to save you, you two hurry up and give this task a quick battle Let's make a quick decision." Linghu said to Duo Rui who was swimming back from the other side, "Come over here and catch Xu Mo."

At this moment, Duo Rui, who had no more thoughts, obediently swam to Xu Mo's side, wrapped his arms around his waist and grasped it firmly. At this time, the giant basilisk on top of a hill had already turned around and swam towards the three of them, ready to launch a second attack.

"Are you ready?" Zero asked calmly, staring ahead.

"Huh?" Xu Mo just hugged Ling Guqin tightly, as for his so-called preparation...he didn't quite understand.

However, he didn't give him time to understand that a wave of heat came out from the guqin and exerted force—before Xu Mo and Duo Rui could react, they had been thrown high into the sky, amidst bursts of screams and shouts , They just fell one after the other on the "ground of the island in the middle of the lake"...


There was a "crack" sound, and I didn't know what was smashed and smashed something soft and full of mucus, which caused the foreign body to be sprayed all over. Xu Mo struggled to support his body, wiped the mucus on his face with the back of his right hand, and the back of his hand was immediately stained. A smear of dark yellow, disgusting liquid.

Looking around, the knee-thick dark green moss covered the ground in the area I saw, and the deep red flowers facing the sky were densely covered, spraying light white with yellow powder poisonous gas towards the sky, and they all had about five petals Into a flower, the flower core and each petal are as big as a human head, the flower core is bulging, and the ground contained in it is the dark yellow liquid that Xu Mo smashed out... This should be the so-called hypnotic flower.

"What the hell are these things!" Dory got up from a short distance away, his whole body covered with dark green moss and the same yellow foreign objects, and he was very embarrassed.

"I'm here!" Xu Mo waved at Dori, and was about to run towards her, but he was surprised to find a phenomenon - the surrounding hypnotic flowers suddenly changed their orientation towards the sky, The flower heads turned to themselves one after another...

Duo Rui was the first to react, took out the knife at his waist, and chopped towards the surrounding plants, and Xu Mo also pulled out the iron knife with a wooden handle and chopped towards the huge surrounding vegetation—fortunately, these look Huge flowers and plants have no actual attack power, they just keep spraying poisonous gas. The body shield given by Linghu earlier has been continuously and powerfully working, preventing the poisonous mist from entering the body at all. Swinging the knife again and again, after a while of chopping, the surrounding poisonous plants fell down one after another. With this, Xu Mo and Duo Rui gathered together and opened a path that was sufficient to move forward.

"We have to hurry up! It's too dangerous to stand alone on the lake to confront this monster!" After feeling another earthquake-style tilting vibration, Xu Mo said loudly a little anxiously. Although there is no danger from a fatal attack, walking in the deep moss is like walking in a difficult swamp, and you can only move one step at a time with all your strength.

"Hey, this place is really disgusting, there's nothing I can do if I think about it quickly..." Dory said, and accidentally cut the flower core of another hypnotic flower, and the one who couldn't dodge was sprayed with yellow liquid again... At this moment She no longer had a clean corner all over her body, and she was so mad in her heart, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:

Dory cursed and slashed again, and a group of plants fell to the sides, revealing a greenish-yellow glow hidden behind.

"Come and see!" Duo Rui greeted Xu Mo, and the two immediately gathered together and walked towards the direction of the light.

After a dozen or so steps, they came to a hypnotic flower glowing with yellow light. The branches, leaves and petals of this one are a little wider than others. The biggest difference besides the light is that the color of the petals is blackened. purple.

"This flower king is hiding deep enough." Dory said, stabbing at its main stem with a knife, but suddenly slapped a huge leaf, knocking off the weapon in her right hand.

The black flower turned its face, and the flower core suddenly opened, revealing a circle of fangs and sharp teeth. Looking at this formation, this flower has a deadly ability! - The black petals bent into a knife, and the sharp-toothed flower core twirled and rushed towards Dori, Xu Mo jumped up from the other side, shouting - "Whirlwind!!!" - slashed at the straight long Green stem——With a "click", the black hypnotic flower froze in the air for a second, and the broken flower head rolled to the ground, and the yellow light on the body gradually weakened...

"Are you okay?" Xu Mo walked up to the girl and held out his hand to her.

"I didn't expect you to be quite reliable at the critical moment." Dori stood up with his support, then swept the moss at the monster on the ground, and commented, "This is a strong outsider!"

"Come and see!"

Walking to the corpse of Hypnotic Kao, he silently looked at the green light emitting from the ground, and greeted Dori while throwing away the green moss that blocked his sight.

The two turned their heads, and saw a triangular totem emitting green light on the ground, with incomprehensible spells flowing on the totem, and there seemed to be a thin gap between the totems.

Instinctively, Xu Mo picked up the iron knife in his hand and stabbed straight at the thin slit—

There was a sudden violent vibration, this time the magnitude was so great that it felt like the whole world was about to turn over. Xu Mo tightly grasped the knife stuck in the ground, while Duo Rui tightly grasped him. Before the earth was turned upside down, streams of viscous green liquid and floating green light spells sprayed out from the ground, the cracks in the ground became bigger and bigger, and gradually opened, finally revealing a huge green eye, and Xu Mo The sword is being inserted deep into its center—the sky and the earth finally turned upside down, with the mossy ground collapsing, the hypnotic flower body, and two kittens screaming "Ah!", Xu Mo and Dori Falling into the water again in a burst of throwing...


The lake water was polluted by the disintegrated debris, and the yellowed lake water became even more turbid. Xu Mo, who had been soaked in the water for several hours and thrown into the lake several times, finally adjusted quickly with some progress. He struggled to swim out of the turbid lake, and caught sight of the elegant back of the spirit fox in white standing not far ahead, on the center of the lake.

The painfully struggling giant snake has already rolled up from the bottom of the lake, standing high on the lake, revealing the row of disgusting green eyes on its stomach.

"Hey, it's really troublesome." Ling flicked a few notes on the guqin, complaining softly.

And at this moment, the giant snake opened its bloody mouth, and with the lightning speed that the attack should have, it swooped towards Zero——