Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 55: (2) Undercurrent (3)


"Is that so... Then if you kill Saurons, does that count as killing a Manchester man, and will it increase the hatred for you in the Manchester area?" Qing Kong asked again.

"There are two situations in which killing will not increase the hatred value. The first is that the opponent is on the wanted list you uncovered and exists as a task target; the other is self-defense. If the opponent attacks first, If you fight back in this way, the system will judge it as an act of self-defense—so I didn’t go after the three Manchester men just now, because, first, I initiated the attack on my own initiative, and second, they are not on the wanted list I collected Above." Sandy talked about this, and saw Qingkong listened to the teaching seriously, so he was a good person to do it to the end, and gave her all the relevant knowledge, "You are still at a low level now, and it is difficult to accept any PVP wanted missions. It is impossible to complete, because all characters that can appear on the wanted list must be at least level 60 or above, otherwise they would not be able to go in and out of areas with high hatred values to continuously gain head count. When the hatred value reaches a certain level, the opposing camp NPCs will attack as soon as they see them. No matter what kind of NPCs are in the corner, it is impossible to fight against them without a level 60. Not only are their basic body values equivalent to players above level 45, but they are generally in groups .”

"Understood, so the three people just now may have accumulated too much hatred in Keen Continent, so they strayed into the horse dealer's area and were actively attacked by NPC?"

"It's possible, but I don't feel like it, because I've never seen them on Wangcheng's most wanted list. It feels more like the willful behavior of a group of ignorant players?... In fact, I don't do much PVP wanted tasks. , because these wanted characters are all over the world, and they are constantly wandering around. It is too labor-intensive and time-consuming to find them one by one. It is not because the news that Saurons is killing people on this north-south road has spread all over Apocalypse City recently, causing Come all kinds of anger, I will not let go of this errand... Of course, there are also many players in this world who are keen to perform PVP hunts and kills, because only through this kind of task can you get the honor value of the area, and the honor value reaches a certain level. You can get an official title." After saying this, Sandy glanced at the sky and said, "It's almost noon, and the front is the Wishing Village at Nantou, basically this road has come to an end. You just came out of the village, Did you notice any commotion?"

"No, everything was calm this morning." Clear Sky replied in an affirmative tone.

"It seems that Saurons didn't come here... Well, since you want to come with me, I'll take you to the famous crossroads inn in the north direction to register first. If you go all the way, it will be a black wind." It will take 3 hours to gallop, and if we don’t start now, we will probably be hungry for dinner, and we will pay attention to see if there is any sign of Sorens along the way.” Then, Sandy jumped onto the back of the black wind horse, and then bent over The lower body reached out to Qingkong, "Let's go!"

"Thank you, Uncle!" Qingkong showed a grateful smile, took his hand and sat on the horseback.

When Heifeng turned his head and walked towards the gate of the horse dealer's compound, Sandy couldn't help but make an opinion: "I said, can you stop calling me uncle? Do I look so old in the game too? —Call me Sandy...or Handsome Guy, just don't call me Uncle, OK?"

"Hehe..." Qing Kong replied with a friendly smile,

"Hey, what does 'hehe' mean?..."

"Got it, Uncle Sandy."

"I regret it, get off the horse..."

"Handsome Sandy, I was wrong..."


The two had a pleasant conversation. As the black wind galloped away, they didn't notice the unfriendly eyes of the three pairs hiding in the wheat field, from the trio who had just escaped—

"Tite, Lolo, shall we chase?" The laser gunner pointed in the direction of the black horse, calling out to the other two companions.

"Kai, forget it... We have played against system characters at most before, and we haven't really played against players yet. I'm not very confident..." The priest called Lolo murmured softly, "We didn't come here for Keen Does the mainland do missions? Isn’t it good to concentrate on missions?…”

"I don't care. I got lost anyway. I was annoyed when I was disturbed by that uncle riding a horse just now." Tite habitually touched the electric hammer on his back, and then touched the left shoulder that Luo Luo had just healed. With an unhappy face, "Walking in this direction is an intersection, right?"

"That's right, I can't find any clues to the mission anyway, so let's take these two nosy players first!" Kai said through gritted teeth, "Let them be the first and second ones we kill in the Brave Continent." Player! Let's go!!!—”


As if hearing someone's voice behind him, Qing Kong couldn't help but look back, only to see the wheat fields passing by on both sides, the pale yellow scenery began to transition to the green long grass grassland, the noon sun was shining brightly, The air smells of heat and summer.

But she still couldn't help recalling the three Manchester men who just attacked Little Norton's family in her mind, so she asked Sandy who was sitting in front of her: "Sandy, it seems that there are many people from mainland Manchester in Kiev. En mainland wandering, why is that?"

"For the mission." Sandy replied in a natural tone, "Recently, especially, those primitive and ancient creatures on Keen Continent have begun to recover, and the legendary giants, ancient blood elves, and the much-anticipated dragons have appeared one after another. , Since then, the chapter of dragon slaying has opened. The most elite and rewarding tasks in the world are all related to slaying dragons, so the profit seekers have come, and the whole of Keen has been messed up in order to kill dragons."

"Understood, because the mission rewards are rich, you can get a lot of money and amazing equipment, right?"

"Yes, most of the visitors came because of missions. Some of them didn't come here for missions, but to kill dragons, because—dragons are so valuable."

"How is it worth the money?" Qingkong's mind flashed those memory fragments about the soaring frenzied dragon in Hongyue City, and he couldn't help but burst into a cold sweat... I didn't expect such a terrifying and powerful monster to become a flock of players. Going to the target to hunt, it seems that the most terrifying thing in this world than Long is the player...

"The things on the dragon have now become the most precious materials, which are useful in various fields.

For example, dragon blood is the most precious medicinal material today. Although it is corrosive to a certain extent, a small dose of dragon blood can heal almost all traumas, and it is an essential material for making life potions that increase the upper limit of physical strength. It is said that dragon blood can also be used Blood is combined with a mysterious fruit to create a magical potion that can understand animal language, but this rumor is not true;

Besides, the keel is currently one of the most cherished weapons and engineering materials. Shields and armor made of it can withstand the most violent fires, and boats made of it can glide in magma;

The dried dragon skin is extremely tough and can be made into light and protective leather clothing. It is the dream material for thieves, druids and other professions to make equipment. In addition, dragon skin can also be used to make hang glider wings , coupled with the mechanical inventions of those Manchester people, has become the best flying equipment.

It is also heard that handing over the dragon scales to the top alchemists in the world can extract effective invisibility potions. Only under the influence of the magnetic field at the time of the full moon, this magical potion will appear;

There are also dragon teeth, whose edges are extremely sharp, and the swords and daggers made of them can be regarded as treasures; besides, dragon horns, after being hollowed out, can blow out deep and sweet sounds of nature. In addition, the dragon horns that are ground into powder Mixed with salamander oil to make an ointment that gives temporary extrasensory powers to the eyes, nose and ears;

And what makes you unimaginable is that even disgusting dragon dung and dragon dust are very precious-carrying dragon dung into some areas with low monster levels can scare away ignorant beasts and avoid cumbersome battles. Dragon dung It is also a kind of fertilizer with great powers, which can make plants grow quickly.

As for dragon dust, it is extracted from the four walls of the dragon's lair that is hatching dragon eggs and the concentrated liquid exhaled by the female dragon. After mixing with dragon blood, it has a powerful hypnotic effect. A full-grown dragon quieting down is the best medicine for dragon taming... ”

Sandy talked about it eloquently, and Qingkong couldn't help but praise: "Sandy's research is so thorough, really amazing."

Sandy laughed twice, and continued to explain: "Because I also accepted the task of slaying the dragon, and also learned alchemy, you must know that there are too many materials needed for alchemy on the dragon, especially the longan!— The famous Dragon Eye is simply the ultimate goal of alchemists. With some conditions, this kind of magic stone can turn a part of ordinary ore into a special crystal, which is the so-called dragon crystal—dragon crystal can make all kinds of decorations The precious material of objects has a miraculous effect on increasing spiritual power. Moreover, through the longan, you can see all the light in the spectrum, easily identify the degree of preciousness of various rough stones, and see through all disguises. In short, I believe that this world There are countless people in the world who have the dream of obtaining a real dragon eye, and they will never tire of slaying the dragon."

While the two were talking, the sky began to darken slowly, and the rapidly passing green grassland scenery began to be replaced by the lush forest scenery. The road narrowed to wide, and slowly began to narrow again. However, compared to the change of the scenery, the change of the weather is more like the face of a three-year-old ignorant baby. It changes as soon as it says - a second ago, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly, and now it turned around, and dark clouds were over the woods. , it looks like... a heavy rain is coming.

"Sandy, it seems that it's going to rain soon." Clear Sky glanced at the gloomy sky above his head, and as he spoke, large raindrops had already begun to fall on his hair and the back of his hands.

"Understood, there is still a little way to the crossroads, hold on to my waist, I will let Heifeng sprint over!" As he spoke, Sandy touched Heifeng's right ear three times, and Heifeng hissed. Run forward.