Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 63: (2) Undercurrent (11)


"Sorrance entered the Brave Continent because of my entrustment, did you also enter the game because of the entrustment?..." Qingkong's curiosity was detonated, and he couldn't stop asking questions.

"Of course, we all came here because of entrustment. I was entrusted by the government to come in to save a politician. Shengyou Network, which produces the Brave Continent game, is not only invested by the fund of the Leishang Group with a strong background, but also by Haihua. A high-tech enterprise specially approved by the city has received a lot of support funds from the government. When this game was launched, it received a lot of attention, and even important officials from the Haihua City Government were among those invited to test it. Speaking of Here, you may also guess who I am here to save, there is only one Haihua City official who suddenly stopped showing his face a while ago, and that is the Mayor of Haihua City, Marcus."

"I heard that many powerful people were trapped in this game. It turns out that the mayor also encountered an accident..."

"On the 5th day after Mayor Marcus' accident, the government secretly contacted the organization to ask for support and rescue. I entered the game on the 7th day when he was trapped in the game. I have been in this game for a year now. Zero and two months, a total of 426 game days, you should come in soon, tell me the time in the real world, how long has it been since the game was released and tested?"

Qingkong thought about this slightly complicated time logic, and replied: "Three and a half months have passed since the release of the game test. My sister entered the game on the first day of the game's open test. By the day I entered the game, she was already trapped. 108 days, so far I've been in the game for 22 in-game days, which means—"

"Compared with the real world, the time in the game is 4 times faster, that is to say, one day in the real world is equal to four days in the game." Leo Lia replied quickly, and then sighed softly, " No matter which time passed really fast. After entering the game, I tried every means to become stronger, searched for people non-stop, and spent nearly a year tracking down Marcus. When I found him, he turned out to be I have become a member of the Bachelor Society founded by the former Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Manchester, which makes my task very difficult."

"Is this because the members of the Bachelor's Society are important government officials who live in seclusion and are difficult to get close to?"

"Almost. First of all, you have to understand that Manchester is a centralized national system. Under the king, the highest centralization has set up three important positions: the former prime minister, the minister of the interior and the minister of military affairs. The minister of the interior is in charge of administration, and the minister of military affairs is in charge of the military. The former prime minister was responsible for organizing cabinet meetings, conveying the king's orders, and being in charge of prosecuting officials. The current king of Manchester is called Ambrose. He is a domineering and powerful person. Research, and mainly handed over the affairs of national governance to the former Prime Minister Albert - he is considered the hand of the king, under one person, above ten thousand. There is an ad hoc independent organization under Albert's banner, called the Society of Scholars It is a very mysterious and well-protected organization that specializes in collecting consultations, making suggestions, and doing some shady things. Marcus is in it, so it’s no wonder it took me so long to find out on his trail."

"So, you went to Manchester in order to meet Marcus?" Qing Kong asked the next question leadingly, she knew that following this topic, the truth of Leoria's being hunted down would be revealed soon. I can understand.

"Yes, in order to get close to him, I stayed in Manchester for a long time. The culture of that continent made the people radical and warlike, and even the players who landed on that continent were deeply affected and became aggressive and bloodthirsty , so, as a Keenian, my life in Manchester was not easy, and I inevitably had to face various situations, including sudden fights. Later, I finally used Manchester's founding day to sneak in In the inner hall of Furnace Castle, he pretended to be a guard in the inner court and found Marcus at the dinner party of the dignitaries. Unfortunately, he has forgotten his original identity-this is something that can’t be helped, a non-professional without conscious talent or professional training People who stay in the virtual world created by brain wave games for too long will have cognitive confusion and mistake the virtual world for the source of reality. Even I now need to spend an hour every morning to meditate on the source The memory fragments of the world, to ensure that I will not be lost. Anyway, the result is that Marcus not only does not listen to my words, but also treats me as an assassin, attracting soldiers to hunt me down. I am hiding in the middle of the complex inner sanctum , Accidentally broke into a dungeon hidden in the deep underground with many traps. To my great surprise-the one who was imprisoned inside turned out to be Mulla, the guardian of Manchester."

"Prophet? No way?..." Although he has never seen any miracles of the prophet, but from the story of creation and current affairs told by the pastor of the wishing village over and over again, Qingkong has already learned that the guardian prophet has a strong relationship with this brave man. The meaning of the mainland is that it is an extremely sacred and powerful representative, and it should be respected and admired, right? ——"Even the Prophet suffered an accident. It seems that there must be something strange in the Kingdom of Manchester."

"There is something strange. The Prophet Mulla was firmly sealed in a black iron prison that was seamless on all sides. She could only speak to me with a weak voice. She pointed out a shortcut for me to escape from Furnace Castle and instructed me I went to the middle of the lava river south of Furnace to salvage this letter blessed with miracles, and ordered me to deliver it to King Tyras of Keen no matter what. This is the whole letter. Story." After speaking, Leoria got up from the ground, and greeted Qing Kong, "I have finished telling the story you want to hear, and it is time for practice, and work has started."

After hearing such a bizarre experience, Qingkong finally understood why the highest centralized power in Manchester wanted to mobilize the whole country to hunt down and kill this man. He not only learned the terrible secret that the prophet was imprisoned, but also planned to make this secret The disclosure of the huge shady behind the scene to the highest concentration of power in the Keen Continent is equivalent to announcing the world—no wonder the rumors that the two countries are about to fight, no wonder Leoria said that the storm is coming, the key to all this may be in this letter from the prophet Mulla's letter. Thinking to this point, she unconsciously touched the significant letter lying quietly in her backpack, took a breath, jumped off the big rock, followed Leoria's figure, and continued to concentrate on leveling .


Four hours later, Qingkong finally reached level 25, reaching a new level of proficiency in the release and switching skills of magic explosion and fireball. She staggered out of the cave again, and she was so tired that she no longer cared about her image and fell to the ground all at once, even unwilling to use the strength to speak.

Leoria walked to her and sat down, took out two breads and a jug of water from his backpack, he put a bread and a jug in front of her, and looked at the ray of sunshine just rising in the morning, looking at himself He gnawed the bread on his own.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the food, and the girl who was in desperate need of energy finally sat up, concentrating on her own breakfast, while listening to Leoria's next arrangement.

"I originally planned to avoid the main road as much as possible, but the terrain of Wuyu Mountain is dangerous, and there is only one convenient road. That section of the Wushan Canyon road is the only way to avoid it. If we start now, we will arrive in an hour. It is estimated that you can pass by noon, and you must be especially alert to the appearance of pursuers during the period. If you are really in danger, I will let my mount carry you and run first."

As soon as she heard Leoria's remarks about taking care of herself first in everything, Qingkong felt extremely embarrassed, and secretly made up her mind not to hold back too much. He immediately cheered up and nodded firmly to him: "Yeah!"


After breakfast, the two sat on white lions and walked westward along the foot of Wuyu Mountain. Sure enough, after an hour, they came to a narrow and long passage between valleys. The road is so narrow that at most three people can walk side by side. Looking ahead, one can see the steep cliffs on both sides stretching to the sky, towering into the clouds, and there seems to be a light shining through the gap in the distance between the two center points of the valley, but one cannot see it. Head, this road is indeed a dangerous road that will take some time to pass.

"In addition to chasing soldiers, you have to be careful on the top of your head. There will be boulders falling here from time to time. Although my white lion can hide, it's better to be careful." Leolia said, and touched the white lion's right ear, It immediately mobilized all its legs, and rushed towards the other end of the narrow road.